1. Introduction
In the historical period we are living in, environmental sustainability and environmental protection are crucial issues. From this perspective, growing attention is being given to addressing the environmental emergency with sustainable solutions that can respond efficiently to the needs of new architectural technologies, while respecting nature [
1]. To this end, many public administrations and organizations around the world are implementing policies oriented towards the eco-efficiency of the built environment [
Limitations suggested by environmental protection related to the need to ensure human health and wellbeing serve as a new catalyst for product innovation as a means of raising standards and ensuring biocompatibility and ecological sustainability. Our planet’s capacity for development depends directly on the resources still available and on its ability to absorb man-made waste. This has consequences on an economic level since the limits to growth are strictly dependent on the availability of resources and the ability to manage waste. The recent condition is exemplified by a rapid depletion of the former and an inevitable increase of the latter [
3]. Sustainable development therefore requires a radical change in consumption patterns and lifestyles, requiring the reduction of the waste of materials and energy in the production of goods and the reduction of waste and emissions into the environment. From this perspective, the recovery of waste materials represents an opportunity that the construction sector cannot pass up [
The problem of waste management and disposal has been the subject of increasing attention. The increase in urbanization and the growth in consumption have led to a greater production of waste [
5]. To deal with the problem, criteria and methods of intervention have been defined. One approach to reduce material waste is reuse and recycling [
6]. The topic of recycling is not new, but represents a common practice in human history. Archaeological studies of ancient landfills reveal the presence of a small amount of household waste in times when resources were scarce, testifying to the recycling of materials [
7]. Nowadays, more and more attention is required for the reuse and recycling of materials, taking advantage of the life cycle assessment (LCA); on the one hand, LCA represents one of the fundamental tools for the implementation of a product policy, while on the other hand, it is an objective way of assessing the energy and environmental loads and potential impacts associated with a product throughout its life cycle [
8]. The relevance of the recycling technique essentially lies in its innovative approach, which consists in evaluating all phases of a production process as correlated and dependent. New buildings are now being constructed based on LCA, and recyclable or eco-sustainable materials interact to meet system needs [
Fibers are characterized by flexibility, fineness and high ratio between length and maximum transverse dimension (diameter), which make it suitable for use in the production of building materials [
10]. Natural fibers are already fibrous in their unprocessed state; handling does not alter their chemical makeup. In comparison to synthetic fibers, natural fibers are less expensive, easier to handle, have high mechanical qualities, use less energy during production, and are biodegradable [
11]. Due to current issues with waste disposal and the depletion of petrochemical resources, increased environmental awareness has played a significant role in the creation of composite materials using natural fibers. The use of natural materials in modern buildings can reduce waste, increase energy efficiency and at the same time promote the concept of sustainability. Natural fibers are obtained from different parts of the plant. They can be extracted from the stem, leaf, seeds, or fruit of the plants themselves [
Vegetable waste includes biodegradable waste such as kitchen and garden waste, but also waste related to tree pruning or grass cutting, ending with crop waste. Vegetable waste is usually treated in composting or fermentation plants in order to be transformed into compost, digestate and biogas, respectively. A different solution for such waste could be their reuse to produce new materials [
13]. One such vegetable fiber waste is sugar cane bagasse (SCB), an organic waste from sugar cane, for which various applications have been developed [
14]. Bagasse can be used as a building material, mixing it with traditional materials, thus allowing an improvement in properties. Han et al. [
15] used waste from sugar cane cultivation to produce structural composites using wood strands. The two fibers were bonded with phenol formaldehyde resin, obtaining a composite with structural properties improved with respect to the starting compounds. Bilba et al. [
16] used SCB fibers, enhanced with a silane coating, as a reinforcing material in a cement matrix. The authors showed that the setting time increases with the silane coating in reinforced composites with non-pyrolyzed bagasse fibers. The combination of pyrolysis and silane treatment improves the water resistance of the fibers, which become more hydrophobic. Doherty et al. [
17] studied the use of the lignin contained in the SCB as a coating of a composite. The authors showed that the resin films of the lignin represent an effective barrier to water. Trindade et al. [
18] used SCB to produce phenolic thermosetting composites. The authors created quinones in the lignin portions of the fiber and reacted them with furfuryl alcohol to create a coating around the SCB that is more compatible with the phenolic resins used to prepare the polymer matrix. Frias et al. [
19] investigated the influence of the calcination temperature on the pozzolanic activation of SCB. The authors showed that the SCB calcined at 800 °C and 1000 °C has properties indicative of very high pozzolanic activity, while they found no influence of the calcination temperature on pozzolanic activity. Mulinari et al. [
20] developed a composite using SCB with a matrix of a high-density polyethylene polymer. The composite obtained shows a lower tensile strength than the starting polymer, while an increase in Young’s modulus was found due to the reinforcement of the fibers, with an increase in structural defects that can be reduced with the use of modified cellulose fibers.
