Mining and Indigenous Peoples of the North: Assessment and Development Prospects
:1. Introduction
- In the 20s of the twentieth century self-government bodies were created (tribal councils, tribal meetings, executive committees). The land became the property of the Soviet state;
- In the 30s of the twentieth century collective reindeer herding farms have been organized, and national-territorial formations (national regions, autonomous districts) have been created. Under the conditions of a planned economy, the state carried out purposeful work to transfer the nomadic population to a settled way of life;
- In the late 1950s–early 1960s, there was a transition of farms to collective and state farm production.
- Until the 1970s, there was a decline in the number of farms engaged in reindeer husbandry: reindeer husbandry disappeared in Amginsky (1958), Verkhnevilyuisky (1957), Mirninsky (1976), Suntarsky (1956), Megino-Kangalassky (1967) city), Tattinsky (1963), Ust-Aldan (1956) regions of republic.
- Development of the document “Assessment of the impact on the ethnological environment (AIEE) in the places of residence and economic activity of the indigenous minorities of the North”, the purpose of which is to identify potential impacts from the planned activities and predict possible consequences and risks for the ethnological environment for taking measures to prevent and reduce negative impacts. The development of the AIEE is carried out by tender; any legal associations (scientific, educational organizations, etc.) can participate in the tender. Research necessarily includes field, expeditionary desk work, as well as sociological research in national settlements, among reindeer herders, fishermen, pensioners, discussion at general meetings of the industrial project for the development of the territory and the preliminary results of sociological research.
- Appointment of the expert commission of ethnological expertise as a result of a tender, which includes different scientists—biologists, economists, hydrologists, ichthyologists, sociologists, lawyers, etc.
- Public hearings. The public hearings must be attended by representatives of industrial companies, the public, representatives of the indigenous minorities of the North, whose territory is subject to seizure for industrial development, the AIEE developers, representatives of scientific organizations, members of the expert commission, representatives of public organizations and government agencies and everyone who wants to participate in the public hearings.
- Review of the submitted materials in the ethnological expertise is carried out taking into account all the comments and suggestions of the members of the expert commission, the results of public hearings. A special place is occupied by the attitude of indigenous peoples to the planned activities of industrial companies at the territories of traditional nature management (protocols and decisions of general meetings of tribal communities, national settlements, the results of sociological research). The expert commission as a result of ethnological expertise draws up a conclusion. The final decision on the permission or prohibition of the planned economic activities of industrial companies at the territories of traditional nature management is made by the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
2. Materials and Methods
- Research work “Comprehensive assessment of the impact of climate change and industrial development of the Arctic on the life of the indigenous population of the Nizhnekolymsky region of Yakutia”, 2016;
- Research work “Assessment, main trends of the natural and socio-economic state, human potential of the Arctic economic zone of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)”. State contract No. 5328 of NEFU.
- Scheme for the integrated development of productive forces, transport and energy in Yakutia until 2020” [44];
- Strategy of socio-economic development of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) until 2030 with the definition of a target vision until 2050 [45];
- Investment project “Integrated development of South Yakutia” [46];
- Materials of expeditionary work in Ust-Yansky (2018) and Anabarsky regions (2018) of Yakutia.
3. Results
3.1. The Modern Socio-Economic Situation of the Indigenous Minorities of the North
3.2. Natural and Economic Zoning of Traditional Nature Management of Small Peoples of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
3.3. Territories of Traditional Nature Management and Ethnological Expertise
3.4. Discussion
- development of the Verkhne-Munskoye diamond deposit, 2016;
- development of an alluvial diamond deposit in the area “r. Big Kuonamka and Talakhtah “, 2016;
- mining operations in the area of Small Kuonamka with the Maspaki tributary for the development of diamond placers, 2016.
- Construction of exploration wells No. 581, 582, 583 of the Tas-Yuryakhskoye oil and gas condensate field and winter roads to them. Business entity: Gazprom Geologorazvedka LLC, 2017. Two tribal communities fall under the influence of construction projects: Chuona tribal community and Botuobuya tribal community. The work at the first stage, in view of the numerous comments of the experts, is aimed at a fundamental revision and only after their correction received a positive opinion of the expert commission.
