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Rapid Profiling of Soybean Aromatic Compounds Using Electronic Nose

Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Tennessee State University, 3500 John A, Merritt Blvd, Nashville, TN 37209-1561, USA
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Biosensors 2019, 9(2), 66;
Submission received: 29 April 2019 / Revised: 15 May 2019 / Accepted: 20 May 2019 / Published: 24 May 2019


Soybean (Glycine max (L.)) is the world’s most important seed legume, which contributes to 25% of global edible oil, and about two-thirds of the world’s protein concentrate for livestock feeding. One of the factors that limit soybean’s utilization as a major source of protein for humans is its characteristic soy flavor. This off-flavor can be attributed to the presence of various chemicals such as phenols, aldehydes, ketones, furans, alcohols, and amines. In addition, these flavor compounds interact with protein and cause the formation of new off-flavors. Hence, studying the chemical profile of soybean seeds is an important step in understanding how different chemical classes interact and contribute to the overall flavor profile of the crop. In our study, we utilized the HERCALES Fast Gas Chromatography (GC) electronic nose for identification and characterization of different volatile compounds in five high-yielding soybean varieties, and studied their association with off-flavors. With aroma profiling and chemical characterization, we aim to determine the quantity and quality of volatile compounds in these soybean varieties and understand their effect on the flavor profiles. The study could help to understand soybean flavor characteristics, which in turn could increase soybean use and enhance profitability.

1. Introduction

Soybean (Glycine max (L.)) seed protein content is 35–50% of its total dry weight and is a major source of protein in the human diet and for animal nutrition. Soybean protein also has a well-balanced amino acid profile and is rich in many essential amino acids. Soybean meal has been used extensively to make popular food products such as tofu, soy milk, soybean paste (miso), green soybeans (edamame), boiled beans (nimame), fermented soybeans (natto), soy sauce (shoyu), soybean sprouts (moyashi), and roasted soybean flour (kinako). Soybean consumption has been limited in the western world due to the beany flavor present in soy meal products. Enzymatic oxidation of linoleic acid and linolenic acid by lipoxygenase genes (Lox) is reported as a major cause of the beany flavor [1,2], and in soybeans there are three separate genes, Lox1, Lox2 and Lox3 controlling this trait [2]. Hexanal is commonly associated with the grassy flavor; hexanol; 1-octen-3-ol; 1-octen-3-one; trans,trans-2,4-decadienal; and trans,trans-2,4-nonadienal are other aromatic compounds linked with the beany taste in soy meal products [3]. Odor compounds of soybean products depend on the soybean cultivars and can change in each variety depending on growing season, storage conditions and processing technologies. Boiling the seeds at 100 °C deactivates the lipoxygenase enzymes and is the common method used for reducing the beany flavor. Breeding soybean lines with reduced beany flavor is another approach that can be used for minimizing the off-flavors in soybeans. In order to establish such breeding programs, establishing a reliable and fast screening method for testing beany flavor is necessary. Plant volatile compounds such as beany flavor are overlooked in plant phenotyping. Novel molecular techniques and marker assisted breeding can be used to map the QTLs controlling these traits and find the loci/genetic mechanisms regulating these compounds which can then be exploited for developing soybean lines with reduced off-flavor traits.
Various volatile compounds may serve as indicators of developmental maturity and as biochemical markers to evaluate seed quality. Several compound classes identified were alcohols, aldehydes, esters and lactones, ketones, and terpenoids. Many reports are available on the key volatiles of soybean [4,5,6,7,8]. The development of objectionable off-odor detection and classification methodology for use in grain grading has stimulated research on volatile components of soybeans and grains [9].