Noise represents one of the most important causes of the deterioration of the quality of life and is now recognized as a major environmental problem [
21]. Acoustic absorption has the purpose of partially neutralizing sound waves, the reflection of which varies according to the type of structure and its reaction to sound energy, in order not to disturb nearby environments and not be disturbed [
22]. Acoustic insulation can be defined as the action or set of actions in favor of the attenuation of noise from one environment to another, be it airborne noise, footfall noise or vibration [
23]. The choice of acoustically insulating and absorbing materials therefore becomes crucial to ensure acoustic comfort in buildings. Doost-Hoseini et al. [
24] studied the correlation between the physical and mechanical properties and the acoustic characteristics of insulating panels made of SCB. The raw material was bound with different types of resins: urea-formaldehyde (UF) and melamine-urea-formaldehyde (MUF). The authors demonstrated that resin type had no significant effect on physical or mechanical properties, while it did affect SAC. The density of the material produced characterized the physical and mechanical properties, while the SAC was influenced by the type of panel. The study showed a high correlation between physical and mechanical properties and a low correlation between physical and mechanical properties with SAC values. Mehrzad et al. [
25] fabricated fibrous samples of different densities and thicknesses using SCB. They next investigated the sound absorption capacity of the samples with the impedance tube technique. The authors achieved good sound absorption performance in the low- and mid-frequency ranges. Malawade et al. [
26] measured the SAC of SCB samples. The test samples were made from raw dried bagasse without chemical treatment and physical modifications. The authors measured SAC and the resistivity of the airflow. The results show that the SAC and flow resistivity increase with increasing SCB sample thickness. Othmani et al. [
27] investigated the acoustic performance of the SCB by measuring two acoustic parameters: flow resistivity and SAC. The authors produced several specimens by binding the bagasse fibers with resins; different combinations, varying fiber size, specimen thickness, and resin content, were predicted. The results allowed the effect of each property on the acoustic performance of the studied material to be evaluated. The results showed good agreement between experimental and theoretical results.
For the study of the acoustic properties of materials, it is essential to carry out measurements of the SAC according to what is indicated by the technical standards. Alongside the experimental measurement procedure, it is advisable to carry out a simulation study that allows for an investigation of what is and what is not possible or economically viable [
29]. In recent times, more and more scholars are approaching simulation studies with a data-driven approach. In this case, the simulation process is guided by the data collected in the measurement campaigns and allows us to guide the decision-making process. In this context, machine-learning-based algorithms offer us the tools to extract knowledge from automatically collected data [
31]. Artificial neural networks (ANN) are a subgroup of machine learning and are inspired by the human brain. The basic idea is to mimic the way biological neurons send each other signals [
32]. ANNs reflect human behavior, letting computer programs to identify patterns and resolve ordinary problems in fields of artificial intelligence [
33]. ANNs depend on training data to learn and improve their accuracy over time. If improved in accuracy, these algorithms are effective tools, permitting us to classify and cluster data at high speed [
In this study, the potential of SCB as an alternative and ecological acoustic material was analyzed, combining it with binders used in construction such as plaster and clay. To make the panels, the SCB was mixed with the binder in different ratios, according to the binder used. In this way, a panel was obtained in which the bagasse was predominant. Samples of three thicknesses 6, 12 and 25 mm were made with each binder. The sound absorption coefficient of the samples was then measured according to the guidelines of the UNE-EN ISO 10534-2 standard [
35]. Subsequently, to compare the acoustic performances of the samples, a simulation model was developed for the prediction of the SAC.
The paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 illustrates the materials and methodologies applied. First, the methodologies utilized to create the samples from the waste material of sugar cane cultivation are explained. Consequently, the procedures for measuring the sound absorption coefficient with the impedance tube technique are described. Therefore, the methodologies used to elaborate the simulation model based on the ANN are described.
Section 3 shows the results achieved from the measurements of the SAC and subsequently compares them with the results obtained with the simulation model based on ANNs. Finally,
Section 4 recapitulates the results achieved from this work and examines the possible uses of the developed technology in real cases.