- “Construction and operation of industrial facilities on the territory of the Central Block and the Kurungsky license area of the Srednebotuobinsky oil and gas condensate field”. Business entity: Gazprom Geologorazvedka LLC, 2019. The facilities are located on the territory of Botuobuyinsky nasleg municipal district, Mirny district. The work received a positive opinion of the expert committee.
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- Carrying out ethno-ecological monitoring on the territory of economic activity of CJSC “Prognoz” every three years, which should include the state of biological resources;
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- Conducting medical and demographic monitoring in order to assess the state of health of the population every three years;
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- To develop a program for the possible development of new lands for the further development of reindeer husbandry jointly with CJSC “Prognoz”, since the shift camp with a population of 150 people is located on pastures of spring-autumn reindeer grazing—calving and rutting.
- Construction of two single-circuit power transmission lines kV PS-15—PS-16. The basis for the design of the structure is the construction of power grid facilities as part of the external power supply scheme of the Eastern Siberia—Pacific Ocean pipeline system. The territory of tribal community “Kindigir” will fall under the influence of power lines. The main occupation of the indigenous peoples of the North is reindeer husbandry and hunting. The expert commission of ethnological expertise gave a lot of comments on the AIEE; after eliminating the comments, it made a positive conclusion on the documents provided.
- Main gas pipeline “Power of Siberia”. Stage 2.1–2.8. Olekminsky region, 2019 (for a description of the object, see below).
- The Southern mountain-taiga agricultural-hunting-reindeer-breeding zone in historical development is the original habitat of the indigenous peoples of the North. Three settlements are registered on the territories of traditional nature management register: in the Aldansky region—”National district of Anama” and “Bellet national district”; in the Neryungrinsky region—the rural settlement “Iengrinsky Evenk national district”.
- Operation of the Vostochny cosmodrome: “Fall area No. 985 of the central block and tail section flaps of the III stage of the Soyuz 2 ILV, stages 1a and 1b” and the Fall area “983 of the head fairing of the Soyuz 2 ILV, stages 1a and 1b”.
- o
- Southern mountain-taiga agriculture, hunting and reindeer herding—Aldansky region;
- o
- South-Western middle taiga reindeer-farming-cattle breeding—Olekminsky region;
- o
- North-West northern taiga hunting and reindeer breeding—Zhigansky, Oleneksky regions;
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- Western middle taiga horse breeding and cattle breeding with the development of the diamond industry—Verkhnevilyuisky, Vilyuisky districts.
- 2.
- Main gas pipeline “Power of Siberia”. Stage 2.1–2.8.
- Southern mountain-taiga agricultural-hunting-reindeer-breeding—Aldan, Neryungri regions;
- Southwest middle taiga reindeer-farming-cattle-breeding—Olekminsky district.
4. Conclusions
- The number of indigenous minorities in Yakutia, according to the 2010 census, is 39,936 (4.2% of the total population of the republic), which is 36,079 people—Evenks and Evens. The number of indigenous peoples in 2010 increased by 2.4. times compared to 1970.
- The indigenous population of Yakutia (Evenks, Evens and Yakuts), according to the paternal and maternal lines, as well as some autosomal loci, is characterized by low genetic diversity compared to other East Eurasian populations, which can lead to negative consequences in relation to their health when exposed to technogenic pollution.
- The planned increasing industrial development of the territory of the republic may cause large-scale disturbances of the earth’s surface, depletion of biological resources and pollution of the environment, which will ultimately lead to a deterioration in the quality of life of the population.
