Sentiment Analysis Based on Deep Learning: A Comparative Study
:1. Introduction
2. Background
2.1. Deep Learning
2.1.1. Deep Neural Networks (DNN)
2.1.2. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)
2.1.3. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)
2.1.4. Other Neural Networks
2.2. Sentiment Analysis
2.3. Application of Sentiment Analysis
3. Related Work
4. Comparative Study
4.1. Datasets
- Sentiment140 was obtained from Stanford University [68]. It contains 1.6 million tweets about products or brands. The tweets were already labeled with the polarity of the sentiment conveyed by the person writing them (0 = negative, 4 = positive).
- Tweets Airline [69] is a tweet dataset containing user opinions about U.S. airlines. It was crawled in February 2015. It has 14,640 samples, and it was divided into negative, neutral, and positive classes.
- Tweets SemEval [70] is a tweet dataset that includes a range of named geopolitical entities. This dataset has 17,750 samples, and it was divided into positive, neutral, and negative classes.
- IMDB Movie Reviews [71] is a dataset of comments from audiences about the stories in films. It has 25,000 samples divided into positive and negative.
- IMDB Movie Reviews was obtained from Stanford University [72]. This dataset contains comments from audiences about the story of films. It has 50,000 samples, which are divided into positive and negative.
- Cornell Movie Reviews [73] contains comments from audiences about the stories in films. This dataset includes 10,662 samples for training and testing, which are labeled negative or positive.
- Book Reviews and Music Reviews is a dataset obtained from the Multidomain Sentiment of the Department of Computer Science of Johns Hopkins University. Biographies, Bollywood, Boom Boxes, and Blenders: Domain Adaptation for Sentiment Classification [74] contains user comments about books and music. Each has 2,000 samples with two classes—negative and positive.
- “target” is the polarity of the tweet;
- “id” is the unique ID of each tweet;
- “date” is the date of the tweet;
- “query_string” indicates whether the tweet has been collected with any particular query keyword (for this column, 100% of the entries labeled are with the value “NO_QUERY”);
- “user” is the Twitter handle name of the user who tweeted;
- “text” is the verbatim text of the tweet.
4.2. Methodological Approach
4.3. Sentiment Classification
- Cleaning the Twitter RTs, @, #, and the links from the sentences;
- Stemming or lemmatization;
- Converting the text to lower case;
- Cleaning all the non-letter characters, including numbers;
- Removing English stop words and punctuation;
- Eliminating extra white spaces;
- Decoding HTML to general text.
4.4. Sentiment Model
5. Experimental Results
- The DNN model is simple to implement and provides results within a short period of time—around 1 min for the majority of datasets, except dataset Sentiment140, for which the model took 12 min to obtain the results. Although the model is quick to train, the overall accuracy of the model is average (around 75% to 80%) in all of the tested datasets, including tweets and reviews.
- The CNN model is also fast to train and test, although possibly a bit slower than DNN. The model offers higher accuracy (over 80%) on both tweet and review datasets.
- The RNN model has the highest reliability when word embedding is applied, however its computational time is also the highest. When using RNN with TF-IDF, it takes a longer time than other models and results in lower accuracy (around 50%) in the sentiment analysis of tweet and review datasets.
- Three deep learning models (DNN, CNN, and RNN) were used to perform sentiment analysis experiments. The CNN model was found to offer the best tradeoff between the processing time and the accuracy of results. Although the RNN model had the highest degree of accuracy when used with word embedding, its processing time was 10 times longer than that of the CNN model. The RNN model is not effective when used with the TF-IDF technique, and its far higher processing time leads to results that are not significantly better. DNN is a simple deep learning model that has average processing times and yields average results. Future research on deep learning models can focus on ways of improving the tradeoff between the accuracy of results and the processing times.
- Related techniques (TF-IDF and word embedding) are used to transfer text data (tweets, reviews) into a numeric vector before feeding them into a deep learning model. The results when TF-IDF is used are poorer than when word embedding is used. Moreover, the TF-IDF technique used with the RNN model takes has a longer processing time and yields less reliable results. However, when RNN is used with word embedding, the results are much better. Future work can explore how to improve these and other techniques to achieve even better results.
- The results from the datasets containing tweets and IMDB movie review datasets are better than the results from the other datasets containing reviews. Regarding tweets data, the models induced from the Tweets Airline dataset, focused on a specific topic, show better performance than those built from datasets about generic topics.