2. Materials and Methods
Sugar cane (
Saccharum officinarum), a plant of the Poaceae family, is considered one of the main products of Latin America [
36]. The country that produces the largest amount of sugar cane is Brazil (46.7%) followed by India (19.8%) and then China (8.1%) [
37]. In the production areas (tropical/equatorial) characterized by periodic rains, the planting period must be determined based on the rain cycle; usually the sowing takes place at the beginning of the rainy season, with the first harvest, which takes place after about nine months, taking advantage of the two or three months of the dry season. The next crop is obtained from the remains of the basal part of the cut canes, and the canes reach commercial maturity after a few months (5–6) for the next cut.
Sugar cane is made up of juice and fiber. The juice is made up of soluble solids called brix, while the fiber is the insoluble part of sugar cane which is made up of cellulose. In addition to components such as brix in its percentage form, there are organic and inorganic components such as salts, minerals, proteins, and others. The sap of the stem, which acts as a reserve element for the plant, contains a high percentage of sucrose (up to 18–20%), which accumulates before being translocated either to the root system or towards the flower and the fruit in case the plant flowers. Sugar is industrially extracted by crushing the cane and crystallizing the soluble solids [
38]. The extraction takes place directly by pressing the mature segments of cane, which can be squeezed directly with a roller system or crushed and pressed with a system such as that of the presses used to obtain vegetable oils.
The origin of the word bagasse, derived from the French bagasse, was used to name the residue of the olive after being worked to extract the oil. Currently, the word bagasse is used to identify the stem of sugarcane without juice. Bagasse is made up as follows: 50% cellulose, 5% soluble solids and 45% crude fiber. Bagasse is therefore the waste product in the process of extracting sugar from sugar cane. In general, 280 kg of wet bagasse (28%) are produced from 1 tonne of sugar cane [
39]. As a result, converting SCB into value-added products offers economic benefits and contributes considerably to environmental sustainability.
2.1. Preparation of the Samples
The collection of the raw material was carried out in the province of Imbabura in Ecuador, where sugar cane waste abounds. In this province, sugar cane juice is extracted using juicer machines (
Figure 1a) and eventually its scraps are thrown into the garbage. Sugar cane waste (
Figure 1b) was collected in the municipal market of the city of Ibarra.
The waste product in the extraction of sugar cane juice was subjected to a preliminary drying treatment. It was decided to let the bagasse dry outdoors for a period of two days, so that its fibers did not have juice on the surface. Once the fibers dried completely, the bagasse fibers were separated from the bark. Subsequently, each of the fibers was cut to a length of approximately three to five millimeters, resulting in small pieces of bagasse fiber, which were used to make the samples.
To acoustically characterize the composite material, panels with thicknesses of 6, 12 and 25 mm were assembled, in which the mixture between the bagasse and the different binders was adjusted.
Figure 2 shows the two typologies of binders used.
To obtain a predominant amount of bagasse in the sample, the experiments were conducted with a bagasse to binder ratio of 3 to 1.
To ensure the reproducibility of the experiment, the following steps were followed:
2.2. Sound Absorption Coefficient Measurement
The samples assembled according to the procedure described in the previous section were used to measure the SAC, as required by the standard UNI EN ISO 10534-2 [
35]. The method describes how to make an SAC measurement using an impedance tube (Kundt tube). It is crucial to carry out the measurements in a normalized way in order to be able to compare the results with those obtained in other studies, thus being able to compare the performance of different materials [
40]. In this study, the ACUPRO Spectronics impedance tube was used, which measures the sound absorption coefficient in the frequency range 50 Hz–5700 Hz. The tube has an internal diameter of 34.9 mm, while the external diameter is 41.3 mm and has a length of 1200 mm (
Figure 5).
The tube features a built-in JBL 2426J speaker that emits a maximum sound pressure level of 150 dB. The mechanical insulation of the speaker guarantees the absence of structural vibrations. The tube is connected to a DT9837A signal acquisition system which manages the inputs and outputs, transforming the electrical signal into digital. The acquisition system has four input channels for data conversion and recording and an output channel for sending the signal from the computer to the speaker. The signal reproduced by the loudspeaker is captured by the two microphones and sent to the ACUPRO software for data processing. The software carries out 150 measurements by making an average and then passing to the evaluation of the sound absorption coefficient. The absorption coefficients were calculated from 100 Hz up to 5000 Hz in 1/3 octave bands.