- When implementing new projects at the territories of traditional nature management, it is necessary to conclude a tripartite agreement on cooperation and financing of specific programs between industrial companies, government bodies of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and authorized representatives of indigenous minorities.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Nationality | 1970 | 1979 | 1989 | 2002 | 2010 | Increase in Comparison With 1970, Times |
Evenki | 9097 | 11,584 | 14,428 | 18,232 | 21,008 | 2.3 |
Evens | 6471 | 5763 | 8668 | 11,657 | 15,071 | 2.3 |
Dolgans | 10 | 64 | 408 | 1272 | 1906 | 190.6 |
Yukaghirs | 400 | 526 | 697 | 1097 | 1281 | 3.2 |
Chukchi | 387 | 377 | 473 | 602 | 670 | 1.7 |
Total | 16,365 | 18,314 | 24,674 | 32,860 | 39,936 | 2.4 |
Regions of the RS(Ya) | FTI * | Incidence Per 100 Thousand People | |
Ranking Scale | Level | ||
Neryungrinsky | 0.04 | <0.1 | Low |
Mirninsky | 0.07 | ||
Bulunsky | 0.09 | ||
Srednekolymsky | 0.1 | 0.10–0.11 | Decreased |
Lensky | 0.11 | ||
Aldansky | 0.12 | 0.12–0.14 | Medium |
Nizhnekolymsky | 0.13 | ||
Zhigansky | 0.14 | ||
Oleneksky | 0.16 | 0.15–0.20 | Increased |
Ust-Yansky | 0.18 | ||
Yakutsk | 0.19 | ||
Anabarsky | 0.21 | >0.20 | High |
Verkhoyansk | 0.22 | ||
Allankhovsky | 0.23 | ||
Abyysky | 0.27 | ||
Eveno-Bytantaysky | 0.32 |
Regions of RS (Ya) | FTI | Prevalence (Morbidity), Per 100 Thousand People | |
Ranking Scale | Level | ||
Neryungrinsky | 0.05 | ||
Bulunsky | 0.07 | <0.1 | Low |
Mirninsky | 0.07 | ||
Nyurbinsky | 0.11 | 0.10–0.12 | Decreased |
Aldansky | 0.11 | ||
Megino-Kangalassky | 0.12 | 0.12–0.15 | Medium |
Lensky | 0.12 | Medium | |
Srednekolymsky | 0.16 | ||
Zhigansky | 0.18 | 0.16–0.20 | Increased |
Abyysky | 0.19 | ||
Allaykhovsky | 0.2 | ||
Ust-Yansky | 0.21 | ||
Yakutsk | 0.24 | >0.20 | High |
Nizhnekolymsky | 0.26 | ||
Oleneksky | 0.27 | ||
Anabarsky | 0.41 |
1981 | 1991 | 2001 | 2010 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | |
Regions of the RS (Ya) | 380,028 | 361,556 | 156,237 | 200,825 | 191,070 | 10,343 | 10,343 | 11,208 |
Aldansky | 13,487 | 14,786 | 10,888 | 12,736 | 12,553 | 207 | 207 | 227 |
Anabarsky | 26,188 | 24,758 | 16,214 | 16,284 | 13,800 | 501 | 501 | 1056 |
Bulunsky | 40,757 | 30,021 | 10,732 | 17,608 | 15,821 | 654 | 654 | 514 |
Verkhnekolymsky | 7838 | 8528 | 1321 | 1057 | 1122 | 82 | 82 | 67 |
Verkhoyansky | 39,325 | 10,993 | 2492 | 6785 | 5036 | 59 | 59 | 69 |
Vilyuisky | 955 | 540 | - | 37 | 180 | 0 | 0 | 4 |
Gorny | 1556 | 974 | 333 | 248 | 296 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
Zhigansky | 16,119 | 12,507 | 5580 | 6603 | 6322 | 107 | 107 | 101 |
Kobiaisky | 15,300 | 19,957 | 15,983 | 16,188 | 10,103 | 414 | 414 | 538 |
Momsky | 31,307 | 31,911 | 15,671 | 16,800 | 15,901 | 593 | 593 | 477 |
Nizhnekolymsky | 36,435 | 35,138 | 13,003 | 18,669 | 19,911 | 3547 | 3547 | 3289 |
Oymyakonsky | 17,758 | 18,316 | 9282 | 14,787 | 16,934 | 361 | 361 | 320 |
Olekminsky | 3895 | 3714 | 3015 | 3822 | 4930 | 98 | 98 | 87 |
Oleneksky | 24,036 | 20,047 | 5541 | 4794 | 5901 | 126 | 126 | 221 |
Srednekolymsky | 8336 | 6923 | 2702 | 2846 | 3164 | 158 | 158 | 87 |
Tomponsky | 21,903 | 23,896 | 12,760 | 19,547 | 12,007 | 353 | 353 | 491 |
Ust-Maysky | 445 | 1093 | 877 | 715 | 507 | 24 | 24 | 6 |
Ust-Yansky | 34,947 | 31,888 | 8357 | 14,657 | 19,217 | 2430 | 2430 | 2523 |