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Year | Study | Research Work | Method | Dataset | Target |
1 | 2019 | Alharbi el al. [19] | Twitter sentiment analysis | CNN | SemEval 2016 workshop | Feature extraction from user behavior information |
2 | 2019 | Kraus et al. [16] | Sentiment analysis based on rhetorical structure theory | Tree-LSTM and Discourse-LSTM | Movie Database (IMD), food reviews (Amazon) | Aim to improve accuracy |
3 | 2019 | Do et al. [53] | Comparative review of sentiment analysis based on deep learning | CNN, LSTM, GRU, and hybrid approaches | SemEval workshop and social network sites | Aspect extraction and sentiment classification |
4 | 2019 | Abid et al. [20] | Sentiment analysis through recent recurrent variants | CNN, RNN | Domain-specific word embedding | |
5 | 2019 | Yang et al. [52] | Aspect-based sentiment analysis | Coattention-LSTM, Coattention-MemNet, Coattention-LSTM + location | Twitter, SemEval 2014 | Target-level and context-level feature extraction |
6 | 2019 | Wu et al. [60] | Sentiment analysis with variational autoencoder | LSTM, Bi-LSTM | Facebook, Chinese VA, Emobank | Encoding, sentiment prediction, and decoding |
7 | 2018 | Pham et al. [11] | Aspect-based sentiment analysis | LRNN-ASR, FULL-LRNN-ASR | Tripadvisor | Enriching knowledge of the input through layers |
8 | 2018 | Sohangir et al. [5] | Deep learning for financial sentiment analysis | LSTM, doc2vec, and CNN | StockTwits | Improving the performance of sentiment analysis for StockTwits |
9 | 2018 | Li et al. [17] | How textual quality of online reviews affect classification performance | SRN, LSTM, and CNN | Movie reviews from | Impact of two influential textual features, namely the word count and review readability |
10 | 2018 | Zhang et al. [61] | Textual sentiment analysis via three different attention convolutional neural networks and cross-modality consistent regression | CNN | SemEval 2016, Sentiment Tree Bank | LSTM attention and attentive pooling is integrated with CNN model to extract sentence features based on sentiment embedding, lexicon embedding, and semantic embedding |
11 | 2018 | Schmitt et al. [54] | Joint aspect and polarity classification for aspect-based sentiment analysis | CNN, LSTM | SemEval 2017 | Approach based on aspect sentiment analysis to solve two classification problems (aspect categories + aspect polarity) |
12 | 2018 | Qian et al. [10] | Sentiment analysis model on weather-related tweets | DNN, CNN | Twitter, social network sites | Feature extraction |
13 | 2018 | Tang et al. [62] | Improving the state-of-the-art in many deep learning sentiment analysis tasks | CNN, DNN, RNN | Social network sites | Sentiment classification, opinion extraction, fine-grained sentiment analysis |
14 | 2018 | Zhang et al. [22] | Survey of deep learning for sentiment analysis | CNN, DNN, RNN, LSTM | Social network sites | Sentiment analysis with word embedding, sarcasm analysis, emotion analysis, multimodal data for sentiment analysis |
15 | 2017 | Choudhary et al. [30] | Comparative study of deep-learning-based sentimental analysis with existing techniques | CNN, DNN, RNN, lexicon, hybrid | Social network sites | Domain dependency, sentiment polarity, negation, feature extraction, spam and fake review, huge lexicon, bi-polar words |
16 | 2018 | Jangid et al. [6] | Financial sentiment analysis | CNN, LSTM, RNN | Financial tweets | Aspect-based sentiment analysis |
