High-Fidelity Synthetic Face Generation for Rosacea Skin Condition from Limited Data
:1. Introduction
1.1. A Brief Introduction to Skin Diseases and Rosacea
1.2. Contribution
- 1.
- In this study, to the best of our knowledge, for the first time, a small dataset of rosacea with 300 full-face images was utilized for synthetic image generation;
- 2.
- We discuss and demonstrate that the strength of regularization facilitated convergence in the GAN model using only 300 images, while achieving high-fidelity characteristics of the rosacea condition;
- 3.
- We show how fine-tuning the model (StyleGAN2-ADA) and varying experimental settings significantly affected the fidelity of rosacea features;
- 4.
- We generated 300 high-fidelity synthetic full-face images with rosacea, which could be further utilized to expand the rosacea face dataset for computer-aided clinical diagnosis;
- 5.
- We present qualitative evaluations of synthetic/generated faces by expert dermatologists and non-specialist participants, and these show the realistic characteristics of rosacea in generated images;
- 6.
- We critically analyse our quantitative evaluation such as the validation metrics(s) from the list of conducted experiments and point out the limitations of the usage of validation metric(s) alone as evaluation criteria in computer-aided medical image diagnosis field.
2. Background and Related Work
2.1. Related Work on Rosacea Diagnosis and StyleGAN2-ADA
2.2. Related Work on Synthetic Facial Image Generation
- Improved architectural topology;
- Trained discriminators;
- Visualization of filters;
- Generator manipulation.
- Model instability;
- Mode collapse;
- Filter leakage after a longer training time;
- Small resolutions of generated images.
- Upgrading the number of trainable parameters in style-based generators; this is now 26.2 million, compared to 23.1 million parameters in the ProGAN [36] architecture;
- Upgrading the baseline using upsampling and downsampling operations, increasing the training time and tuning the hyperparameters;
- Adding a mapping network and adaptive instance normalization (AdaIN) operations;
- Removing the traditional input layer and starting from a learned constant tensor that is 4 × 4 × 512;
- Adding explicit uncorrelated Gaussian noise inputs, which improves the generator by generating stochastic details;
- Mixing regularization, which helps in decorrelating the neighbouring styles and taking control of fine-grained details in the synthetic images.
- The presence of blob-like artifacts such as those in Figure 1 is solved by removing the normalization step from the generator (generator redesign);
- Grouped convolutions are employed as a part of weight demodulation, in which weights and activation functions are temporarily reshaped. In this setting, one convolution sees one sample with N groups, instead of N samples with one group;
- Adaption of lazy regularization, in which regularization is performed only once in 16 mini-batches. This reduces the total computational costs and the memory usage;
- Adding a path length regularization aids in improving the model reliability and performance. This offers a wide scope for exploring this architecture at the latter stages. Path length regularization helps in creating denser distributions, without mode collapse problems;
- Revisiting the ProGAN architecture to adapt benefits and remove drawbacks, e.g., progressive growing in the residual block, of the discriminator network.
- Stochastic discriminator augmentation is a flexible method of augmentation that prevents the discriminator from becoming overly confident by showing all the applied augmentation to the discriminator. This assists in generating the desired outcomes;
- The addition of adaptive discriminator augmentation (ADA), through which the strength of augmentation ‘p’ can be adjusted at every interval of four mini-batches N. This technique helps in achieving convergence during training without the occurrence of overfitting, irrespective of the volume of the input dataset;
- Invertible transformations are applied to leverage the full benefit of the augmentation. The proposed augmentation pipeline contains 18 transformations grouped in 6 categories, viz. pixel blitting, more general geometric transformations, colour transforms, image-space filtering, additive noise, and cutout;
- Although the small volume of the dataset is the main feature in the StyleGAN2-ADA, some high-volume datasets are broken down into different sizes for monitoring the model performance. The FFHQ dataset is used for training the model. Various subsets of the dataset such as 140,000, 70,000, 30,000, 10,000, 5000, 2000, and 1000 are used to test the performance. Similarly, the dataset LSUN CAT is considered with the volume starting from 200 k to 1 k for model evaluation. FID is used as an evaluation metric for comparative analysis and the demonstration of StyleGAN2-ADA model performance.
3. Methodology
3.1. StyleGAN2 with Adaptive Discriminator Augmentation
- 1.
- Difficulty in handling small amounts of data;
- 2.
- Discriminator overfitting, which leads to mode collapse;
- 3.
- Sensitivity to the selection of hyperparameters.
3.2. The Impact of Regularization ‘’ for 300 Images
- is the regularization strength that decides the amount of regularization to be applied;
- is the absolute value of each weight in the model, which forces the smaller weights towards zero and hence reduces the model complexity;
- n represents the number of parameters in the model.
- is the learning rate determining the step size in the direction opposite to the gradient;
- is the partial derivative of the original cost function with respect to the weight .
3.3. Rosacea Datasets
3.3.1. Publicly Available Data
3.3.2. Rosacea Dataset-‘rff-300’
- The resolution is a minimum of 250 × 250;
- Visibility of the full face, including forehead to chin and both cheeks;
- The images are labelled/captioned/described under subtypes 1 and 2.
3.3.3. Implementation Specifications
4. Experiments and Results
- the minibatch size = max (min (1 · min (4096//512, 32), 64), 1) = 8;
- mini-batch standard deviation = min (minibatch size//GPUs, 4) = 4;
- Exponential moving average = minibatch size · 10/32= 2.5
- and are the means of the real and generated samples, respectively;
- and are the covariances of the real and generated samples, respectively;
- Tr stands for the trace of a matrix.
- is the kernel function, often chosen as the radial basis function (RBF) or Gaussian kernel:
- is a bandwidth parameter;
- The first term calculates the average similarity between all pairs of real image samples;
- The second term computes the average cross-similarity between real and generated image samples;
- The third term calculates the average similarity between all pairs of generated image samples.
- KID functions outperform FID in case of limited samples, i.e., a small number of images;
- KID has a simple, unbiased, and asymptotically normal estimator, in contrast to FID;
- KID compares skewness as well as mean and variance.
- Exp 1 and 2: Training from scratch in Exps 1 and 2 did not provide any advantage with the limited data, i.e., 300 input images. However, these experiments showed that the value had a significant impact in terms of image generation and convergence during the training. As shown in Figure 4, Exp 1 achieved the lowest KID at training step 2640, with = 6.5, whilst Exp 2 achieved the lowest KID at training step 720, with = 10. As shown in the Figure 5a,b, the distribution of rosacea artefacts in the generated images from Exp 1 are better compared to the images generated in Exp 2. Hence, it can be concluded that Exp 1 had the best KID and better-quality generated images when training from scratch; conversely, Exp 2 converged faster but generated lower quality images. A lower strength of performed better for training from scratch.
- Exp 3: In contrast, transfer learning from FFHQ [7] in Exp 3 performed approximately 33 times better with an improvement in training time/cost and nearly twice better at training step 120, with the lowest recorded KID value during the training with a = 6.5. As the FFHQ dataset is fundamentally a facial dataset, it was expected to have a wide range of facial features in the resulting generated images. In the Figure 5c, the generated images show a great level of improvement, although th image generation quality could be further improved by freezing the top layers of the discriminator to preserve the smaller features of the disease.
- Exp 4: In Exp 4, along with transfer learning from the FFHQ dataset, the freeze-discriminator (freeze-D) [61] technique was studied to improve the fine-grained details of rosacea in the synthetic faces. In this experiment, the top four layers of the Discriminator were frozen, which improved the result more quickly, compared to transfer learning without the freeze-D technique. The augmentation choice was kept unchanged from the previous experiment, i.e., pixel blitting and geometric transformations. The regularization weight was set to 6.5. Figure 4 represents the KID values obtained during the training process, in which the best value of KID = 3.5 was achieved at step 80. Hence, it is observed that the training process improved relatively more quickly when the top layers of the discriminator were frozen. As transfer learning with freeze-D presented better results, as in Figure 5d, this offered motivation to explore various arrangements of freeze-D.
- Exp 5: Furthermore, the freeze-D technique with transfer learning was applied by freezing 13, 10, and 17 layers of the discriminator. In Exp 5, the 13 top layers of the discriminator were frozen during training with the same settings for augmentations, i.e., pixel blitting, geometric transformation, and = 6.5. The outcome of this experiment was inferior compared to the previous experiment, based on the inconsistency in training, and the lowest KID (=3.3) achieved at the later stage of the training, at step 680. The generated images, as shown in Figure 5e, from this experiment were lower in quality, e.g., most of the facial features are deformed and blurred, with leaky background details. To improve this condition, further experiments were carried out with higher and lower strengths of , while keeping the other hyperparameters unchanged.
- Exp 6: Although some higher values of were tested while training from scratch in exp 2, they were not used with transfer learning, hence = 10 was tested in Exp 6. It can be observed from Figure 4 and Table 1 that it took longer to achieve a minimum KID at step 840. The lowest obtained KID in this experiment was the highest KID value recorded among the other experiments, proving the worst KID value recorded. The generated images in Figure 5f were highly distorted and unusable in quality. However, this demonstrated the significance of regularization strength . Regardless of the training set up, higher values of performed worse in terms of convergence and the quality of generated images. Hence, in the subsequent experiments, lower values of were explored.
- Exp 7: In Exp 7, = 3 was examined, while the other hyperparameters were kept unchanged from the previous Exp 6. As observed in Figure 4, KID dropped at the very beginning stage of training, i.e., step 80 and then became inconsistent. However, this was the second lowest KID value achieved among all the experiments, resulting in high-quality images generated at step 80, with a KID value of 3.1. The generated images shown in Figure 5g have fine-grained details of rosacea and disease patterns and resemble the real-life cases of rosacea.
- Exp 8: To exploit the performance with lower values of , Exp 8 was carried out with = 2. In this experiment, the lowest KID = 4.2 was recorded at training step 360. It can be observed from Figure 5h that the generated samples were deformed in the left bottom portion, with blurred edges. The distribution of the disease features was inadequate. It is observable that a low value of produced a strong sort of deformity, which was not encountered in the previous experiments.
- Exp 9 and 10: Furthermore, experiments Exps 9 and 10 were carried out by freezing 17 and 10 layers, respectively, with = 6.5, to observe changes due to freezing a layer of the discriminator. Exp 9 showed inconsistency throughout the training process, from the beginning. The minimum KID = 3.3 was obtained at training step 800. In Figure 5i, it is observed that the generated images tended to be blurred around the edges and the center. Some samples were negatively affected by the geometric augmentation.
- In Exp 10, sample images generated with the best value of KID = 2.5 were obtained at the training step no.160. Although Exp 10 obtained the lowest KID among all the experiments, the generated images were blurry at the edges and center, as depicted in Figure 5j. The details of rosacea are absent.
- The freeze-D technique with freezing 4, 10, 13, and 17 layers of discriminator was experimented; the results showed that freezing 10 layers helped achieve the lowest value of KID amongst the training setups. However, it was observed that freezing 10 layers led to too much smoothing, which did not help in preserving the details of the disease. Freezing 4, 13, and 17 layers of discriminator achieved comparatively better results in terms of the value of KID.
- Along with freezing the layers, we experimented with various strength of regularization. Adopting various values illustrated its significant impact on the training process, the metric (KID), and the generation of synthetic images.
- The impact of the value can be observed in both settings, such as training from scratch and in transfer learning. Exps 2 and 6 were carried out with a higher strength of , and they demonstrated the significance of the value very distinctly. A lower value of led to better results in training, given the other implementation choices remained unchanged.
- The choice of regularization weight/strength value depends on the input data. The heuristic formula in Equation (5) can choose a numerical value of as an initial guess, which calculates the value as 6.5. However, tweaking/adjusting this numerical value led to better results in generating synthetic images with fine-grained details and improved fidelity. It can be acknowledged that the choice of value is sensitive when images are in short supply. Lower values of performed better compared to the value obtained by applying the heuristic formulae. However, there is a risk in choosing very low values or very high values.
4.1. Truncation Trick
- A few images were not properly distributed and they were distorted and blurred, with leaked geometric augmentations;
- While exploiting the latent space, most of the samples generated from this experiment lacked variation in regards to common facial features, as well as rosacea features;
- As a result, out of the 1000 generated images, only about 30 were high-quality images.
- All 1000 samples generated (from step 80 with the best KID) were correctly distributed;
- The span of variation was greater than in Exp 10, meaning that there was more variety in facial features and rosacea features;
- There were no deformations/distortions in the facial and rosacea disease features;
- The samples were not highly smooth in the forehead or cheek regions;
- More distinctive facial and rosacea disease features were obtained compared to Exp 10;
- As a result, the 300 best high-quality images were selected for further analysis.
5. Qualitative Evaluation of Generated Images by a Specialist Dermatologist and Non-Specialist Participants
6. Limitations and Discussion
7. Future Work
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
- SD-260 [60]: This dataset was benchmarked in the study published with the cited reference. The authors Sun et al. [60] have shared the data upon signing a ‘Datasets Request Form’. Hence it is recommended that the interested researchers can access the SD-260 dataset by requesting from the first author Xiaoxiao Sun, who kindly shared the dataset with us.
- Irish Dataset [58,59]: This dataset, used for our research study, was procured with permission from the Charles Institute of Dermatology, University College Dublin. Researchers interested in accessing this dataset can contact the Charles Institute of Dermatology, University college Dublin https://www.ucd.ie/charles/ (accessed on 4 January 2024).
- Images from Google Search results and teledermatology websites [14,15,16,17,18,19]: The datasets were obtained by performing search queries such as, ’rosacea subtype 1 ETR rosacea’ and ’rosacea subtype 2 PPR rosacea’ on Google, as well as looking under the ’rosacea’ disease section on cited teledermatology websites. Only images labelled as ETR and PPR types of rosacea were considered for this study. The data gathering and processing framework was discussed with the Data Protection Unit at Dublin City University and the process was aligned with data protection principles approved by the university.
- The Exp1-10 experiment configurations (.json) are added to the ‘/Config-Exp1-10’ folder on the https://github.com/thinkercache/stylegan2-ada-pytorch (accessed on 4 January 2024) repository.
- The qualitative evaluations by dermatologists and non-specialist participants are shared in the ‘/DermQualitative’ and ‘/NonspecQualitative’ folder in the https://github.com/thinkercache/stylegan2-ada-pytorch (accessed on 4 January 2024) repository. These folders contain both qualitative data (.csv) and code (.ipynb).
- The 300 synthetic rosacea dataset generated in this study is shared on GitHub repository: https://github.com/thinkercache/synth-rff-300 (accessed on 4 January 2024).
- All methods/experimental procedures were conducted in strict adherence to the ethical guidelines, regulations, and data protection policies of Dublin City University (DCU). Additionally, explicit authorisation was obtained for the SD-260 and Irish Dataset for the utilization of images in an academic research context.
- We confirm that the entirety of the data/images employed in this study were carefully anonymized in accordance with established privacy standards.
- We confirm that the human-like faces present in Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 5, Figure 6, and Figure 7 are synthetic images, in which these human-like realistic looking faces were generated using generative adversarial network (GAN) algorithms and are hence not real. All the human-like faces in Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 5, Figure 6, and Figure 7 do not exist in the real world.
- We confirm that the experimental protocols were approved by Dublin City University (DCU).
- We confirm that informed consent was obtained from all subjects and/or their legal guardian(s).
- We confirm that informed consent was obtained from all subjects and/or their legal guardian(s) for publication of identifying information/images in an online open-access publication (for those images that are not publicly available).
Conflicts of Interest
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Exp No. | Training Setup | Freeze-D | Augmentation Choice | Best KID Achieved | At Step No. | |
1 | From scratch | NA | blitting, geometry, colour, filter, noise, cutout | 6.5 | 6.8 | 2640 |
2 | From scratch | NA | blitting, geometry | 10 | 11.8 | 720 |
3 | Transfer learning (TL) from FFHQ | NA | blitting, geometry | 6.5 | 3.6 | 120 |
4 | TL from FFHQ | 4 | blitting, geometry | 6.5 | 3.5 | 80 |
5 | TL from FFHQ | 13 | blitting, geometry | 6.5 | 3.3 | 680 |
6 | TL from FFHQ | 13 | blitting, geometry | 10 | 104.6 | 840 |
7 | TL from FFHQ | 13 | blitting, geometry | 3 | 3.1 | 80 |
8 | TL from FFHQ | 13 | blitting, geometry | 2 | 4.2 | 360 |
9 | TL from FFHQ | 17 | blitting, geometry | 6.5 | 3.3 | 800 |
10 | TL from FFHQ | 10 | blitting, geometry | 6.5 | 2.5 | 160 |
Dermatologists | Comments |
1 | “Diagnosing rosacea in some patients requires running a lab examination. But, essentially the images in this research created using artificial intelligence can widely impact the performance of the technologies currently available to dermatologists. I believe these images could also be used for educational purposes if provided with a set of controls to create more variations of the disease. Best of luck”. |
2 | “I am surprised to see what AI can do. I think this work may help in rosacea screening later on. A few images had a strange form of distortion on the face region but, in general, I am very surprised by the quality of the images and varying intensity of rosacea in each image”. |
3 | “Please note, I have only examined the rosacea and without taking notice of the other characteristics of the faces. I can say ETR is very realistic indeed. Great work, all the best”. |
Exp No. | Top KID Value Achieved | At Step No. | Top FID Value Achieved | At Step No. |
7 | 3.1 | 80 | 31.67 | 80 |
10 | 2.5 | 160 | 31.40 | 80 |
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Share and Cite
Mohanty, A.; Sutherland, A.; Bezbradica, M.; Javidnia, H. High-Fidelity Synthetic Face Generation for Rosacea Skin Condition from Limited Data. Electronics 2024, 13, 395. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13020395
Mohanty A, Sutherland A, Bezbradica M, Javidnia H. High-Fidelity Synthetic Face Generation for Rosacea Skin Condition from Limited Data. Electronics. 2024; 13(2):395. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13020395
Chicago/Turabian StyleMohanty, Anwesha, Alistair Sutherland, Marija Bezbradica, and Hossein Javidnia. 2024. "High-Fidelity Synthetic Face Generation for Rosacea Skin Condition from Limited Data" Electronics 13, no. 2: 395. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13020395
APA StyleMohanty, A., Sutherland, A., Bezbradica, M., & Javidnia, H. (2024). High-Fidelity Synthetic Face Generation for Rosacea Skin Condition from Limited Data. Electronics, 13(2), 395. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13020395