2.1. Higher Spin Partition Functions in Euclidean AdS Spaces
According to the AdS/CFT dictionary, the CFT partition function on the round sphere has to match the partition function of the bulk theory on the Euclidean AdS asymptotic to . This is the hyperbolic space with the metric, , where is the metric of a unit d-sphere. After defining the free energy , the AdS/CFT correspondence implies .
For a vectorial CFT with
symmetry, the large
N expansion is:
For a CFT consisting of N free fields, one obviously has for all .
For the bulk gravitational theory with Newton constant
the perturbative expansion of the free energy assumes the form:
The leading contribution is the on-shell classical action of the theory; it should match the leading term in the CFT answer which is of order
N. Such a matching seems impossible at present due to the lack of a conventional action for the higher spin theories.
2 However, as first noted in [
26], the one-loop correction
requires the knowledge of only the free quadratic actions for the higher-spin fields in AdS
; it can be obtained by summing the logarithms of functional determinants of the relevant kinetic operators. The latter were calculated by Camporesi and Higuchi [
52], who derived the spectral zeta function for fields of arbitrary spin in (A)dS. What remains is to carry out the appropriately regularized sum over all spins present in a particular version of the higher spin theory.
The corresponding sphere free energy in a free CFT is given by
, where
F may be extracted from the determinant for a single conformal field (see, for example, [
35]); the examples of the latter are conformally coupled scalars, massless fermions, or
p-form gauge fields. For vectorial theories with double-trace interactions, such as the Wilson–Fisher and Gross–Neveu models, the CFT itself has a non-trivial
expansion, and so
. To match the large
N scaling, the Newton constant of the bulk theory must behave as:
in the large
N limit. If one assumes that
, then all the higher-loop corrections to
must vanish for
to hold. In [
27], it was found that for the Vasiliev Type A theories in all dimensions
d, the non-minimal theories containing each integer spin indeed have a vanishing one-loop correction to
F. However, the minimal theories with even spins only were found to have a non-vanishing one-loop contribution that matched exactly the value of the sphere free-energy of a single conformal real scalar. This surprising result was then interpreted as a one-loop shift:
where the one-loop contribution cancels exactly the shift in the coupling constant. Such an integer shift is consistent with the quantization condition for
established in [
21]. The rule
does not apply to all the variants of the HS theory. In [
17] it was shown that the one-loop calculations in Type C higher spin theories dual to free
Maxwell fields in
required that
respectively. If the Maxwell fields are taken to be self-dual then
; in view of this half-integer shift it is not clear if such a theory is consistent.
2.2. Variants of Higher Spin Theories and Key Results
The simplest and best understood HS theory is the Type A Vasiliev theory in AdS
, which is known at non-linear level for any
d [
7]. The spectrum consists of a scalar with
and a tower of totally symmetric HS gauge fields (in the minimal theory, only the even spins are present). This is in one to one correspondence with the spectrum of
invariant “single trace” operators on the CFT side, which consists of the
and the tower of conserved currents:
This spectrum can be confirmed for instance by computing the tensor product of two free scalar representations, which yields the result [
where the notation
indicates a representation of the conformal algebra with conformal dimension
representation labeled by
(on the left-hand side,
is a shorthand for
). Equivalently, one may obtain the same result by computing the “thermal” partition function of the free CFT on
, using a flat connection to impose the
singlet constraint [
37]. Similarly one can consider real scalars and
singlet constraint, where one obtains the same spectrum but with odd spins removed (this corresponds to symmetrizing the product in (
Another version of the HS theory is the so-called “Type B” theory, which is defined to be the HS gauge theory in AdS
dual to the free fermionic CFT
restricted to its singlet sector. The field content of such theories can be deduced from CFT considerations, by deriving the spectrum of singlet operators which are bilinears in the fermionic fields. In the case of Dirac fermions, one has the following results for the tensor product of two free fermion representations [
54]: in even
and in odd
Note that in the case
, the spectra of the Type A and Type B theory are the same, except for the fact that the
scalar is parity even in the former and parity odd in the latter (and also quantized with conjugate boundary conditions,
). In this special case, the fully non-linear equations for the Type B HS gauge theory in AdS
are known and closely related to those of the Type A theory [
6]. For all
, however, the spectra of Type B theories differ considerably from Type A theories, since they contain towers of spins with various mixed symmetries, see (
8) and (
9), and the corresponding non-linear equations are not known. As an example, and to clarify the meaning of (
8) and (
9), let us consider
57]. In this case, on the CFT side one can construct the two scalar operators:
as well as (schematically) the totally symmetric and traceless bilinear currents:
and a tower of mixed higher symmetry bilinear current,
is the antisymmetrized product of the gamma matrices. These operators are dual to corresponding HS fields in AdS
. In particular, in addition to two towers of Fronsdal fields and a tower of mixed symmetry gauge fields, there are two bulk scalar fields and a massive antisymmetric tensor dual to
. Similarly, in higher dimensions one can construct the tower of mixed symmetry operators appearing in (
8) and (
9) by using the antisymmetrized product of several gamma matrices. In the Young tableaux notation, these operators correspond to the hook type diagrams:
, with
for even
d and
for odd
d. For
, these operators are conserved currents and are dual to massless gauge fields in the bulk, while for
they are dual to massive antisymmetric fields.
