Software Quality: How Much Does It Matter?
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
- Harvest the research publications concerning software quality. The corpus of retrieved publications represents the content to analyse and the output of Step 1.
- Identify codes in the corpus using text mining and cluster them into an author’s keyword landscape with bibliometric mapping. Authors’ keywords were selected as codes since they most concisely present the content of a publication. The author’s keyword landscape is the output from Step 2.
- Condense author keywords with similar meanings into codes for every single cluster and analyse the links between codes in individual clusters, and then map them into categories which form the output from Step 3.
- Analyse categories and name each cluster with an appropriate theme. The list of themes is the final output of the qualitative analysis.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Descriptive Bibliometrics
Spatial Distribution and Productivity of Literature Production
3.2. Qualitative Synthetic Knowledge Synthesis
3.2.1. Text Mining and Bibliometric Mapping
3.2.2. Content Analysis
- Software process improvement: The most impactful research regarding the number of citations was done around the beginning of the new millennia and was related to software process maturity [32,33] and the importance of top management leadership, management infrastructure and stakeholder participation [34]. Recent important research is still concerned with process maturity, but CMM(I) is combined with DevOps and agile approaches [35,36,37].
- Metric-based software maintenance: Most cited papers related to this theme were published in the period 1993–2010 and are concerned with object-oriented metrics to predict maintainability [38], metrics-based refactoring [39], predicting faults [40] and code readability metrics [41]. Recent impactful papers deal with technical debt [42], code smells and refactoring [43] and test smells [44].
- Software evolution and refactoring: The most influential research was published in the past decade and was concerned with the prediction of software evolution [45,46], automatic detection of bad smells which can trigger refactoring [47,48,49], the association of software defect and refactoring [50].
- Search-based software engineering for defect prediction and classification: The research on this theme has become important in the last 15 years. The research mainly used data mining and machine learning to predict software defects and failures using static codes and other software documents [56,57,58].
- Software quality management and assurance with testing and inspections: This theme is the most established, with influential papers starting to be published around 40 years ago [59,60,61]. Recent research is concerned with regression testing [11], predictive mutation testing [62], metamorphic testing [63] and modern code reviews [64].
3.3. Hot Topics
- A new theme: Improving software development with the Integration of CMMI into agile approaches [66].
- New categories:
- Most cited categories in 2020/21:
3.4. How Much Does the Software Quality Matter?
3.5. Strengths and Limitations
4. Conclusions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Country | Number of Publications |
United States | 2917 |
China | 1684 |
India | 1436 |
Germany | 961 |
Canada | 734 |
Brazil | 698 |
United Kingdom | 626 |
Italy | 510 |
Spain | 428 |
Japan | 427 |
Institution | Number of Publications |
Florida Atlantic University | 227 |
Beihang University | 127 |
Amity University | 99 |
Peking University | 95 |
Carnegie Mellon University | 87 |
Universidade de São Paulo | 86 |
Technical University of Munich | 83 |
École de Technologie Supérieure | 80 |
Chinese Academy of Sciences | 79 |
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE | 75 |
Source Title | Number of Publications | SNIP 2020 |
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Including Subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics | 737 | 0.628 |
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series | 394 | 0.296 |
Proceedings International Conference on Software Engineering | 324 | 1.68 |
Communications In Computer and Information Science | 226 | 0.32 |
Ceur Workshop Proceedings | 221 | 0.345 |
Information And Software Technology | 214 | 2.389 |
Software Quality Journal | 191 | 1.388 |
Advances In Intelligent Systems and Computing | 190 | 0.428 |
Journal Of Systems and Software | 186 | 2.16 |
IEEE Software | 152 | 1.934 |
Funding Agency | Number of Publications |
National Natural Science Foundation of China | 318 |
National Science Foundation (USA) | 182 |
European Commission | 132 |
Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (EU) | 97 |
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (Brazil) | 89 |
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada | 77 |
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Brazil) | 76 |
National Key Research and Development Program of China | 66 |
European Regional Development Fund | 65 |
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science | 61 |
Colour | Codes | Concepts/Categories | Themes |
Red (26 keywords)) | Software engineering (641), Software quality assurance and management (330), Agile software development (319), Software development (276), Software process improvement (203), Software process (109), Software reuse (91), Project management (90) | Software quality assurance with project and knowledge management; software process improvement with agile approaches and CMMI; software reuse with production lines based on software quality metrics; | Software process improvement |
Green (21 keywords) | Software testing (694), Metrics (578), Reliability (108); Maintainability (135), UML (80); Genetics algorithms (71) | Metrics-based software testing supported by genetic algorithms; using and predicting maintainability metrics like reusability, complexity, cohesion, and coupling; | Metric-based software maintenance |
Blue (20 keywords) | Software quality (2685), Empirical studies in software engineering (281), Refactoring (226), Software maintenance (259), Technical depth and code smells (183), Software evolution (130),) | Mining software repositories to support empirical and search software engineering; software evolution with refactoring based on code smells; technical debts and code smells in association with software maintenance; | Software evolution and refactoring |
Yellow (19 keywords) | Software architecture (253), Software reliability (233), Requirements engineering (226), Software quality models (214), Usability (108), Quality metrics and attributes (136), Quality assessment and evaluation (99) | Quality attributes of software requirements and architecture; quality attributes of software quality models and standards; general quality metrics like reliability; security, and usability; | Quality assurance in initial phases of software development life cycles |
Viollet (16 keywords) | Software metrics (568), Machine learning and data mining (479); Fault and defect prediction (228) | Use of software metrics and data mining in defect prediction and classification; | Search-based software engineering for defect prediction and classification |
Light blue (14 keywords) | Quality (221), Software (204); Quality management and assurance (164); Testing (148); | Testing and inspection, verification and validation; testing automation; programming productivity and quality | Software quality management and assurance with testing and inspections |
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Kokol, P. Software Quality: How Much Does It Matter? Electronics 2022, 11, 2485.
Kokol P. Software Quality: How Much Does It Matter? Electronics. 2022; 11(16):2485.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKokol, Peter. 2022. "Software Quality: How Much Does It Matter?" Electronics 11, no. 16: 2485.
APA StyleKokol, P. (2022). Software Quality: How Much Does It Matter? Electronics, 11(16), 2485.