2. Current Analytical Approaches in Volatile Compound Measurements, Especially in Seeds

Numerous analytical approaches have been developed for measuring volatile compounds and gas exchange measurements in seed samples. Stephen et al. [10] analyzed the soybean seed volatiles using a solid phase microextraction (SPME) method combined with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and reported that 30 known volatile compounds were recovered, and that an additional 19 new compounds were identified, or tentatively identified. During early periods of development at maturity stage R6, several volatiles were present at relatively high concentrations, including 3-hexanone, (E)-2-hexenal, 1-hexanol, and 3-octanone. At maturity stage R7 and R8, decreased amounts of 3-hexanone, (E)-2-hexenal, 1-hexanol, and 3-octanone were observed. At maturity stage R8, hexanal, (E)-2-heptenal, (E)-2-octenal, ethanol, 1-hexanol, and 1-octen-3-ol were detected at relatively high concentrations.
An investigation by Shu et al. [11] using an aroma extract dilution analysis (AEDA) of the aroma concentrate of soy milk made from a major Japanese soybean cultivar, Fukuyutaka (FK), revealed 20 key aroma compounds having flavor dilution (FD) factors of not less than 64. Among them; 2-isopropyl-3-methoxypyrazine; cis-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal; trans-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal; 3-hydroxy-4,5-dimethyl-2(5H)-furanone; and 2′-aminoacetophenone were identified as the key aroma compounds in soy milk for the first time. Generally, it is believed that aroma compounds might be generated from lipids, amino acids, sugars, and ferulic acid present in food.
Sample preparation and scalability of GC-MS and similar instruments resulted in the development of cheaper, faster, and more user-friendly measurement instruments for routine use in analytical applications. Electronic nose (e-nose) devices are developed as versatile and low-cost alternatives to GC-MS instruments that minimize sample preparation and extraction, and offer many potential uses in biomedical and agriculture applications [12]. Volatile compounds can be measured from the sample headspace with minimal sample preparation time. The objective of this study was to use an e-nose instrument in measuring the volatile compounds among five different soybean cultivars and evaluate its potential as an alternative to GC-MS approach, and as a rapid screening tool for aromatic variations in soybean seeds.

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Plant Materials

Five recent soybean releases were selected for these experiments including, UA5014C, UA5414RR, JTN-5503, JTN-5110, and JTN-5203. These lines were reported to have a higher yielding potential in a statewide comparison and resistance to common diseases in southern states of US (Table 1). The UA5014C and UA5414RR lines were developed by the Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station, while JTN-5503, JTN-5110, and JTN-5203 were developed at USDA-ARS Jackson Research Station. Parental information for these lines is provided in Table 1. These lines were grown at the Tennessee State University research farm in 2017. The experimental unit consisted of three replicates with two rows (20 feet deep) and a planting density of 5 seeds/ft.

3.2. Electronic Nose

The HERCALES GC Flash electronic nose (AlphaMos, Toulouse, France) was used to discriminate the odor patterns of different aroma models. For each variety, 20 gm of seed was weighed and grinded in a grinder (Waring WSG60 Grinder) at high speed for 2 min. The resulting soy flour was weighed (6 gm) and placed in a 20 mL glass vial. Following this, 7 mL of sterile distilled water was added to each tube. The sample was prepared in a septa-sealed screw cap vial and equilibrated for 200 s at 50 °C, separately. Subsequently, the aroma headspace above the sample was introduced into the electronic nose at the speed of 270 μL/s using automatic headspace sampler (PerkinElmer, MA, USA). The column temperature program used for the experiment was 40 °C (1 min)-2 °C/min-200 °C (3 min), and the injection temperature of the injector and detector were set at 180 °C and 220 °C, respectively. In addition, at the end of each column a FID detector was placed and the acquired signal was digitalized every 0.01 s. The Heracles electronic nose is equipped with two columns working in parallel mode. A non-polar column (MXT5: 5% diphenyl, 95% methylpolysiloxane, 10 m length, and 180 μm diameter), and a slightly polar column (MXT1701: 14% cyanopropylphenyl, 86% methylpolysiloxane, 10 m length, and 180 μm diameter). A single comprehensive chromatogram was generated by joining the chromatograms obtained with the two columns. This approach helps reduce incorrect identifications due to overlapping of chromatograms obtained with two different columns, and represents a useful tool for improved identification. For calibration of the instrument, an alkane solution (from n-hexane to n-hexadecane) was used to convert retention time in Kovats indices and to identify the volatile compounds using specific software (AromaChemBase). Each analysis was repeated a total of three times, and all of the response data was analyzed using Alpha Soft software (Version 3.0.0, Toulouse, France).

