A Modified Dynamical Model of Cosmology I Theory
:1. Introduction
2. A New Model of Modified Dynamics
2.1. Fixing the Gauge and the Boundary Conditions
2.2. Trajectory of Particles
3. Modified Hubble Parameter
4. Cosmic Implications of the New Model
4.1. Evolution of the Scale Factor
4.2. Hubble and Deceleration Parameter
4.3. Evolution of the Equation of State Parameter and the Sound Speed
4.4. Sequence of the Cosmological Epochs
4.5. Luminosity and Angular Diameter Distances
5. Discussion
5.1. Discussion on the Boundary Condition of GR
5.2. Discussion on Mach’s Principle as Boundary Condition
5.3. Discussion on the Averaging Procedure
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
GR | General Relativity |
PDE | Partial Differential Equation |
CMB | Cosmic Microwave Background |
()CDM | Cold Dark Matter |
B.C. | Boundary Condition |
MOND | MOdified Newtonian Dynamics |
MOD | Modified Dynamics |
NFW | Navarro, Frenk, and White halo profile |
SUSY | Supersymmetry |
EPS | Ehlers, Pirani, and Schild |
QCD | Quantum Chromodynamics |
FLRW | Friedmann–Lemaitre–Robertson–Walker |
YGH | York, Gibbons, and Hawking |
WIMP | Weakly Interacting Massive Particles |
MOG | MOdified Gravity |
SNIa | Supernovae (type) Ia |
Appendix A. Time-Dependent Neumann Parameter
Appendix B. Discussion on the Trajectory of Massive Particles, GR Measurement Process, and the EPS Theorem
Appendix B.1. Trajectory of Massive Particles
Solar System | Galaxies | Cluster of Galaxies | |
2 | |||
0.01 to 10 | 0.001 to 0.1 |
Appendix B.2. The EPS Theorem and the Structure of Spacetime
Appendix C. Discussion on the Dimensional Analysis of the Model
Appendix D. A Semi-Newtonian Model of Gravity: Some Properties and Issues
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Shenavar, H.; Javidan, K. A Modified Dynamical Model of Cosmology I Theory. Universe 2020, 6, 1. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe6010001
Shenavar H, Javidan K. A Modified Dynamical Model of Cosmology I Theory. Universe. 2020; 6(1):1. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe6010001
Chicago/Turabian StyleShenavar, Hossein, and Kurosh Javidan. 2020. "A Modified Dynamical Model of Cosmology I Theory" Universe 6, no. 1: 1. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe6010001
APA StyleShenavar, H., & Javidan, K. (2020). A Modified Dynamical Model of Cosmology I Theory. Universe, 6(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.3390/universe6010001