17 | 2017 | Araque et al. [63] | Enhancing deep learning sentiment analysis with ensemble techniques in social applications | Deep-learning-based sentiment classifier using a word embedding model and a linear machine learning algorithm | SemEval 2013/2014, Vader, STS-Gold, IMDB, PL04, and Sentiment140 | Improving the performance of deep learning techniques and integrating them with traditional surface approaches based on manually extracted features |
18 | 2017 | Jeong et al. [48] | A product opportunity mining approach based on topic modeling and sentiment analysis | LDA-based topic modeling, sentiment analysis, and opportunity algorithm | Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit | Identification of product development opportunities from customer-generated social media data |
19 | 2017 | Gupta et al. [49] | Sentiment-/semantic-based approaches for emotion detection | LSTM-based deep learning | Combining sentiment and semantic features | |
20 | 2017 | Preethi et al. [12] | Sentiment analysis for recommender system in the cloud | RNN, naïve Bayes classifier | Amazon | Recommending the places that are near to the user’s current location by analyzing the different reviews and consequently computing the score grounded on it |
21 | 2017 | Ramadhani et al. [50] | Twitter sentiment analysis | DNN | Handling a huge amount of unstructured data | |
22 | 2017 | Ain et al. [13] | A review of sentiment analysis using deep learning techniques | CNN, RNN, DNN, DBN | Social network sites | Analyzing and structuring hidden information extracted from social media in the form of unstructured data |
23 | 2017 | Roshanfekr et al. [47] | Sentiment analysis using deep learning on Persian texts | NBSVM-Bi, Bidirectional-LSTM, CNN | Customer reviews from | Evaluating deep learning methods using the Persian language |
24 | 2017 | Paredes-Valverde et al. [51] | Sentiment analysis for improvement of products and services | CNN + Word2vec | Twitter in Spanish | Detecting customer satisfaction and identifying opportunities for improvement of products and services |
25 | 2017 | Jingzhou Liu et al. [64] | Extreme multilabel text classification | XML-CNN | RCV1, EUR-Lex, Amazon, and Wiki | Capturing richer information from different regions of the document |
26 | 2017 | Hassan et al. [15] | Sentiment analysis of short texts | CNN, LSTM, on top of pretrained word vectors | Stanford Large Movie Review, IMDB, Stanford Sentiment Treebank, SSTb | Achieving comparable performances with fewer parameters on sentiment analysis tasks |
27 | 2017 | Chen et al. [65] | Multimodal sentiment analysis with word-level fusion and reinforcement learning | Gated multimodal embedding LSTM with temporal attention | CMU-MOSI | Developing a novel deep architecture for multimodal sentiment analysis that performs modality fusion at the word level |
28 | 2017 | Al-Sallab et al. [66] | Opinion mining in Arabic as a low-resource language | Recursive deep learning | Online comments from QALB, Twitter, and Newswire articles written in MSA | Providing more complete and comprehensive input features for the autoencoder and performing semantic composition |
29 | 2016 | Vateekul et al. [28] | A study of sentiment analysis in Thai | LSTM, DCNN | Finding the best parameters of LSTM and DCNN | |
30 | 2016 | Singhal, et al. [18] | A survey of sentiment analysis and deep learning | CNN, RNTN, RNN, LSTM | Sentiment Treebank dataset, movie reviews, MPQA, and customer reviews | Comparison of classification performance of different models on different datasets |