3.3. Results and Discussion

The volatile profiles were generated using the e-nose and were subjected to PCA analysis. The PCA plot (Figure 1) shows the distinct clusters formed for different soy varieties indicating that the volatile profiles of soy varieties are distinctly different from each other. It also demonstrates the potential use of this system in rapid profiling of volatile compounds in different soybean cultivars. UA5414RR and UA5014C were comparable in their volatile profiles while other samples namely JTN5203, JTN5503, and JTN5110 were distantly diverse different from one another. The different clusters formed for different samples are due to their differential volatile compounds and their composition.
More than 90% of the volatile compounds were identified with Kovats index and Arochembase software in UA5014C (Figure 2). The total volatile composition is distributed between acids, aldehydes, alcohols, esters, pyrazines (Table 2 and Figure 3). However, the major volatile composition was contributed by Ethyl-2-Methyl Butyrate (22.72%), 2-Methyl Propanal (18.21%) and 2-Propanol (16.45%). These three volatile components nearly contribute 50% of the total volatile composition in this cultivar. In UA5414RR (Table 3, Figure 2 and Figure 3), the contribution of Ethyl-2-Methyl Butyrate (24.07%) and 2-Methyl Propanal (19.42%) is still high but instead of 2-Propanol, contribution of Ethyl 2-Methylbutanoate (16.01%) was higher in the total volatile composition. From Figure 3, it is clear that esters were the major contributor of the volatiles followed by aldehydes and alcohols in both UA5414RR and UA5014C. Acids and monoterpenes were not detected in UA5414RR. Alcohol was significantly higher in UA5014C compared to UA5414RR.
In JTN5503 (Table 4, Figure 4 and Figure 5), Ethyl formate (48.29) and Ethyl-2-Methyl Butyrate (10.12) presence was higher than other compounds whereas in JTN5110 (Table 5, Figure 4 and Figure 5), Dimethyl sulphide (34.2) and Ethyl-2-Methyl Butyrate (14.39) were higher. In JTN5203 (Table 6, Figure 4), Dimethyl sulphide alone contributed to over 64% of the total volatile composition. A visual comparison of the peaks in Figure 4 clearly indicates the differences between JTN cultivars in peaks 2, 5, and 17. From Figure 5, it is clear that esters were the major contributor of the volatiles followed by aldehydes and ketones in JTN5203, JTN5503 and JTN5110. The sulfur containing compounds were a major volatile contributor in JTN5110, and JTN5203 but not in JTN5503. Furans were detected only in JTN5110 and were absent in the other two varieties. In general, acids, furans and pyrazines were low in all the samples.
PCA analysis indicated that UA5414RR and UA5014C were comparable in their volatile profiles while other samples namely JTN5203, JTN5503, and JTN5110 were distantly different from each other (Figure 1). Different clusters formed in different samples according to their differential volatile compounds and their compositions (Table 2, Table 3, Table 4, Table 5 and Table 6). It should be noted that beany flavor is caused by a combination of different compounds and assigning specific flavor to a cultivar should be carried out using sensory analysis with a panel of trained evaluators.

4. Conclusions

E-nose has been used in a wide range of applications including odor analysis, quality control in food products, and biomedical applications. This study illustrates the use of e-nose as a versatile analysis tool and alternative method for measuring volatile compounds in soybean seeds with minimal sample preparation time. This approach can be used in a high-throughput phenotyping system and for screening different soybean lines. This system can be used as a rapid screening tool in breeding programs, in the selection of soybean mutants/varieties with different volatile profiles, and also for mapping the QTLs and loci responsible for these traits. This platform can also be used to link the beany flavor to seed volatile compounds, ultimately developing varieties with reduced off-flavor taste and better acceptance by the consumer.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, A.T. and R.R.; methodology, R.R., D.K. and R.M.; validation, R.R. and A.T..; formal analysis, R.M. and D.K.; investigation, D.K. and R.R.; resources, A.T. and R.R. ; writing—original draft preparation, R.R., A.T. and D.K.; writing—review and editing, R.R. and A.T.; visualization, R.R. and D.K.; supervision, A.T. and R.R.; project administration, A.T.; funding acquisition, A.T.