For even
d, we find evidence that the non-minimal Type B theory is exactly dual to the singlet sector of the
free fermionic CFT. The one-loop free energy of the Vasiliev theory vanishes exactly. This generalizes the result given in [
16] for the non-minimal Type B theory in AdS
; namely, there is no shift to the coupling constant in the non-minimal Type B theory dual to the singlet sector of Dirac fermions.
However, for all odd
d, the one-loop free energy does not vanish. Instead, it follows a surprising formula:
which has an equivalent form for integer
For example, for
, one finds:
and similarly for higher
d. Obviously, these complicated shifts cannot be accommodated by an integer shift of
N. While the reason for this is not fully clear to us, it may be related to the fact that the imposition of the singlet constraint requires introduction of other terms in
F. For example, in
the theory also contains a Chern–Simons sector, whose leading contribution to
F is of order
. Perhaps a detailed understanding of these additional terms holds the key to resolving the puzzle for the fermionic theories in odd
We note that (
14) always produces only linear combinations of
with rational coefficients. Interestingly, these formulas are related to the change in
F due to certain double-trace deformations [
58]. In particular, the first formula gives (up to sign) the change in free energy due to the double-trace deformation
, where
is a scalar operator of dimension
, and the second formula is proportional to the change in free energy due to the deformation
, where
is a fermionic operator of dimension
. The reason for this formal relation to the double-trace flows is unclear to us.
We also consider bulk Type B theories where various truncations have been imposed on the non-minimal Type B theory and we provide evidence that they are dual to the singlet sectors of various free fermionic CFTs. In
mod 8 we study the CFT of
N Majorana fermions with the
singlet constraint, while in
mod 8 we study the theory of
N symplectic Majorana fermions with the
singlet constraint.
3 We also study the CFT of Weyl fermions in even
d, and of Majorana–Weyl fermions when
mod 8. We will discuss these truncations in more detail in
Section 3.2.1. For even
d, we find that under the Weyl truncation, the Type B theories have vanishing
F at the one-loop level. Under the Majorana/symplectic Majorana condition, the free energy of the truncated Type B theory gives (up to sign) the free energy of one free conformal fermionic field on
. This is logarithmically divergent due to the CFT
, where the anomaly coefficient
is given by [
. Finally, under the Majorana–Weyl condition, the free energy of the corresponding truncated Type B theory reproduces half of the anomaly coefficients given in (18), corresponding to a single Majorana–Weyl fermion.
For the odd
d case, the minimal Type B theories dual to the Majorana (or symplectic Majorana) projections again have unexpected values of their one-loop free energies. They are listed in Table 6. We did not find a simple analytic formula that reproduces these numbers, but we note that, as in the non-minimal Type B result (
14), these values are always linear combinations of
with rational coefficients. It would be very interesting to understand the origin of these “anomalous” results in the Type B theories.