31 | 2016 | Gao et al. [14] | Sentiment analysis using AdaBoost combination | CNN | Movie reviews and IMDB | Studying the possibility of leveraging the contribution of different filter lengths and grasping their potential in the final polarity of the sentence |
32 | 2016 | Rojas-Barahona et al. [46] | Overview of deep learning for sentiment analysis | CNN, LSTM | Movie reviews, Sentiment Treebank, and Twitter | To extract the polarity from the data |
Datasets | TF-IDF | Word Embedding | ||||
DNN | CNN | RNN | DNN | CNN | RNN | |
Sentiment140 | 0.76497407 | 0.76688544 | 0.56957939 | 0.78816761 | 0.80060849 | 0.82819948 |
Tweets Airline | 0.85936944 | 0.85451457 | 0.82809226 | 0.8979309 | 0.90373439 | 0.90451624 |
Tweets SemEval | 0.83674669 | 0.81377485 | 0.54857318 | 0.83674748 | 0.84313431 | 0.85172402 |
IMDB Movie Reviews (1) | 0.85232000 | 0.82300000 | 0.56392000 | 0.84572000 | 0.86072000 | 0.87052000 |
IMDB Movie Reviews (2) | 0.85512000 | 0.80628002 | 0.58724000 | 0.80252000 | 0.82624000 | 0.86688000 |
Cornell Movie Reviews | 0.70437264 | 0.67867751 | 0.50787764 | 0.70221434 | 0.71365671 | 0.76693790 |
Book Reviews | 0.75876443 | 0.72741509 | 0.5169437 | 0.74560455 | 0.76630924 | 0.73347052 |
Music Reviews | 0.76850000 | 0.69200000 | 0.5170000 | 0.70800000 | 0.74450000 | 0.73100000 |
Datasets | TF-IDF | Word Embedding | ||||
DNN | CNN | RNN | DNN | CNN | RNN | |
Sentiment140 | 0.75775700 | 0.74076035 | 0.77731305 | 0.79096262 | 0.80080020 | 0.83692316 |
Tweets Airline | 0.95565582 | 0.97003680 | 0.97417837 | 0.9577253 | 0.95924821 | 0.95086398 |
Tweets SemEval | 0.80817204 | 0.7744086 | 0.09462366 | 0.80860215 | 0.81827957 | 0.83139785 |
IMDB Movie Reviews (1) | 0.84072000 | 0.80080000 | 0.46880000 | 0.84360000 | 0.84960000 | 0.86808000 |
IMDB Movie Reviews (2) | 0.87112000 | 0.75744000 | 0.56088000 | 0.78304000 | 0.83248000 | 0.88832000 |
Cornell Movie Reviews | 0.71468474 | 0.67811554 | 0.84203575 | 0.70455552 | 0.72050860 | 0.80943813 |
Book Reviews | 0.74221810 | 0.73009689 | 0.63040610 | 0.73912595 | 0.81599670 | 0.74824778 |
Music Reviews | 0.76500000 | 0.69700000 | 0.74200000 | 0.68600000 | 0.72900000 | 0.73600000 |
Datasets | TF-IDF | Word Embedding | ||||
DNN | CNN | RNN | DNN | CNN | RNN | |
Sentiment140 | 0.75775700 | 0.74076035 | 0.77731305 | 0.79096262 | 0.80080020 | 0.83692316 |
Tweets Airline | 0.88451273 | 0.86396543 | 0.83664149 | 0.91759076 | 0.92284682 | 0.93061436 |
Tweets SemEval | 0.83504669 | 0.81594219 | 0.58839133 | 0.83492767 | 0.84024502 | 0.84745555 |
IMDB Movie Reviews (1) | 0.85057402 | 0.83996428 | 0.61862397 | 0.84727512 | 0.8689903 | 0.87328478 |
IMDB Movie Reviews (2) | 0.84410853 | 0.83943612 | 0.59209526 | 0.81478398 | 0.82221871 | 0.85179503 |
Cornell Movie Reviews | 0.70070694 | 0.67920909 | 0.45431496 | 0.70142346 | 0.71117779 | 0.74808808 |
Book Reviews | 0.77071809 | 0.72645030 | 0.56145983 | 0.74877856 | 0.74335207 | 0.73283058 |
Music Reviews | 0.77097163 | 0.69126657 | 0.46068591 | 0.71900797 | 0.75328872 | 0.73186536 |
Datasets | TF-IDF | Word Embedding | ||||
DNN | CNN | RNN | DNN | CNN | RNN | |
Sentiment140 | 0.76383225 | 0.75932297 | 0.64044056 | 0.78876610 | 0.80063705 | 0.82967613 |
Tweets Airline | 0.91863362 | 0.91385701 | 0.90011208 | 0.93720980 | 0.94064543 | 0.94059646 |
Tweets SemEval | 0.82114704 | 0.79433397 | 0.13751971 | 0.82130776 | 0.82884635 | 0.83874720 |
IMDB Movie Reviews (1) | 0.85057402 | 0.81871110 | 0.46834558 | 0.84540045 | 0.85908973 | 0.87020187 |
IMDB Movie Reviews (2) | 0.85740157 | 0.79633290 | 0.57606508 | 0.79859666 | 0.82731754 | 0.86967419 |
