We classify inflationary models as single-field (this section) or multifield type (next section) depending on whether the mechanism responsible for the enhancement in the scalar fluctuations relies on a single- or multifield scenario. In general, existing inflationary mechanisms amplify the spectrum of curvature fluctuations by means of significant gradients in the background evolution of fields responsible for inflation. In this section, we phrase our discussion as model-independently as possible, mostly focusing on conceptual aspects of the problem. We aim to discuss the dynamics and the general properties of curvature fluctuations in inflationary models leading to PBHs and refer to specific representative scenarios when necessary.
3.1. The Dynamics of Curvature Perturbation
In order to analyze the behavior of the scalar power spectrum in single-field scenarios, we consider the second-order action of scalar perturbations around an inflationary phase of evolution. The background metric corresponds to a (quasi) de Sitter background with a nearly constant Hubble parameter (
H). Cosmological inflation is controlled by a slow-roll parameter (
) satisfying
, with
corresponding to the condition required to conclude the inflationary process. We work with conformal time (
) during inflation (see, e.g., [
178] for a classic survey of inflationary models).
The dynamics of scalar fluctuations can be formulated in terms of the comoving curvature perturbation (
) [
130], the second-order action (at the lowest order in derivatives)
15 of which takes the following form (see, e.g., [
In this formula, is the sound speed of the curvature perturbation, M is an effective time-dependent Planck mass and is the aforementioned slow-roll parameter.
First, we present a few initial words to contextualize single-field models aimed to produce PBHs, leading to a set of dynamics of curvature perturbation controlled by action (
35). The simplest option to consider is PBH-forming models with unit sound speed and constant Planck mass characterized only by the shape of the potential (
). As mentioned in the Introduction, models in this class require a potential characterized by a flat, plateau-like region (see, e.g., [
55] for a choice of works studying this possibility; we will discuss its implications for the dynamics of curvature perturbations in the next subsection). PBH-forming potentials with the required characteristics can find explicit realizations, for example, in models of Higgs inflation [
187],alpha attractors [
189] and string inflation [
190]. Considering more complex possibilities, PBH-generating models that exploit a time dependence for the sound speed are based on non-canonical kinetic terms for the inflation scalar, such as K-inflation [
192] (see, e.g., [
197] for concrete examples and
Section 3.3 for some of their implications). Finally, scenarios with a time-dependent effective Planck mass can be generated by non-minimal couplings of the inflation scalar with gravity, as in the Horndeski action [
198] and its cosmological applications to G-inflation scenarios [
199]. Realizations of PBH-forming models in setups with non-minimal couplings belonging to the Horndeski sector include [
203]. To the best of our knowledge, early universe models based on the more recent covariant DHOST actions [
206] have not yet been explored in the context of PBH model building.
Interestingly, despite the many distinct concrete realizations, all single-field scenarios rely on a few common mechanisms to enhance the spectrum of curvature fluctuations, which exploit the behavior of background quantities. We are now going to discuss these mechanisms in a model-independent way. We treat
as appearing in action (
35) as time-dependent quantities controlled by the single scalar background profile that drives inflation. To start with, it is convenient to redefine the time variable in action (
35) to adsorb the time-dependent
into a rescaled conformal time and impose an equal-scaling condition of time and space coordinates:
with a prime indicating a derivative with respect to
, the rescaled conformal time. Importantly, we introduce a so-called time-dependent ‘pump field’ (
) as
The dynamics of are strongly tied to the time dependence of the pump field () and, more generally, to the behavior of the background quantities () that constitute it.
To analyze the evolution mode by mode, we work in Fourier space and write the Euler–Lagrange mode equation for curvature perturbation derived from the action (
is the magnitude of the wave number that labels a given mode. This is a differential equation involving derivatives along the time direction acting on the function
depending on both time and momentum (
To express its solution, we implement a gradient expansion approach (see, e.g., [
52]), starting from the solution in the limit of small
and including its momentum-dependent corrections, which solve (
38) order by order in a
expansion. This approach is particularly suitable for our purpose of describing scenarios in which the size of small-scale curvature fluctuations (
, large) differs considerably from that of large-scale curvature fluctuations (
, small) (see condition (
23)). Indeed, a gradient expansion allows us to better understand the physical origin of possible mechanisms that raise the curvature spectrum at small scales.