Eveno-Bytantaysky | - | 26,329 | 9650 | 16,763 | 16,639 | 2430 | 2430 | 2523 |
Neryungri | 9355 | 11,996 | 5435 | 6735 | 7438 | 433 | 433 | 933 |
No. | Natural and Economic Zones by Background Industries | Specialization of Territories by Branches of the Economy |
1 | Arctic tundra-hunting-reindeer breeding | Reindeer husbandry, fishing, hunting, local development of the diamond, tin and gold mining industry |
2 | North-Western northern taiga hunting and reindeer herding zone | Reindeer husbandry; fishing, hunting, local development of the diamond mining industry |
3 | North-Eastern lacustrine-taiga reindeer-cattle breeding | Reindeer husbandry, fishing, local development of the coal mining industry |
4 | North-Eastern mountain taiga reindeer-horse-breeding-cattle breeding | Livestock, horse breeding, reindeer breeding, fisheries, local development of the gold mining industry |
5 | Western middle-taiga horse-breeding and cattle breeding | Gas, diamond mining, livestock, horse breeding, hunting, poultry |
6 | Central alas-middle taiga agricultural-horse-breeding-cattle breeding | Livestock, horse breeding, reindeer breeding, fisheries, agriculture, local development of the coal mining industry |
7 | South-Western middle taiga reindeer-farming-cattle breeding | Forestry, oil industry, hunting, livestock, horse breeding, agriculture, reindeer breeding |
8 | Southern mountain taiga land farming, hunting and reindeer breeding | Gold and coal mining, transport hub, reindeer husbandry, hunting, agriculture |
No. | Natural and Economic Zones by Background Industries | Quantity of Territories of Traditional Nature Management | Area, ha | TFI | Vulnerability to Technogenic Impacts |
1 | Arctic tundra-hunting-reindeer breeding | 23 | 45,084,925 | 3.43 | Extremely high |
2 | North-Western northern taiga hunting and reindeer herding zone | 8 | 40,351,461 | 1.1 | High |
3 | North-Eastern lacustrine-taiga reindeer-cattle breeding | 6 | 22,224,024 | 1.31 | Very high |
4 | North-Eastern mountain taiga reindeer-horse-breeding-cattle breeding | 17 | 38,318,314 | 1.15 | High |
5 | Western middle-taiga horse-breeding and cattle breeding | 2 | 1,546,380 | 0.94 | Relatively high |
6 | Central alas-middle taiga agricultural-horse-breeding-cattle breeding | 2 | 6,277,985 | 0.81 | Medium |
7 | South-Western middle taiga reindeer-farming-cattle breeding | 4 | 3,165,870 | 0.91 | Relatively high |
8 | Southern mountain taiga land farming, hunting and reindeer breeding | 3 | 11,733,792 | 1.165 | High |
Total | 65 | 168,702,751 | 1.12 | High |
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Burtseva, E.; Sleptsov, A.; Bysyina, A.; Fedorova, A.; Dyachkovskii, G. Mining and Indigenous Peoples of the North: Assessment and Development Prospects. Resources 2020, 9, 95.
Burtseva E, Sleptsov A, Bysyina A, Fedorova A, Dyachkovskii G. Mining and Indigenous Peoples of the North: Assessment and Development Prospects. Resources. 2020; 9(8):95.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBurtseva, Evdokia, Anatolii Sleptsov, Anna Bysyina, Alla Fedorova, and Gavril Dyachkovskii. 2020. "Mining and Indigenous Peoples of the North: Assessment and Development Prospects" Resources 9, no. 8: 95.
APA StyleBurtseva, E., Sleptsov, A., Bysyina, A., Fedorova, A., & Dyachkovskii, G. (2020). Mining and Indigenous Peoples of the North: Assessment and Development Prospects. Resources, 9(8), 95.