This research was funded by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Evans-Allen project), grant number 1005722 and Tennessee Soybean Board, grant number 16-123-P.


The USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Evans-Allen project 1005722, Tennessee Soybean Board, project 16-123-P and Tennessee State University’s College of Agriculture supported this work.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. PCA plot of volatile profiles from soybean cultivars.
Figure 1. PCA plot of volatile profiles from soybean cultivars.
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Figure 2. Ultra-fast GC Chromatogram of soybean varieties: UA5014C and UA5414RR.
Figure 2. Ultra-fast GC Chromatogram of soybean varieties: UA5014C and UA5414RR.
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Figure 3. Comparison of volatile compounds in soybean varieties: UA5014C and UA5414RR.
Figure 3. Comparison of volatile compounds in soybean varieties: UA5014C and UA5414RR.
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Figure 4. Ultra-fast GC Chromatogram of soybean varieties: JTN5503, JTN5110, JTN5203.
Figure 4. Ultra-fast GC Chromatogram of soybean varieties: JTN5503, JTN5110, JTN5203.
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Figure 5. Comparison of volatile compounds in soybean varieties: JTN5503, JTN5110, JTN5203.
Figure 5. Comparison of volatile compounds in soybean varieties: JTN5503, JTN5110, JTN5203.
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Table 1. List of soybean lines, plant introduction (PI) number, pedigree, maturity group (MG) and year of release.
Table 1. List of soybean lines, plant introduction (PI) number, pedigree, maturity group (MG) and year of release.
Breeding MaterialPlant Introduction #Parental LinesMGReference
JTN5503PI 641938Fowler × ManokinV (5.5)Arelli et al. [13]
JTN5110PI 678369J98-32 (Manokin × Fowler.) × AnandV (5)Arelli et al. [14]
JTN5203PI 664903Caviness × AnandV (5)Arelli et al. [15]
UA 5014CPI 675648Ozark × AnandV (5)Chen et al. [16]
UA 5414RRNAR96-3427 × 98,601V (5.4)Pengyin et al. [17]
Table 2. Headspace volatile compounds of soybean variety: UA5014C.
Table 2. Headspace volatile compounds of soybean variety: UA5014C.
Peak NoVolatile CompoundsRetention Time (s) Kovat’s Index
NameSurface PercentCategory/Total PercentSensory Descriptors
19Pentanoic Acid0.91 ± 0.07Acids 1.73Beefy, cheese, pungent, sour, sweaty81.471366
21Butanoic Acid0.82 ± 0.0677.491281
32-Propanol16.45 ± 1.26Alcohols 19.15Alcoholic, ethereal15.78505
122-Methyl-1-Propanol1.54 ± 0.08Alcoholic, bitter, chemical, glue19.43599
153-Heptanol1.16 ± 0.13Green, herbaceous49.68881
22-Methyl Propanal18.21 ± 0.71Aldehydes 32.35Burnt, fruity, green malty, pungent, spicy, toasted17.03538
4Benzaldehyde3.67 ± 0.33Almond, burnt sugar, fruity, woody59.17971