The most general solution of Equation (
38), up to second order in powers of
, is formally given by the following integral equation
where the sub- and superscripts 0 denote a reference time, and a tilde over a time-dependent quantity indicates that it is normalized with respect to its value at
Typically, we are interested in relating the late time curvature perturbation at
to the same quantity computed at some earlier time (
). For this purpose, it is convenient to identify
as the time coordinate evaluated soon after horizon crossing and
as the mode function computed at
. In order to enhance the spectrum of curvature fluctuations at small scales (recall the PBH-forming condition of Equation (
23)), we can envisage two possibilities. One option is to exploit the structure of Equation (
39), making sure that its contributions within the square parentheses become increasingly important as time proceeds after modes leave the horizon. In this way, we generate a sizable scale dependence for
after horizon crossing, with the possibility of amplifying the small-scale curvature spectrum. Alternatively, we can design methods that lead to significant scale dependence already at horizon crossing, i.e., for the quantity
, which then maintains its value at superhorizon scales. We explore both these options in
Section 3.2 and
Section 3.3, respectively.
To develop a quantitative discussion, it is convenient to introduce the so-called slow-roll parameters as
where, in our definition, we make use of the relation between e-foldings and the time coordinate (
In standard models of inflation based on inflationary attractor dynamics, one imposes the so-called slow-roll conditions throughout the entire inflationary period, corresponding to the requirements
which imply that the pump field
always grows in time as
(see Equation (
37)). As a consequence, the second and third terms in the general solution (
39) decay as
, respectively in the late time limit (
). Hence, they can be identified as decaying modes
17 that rapidly cease to play any role in the dynamics of curvature perturbations. This is a regime of a
slow-roll attractor, wherein soon after horizon crossing, the curvature perturbation settles into a nearly-constant configuration (
), the spectrum of which is almost scale-invariant. In this case, the momentum-dependent terms in Equation (
39) do not have the opportunity to raise the curvature spectrum at small scales.
Hence, in order to produce PBHs, we need to go beyond the slow-roll conditions of Equation (
41), as first emphasized in [
207]. Before discussing concrete ideas to do so, in view of numerical implementations, as well to improve our physical understanding, it is convenient to express the curvature perturbation (Equation (
38)) in a way that makes more manifest the role of slow-roll parameters in controlling the mode evolution. We introduce a canonical variable (
) defined as
Plugging this definition into Equation (
38), we obtain the so-called Mukhanov–Sasaki equation, which reads
Expanding the derivatives of
z (
37) in terms of the slow-roll parameters of Equation (
40), we define
Standard slow-roll attractor scenarios correspond to situations in which
is negligibly small; the quantity in Equation (
44) then reads
, leading to a scale-invariant curvature power spectrum. To break the scale invariance of curvature perturbation, we need to consider a sizable time-dependent
. We note that the expression (
45) is exact and does not assume any slow-roll hierarchy as Equation (
41). Hence, it can be used to study the system beyond slow roll, as we will do in the following section.
3.2. Enhancement through the Resurrection of the Decaying Mode
An interesting mechanism to enhance the curvature perturbation at superhorizon scales is suggested by the structure of the integrals within the square parentheses of Equation (
39). Suppose that for a brief time interval, a given mode (
k) experiences a background evolution during which the pump field (
rapidly decreases after the horizon exit epoch (
). Then, the ‘decaying’ mode can increase, and the integrals in the parentheses of Equation (
39) can contaminate the nearly constant solution (
), eventually leading to a late-time value (
) on superhorizon scales. This situation signals a significant departure from the attractor slow-roll regime discussed after Equation (
41). In fact, in this case, the criterion for the enhancement of the curvature perturbation can be explicitly phrased in terms of the derivative of the pump-field transiently changing sign during a short time interval during inflation:
This condition implies that the combination of the slow-roll parameters (
) should be of order
and negative during some e-folds during inflation, violating the slow-roll conditions (
41). In particular, we require
If Equation (
46) is satisfied, the slow-roll conditions (
41) are not satisfied, and the contributions within parentheses in Equation (
39) can increase. Strong time gradients of homogeneous background quantities, which lead to condition (
47), can then be converted into a small-scale amplification of the curvature power spectrum. As discussed in [
64], the expression (
46), along with the considerations mentioned above, generalizes to a time-dependent sound speed and Planck mass according to the arguments first developed in [
To illustrate a viable model that can generate a seven-order-of-magnitude enhancement required for PBH formation—see Equation (
23)—we focus on canonical single-field models (
) in order to simplify our analysis. The background evolution for the single scalar field driving inflation is