Cornell Movie Reviews | 0.70731859 | 0.67852670 | 0.59007189 | 0.70290291 | 0.71560412 | 0.77594109 |
Book Reviews | 0.75501388 | 0.72758940 | 0.51163296 | 0.74364502 | 0.77728796 | 0.73395298 |
Music Reviews | 0.76770393 | 0.69126657 | 0.56736672 | 0.70080624 | 0.74026385 | 0.73207829 |
Datasets | TF-IDF | Word Embedding | ||||
DNN | CNN | RNN | DNN | CNN | RNN | |
Sentiment140 | 0.76499683 | 0.76535951 | 0.56950939 | 0.78816189 | 0.80062146 | 0.82818031 |
Tweets Airline | 0.73510103 | 0.68790047 | 0.61740993 | 0.81170789 | 0.82367939 | 0.83767632 |
Tweets SemEval | 0.83484059 | 0.81115021 | 0.51834041 | 0.83487221 | 0.84147827 | 0.85037175 |
IMDB Movie Reviews (1) | 0.85232000 | 0.82300000 | 0.56392000 | 0.84572000 | 0.86072000 | 0.87052000 |
IMDB Movie Reviews (2) | 0.85512000 | 0.80628000 | 0.58724000 | 0.80252000 | 0.82624000 | 0.86688000 |
Cornell Movie Reviews | 0.70437264 | 0.67867751 | 0.50787764 | 0.70221434 | 0.71365671 | 0.76693790 |
Book Reviews | 0.75875593 | 0.72740157 | 0.51676458 | 0.74558854 | 0.76630592 | 0.73348794 |
Music Reviews | 0.76850000 | 0.69200000 | 0.51700000 | 0.70800000 | 0.74450000 | 0.73207829 |
Dataset (%) | TF-IDF | Word Embedding | ||||
DNN | CNN | RNN | DNN | CNN | RNN | |
10 | 1 min 37 s | 1 min 14 s | 11 min 18 s | 25.8 s | 39.6 s | 4 min 58 s |
20 | 2 min 32 s | 2 min 25 s | 22 min 14 s | 41.3 s | 1 min 18 s | 11 min 59 s |
30 | 3 min 26 s | 3 min 34 s | 32 min 56 s | 1 min | 1 min 53 s | 18 min 57 s |
40 | 4 min 19 s | 4 min 53 s | 44 min 1 s | 1 min 21 s | 2 min 32 s | 25 min 9 s |
50 | 5 min 12 s | 6 min 9 s | 54 min 32 s | 1 min 44 s | 3 min 10 s | 31 min 29 s |
60 | 6 min 33 s | 7 min 23 s | 1h 5 min 26 s | 2 min 10 s | 3 min 52 s | 37 min 35 s |
70 | 7 min 47 s | 10 min 20 s | 1 h15 min5 s | 2 min 45 s | 4 min 38 s | 44 min 16 s |
80 | 9 min 4 s | 18 min 32 s | 1 h27 min22 s | 3 min 19 s | 5 min 31 s | 50 min 47 s |
90 | 10 min 14 s | 29 min 49 s | 1 h37 min59 s | 3 min 47 s | 6 min 12 s | 57 min 3 s |
100 | 11 min 55 s | 38 min 17 s | 1 h48 min52 s | 4 min 18 s | 7 min 3 s | 1 h 4 min 16 s |
Dataset | TF-IDF | Word Embedding | ||||
DNN | CNN | RNN | DNN | CNN | RNN | |
Sentiment140 | 11 min 55 s | 3 8min 17 s | 1h48 min 52 s | 4 min 18 s | 7 min 3 s | 1 h 4 min 16 s |
Tweets Airline | 1 min | 34.41 s | 1 h 54 s | 30.66 s | 1 min 22 s | 2 min 41 s |
Tweets SemEval | 20.53 s | 24.5 s | 23 min 52 s | 26.75 s | 1 min 11 s | 2 min 43 s |
IMDB Movie Reviews (1) | 1 min 11 s | 1 min 7 s | 1 h25 min 48 s | 21.13 s | 32.66 s | 7 min 42 s |
IMDB Movie Reviews (2) | 17.78 s | 22.05 s | 30 min 21 s | 31.32 s | 36.81 s | 8 min 23 s |
Cornell Movie Reviews | 23.2 s | 16.83 s | 31 min 55 s | 12.9 s | 21.26 s | 4 min 40 s |
Book Reviews | 11.93 s | 10.12 s | 21 min 9 s | 16.21 s | 20.6 s | 2 min17 s |
Music Reviews | 26.48 s | 17.35 s | 29 min 50 s | 13.94 s | 16.89 s | 4 min 42 s |
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Dang, N.C.; Moreno-García, M.N.; De la Prieta, F. Sentiment Analysis Based on Deep Learning: A Comparative Study. Electronics 2020, 9, 483.
Dang NC, Moreno-García MN, De la Prieta F. Sentiment Analysis Based on Deep Learning: A Comparative Study. Electronics. 2020; 9(3):483.
Chicago/Turabian StyleDang, Nhan Cach, María N. Moreno-García, and Fernando De la Prieta. 2020. "Sentiment Analysis Based on Deep Learning: A Comparative Study" Electronics 9, no. 3: 483.
APA StyleDang, N. C., Moreno-García, M. N., & De la Prieta, F. (2020). Sentiment Analysis Based on Deep Learning: A Comparative Study. Electronics, 9(3), 483.