2.2.1. Asset-Liability Management (ALM) Model
The variance of a portfolio return can be perceived as a risk. Given the same average return, a portfolio whose return has a higher chance of deviating from the mean is considered riskier. The mean-variance optimization was introduced by Markowitz [
33] in 1952. Let J denote a set of all tradable assets. We model the index value at the maturity,
, as a random variable on a probability space
. Given a portfolio vector
x, the units invested in each tradable asset, a vector of the future payoffs of the assets
, and the covariance matrix of the assets’ payouts Σ, the variance of payout of the portfolio
x, denoted by
, can be written as,
The derivation of (
1) can be found in [
35] (page 20). For a required average return
r, the asset-liability management (ALM) problem where variance is perceived as risk for an agent with a random contingent claim
can be written as,
is a vector of the current prices of the assets,
is a vector of the average payoffs of the assets, and
is an initial wealth. The problem is to minimize the risk (variance) associated with the random terminal loss
. The smaller the variance is, the more unlikely the terminal wealth from the investment
will deviate from the claim
c. The first constraint is the cost constraint ensuring that an agent does not invest more than what he or she has, while the second constraint makes sure that the average return of the portfolio is at least
However, as the quotes come with bid and ask prices, the costs of buying and selling are not the same. One needs to pay the asking price if one wants to buy a particular option but receives the bid price for selling. Since the vector of the costs of buying or selling the assets
in (
2) are independent of the type of position (buy or sell), the model (
2) needs to be modified. This can be done by duplicating all options into two sets, one for selling and one for buying. Thus, the decision variable
x can be divided into three parts which are (i) the quantities invested in the assets with no bid–ask spreads, (ii) the quantities invested in the assets when one can only buy, and (iii) the quantities invested in the assets when one can only sell. Rigorously, let
denote the new decision variable, we have that
, where
is the quantity held in cash, and
are non-negative vectors of quantities invested in the assets if one wants to buy and sell, respectively. Note that the quantity invested in any option
is equal to
because all options are duplicated to two groups. One group is only for selling, while the other group is only for buying. It is worth noting that
will not be non-zero at the same time as it would increase the objective function value worsening the risk. Similarly, we also need to introduce the new covariance matrix
, the cost vector
, the future payout vector of the assets
, the and the new average payoffs vector
in the same manner. It is worth noting that the payoffs vectors
because both
are the payoffs of the same options which have been duplicated. By duplicating the options to two sets, the change is only on the costs which are now can be dependent on the type of the position (buy or sell). In addition, as we do have quantity constraints, the quantity one wants to buy (sell) a particular asset should not exceed its ask size (bid size).
The portfolio optimization model in which the bid–ask spreads and the illiquidity are taken into account can be written as,
In this work, we model the future value of the index at the expiry date using the Variance Gamma Model. The variance gamma process, introduced in Finance by Madan and Seneta [
26], is obtained by evaluating Brownian motion (with constant drift and volatility) at a random time change given by a gamma process. Rigorously, the index value at maturity,
can be expressed as
is a constant,
is the current value of the index, and
is a variance gamma process defined by
are constants,
is a standard Brownian motion,
is a gamma process with unit mean rate and a variance rate
As the variance gamma model is similar to the Geometric Brownian motion except that the time change in the model is modeled by a gamma process with unit drift and a variance rate
. This makes the variance gamma process capable of having control over skewness and kurtosis of the distribution, and it is known that the data in financial markets usually exhibit fat tails. We use the Variance gamma process to model the index return as opposed to the Geometric Brownian motion due to the jumps exhibited in historical data. We used Monte Carlo simulation to simulate the values of the index at the expiry date under the variance gamma process. We first need to simulate the time change under the gamma process with the unit mean rate and the variance rate of
and then simulate the Brownian motion using the simulated time change as a variance. Unless otherwise stated, the parameters used in the variance gamma model are as
Table 2.
2.2.2. ALM Algorithms
Our current available data is the current S&P 500 mini index value and the 199 standard put and call European options’prices written on the index on the 19 May 2020. Together with a bank account, we have a total of 200 tradable assets. However, due to the presence of bid and ask spreads, as explained earlier in
Section 2.2.1, we need to duplicate the 199 options to 398 options. The first 199 options can only be sold, while the last 199 options can only be bought. In this section, we assume that we do not have any liability. In other words,
. This is back to the classical optimization problem where we just want to find the optimal portfolio which has the required average return but has a minimum variance.