is the scalar potential, and the time derivatives are carried on in coordinate time (
t). The non-slow-roll dynamics are controlled by the properties of the potential (
V), as we are going to discuss, and by its consequences for the behavior of the inflation velocity (
Since in these scenarios, the pump field can be parameterized purely in terms of the slow-roll parameter (
) as
(see, e.g., Equation (
37)), the linear dynamics of
(Equation (
39)) are dictated by the first slow-roll parameter, the evolution of which is, in turn, determined by the sign and amplitude of the slow-roll parameter
. Hence, the criterion required to realize the desired growth in the spectrum can be simply parameterized as a condition of the second slow-roll parameter as
in (
From a concrete model-building perspective, scalar potentials (
) that can induce this type of dynamics include a characteristic ‘plateau’ within a non-vanishing field range (
) [
208]. This property gives rise to phases of transient non-attractor dynamics of ultra slow-roll (USR) [
44] or constant-roll (CR) [
210] evolution, depending on the shape profile of the potential around the aforementioned feature. In particular, for USR evolution, the potential typically has a very flat plateau with
, whereas for constant-roll evolution,
so that the field climbs a hill by overshooting a local minimum
18. As the scalar field, during its evolution, traverses such a flat region with negligible potential gradient, the acceleration term (
) is balanced by the Hubble damping term in the Klein–Gordon Equation (
48), and the inflation speed is no longer controlled by the scalar potential. This phenomenon significantly changes the values of the inflation velocity (
) during the transient non-attractor phase and inevitably leads to the violation of one of the slow-roll conditions:
) for transient USR (
) and CR (
) phases
19. We emphasize that since the non-slow-roll inflationary era is characterized by a large negative
for a brief interval of e-folds, the pump field, as well as the first slow-roll parameter (
), quickly decays during this stage as required for the activation of the decaying modes. In fact,
where, for simplicity, we assume a constant
during the non-attractor phase. For explicit inflationary scenarios that can realize such transient phases in the context of PBH formation, see, e.g., [
211]. Nevertheless, it is worth pointing out that, although possible, explicit constructions of suitable inflationary potentials involve a high degree of tuning to render the potentials extremely flat for a small region in the field range and ensure an appropriate transition for the scalar velocity among different epochs (see, e.g., the discussion in [
50], as well as the comments at the end of this section).
After this general discussion of model building, in the analysis that follows, we do not need to work with an explicit form of potential (
) to analyze the enhancement through the non-attractor dynamics. Instead, we exploit the general idea we are discussing in a model-independent way and model PBH-forming inflationary scenarios as a succession of distinct phases that connect smoothly with one another, each parameterized by a constant
(related approaches are developed in [
216]). Our perspective encompasses the important features of scenarios based on the idea of transient resurrection of the decaying mode at superhorizon scales, satisfying Equations (
46) and (
47). In order to capture the transitions among phases, we multiply each phase by the smoothing function [
N denotes e-folds;
are the e-folding numbers at the beginning and end of the constant
phase, respectively; and
signifies the duration of the smoothing procedure. Keeping this smoothing prescription in mind, the inflationary evolution can be divided into three phases:
Phase I. The initial phase of inflationary evolution is characterized by a standard slow-roll (SR) regime, where
at the pivot scale (
) (assuming that modes at the pivot scale exit the horizon at the beginning of evolution (
)) in order to match Planck observations [
Phase II. As the scalar field starts to traverse the flat plateau-like region in its potential, its dynamics eventually enter the non-attractor era, lasting a given number of e-folds of evolution. This phase is characterized by a large negative
, during which the first slow-roll parameter (
) decays exponentially:
Phase III. The final phase of evolution ensures a graceful exit from the non-attractor phase into a final slow-roll epoch, leading to the end of inflation. Since
decays quickly in the non-attractor era, this final phase is characterized by a hierarchy between the slow-roll parameters:
. We typically require a large positive
to bring back
from its tiny values at the end of the non-attractor era, towards the value (
) needed to conclude inflation. To capture this behavior accurately, we split the final phase of evolution into two parts, parameterizing
The relevant parameter choices to model the dynamics can be found in the third column of
Table 2.
We note that our choice of
in the initial stage of the Phase III and in Phase II is not a coincidence; in most of the single-field modes, there exists a correspondence that relates the
values in Phase II and Phase III, i.e.,
, which is a consequence of Wands’ duality [
218]. We will elaborate the consequence of this correspondence in the context of the power spectrum below, in particular for modes that exit the horizon as the background evolves from Phase II to Phase III.