5P-Anisaldehyde3.39 ± 0.13Anise, minty, sweet76.021252
7Butanal2.61 ± 0.08Chocolate, green, malty, pungent18.26569
8N-Nonanal2.44 ± 0.11Chlorine, citrus, fatty, floral, fruity, gaseous, gravy, green, lavender68.421110
14Benzaldehyde1.28 ± 0.06Almond, burnt sugar, fruity, woody60.19984
222-Decenal0.75 ± 0.01Fatty, orange60.67990
1Ethyl-2-methyl Butyrate22.72 ± 1.92Esters 28.42Apple, blackberry, fruity, green, strawberry, sweet43.96854
9Ethyl Heptanoate2.29 ± 0.08Grape like67.811099
10Ethyl Butyrate1.71 ± 0.04Acetone, banana, bubblegum, caramelized, fruity32.26799
11Hexyl Acetate1.66 ± 0.04Acidulous, citrus, fruity, green, herbaceous, sweet wine, tobacco, rubber, spicy61.901007
23Ethyl Hexanoate0.04 ± 0.01Anise, apple, fruity, strawberry, sweet, winegum82.961399
62-Heptanone3.22 ± 0.10Ketones 7.72Cheese, cured ham, fruity, gaseous, gravy, nutty, soapy50.93887
13Acetophenone1.51 ± 0.11Almond, cheese, floral, musty, sweet65.871069
16Carvone1.09 ± 0.02Minty, warm, herbaceous77.041272
17Delta Nonalactone1.05 ± 0.05Coconut81.861375
20Gamma Nonalactone0.85 ± 0.09Coconut, fruity, peach, woody53.03897
18Trimethyl Pyrazine0.95 ± 0.08Pyrazines 0.95Cocoa, earthy, musty, nutty, peanut, potato, roasted nut61.20997
SUM90.26 ± 0.08
Table 3. Headspace volatile compounds of soybean variety: UA5414RR.
Table 3. Headspace volatile compounds of soybean variety: UA5414RR.
Peak No.Volatile CompoundsRetention Time (s)Kovat’s Index
NameSurface PercentCategory/Total PercentSensory Descriptors
123-Heptanol1.49 ± 0.05Alcohol 2.29Green, herbaceous49.68881
201-Heptanol0.80 ± 0.04Green, herbaceous53.05897
22-Methyl Propanal19.42 ± 1.59Aldehydes 27.31Burnt, fruity, green malty, pungent, spicy, toasted17.05538
5Benzaldehyde3.15 ± 0.23Almond, burnt sugar, fruity, woody59.16970
7p-Anisaldehyde2.78 ± 0.10Anise, minty, sweet76.051252
9Phenylmethanal1.96 ± 0.12Almond, burnt sugar, fruity, woody60.20984
1Ethyl-2-Methyl Butyrate24.07 ± 4.36Esters 47.19Apple, blackberry, fruity, green, strawberry, sweet43.98855
3Ethyl 2-Methylbutanoate16.01 ± 3.44Apple, blackberry, fruity, green, strawberry, sweet15.80506
8Ethyl Heptanoate2.11 ± 0.10Grape like68.431110
10Ethyl Enanthate1.94 ± 0.10Acidic, fruity67.821099
11Hexyl Acetate1.61 ± 0.12Acidulous, citrus, fruity, green, herbaceous, sweet wine, tobacco, rubber, spicy61.921007
13Ethyl Butyrate1.45 ± 0.08Acetone, banana, bubblegum, caramelized, fruity32.30799
42-Heptanone4.30 ± 0.30Ketones 12.07Cheese, cured ham, fruity, gaseous, gravy, nutty, soapy50.95887
6Butane-2,3-Dione2.83 ± 0.12Butter, caramelized, creamy, fruity, pineapple, spirit18.28570
14Acetophenone1.35 ± 0.03Almond, cheese, floral, musty, sweet65.921069
16Delta Nonalactone1.04 ± 0.09Coconut81.961377
17Carvone0.96 ± 0.01Minty, warm, herbaceous77.081273
19Delta Nonalactone0.86 ± 0.03Coconut83.081401
21γ-Nonalactone0.73 ± 0.01Coconut, fruity, peach, woody81.571368
