Combined Color Semantics and Deep Learning for the Automatic Detection of Dolphin Dorsal Fins
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Areas and Dataset
- ∼10,000 pictures taken in the Gulf of Taranto (Jonian Sea) between 2013 and 2018
- ∼14,000 pictures taken near Azores islands (Atlantic Ocean) in 2018
2.2. Methodology
- image pre-processing using 3D polyhedron-based color segmentation;
- classification based on CNN.
- Sea color estimation to identify the best model among the with a major voting approach, i.e., the model that masks the highest number of sea pixels:
- Dorsal fins region proposal: a binary mask is computed by filtering the image I with the corresponding 3D polyhedron . Each of the resulting connected components—e.g., according to 8-connectivity—likely contains a dorsal fin.
- median filtering (for salt and pepper noise reduction), holes fill and selection of connected regions based on their area;
- aspect ratio (width/height) dimension analysis to discard regions with high aspect ratio, due to their low probability of representing a dorsal fin useful for photo-ID purposes;
- size refinement of single regions based on their centroids and extreme points in order to include only relevant portions of the fins.
Algorithm 1: Color models update |
3. Experiments and Results
4. Conclusions and Future Works
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Model Name | L | a | b |
Azure | |||
Blue-Gray | |||
Dark Blue | |||
Light Blue-Green | |||
Gray |
Model Name | N Points | Median L | Mad L | Median a | Mad a | Median b | Mad b |
Azure | 16,765 | 25.608 | 15.436 | 2.112 | 2.0381 | −9.5608 | 3.3382 |
Blue-Gray | 8761 | 36.219 | 13.191 | 3.0862 | 2.0364 | −0.27897 | 5.9787 |
Dark Blue | 5366 | 26.179 | 12.152 | 1.8735 | 1.2887 | −7.6542 | 3.2112 |
Light Blue-Green | 19,149 | 35.168 | 13.606 | 1.976 | 1.976 | −3.963 | 7.5908 |
Gray | 3917 | 32.423 | 13.21 | 1.8309 | 1.7932 | −1.6679 | 1.418 |
Accuracy | Sensitivity | Specificity |
Accuracy | Sensitivity | Specificity |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Renò, V.; Losapio, G.; Forenza, F.; Politi, T.; Stella, E.; Fanizza, C.; Hartman, K.; Carlucci, R.; Dimauro, G.; Maglietta, R. Combined Color Semantics and Deep Learning for the Automatic Detection of Dolphin Dorsal Fins. Electronics 2020, 9, 758.
Renò V, Losapio G, Forenza F, Politi T, Stella E, Fanizza C, Hartman K, Carlucci R, Dimauro G, Maglietta R. Combined Color Semantics and Deep Learning for the Automatic Detection of Dolphin Dorsal Fins. Electronics. 2020; 9(5):758.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRenò, Vito, Gianvito Losapio, Flavio Forenza, Tiziano Politi, Ettore Stella, Carmelo Fanizza, Karin Hartman, Roberto Carlucci, Giovanni Dimauro, and Rosalia Maglietta. 2020. "Combined Color Semantics and Deep Learning for the Automatic Detection of Dolphin Dorsal Fins" Electronics 9, no. 5: 758.
APA StyleRenò, V., Losapio, G., Forenza, F., Politi, T., Stella, E., Fanizza, C., Hartman, K., Carlucci, R., Dimauro, G., & Maglietta, R. (2020). Combined Color Semantics and Deep Learning for the Automatic Detection of Dolphin Dorsal Fins. Electronics, 9(5), 758.