Analysis of Dynamic Differential Swing Limited Logic for Low-Power Secure Applications
:1. Introduction
- have performances (speed and power) in the range of standard CMOS, with significant security improvement,
- achieve a security level similar to previously introduced DDL styles, with significant perfor- mance improvement.
- or according to their nature as random (due to random dopant fluctuation (RDF), line edge roughness (LER), etc.) , environmental (such as supply and temperature variations) and systematic (for example well proximity effects and wire thickness variation) [26].
2. Dynamic Differential Swing Limited Logic (DDSLL)
2.1. DDSLL Circuit Topology
2.2. DDSLL Functional Operation
2.3. DDSLL Circuit Design
- The precharge, latch, feed-back circuits and the self-timing buffer are designed using minimum feature size transistors (W = 0.12 µm) to reduce the power consumption except for the PMOS transistors in the inverters of the precharge circuit and self-timing buffer (W = 0.24 µm) to maintain the duty cycle of the input clock.
- The dynamic current source uses wider transistors (W = 0.3 µm) in order to drive sufficient current from the NMOS tree during the evaluation period providing the desired output voltage swing.
- The NMOS tree is also designed with wider transistors (W = 0.3 µm) for two reasons; the first is to increase the output voltage swing and the second to reduce the effect of WID variability on the output voltage swing.
2.4. NMOS Trees Creation
- Both out and of each NMOS tree must be connected to the same number of parallel branches in order to have the same load.
- The number of series connected transistors in each out/ branch should not depend on the input of the implemented function [35].
- The layout of the NMOS tree should preserve the symmetry between out and branches and also balance the routes in order to match the interconnect capacitances [35].
2.5. Sharing Principle
2.6. Interface with Static CMOS Logic
3. Simulation Results of DDSLL and Other State-of-the-Art Logic Styles
3.1. Case Study
3.2. Effect of Sharing in Dynamic Differential Logic
3.3. Power and Delay Comparison
3.4. Security Simulation Results
3.5. Effect of Routing Parasitics
3.6. Variability Effect on the Power Consumption of DDSLL and Static CMOS Styles
3.6.1. With-in-Die Variability
3.6.2. Die-to-Die Variability
3.6.3. WID Variability Effect on S-Box
4. Measurement Results
4.1. Test Chip Implementation
4.2. Measurement Setup
4.3. Power Consumption Measurement Results
4.4. Variability Effect on Power Consumption Measurement Results
4.5. Delay Measurement Results
4.6. Security Results
5. Conclusions
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Circuit | 2-in static CMOS | 4-in static CMOS | SABL | DyCML | DDSLL |
Logic gates | 138 XOR/XNOR, AND/NAND, INVs | 90 XOR/XNOR, AND/NAND, INVs, | 90 | 90 | 90 |
complex 4-in functions | |||||
Logic depth | 22 | 13 | 13 | 13 | 13 |
Transistors | 1530 | 1099 | 1672 | 1241 | 1275 |
Parameter | 2-in static CMOS | SABL | DyCML | DDSLL |
PI | 5.323 | 3.498 | 1.922 | 2.656 |
Parameter | static CMOS | DDSLL | ||||
No | Typical | No | Typical | |||
Crout | Crout | Crout | Crout | |||
Pstat [nW] | 46.6 | − | ||||
Pdyn@100 kHz [nW] | 54.2 | 107.9 | − | − | ||
Ptot@100 kHz [nW] | 99.4 | 154.5 | 48.8 | 96.1 | ||
Pdyn@13.56 MHz [nW] | 7, 365 | 14, 830 | − | − | ||
Ptot@13.56 MHz [nW] | 7, 412 | 14, 877 | 5, 246 | 10, 856 | ||
delay [ns] | 1.8 | 2.5 | 3.9 | 7.2 |
Parameter | Static CMOS | DDSLL | ||
Meas. | TT Sim. | Meas. | TT Sim. | |
Pstat [nW] | 20.3 | 46.6 | ||
Pdyn@100 kHz [nW] | 106.4 | 107.9 | ||
Ptot@100 kHz [nW] | 126.8 | 154.5 | 82.2 | 96.1 |
Logic style | Meas. (ns) | Sim. (ns) |
static CMOS | 3.1 | 2.5 |
DDSLL | 7.8 | 7.2 |
Parameter | Static CMOS | DDSLL |
PI | 2.120 | 0.689 |
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Kamel, D.; Renauld, M.; Bol, D.; Standaert, F.-X.; Flandre, D. Analysis of Dynamic Differential Swing Limited Logic for Low-Power Secure Applications. J. Low Power Electron. Appl. 2012, 2, 98-126.
Kamel D, Renauld M, Bol D, Standaert F-X, Flandre D. Analysis of Dynamic Differential Swing Limited Logic for Low-Power Secure Applications. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications. 2012; 2(1):98-126.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKamel, Dina, Mathieu Renauld, David Bol, François-Xavier Standaert, and Denis Flandre. 2012. "Analysis of Dynamic Differential Swing Limited Logic for Low-Power Secure Applications" Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications 2, no. 1: 98-126.
APA StyleKamel, D., Renauld, M., Bol, D., Standaert, F.-X., & Flandre, D. (2012). Analysis of Dynamic Differential Swing Limited Logic for Low-Power Secure Applications. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications, 2(1), 98-126.