15ß-Pinene1.21 ± 0.06Monoterpens 1.21Terpenic60.68990
182,5-Dimethyl Pyrazine0.89 ± 0.02Pyrazines 0.89Chocolate, cocoa, medicinal, roast beef, roasted nut, woody54.03905
Table 4. Headspace volatile compounds of soybean variety: JTN5503.
Table 4. Headspace volatile compounds of soybean variety: JTN5503.
Peak No.Volatile CompoundsRetention Time (s)Kovat’s Index
NameSurface PercentCategory/Total PercentSensory Descriptors
13Methyl Eugenol1.15 ± 0.07Alcohol 1.9Clove, spicy.83.001400
193-Heptanol0.75 ± 0.04Green, herbaceous53.04897
5Benzaldehyde2.51 ± 0.11Aldehyde 9.3Almond, burnt sugar, fruity, woody59.15970
6Butanal2.43 ± 0.14Chocolate, green, malty, pungent18.21568
7N-Nonanal1.86 ± 0.16Chlorine, citrus, fatty, floral, fruity, gaseous, gravy, green, lavender68.441110
10P-Anisaldehyde1.28 ± 0.08Anise, minty, sweet76.061253
11Benzaldehyde1.22 ± 0.07Almond, burnt sugar, fruity, woody60.19984
1Ethyl Formate48.29± 3.85Ester 70.21Smell of rum, Ethereal, pungent16.98536
2Ethyl-2-Methyl Butyrate10.12± 1.14Apple, blackberry, fruity, green, strawberry, sweet43.97855
3Methyl Formate7.76 ± 0.58Ethereal, pungent15.75505
8Ethyl Heptanoate1.60 ± 0.12Grape like67.831099
9Hexyl Acetate1.35 ± 0.06Acidulous, citrus, fruity, green, herbaceous, sweet wine, tobacco, rubber, spicy61.911007
15Ethyl Butyrate1.09 ± 0.06Acetone, banana, bubblegum, caramelized, fruity32.26799
42-Heptanone4.38 ± 0.63Ketone 8.41Cheese, cured ham, fruity, gaseous, gravy, nutty, soapy50.93887
12Acetophenone1.19 ± 0.05Almond, cheese, floral, musty, sweet65.911069
14(+)-Carvone1.13 ± 0.06Caraway, minty, peppermint76.381259
16Gamma Nonalactone0.87 ± 0.03Coconut, fruity, peach, woody81.881375
17(−)-Carvone0.84 ± 0.02Caraway, minty, peppermint77.091273
182,5-Dimethyl Pyrazine0.74 ± 0.09Pyrazines 0.74Chocolate, cocoa, medicinal, roast beef, roasted nut, woody53.99904
Table 5. Headspace volatile compounds of soybean variety: JTN5110.
Table 5. Headspace volatile compounds of soybean variety: JTN5110.
Peak NoVolatile CompoundsRetention Time (s)Kovat’s Index
NameSurface PercentageCategory/Total PercentSensory Descriptors
20Pentanoic Acid0.83 ± 0.05Acids 0.83Beefy, cheese, pungent, sour, sweaty53.99904
173-Heptanol0.95 ± 0.03Alcohol 2.29Green, herbaceous46.69881
13Methyl Eugenol1.34 ± 0.07Clove, spicy82.951398
182-Decenal0.92 ± 0.05Aldehyde 19.5Fatty, orange77.041272
6Benzaldehyde2.94 ± 0.19Almond, burnt sugar, fruity, woody59.17971
12Phenylmethanal1.39 ± 0.08Burnt sugar, fruity, woody60.19984
7Butanal2.45 ± 0.14Chocolate, green, malty, pungent18.25569
11P-Anisaldehyde1.45 ± 0.09Anise, minty, sweet76.021252
3Propanal10.35 ± 0.33Ethereal, plastic, pungent, solvent15.76505
15Ethyl Butyrate1.28 ± 0.06Ester 18.5Acetone, banana, bubblegum, caramelized, fruity32.29799
16Mthyl Butyrate1.25 ± 0.10Banana, bubblegum, caramelized, fruity65.921069