One may also consider free CFTs which involve both the conformal scalars and fermions in the fundamental of
), with action:
When we impose the
singlet constraint, the spectrum of single trace operators contains not only the bilinears in
, which are the same as discussed above, but also fermionic operators of the form:
The dual HS theory in AdS should then include, in addition to the bosonic fields that appear in Type A and Type B theories, a tower of massless half integer spin particles with
, plus a
matter field. We will call the resulting HS theory the “Type AB” theory. Note that in
this leads to a supersymmetric theory, but in general
d the action (
19) is not supersymmetric. One may also truncate the model to the
by imposing suitable reality conditions. There is no qualitative difference in the spectrum of the half-integer operators in the truncated models, with the only quantitative difference being a doubling of the degrees of freedom of each half-integer spin particle when going from
in the dual CFT.
The partition function for the Type AB theory is,
being for the contributions from bosonic higher-spin fields, which arise from purely Type A and purely Type B contributions, and
is the contribution of the HS fermions dual to (
20). Up to one-loop level, the bosonic and fermionic contributions are decoupled, as indicated in (
21). A similar decoupling of the Casimir energy occurs at the one-loop level, i.e.,
Our calculations for the Euclidean-AdS higher spin theory shows that at the one-loop level for both theories for all d. Similarly, the Casimir energies are found to vanish: . In even d, from our results on the Type B theories and the earlier results on Vasiliev Type A theories, we see that for the non-minimal Type AB theory, and this suggests that Type AB theories at one-loop have vanishing . For odd d, is non-vanishing with the non-zero contribution coming from the Type B theory’s free energy, as discussed above.
Finally, we consider the Type C higher-spin theories, which are conjectured to be dual to the singlet sector of massless
p-forms, where
4 The first two examples of these theories are the
case discussed in [
17], where the dynamical fields are the
N Maxwell fields, and the
case [
18] where the dynamical fields are
N 2-form gauge fields with field strength
. In these theories, there are also an infinite number of totally symmetric conserved higher-spin currents, in addition to various fields of mixed symmetry. We will extend these calculations to even
As for Type B theories in
, there are no known equations of motion for type C theories, but we can still infer their free field spectrum from CFT considerations, using the results of [
54]. The non-minimal theory is obtained by taking
N complex
-form gauge fields
A, and imposing a
singlet constraint. One may further truncate these models by taking real fields and
singlet constraint, which results in the “minimal type C” theory. In addition, one can further impose a self-duality condition on the
-form field strength
. Since
, where ∗ is the Hodge-dual operator, one can impose the self-duality condition
only in
m integer); this can be done both for real (
) and complex (
) fields. In
, and only in the non-minimal case with
N complex fields, one can impose the self-duality condition
. Decomposing
into its real and imaginary parts, this condition implies
, and self-dual and anti-self-dual parts of
F are complex conjugate of each other.
As an example, let us consider
and take
N complex Maxwell fields with a
singlet constraint. The spectrum of the the single trace operators arising from the tensor product
can be found to be [
where we use the notation
, corresponding to the sum of the self-dual and anti self-dual 2-form field strength with
, and similarly for the representations appearing on the right-hand side. Note that we use
to specify the representation. The operators in the first line are dual to matter fields in AdS
in the corresponding representations, while the second line corresponds to massless HS gauge fields. Note that a novel feature compared to Type A and Type B is the presence of mixed symmetry representations with two boxes in the second row:
Imposing a reality condition and
singlet constraint, one obtains the minimal spectrum [
Similarly, one may obtain the spectrum in all higher dimensions
, as will be explained in detail in
Section 3.2.3. As an example, in the
type C theory we find the representations:
Our results for the one-loop calculations in type C theories are summarized in
Table 1. We find that the non-minimal
theories have non-zero one-loop contributions, unlike the Type A and type B theories (in even
d). The results can be grouped into two subclasses depending on the spacetime dimension, namely those in
or in
, where
m is an integer. In the minimal type C theories with
singlet constraint, we find that for all
the identification of the bulk coupling constant is
, while in
, the bulk one-loop free energy vanishes, and therefore no shift is required. In the self-dual
theories, the one-loop free energy does not vanish, but can be accounted for by half-integer shifts
, as mentioned earlier. We find that all of these results are consistent with calculations of Casimir energies in thermal AdS space, which are collected in the Appendix.