The test sample was mounted at one end of the impedance tube, using a sound source, plane waves are generated inside, and acoustic pressures are measured in two locations near the sample [
41]. To normalize any irregularities in the material, 5 measurements of the same sample were carried out, replacing the sample for each measurement (
Figure 6).
The complex acoustic transfer function of the signals to the two microphones is then determined, and is subsequently used to calculate the complex reflection coefficient for normal incidence, the absorption coefficient for normal incidence and the normalized impedance of the tested material [
42]. The quantities determined are a function of the frequency, with a frequency resolution conditioned by the sampling frequency and the signal length of the digital frequency analysis system used for the measurements [
43]. The useful frequency range depends on the width of the tube and the distance between the two microphone positions.
2.3. Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Based Modelling
Machine learning (ML) is a subfield of artificial intelligence that deals with creating systems that learn based on the data [
44]. These systems train the model to correct errors so that it learns to perform a task or activity autonomously. ML works based on two distinct approaches: the computer is given complete examples to use as an indication to perform the required task (supervised learning), or the software is run without any help (unsupervised learning) [
45]. In our case, having available the data obtained through the correctly labeled measures of the SAC, we will use supervised learning [
In this case, it is possible to distinguish between classification and regression problems. Classifiers separate data into two or more classes: When an example is given to the classifier, the algorithm returns the class to which that specific input might belong. Regressors rely on data interpolation to associate two or more characteristics with each other [
47]. When the algorithm is given an input characteristic, the regressor returns the other characteristic to me. The substantial difference depends on the characteristics of the output: in the case of categorical output, we are talking about classification, but in the case of continuous output, we have a regression problem [
48]. Our goal is to model the acoustic properties of SCB-based materials, since it is the SAC that has continuous values in the 0–1 range, and will then have to face a regression problem.
ANNs are based on human behavior, allowing computer programs to recognize patterns and solve common problems in ML [
50]. The structure of the ANNs is inspired by the human brain: the idea is to mimic the way in which biological neurons send signals to each other. ANNs rely on training data to learn and improve their accuracy over time. Once optimized for accuracy, these learning algorithms are powerful tools allowing us to classify and organize data at high speed [
ANNs are formed of node layers that possess an input level, one or more concealed input and output layers (
Figure 7). Each node bonds to another and has a corresponding weight and boundary. If the effect of any individual node is beyond the recognized threshold, that node is activated and passes on the information to the subsequent layer of the network. Otherwise, no info is transmitted to the succeeding tier of the network. From a mathematical perspective, at the base of ANNs we can translate a function as an aggregate of other functions, which in turn can be expressed in uncomplicated functions. As such, we can view an ANN as an interconnected set of fundamental functions in which the outputs are the inputs for successive functions [
The basic element of the ANNs is the perceptron, which performs the task that the neuron performs in biological neural networks. These elements behave like functions that take n elements in input and return only a single output, which is sent as input for the following perceptron. For this reason, we speak of stratified ANNs [
53]. The input of the perceptron is formed by a vector of real numbers in which from time to time we will enter input values (x
1, x
2, …, x
n). Furthermore, for each input node, we will have an array of weights indicated with (w
1, w
2, …, w
n). To get the actual data we will perform a simple x
n * w
n operation for each input x
n. The output will then be calculated using the following equation:
xi = input
wn = weight
b = bias
y = output
Term b is called the perceptron bias and is considered a full-fledged weight. Its task is to change by increasing or decreasing the activation threshold that derives from the activation functions, for example, a function that sends a signal only if the output level of the perceptron exceeds a certain threshold [
54]. In the training phase, the model adjusts the weights based on the comparison between the real values of the output and those expected. This is an optimization process in which an attempt is made to minimize a cost function represented by the output estimation error, as shown in Equation (2).
y = output expected
y* = output predicted
The weight update rule is shown in the Equation (3):
The backpropagation algorithm [
55] is based totally on the gradient descent technique to locate the minimal of the error function with admire to the weights [
56]. The gradient descent approach is due to the fact the gradient indicates the direction of most boom. In the basic implementation, we start by choosing a random point in multidimensional space and evaluating the gradient at that point. We then proceed by choosing another point in the direction of maximum decrease indicated by the opposite of the gradient. If the function at the second point has a value lower than the value calculated at the first point, the descent can continue, following the anti-gradient calculated at the second point, otherwise the shifting step is reduced, and starts again. The algorithm stops as soon as a local minimum is reached.