To find the optimal portfolio in model (
3), We first need to simulate a large number of the index values at the expiry date. Then, we compute the payoffs of the cash
, and the options for buying
, and the options for selling
. The averages of the payoffs,
, can also be computed by computing the means of the payoffs for each asset for all simulated index values. The detailed process is as follows,
- 1.
Find the matrix of the payoffs of the assets. The matrix has the dimension of where Q is the number of simulations and L is the number of total tradable assets.
- (a)
Calculate the payoff of the cash after 30 days.
- (b)
Simulate a large numbers of the future index values after 30 days.
- (c)
Compute the payoffs of all options based on the simulated values of the index.
- 2.
Calculate means and covariances of payoffs.
- 3.
Use the built-in quadprog function in Matlab to solve the problem.
Algorithm 1, namely PayoffMatrix, illustrates the process of computing the future payoffs of all tradable assets at the maturity time T obtained with simulated index values taking bid and ask prices into account. This algorithm requires five input parameters, including simulatedIndexValues which are the values of the index simulated by the Variance Gamma Model at maturity time T, numOptions which is a number of options, which is the costs of entering positions in cash, and the options, which is the strike of the option which is removed from the tradable assets, and c which is the contingent claim (liability) an agent may have as in the ALM model. Algorithm 1 returns one output which is payouts matrix obtained with simulated index value for all assets at the maturity time T. It is worth noting that in normal circumstances, we do not remove any options from the tradable assets. In this case, we denote by ∅.
Note that in all Algorithms shown here, and are just notations to concatenate and to access some elements of matrices. and denote horizontal matrix concatenation and vertical matrix concatenation of matrix A and B, respectively. and denote vectors extracted from the matrix A. denotes the vector of the elements from all rows but from column j of the matrix A. denotes the vector of the elements from row i but from all columns of the matrix A. denotes the vector of the elements from row i but from columns k to l where . is the element of the matrix A on row i and column j.
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Algorithm 1: Return the payoffs of the assets based on the simulated values of the index (PayoffMatrix). |
- Input:
simulatedIndexValues, numOptions, , , and c - Output:
- 1:
let ← cash - 2:
- 3:
- 4:
for to numOptions do - 5:
if then - 6:
compute - 7:
else - 8:
compute - 9:
end if - 10:
end for - 11:
update /* choose c from above */
Algorithm 2, namely VarianceMinimize, illustrates the portfolio’s variance minimization process. In other words, it shows how a portfolio with minimal variance is obtained given a required average return. This Algorithm 2 requires twelve input parameters consisting of , a drift (1/year) or the mean rate of return, , modeling volatility, r, a required average return (%), m, the number of simulated prices, numOptions, a number of options, , the variance rate of the gamma process, , mean rate of the variance gamma process, W, an initial wealth, T, a time to maturity (year), , the current index value (USD), , the strike of the options which will be removed in the computation, and c, the future claim of an agent. It returns three outputs, including x, which is an optimal portfolio or a vector of the optimal unit invested in each asset, portMean, which is the mean of the portfolio at the maturity time T, and portSd, which is the optimal standard deviation of the portfolio at the maturity time T.
It is noticeable that in Algorithm 2, we have one extra variable added to the end of the vector of the decision variable which is bounded above by
and bounded below by
. The variable is added because we need to add the liability
c to the objective function in the ALM model (
3). This is done by introducing a dummy variable and adding it at the end of the vector of the decision variables. In the case where we do not have any claims or when
, we can set the last variable to 0 by setting
. The dummy variable will be zero automatically as it is bounded above by
and bounded below by
. If
c is a non-zero liability which means we need to pay it in the future, we then set
. Similarly, if
c is not zero but it is a random receivable, we can set
. Note that, in Algorithm 2,
is an
zero matrix, and the function
is the minimizing command in MatLab software based on quadratic programming.
Algorithm 2: Variance minimization (VarianceMinimize). |
- Input:
, , r, m, numOptions, , , W, T, , , and c - Output:
x, portMean and portSd - 1:
- 2:
- 3:
- 4:
- 5:
construct - 6:
simulate ← with m paths following the Variance Gamma Model ( 5) - 7:
compute - 8:
compute - 9:
compute - 10:
let - 11:
let - 12:
let - 13:
let - 14:
let - 15:
- 16:
- 17: