Radiation Pattern Synthesis of the Coupled almost Periodic Antenna Arrays Using an Artificial Neural Network Model
:1. Introduction
2. Problem Formulation: (Radiation Patterns of the Almost Periodic Structures)
- On the metallic part, the electric field can be given by:
- On the discontinuity plane (or on the radiating aperture), the electric field is expressed in function of the guide’s modes as:
- For small and large finite arrays:
- For infinite arrays:
3. Concept of Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs)
- 1.
- The structure of the network is first defined. In the network, activation functions are chosen and the network parameters, weights, and biases are initialized.
- 2.
- The parameters associated with the training algorithm—the error goal, the maximum number of epochs (iterations), etc.—are defined.
- 3.
- The training algorithm is called.
- 4.
- Once the neural network is determined, the result is first tested by simulating the output of the neural network with the measured input data. This result is compared to the measured output. The final validation must be performed with independent data.
- Sixty percent are used for training.
- Twenty percent are used to validate that the network is generalizing and to stop training before overfitting.
- The last 20% are used for a completely independent test of network generalization.
4. Results and Observations
4.1. Numerical Results
4.2. ANN Application
- 1.
- The training set was used to determine ANN weights.
- 2.
- The validation set was used to check the ANN’s performance and decide when to stop the training process.
- 3.
- The test set was used to assess the performance capabilities of the developed ANN model.
4.3. ANN Performance
5. Conclusions
- Reduced computational time and memory usage, especially when adopting the early stopping method, which eliminates the overfitting problem.
- It is suitable for use with a coupled and complex quasi-periodic configuration.
- It is simple and easier to use than other optimization techniques (genetic, LMS, etc.).
- It is adaptable to complex electromagnetic calculations taking into account the effects of mutual coupling.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
MoM-GEC | Method of Moment with Generalized Equivalent Circuits |
FSS | Frequency Selective Surfaces |
EEEE | Electric walls |
EMEM | Electric and Magnetic walls |
EPEP | Electric and Periodic walls |
PPPP | Periodic walls |
1-D | Uni-dimensional |
2-D | Two-dimensional |
ANN | Artificial Neural Network |
GA | Genetic Algorithm |
ES | Early Stopping technique |
MLP | Multilayer Perceptron |
LMA | Levenberg-Marquart Algorithm |
MSE | Mean Squared Error |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
LMS | Least Mean Squares algorithms |
EM | Electromagnetic Calculation |
HFSS | High-Frequency Structure Simulator, a high frequency electromagnetic simulation software |
Appendix A
Appendix B
- 1
- % Steering angles
- 2
- Phi_s=0;
- 3
- Theta_s=0;% Theta_s=pi/6;
- 4
- 5
- Phi=0;
- 6
- Theta=0; % Theta=pi/6; (The maximum of radiation change with the steering angle Theta_s)
- 7
- a = 0; b =d_x; c =0; d =d_y;
- 8
- m = 8; n = 12;
- 9
- dx = (b - a)/m; dy = (d - c)/n;
- 10
- i = 1: m; j = 1: n;
- 11
- u = a + (i - 1/2)∗dx;
- 12
- v = c + (j - 1/2)∗dy;
- 13
- [u,v] = meshgrid(u,v);
- 14
- intgralmax=sum( sum(abs(calcul_E_{aperture}(u,v,A,Xs,alfa_moins1,beta_moins1))
- 15
- .∗exp(1i.∗k.∗((u.∗sin(Theta).∗cos(Phi)+v.∗sin(Theta).∗sin(Phi))-
- 16
- (u.∗sin(Theta_s).∗cos(Phi_s)+v.∗sin(Theta_s).∗sin(Phi_s))))∗dx∗dy;
- 17
- radiationmax=intgralmax;
- 18
- Theta=-pi/2:pi/100:pi/2;
- 19
- for j=1:length(Theta)
- 20
- Integral(j)=sum( sum(abs(calcul_E_{aperture}(u,v,A,Xs,alpha,beta))
- 21
- .∗exp(1i.∗k.∗((u.∗sin(Theta).∗cos(Phi)+v.∗sin(Theta).∗sin(Phi))-
- 22
- (u.∗sin(Theta_s).∗cos(Phi_s)+v.∗sin(Theta_s).∗sin(Phi_s))))∗dx∗dy;
- 23
- En(j)=Integral(j)./radiationmax;
- 24
- Edb(j)=20.∗log10(abs(En(j)));
- 25
- deg(j)=Theta(j).∗180./pi;
- 26
- value(j)=Edb(j);
- 27
- end
- 28
- figure,plot(deg,value,’g’);
- 29
- % figure,polar(Theta,abs(En)); % Possible to draw the normalized polar pattern
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Number of input neurons | 100 |
Number of hidden layers | 2 |
Number of output neurons | 1 |
Algorithm | lm |
Learning rate | 0.01 |
Momentum | 0.95 |
MSE goal | |
Minimum performance gradient | |
Initial mu | 0.001 |
mu decrease factor | 0.1 |
mu increase factor | 10 |
Maximum mu | |
Epochs between displays | 25 |
Generate command-line output | false |
Show training GUI | true |
Maximum time to train in seconds | inf |
Maximum number of epochs | 300 |
Regularization parameter | 0.8 |
Transfer function in hidden layer | tan-sigmoid (“tansig”) |
Transfer function in output layer | linear(“purelin”) |
Training | Time Consumed by the Algorithm (s) |
Default training (with levenberg algorithm) | |
Training with early stopping method (using levenberg algorithm) |
EM Calculation Using ANN Optimization | ANN with Spatial MoM Coding | ANN with Floquet MoM Coding |
Elapsed CPU Time (in seconds) |
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Share and Cite
Bilel, H.; Taoufik, A. Radiation Pattern Synthesis of the Coupled almost Periodic Antenna Arrays Using an Artificial Neural Network Model. Electronics 2022, 11, 703. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11050703
Bilel H, Taoufik A. Radiation Pattern Synthesis of the Coupled almost Periodic Antenna Arrays Using an Artificial Neural Network Model. Electronics. 2022; 11(5):703. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11050703
Chicago/Turabian StyleBilel, Hamdi, and Aguili Taoufik. 2022. "Radiation Pattern Synthesis of the Coupled almost Periodic Antenna Arrays Using an Artificial Neural Network Model" Electronics 11, no. 5: 703. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11050703
APA StyleBilel, H., & Taoufik, A. (2022). Radiation Pattern Synthesis of the Coupled almost Periodic Antenna Arrays Using an Artificial Neural Network Model. Electronics, 11(5), 703. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics11050703