Multi-Class Parrot Image Classification Including Subspecies with Similar Appearance
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. CNN-Based Biological Image Recognition
2.2. Framework for Object Detection
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. Dataset and Preprocessing
3.2. Deep Neural Networks
4. Experimental Results
5. Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Scientific Name | Train Set | Validation Set | Test Set |
Cacatua goffiniana | 3248 | 50 | 52 |
Cacatua ducorpsii | 3300 | 70 | 74 |
Cacatua alba | 2880 | 102 | 106 |
Cacatua moluccensis | 3460 | 74 | 76 |
Cacatua galerita | 3136 | 48 | 50 |
Ara macao | 3080 | 66 | 68 |
Ara ararauna | 2808 | 100 | 102 |
Camelot macaw | 3224 | 26 | 28 |
Ara chloroptera | 3224 | 26 | 30 |
Trichoglossus Haematodus | 3380 | 28 | 30 |
Psittacus erithacus | 2740 | 58 | 62 |
Total | 34,480 | 648 | 678 |
Picture | | | | |
Common name | Goffin’s cockatoo | Solomons cockatoo | The white cockatoo | Moluccan cockatoo |
Scientific name | Cacatua goffiniana | Cacatua ducorpsii | Cacatua alba | Cacatua moluccensis |
CITES listing | Appendix I | Appendix II | Appendix II | Appendix I |
Picture | | | | |
Common name | The sulphur-crested cockatoo | Red and yellow macaw | Blue and gold macaw | Camelot macaw |
Scientific name | Cacatua galerita | Ara macao | Ara ararauna | (Ara ararauna × Ara macao) × Ara cholroptera |
CITES listing | Appendix II | Appendix I | Appendix II | |
Picture | | | | |
Common name | Red and green macaw | Rainbow lorikeet | Gray parrot | |
Scientific name | Ara chloroptera | Trichoglossus haematodus | Psittacus erithacus | |
CITES listing | Appendix II | Appendix II | Appendix I |
Layers | Specification | |
Conv 2 | 300 300 64 | 3 3 Conv, stride 1, name: conv1_1 |
300 300 64 | 3 3 Conv, stride 1, name: conv1_2 | |
Pooling | 150 150 64 | 2 2 Max Pool, stride 2 |
Conv 2 | 150 150 128 | 3 3 Conv, stride 1, name: conv2_1 |
150 150 128 | 3 3 Conv, stride 1, name: conv2_2 | |
Pooling | 75 75 128 | 2 2 Max Pool, stride 2 |
Conv 3 | 75 75 256 | 3 3 Conv, stride 1, name: conv3_1 |
75 75 256 | 3 3 Conv, stride 1, name: conv3_2 | |
75 75 256 | 3 3 Conv, stride 1, name: conv3_3 | |
Pooling | 38 38 256 | 2 2 Max Pool, stride 2 |
Conv 3 | 38 38 512 | 3 3 Conv, stride 1, name: conv4_1 |
38 38 512 | 3 3 Conv, stride 1, name: conv4_2 | |
38 38 512 | 3 3 Conv, stride 1, name: conv4_3 | |
Pooling | 19 19 512 | 2 2 Max Pool, stride 2 |
Conv 3 | 19 19 512 | 3 3 Conv, stride 1, name: conv5_1 |
19 19 512 | 3 3 Conv, stride 1, name: conv5_2 | |
19 19 512 | 3 3 Conv, stride 1, name: conv5_3 | |
Pooling | 19 19 512 | 3 3 Max Pool, stride 1 |
Weight parameters (unit: million) | 25 |
Layers | 18-Layer | 34-Layer | 50-Layer | |
Conv | 75 75 64 | 7 7 Conv, stride 2 3 3 Max Pool, stride 2 | ||
Block (1) | 75 75 64 | |||
Block (2) | 38 38 128 | |||
Block (3) | 19 19 256 | |||
Weight parameters (unit: million) | 10 | 16 | 23 |
Layers | 18-Layer | 30-Layer | 50-Layer | 121-Layer | |
Conv | 75 75 64 | 7 7 Conv, stride 2 3 3 max pooling, stride 2 | |||
Dense block (1) | 75 75 256 | ||||
Transition (1) | 75 75 256 | 1 1 Conv | |||
38 38 256 | 2 2 average pooling, stride 2 | ||||
Dense block (2) | 38 38 384 | ||||
Transition (2) | 38 38 384 | 1 1 Conv | |||
19 19 384 | 2 2 average pooling, stride 2 | ||||
Dense block (3) | 19 19 512 | ||||
Transition (3) without pooling | 19 19 512 | 1 1 Conv | |||
Dense block (4) | 19 19 640 | ||||
Transition (4) without pooling | 19 19 640 | 1 1 Conv | |||
Weight parameters (unit: million) | 13 | 20 | 32 | 39 |
Predicted Class | |||
Positive | Negative | ||
Actual class | Positive | TP | FN |
Negative | FP | TN |
Network Model | Mean Average Precision (Unit: %) | Inference Time (Unit: s) |
VGG 16 | 95.7 | 0.29 |
ResNet18 | 96.4 | 0.25 |
ResNet34 | 96 | 0.28 |
ResNet50 | 96 | 0.33 |
DenseNet18 | 96.6 | 0.38 |
DenseNet30 | 96.3 | 0.47 |
DenseNet50 | 95.6 | 0.64 |
DenseNet121 | 96.2 | 0.69 |
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Share and Cite
Jang, W.; Lee, E.C. Multi-Class Parrot Image Classification Including Subspecies with Similar Appearance. Biology 2021, 10, 1140.
Jang W, Lee EC. Multi-Class Parrot Image Classification Including Subspecies with Similar Appearance. Biology. 2021; 10(11):1140.
Chicago/Turabian StyleJang, Woohyuk, and Eui Chul Lee. 2021. "Multi-Class Parrot Image Classification Including Subspecies with Similar Appearance" Biology 10, no. 11: 1140.
APA StyleJang, W., & Lee, E. C. (2021). Multi-Class Parrot Image Classification Including Subspecies with Similar Appearance. Biology, 10(11), 1140.