In light of the discussion presented above, we can characterize the full background evolution using the Hubble hierarchy in (
52) and
, where
denotes the Hubble rate at the end of inflation, where
For a representative set of parameter choices (see
Table 2), in
Figure 5, we show an example of background evolution in which we plot
. The right panel of the figure makes manifest that the background evolution leads to
for a short interval of e-folds (
), as highlighted by the red region in the plot. In accordance with our discussion so far, this behavior is appropriate for triggering a significant enhancement in the power spectrum of curvature perturbation through the resurrection of the decaying mode.
Having obtained the background evolution, we are ready to describe mode evolution to obtain the power spectrum of curvature perturbation towards the end of inflation
where to study the evolution of curvature perturbations, we make use of the canonical variable (
) and consider the Mukhanov–Sasaki system of Equations (
45) after setting
. In general, it is not possible to find full analytic solutions for this system of equations, and a numerical analysis is needed. However, as we will explain soon, interesting properties of the resulting curvature spectrum can be derived and understood analytically. We implement the numerical procedure explained in detail in the technical
Appendix C, which solves the Mukhanov–Sasaki equation with Bunch–Davies initial conditions, and we provide a Python code that reproduces our numerical findings
21. The resulting power spectrum is represented in
Figure 6; it manifestly grows in amplitude towards small scales, exhibiting a peak at around
. Notice that the spectrum grows as
towards its peak and is characterized by a dip preceding the phase of steady growth [
212]. We will have more to say soon about these features.
Interestingly, for the system under consideration, the bulk of the enhancement can be attributed to the active dynamics of the would-be ‘decaying modes’, i.e., the second and third terms of Equation (
39). To show this explicitly, we study superhorizon solution of the curvature perturbation in
Appendix C by applying the Formula (
A38), which is a special case of Equation (
39) applied to the canonical single-field scenario we discuss here. For a grid of wave numbers that exit the horizon during the initial slow-roll era, the amplitude of the power spectrum obtained in this way is shown by blue dots in
Figure 6. The accuracy of these locations with respect to the full numerical result (black solid line) confirms our expectation that decaying modes in (
39) play a crucial role for the enhancement of the curvature perturbation for this scenario. In the right panel of
Figure 6, we zoom in on the growth and the subsequent decay of power spectrum following the peak.
Besides the numerical findings presented above, we can derive general analytic results for the spectrum of curvature fluctuations in scenarios activating the would-be decaying modes through a brief non-attractor era.
We start by noticing that for modes that leave the horizon during the initial slow-roll stage (leftmost light blue region in
Figure 6), the spectrum shows characteristic features such as the presence of a dip, followed by an enhancement parameterized by a spectral index of
during the bulk of the growth [
226]. The dip is physically caused by a disruptive interference between the ‘constant’ mode of curvature fluctuation at superhorizon scales and the ‘decaying’ mode that is becoming active and ready to contribute to the enhancement of the spectrum. The position and depth of the dip are analytically calculable in terms of other features of the spectrum, at least in a limit of short duration of the non-slow-roll epoch. It is found that the position of the dip in momentum space is proportional to the inverse fourth root of the enhancement of the spectrum, and the depth of the dip is proportional to the inverse square root of the enhancement of the spectrum [
226]. These relations are valid for any single-field models that enhance the spectrum through a brief deviation from the standard attractor era, including cases with a time-varying sound speed and Planck mass. They are accompanied by consistency conditions on the squeezed limit of non-Gaussian higher-order point functions around the dip [
229], as expected in single-field scenarios
While in the considerations of the previous paragraph, we considered modes leaving the horizon during the first stage of slow-roll evolution, we can also derive analytic results for what happens during the non-attractor epoch. In fact, for modes that exit the horizon deep in the non-attractor era (light green region in the middle of
Figure 6) and the following final slow-roll era, the spectrum behaves as expected in a standard slow-roll phase, with spectral index
(Recall that the latin numbers
relate to the phases of evolution; see Equations (
52) and (
54).) This behavior is a manifestation of the duality invariance of perturbation spectra within distinct inflationary backgrounds, called Wands’ duality (see, e.g., [
231]). Wands’ duality can be understood by noticing that the structure of the Mukhanov–Sasaki Equation (
43) is unchanged by a redefinition of the pump field that leaves the combination
are arbitrary constants. If
controls a phase of the slow-roll attractor,
, a dual phase whose pump field (
) as given by Equation (
57) describes a non-attractor era. Although the statistics of the canonical variable (
) are identical in the two regimes, the amplitude of the curvature perturbation spectrum (
) increases in the non-attractor epoch. In scenarios in which the parameter
is considerably larger than the other slow-roll parameters, Wands’ duality (
57) analytically prescribes the relation (
56), in agreement with the numerical findings plotted in
Figure 6. Subtleties can arise in joining attractor and non-attractor phases, since consistency conditions can be violated [
232] due to the effects of boundary conditions at the transitions between different epochs. All these considerations are relevant for our topic, given the sensitivity of PBH formation and properties on the shape of the spectrum near the peak.
