The Gamma-ray Window to Intergalactic Magnetism
:Contents | ||
1 | Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... | 2 |
2 | Intergalactic Magnetic Fields .................................................................................................................. | 3 |
2.1 Statistical Observables .................................................................................................................... | 4 | |
2.2 Origin ................................................................................................................................................ | 5 | |
2.2.1 Cosmological Scenarios ................................................................................................... | 5 | |
2.2.2 Astrophysical Scenarios .................................................................................................. | 7 | |
2.3 General Constraints ........................................................................................................................ | 8 | |
3 | Electromagnetic Cascades ........................................................................................................................ | 10 |
3.1 Origin ............................................................................................................................................... | 10 | |
3.2 Theory of Propagation ................................................................................................................... | 12 | |
3.3 Analytical Description of Propagation and Observables ........................................................... | 16 | |
3.4 Plasma Instabilities ......................................................................................................................... | 18 | |
3.5 Other Propagation Phenomena ..................................................................................................... | 19 | |
3.6 Propagation Codes .......................................................................................................................... | 21 | |
3.7 Examples .......................................................................................................................................... | 22 | |
4 | Results ........................................................................................................................................................ | 24 |
4.1 Analyses of Individual Sources ..................................................................................................... | 24 | |
4.2 Stacked and Diffuse Analyses ....................................................................................................... | 28 | |
4.3 Bounds on the Coherence Length ................................................................................................. | 29 | |
4.4 Constraints on the Magnetic Helicity ........................................................................................... | 29 | |
4.5 Constraints from UHECR-Produced Gamma Rays .................................................................... | 30 | |
4.6 Prospects for Measurements of IGMFs ........................................................................................ | 30 | |
5 | Outlook ...................................................................................................................................................... | 33 |
References .......................................................................................................................................................... | 35 |
1. Introduction
2. Intergalactic Magnetic Fields
2.1. Statistical Observables
2.2. Origin
2.2.1. Cosmological Scenarios
2.2.2. Astrophysical Scenarios
2.3. General Constraints
3. Electromagnetic Cascades
3.1. Origin
3.2. Theory of Propagation
- spectral effects;
- angular distribution;
- time delays.
3.3. Analytical Description of Propagation and Observables
3.4. Plasma Instabilities
3.5. Other Propagation Phenomena
3.6. Propagation Codes
3.7. Examples
4. Results
4.1. Analyses of Individual Sources
4.2. Stacked and Diffuse Analyses
4.3. Bounds on the Coherence Length
4.4. Constraints on the Magnetic Helicity
4.5. Constraints from UHECR-Produced Gamma Rays
4.6. Prospects for Measurements of IGMFs
5. Outlook
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AGN | active galactic nucleus |
ALP | axion-like particle |
AMEGO | All-sky Medium Energy Gamma-ray Observatory |
AMON | Astrophysical Multimessenger Observatory Network |
ARGO-YBJ | Astrophysical Radiation with Ground-based Observatory at YangBaJing |
ASTRI | Astrofisica con Specchi a Tecnologia Replicante Italiana |
BBN | Big Bang nucleosynthesis |
BL Lac | BL Lacertae |
BSM | beyoud the Standard Model |
C.L. | confidence level |
CMB | cosmic microwave background |
CRB | cosmic radio background |
CTA | Cherenkov Telescope Array |
DGRB | diffuse gamma-ray background |
DPP | double pair production |
EBL | extragalactic background light |
EGRET | Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope |
EWPT | electroweak phase transition |
Fermi-LAT | Fermi Large Area Telescope |
FoV | field of view |
FRB | fast radio burst |
FSRQ | flat-spectrum radio quasar |
GRB | gamma-ray burst |
HAWC | High Altitude Water Cherenkov Experiment |
H.E.S.S. | High-Energy Stereoscopic System |
IC | inverse Compton |
IGM | intergalactic medium |
IGMF | intergalactic magnetic field |
ΛCDM | Lambda cold dark matter |
LHAASO | Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory |
LIV | Lorentz invariance violation |
LOFAR | Low-Frequency Array |
MAGIC | Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov |
MHD | magnetohydrodynamics |
PMF | primordial magnetic field |
PP | pair production |
PSF | point spread function |
QCDPT | quantum chromodynamics phase transition |
SED | spectral energy distribution |
RM | rotation measure |
SGSO | Southern Gamma-ray Survey Observatory |
SKA | Square Kilometre Array |
SM | Standard Model of particle physics |
SWGO | Southern Wide-field Gamma-ray Observatory |
TPP | triplet pair production |
VERITAS | Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System |
VHE | very-high-energy |
UHECR | ultra-high-energy cosmic ray |
1 | In the following, unless noted otherwise, we refer to both electrons and positrons as “electrons”. |
2 | This mechanism can be viewed as cosmological, since it involves density perturbations. However, the necessary conditions for the vorticity generation involve protogalaxies, so we chose to classify it as an astrophysical magnetogenesis model. |
3 | There are other decay channels. For the purposes of this review, we present only the most relevant one. One example is the electronic mode () that occurs much more rarely (≲) than the main one. |
4 | The differential photon number density is defined in a way such that gives the local energy density of the photon field. |
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Alves Batista, R.; Saveliev, A. The Gamma-ray Window to Intergalactic Magnetism. Universe 2021, 7, 223.
Alves Batista R, Saveliev A. The Gamma-ray Window to Intergalactic Magnetism. Universe. 2021; 7(7):223.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAlves Batista, Rafael, and Andrey Saveliev. 2021. "The Gamma-ray Window to Intergalactic Magnetism" Universe 7, no. 7: 223.
APA StyleAlves Batista, R., & Saveliev, A. (2021). The Gamma-ray Window to Intergalactic Magnetism. Universe, 7(7), 223.