Germ Line/Multipotency Genes Show Differential Expression during Embryonic Development of the Annelid Enchytraeus coronatus
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Animal Material and Fixation
2.2. Immunohistochemistry
2.3. Sequence Retrieval, Gene Cloning, and Phylogenetic Analysis
2.4. Whole-Mount in Situ Hybridization
2.5. Data Visualization
3. Results
3.1. Life Cycle of the Annelid Enchytraeus Coronatus
3.2. Development of the Annelid E. coronatus
3.3. Expression of Germ Line/Multipotency Genes during Embryonic Development and at Juvenile Stage of E. coronatus
3.3.1. Eco-vasa1 and Eco-vasa2 Embryonic and Juvenile Expression Patterns
3.3.2. Eco-pl10-1 and Eco-pl10-2 Embryonic and Juvenile Expression Patterns
3.3.3. Piwi Homolog Expression during Development of the Annelid E. coronatus
3.3.4. Nanos Homolog Expression during Development of the Annelid E. coronatus
3.3.5. Eco-myc Embryonic and Juvenile Expression Patterns
3.3.6. Pumilio Homolog Expression during Development of the Annelid E. coronatus
3.3.7. Tudor, Boule, and Bruno homolog expression during development of the annelid E. coronatus
4. Discussion
4.1. Early Embryogenesis and Possible Origin of PGCs in E. coronatus
4.2. Germ Line/Multipotency Genes in E. coronatus
4.3. Expression of the Germ Line/Multipotency Genes in E. coronatus
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Kostyuchenko, R.P.; Nikanorova, D.D.; Amosov, A.V. Germ Line/Multipotency Genes Show Differential Expression during Embryonic Development of the Annelid Enchytraeus coronatus. Biology 2023, 12, 1508.
Kostyuchenko RP, Nikanorova DD, Amosov AV. Germ Line/Multipotency Genes Show Differential Expression during Embryonic Development of the Annelid Enchytraeus coronatus. Biology. 2023; 12(12):1508.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKostyuchenko, Roman P., Daria D. Nikanorova, and Artem V. Amosov. 2023. "Germ Line/Multipotency Genes Show Differential Expression during Embryonic Development of the Annelid Enchytraeus coronatus" Biology 12, no. 12: 1508.
APA StyleKostyuchenko, R. P., Nikanorova, D. D., & Amosov, A. V. (2023). Germ Line/Multipotency Genes Show Differential Expression during Embryonic Development of the Annelid Enchytraeus coronatus. Biology, 12(12), 1508.