For further detailed accounts of the characterization of the interesting features in the power spectrum of PBH-forming single-field scenarios, we refer the reader to [
While, so far, we have focused on the predictions of the second-order action (
35), non-linearities and non-Gaussian effects can play an important role in the production of PBHs, as we learned in
Section 2.3. For the case of ultra-slow-roll (USR) models based on non-attractor phases of inflation, there are sources of non-Gaussianity associated with stochastic effects during inflation.
The stochastic approach to inflation pioneered by Starobinsky [
234] constitutes a powerful formalism for describing the evolution of coarse-grained superhorizon fluctuations during inflation. It is based on a classical (but stochastic) Langevin equation, which reads in canonical single-field inflation (
N is the number of e-folds, and we assume constant sound speed and Planck mass):
Here, represents a coarse-grained version of superhorizon scalar fluctuations; is the derivative of the inflationary potential, which leads to a deterministic drift for the coarse-grained superhorizon mode; and is a source of stochastic noise acting on long-wavelength fluctuations caused by the continuous kicks of modes that cross the cosmological horizon and pass from sub- to superhorizon scales during inflation.
Besides the physical insights that it offers, the inflationary stochastic formalism [
242] offers the opportunity to obtain accurate results for the probability distribution function controlling coarse-grained superhorizon modes beyond any Gaussian approximation. As a classic example, by solving the Fokker–Planck equation associated with (
58), the seminal work [
238] analytically obtained the full non-Gaussian distribution functions for certain representative inflationary potentials, going beyond the reach of a perturbative treatment of the problem.
Returning to the discussion of a USR inflationary evolution for PBH scenarios, we can expect that stochastic effects can be very relevant in this context (see, e.g., [
251]). In fact, since the amplitude of scalar fluctuations are amplified, the stochastic noise can increase relative to that under slow-roll inflation. Moreover, during USR, the derivative of the potential (
), the classical drift is absent, and the stochastic evolution is driven by stochastic effects only. Various researchers have studied this topic by solving the stochastic evolution equations [
255] and found that non-Gaussian effects can change the predictions of PBH formation, depending on the duration of the USR phase. In fact, the stochastic noise modifies the tails for the curvature probability distribution function, which decays with an exponential (instead of a Gaussian) profile
23 and, consequently, tends to overproduce PBHs. Refs. [
255] set constraints on the duration of the USR phase, which (depending on the scenario) can last, at most, a few e-folds before overproducing PBHs. There has been increased activity surrounding these subjects, and we refer the reader to the aforementioned literature for details on the state of the art with respect to this important topic.