2Ethyl-2-Methyl Butyrate14.39 ± 1.63Apple, blackberry, fruity, green, strawberry, sweet43.98855
10Hexyl Acetate1.58 ± 0.09Acidulous, citrus, fruity, green, herbaceous, sweet wine, tobacco, rubber, spicy61.921007
5Furfural3.12 ± 0.40Furans 3.12Almond, bread, sweet37.26823
14(-)-Carvone1.30 ±0.06Ketone 10.86Caraway, minty, peppermint76.351258
42-Heptanone4.80 ± 0.36Cheese, cured ham, fruity, gaseous, gravy, nutty, soapy50.95887
19Delta Nonalactone0.88 ± 0.06Coconut81.841374
8Ethyl Heptanoate2.09 ± 0.12Grape like68.431110
9Ethyl enanthate1.79 ± 0.12Pleasant, floral97.841099
21Trimethyl Pyrazine0.80 ± 0.03Pyrazine 0.8Cocoa, earthy, musty, nutty, peanut, potato, roasted nut60.67990
1Dimethyl Sulphide34.20 ± 3.31Sulfur 34.2Cabbage, fruity, gaseous, gasoline, moldy, vegetable soup17.01537
SUM90.09 ± 0.15
Table 6. Headspace volatile compounds of soybean variety: JTN 5203.
Table 6. Headspace volatile compounds of soybean variety: JTN 5203.
Peak No.Volatile CompoundsSurface PercentageCategorySensory DescriptorsRetention Time (s)Kovat’s Index
15Butanoic Acid0.82 ± 0.02Acids 0.82Butter, cheese, rancid, sweaty65.871069
22-Propanol5.84 ± 0.63Alcohol 7.93Alcoholic, ethereal15.57505
103-Heptanol1.04 ± 0.163-Heptanol75.961251
13Methyl Eugenol1.05 ± 0.02Clove, spicy76.291257
5Benzaldehyde2.13 ± 0.41Aldehyde 7.28Almond, burnt sugar, fruity, woody18.23568
6Phenylmethanal1.46 ± 0.15Burnt sugar, fruity, woody59.12970
7N-Nonanal1.37 ± 0.10Chlorine, citrus, fatty, floral, fruity, gaseous, gravy, green, lavender60.16983
8Nonanaldehyde1.21 ± 0.15Chlorine, citrus, fatty, floral, fruity, gaseous, gravy, green, lavender68.381109
9p-Anisaldehyde1.11 ± 0.22Anise, minty, sweet67.771098
3Ethyl-2-Methyl Butyrate5.26 ± 0.70Ester 7.24Apple, blackberry, fruity, green, strawberry, sweet48.81889
112,3-Hexen-1-Ol, Acetate1.01 ± 0.13Banana, fruity, green, sweet, sharp50.95887
12Phenyl Ethyl Acetate0.97 ± 0.16Phenyl Ethyl Acetate61.861006
4Butane-2,3-Dione3.52 ± 0.37Ketone 4.5Butter, caramelized, creamy, fruity, pineapple, spirit43.97855
14Acetophenone0.98±0.01Almond, cheese, floral, musty, sweet82.861397
1Dimethyl Sulphide64.14 ± 3.91Sulfur 64.14Cabbage, fruity, gaseous, gasoline, moldy, vegetable soup16.97536
Sum91.92 ± 0.18

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MDPI and ACS Style

Ravi, R.; Taheri, A.; Khandekar, D.; Millas, R. Rapid Profiling of Soybean Aromatic Compounds Using Electronic Nose. Biosensors 2019, 9, 66.

AMA Style

Ravi R, Taheri A, Khandekar D, Millas R. Rapid Profiling of Soybean Aromatic Compounds Using Electronic Nose. Biosensors. 2019; 9(2):66.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ravi, Ramasamy, Ali Taheri, Durga Khandekar, and Reneth Millas. 2019. "Rapid Profiling of Soybean Aromatic Compounds Using Electronic Nose" Biosensors 9, no. 2: 66.

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