3.3. Growth in the Power Spectrum When the Decaying Modes Are Slacking
We learned in the previous subsections that a possible way to enhance the spectrum of fluctuations at small scales with respect to its large-scale counterpart is to amplify the
k-dependent corrections to the constant-mode solution (
) within the parentheses of Equation (
However, as we anticipated in the paragraph following Equation (
39), we can also design scenarios in which an enhanced time dependence of the slow-roll parameters leads to a scale-dependent curvature power spectrum at horizon crossing, even without exciting the decaying mode at superhorizon scales. The idea is to still make sure that the pump field (
) increases with time—hence, conditions (
46) and (
47) are
not satisfied, the decaying mode remains inactive and the terms within parentheses in Equation (
39) can be neglected. However, at the same time, each individual slow-roll parameter changes considerably during a short time interval during inflation. The derivatives of slow-roll parameters can be large; they can contribute significantly to the quantity (
) controlling the Mukhanov–Sasaki equation, and they can influence the scale dependence of the curvature spectrum at horizon crossing (see Equations (
43) and (
We start this section by setting the stage and derive formulas to describe this possibility. We then present an explicit realization of this scenario. It is convenient to work with the canonical variable (
) defined through Equation (
42), and solve the Mukhanov–Sasaki system in the form of the set of Equations (
59). We assume that the pump field (
z) is monotonic and always increasing with time, and we identify the sound horizon of fluctuations as
24. We can identify two asymptotic regimes for each mode
k: (i) an early-time regime, when each mode is deep inside the horizon; and (ii) a late-time regime, when the modes are stretched to become a superhorizon. On the one hand, in the former regime, the modes satisfy
and behave as the standard vacuum fluctuations in Minskowski space time
On the other hand, later during inflation, the fluctuations are stretched outside the horizon, entering the second regime and eventually satisfying
, with a solution given by
where the finite
corrections to this solution can be derived in a similar fashion as in (
39). Recall that we are now interested in attractor background configurations; hence, we can neglect the last two terms in Equation (
60) that rapidly decay. Shortly after horizon crossing, the canonical variable settles into the solution
. Using the field redefinition (
42), we can identify the constant mode as the curvature perturbation at late times (
). In order to determine its expression, we match the solutions sometime around horizon crossing (
), and we obtain
The horizon-crossing time can be conveniently expressed as a leading contribution in a WKB approximation [
given in Equation (
45). Collecting there results, we can write the late-time power spectrum for curvature fluctuations as
From (
63), we observe that rapid changes in the background quantities (
) and slow-roll parameters constituting the quantity (
) of Equation (
45) as a function of
can then translate into a scale-dependent amplification of the power spectrum. As we will see, this situation leads to a scale-dependent enhancement in the power spectrum realized through the ‘constructive interference’ of the time-dependent background parameters (
We now review a possible realization of this scenario, closely following the discussion presented in [
64]. We focus on the generalized single-field framework discussed in
Section 3.1, and we consider background dynamics that include simultaneous pronounced dips in the time-dependent profiles for the parameters
. We then study the power spectrum by numerically solving numerically the Mukhanov–Sasaki equation for curvature perturbations (see
Appendix C), and we compare the result with the analytical expressions discussed in
Section 3.1 (see, e.g., (
To analyze a representative scenario in this category, we parameterize the three time-dependent quantities (
) as [
Each of these quantities tends to
asymptotically away from
in both directions,
and becomes equal to
while staying around the neighborhood of this value for a number of e-folds determined by
. Notice that we are interested in features of the inflationary dynamics that affect modes at scales much smaller than the CMB pivot scale. Hence, we can assume
, where modes associated with CMB scales leave the horizon at
, while inflation ends at
. A representative set of parameter choices that leads to a localized decrease in the slow-roll parameters is presented in
Table 3. The resulting background evolution and the behavior of
are shown in the left and right panels of
Figure 7, respectively. We observe from the right panel of the figure that
is always satisfied during inflation, suggesting (as expected) that the decaying modes do not grow over time. Using the parameterization (
64), we then numerically solve the Mukhanov–Sasaki equation, following
Appendix C.
Our results for
are presented in
Figure 8. In the left panel, we notice that the expression (
63) accurately describes the behavior of the power spectrum towards its peak, confirming our expectation that the constant growing mode is responsible for the enhancement. Notice the absence of a dip proceeding the growth (which characterizes the scenario shown in
Figure 6). This is in agreement with our interpretation presented in the previous section; the dip is due to disruptive interference between ‘growing’ and ‘decaying’ modes, while in this context, the decaying mode is not active. On the other hand, as shown in the right panel of the figure, the power spectrum exhibits oscillations for scales following the peak. As we discussed in Note 24, this is due to multiple horizon crossing of modes within certain momentum scales, leading to excited states and oscillations in the spectrum. We illustrate this phenomenon in
Figure 9—for two neighboring modes labeled by red and purple dots in
Figure 8—where we plot
k versus
as a function of e-folds. As shown in the right panel of
Figure 9, although these modes are neighboring, they exhibit non-trivial behavior before their final horizon exit (
) so that their asymptotic values (
) differ considerably, giving rise to the sizable modulations in the late-time power spectrum (see
Figure 8), as discussed in [
Besides [
64], the ideas discussed in this subsection for enhancing the spectrum at small scales are further realized in [
65]. Conceptually similar frameworks include a sound speed resonance scenario proposed in [
66]—which can be explicitly realized within a DBI inflation model [
67]—and a parametric resonance model discussed within the single-field canonical inflation framework [