Constrained Static/Dynamic Economic Emission Load Dispatch Using Elephant Herd Optimization
:1. Introduction
1.1. Overview
1.2. Research Contributions
- An artificial intelligence algorithm, namely, elephant herd optimization (EHO), is implemented in order to solve a critical engineering problem.
- The algorithm is implemented in order to solve both the convex static and dynamic EELD problems of power systems.
- The predictability of the proposed algorithm is evaluated by implementing the algorithm on three different systems, such as 6-, 10-, and 40-unit systems.
- The obtained results are compared to the recent available algorithms in the literature to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach.
1.3. Organization of the Present Work
2. Problem Formulation for the Basic ELD Problem
2.1. Objective Function
2.2. Constraints
2.2.1. Power Balance Constraints
2.2.2. Generator Capacity Constraints
2.2.3. Ramp Rate Limits Constraints
3. Problem Formulation for Dynamic EELD Problem
3.1. Fuel Cost Function
3.2. Emission Dispatch Function
3.3. Constraints
3.4. Weighted Fitness Function to Obtain the Optimal Scheduling Strategy
Constraint Handling
4. Elephant Herd Optimization
Clan Updating Operator
5. Case Study
5.1. Description of Systems
5.1.1. Test System 1
5.1.2. Test System 2
5.1.3. Test System 3
5.2. Parameter Setting and System Configurations
5.3. Computation Results and Comparisons
5.3.1. Test System 1
5.3.2. Test System 2
5.3.3. Test Case 3
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
The quadratic cost function of gth generator in | |
, and | The cost coefficients of the gth generator in |
The active power output from the gth generator in | |
The total number of CFTGU | |
The power demand at the load in | |
The loss coefficient matrices | |
Maximum limit of active power generation of gth generator | |
Minimum limit of active power generation of gth generator | |
Recently refreshed for elephant in clan | |
Recently refreshed for elephant in clan | |
Matriarch which is the fittest elephant individual in clan | |
Random value between [0, 1] | |
Random value between [0, 1] | |
Total dimension | |
Quantity of elephants in clan | |
The dth elephant individual of | |
The upper bound of the position of elephant individual | |
The lower bound of the position of elephant individual | |
Worst elephant individual in clan | |
Centre of clan | |
A real between the range [0 1] |
GHGs | Greenhouse Gases |
ELD | Economic Load Dispatch |
DEELD | Dynamic Economic Emission Load Dispatch |
EHO | Elephant Herd Optimization |
CFTGU | Coal-Fired Thermal Generating Unit |
VPE | Valve Point Effects |
PTS | Partial Transmit Sequence |
SFG | Switched Reluctance Generator |
UFMC | Universal Filtered Multicarrier |
GA | Genetic Algorithm |
EP | Evolutionary Programming |
SQP | Sequential Quadratic Programming |
PSO | Particle Swarm Optimization |
TL | Transmission Losses |
IGAMU | Improved Genetic Algorithm with Multiplier Updating |
HDE | Self-Tuning Hybrid Differential Algorithm |
AP-PSO | Anti-Predatory PSO |
ESO | Evolutionary Strategy Optimization |
Q-PSO | Quantum Mechanics Inspired PSO |
BBO | Biogeography Optimization |
HPSO | Hybrid PSO |
GSA | Gravitational Search Algorithm |
EMOCA | Enhanced Multi-Objective Cultural Algorithm |
IDPSO | Improved Orthogonal Design PSO |
MKHA | Modified Kill Herd Algorithm |
MCSA | Modified Crow Search Algorithm |
SA-ANS | Self-Adapted Across Neighborhood Search |
FBTDA | Flooding Based Topology Discovery Algorithm |
HGWO | Hybrid Grey Wolf Optimization |
ESSA | Emended Salp Swarm Algorithm |
EMAM | Exchange Market Algorithm Method |
POA | Peafowl Optimization Algorithm |
Dy-NSBBO | Dynamic Non-Sorted Biogeography-Based Optimization |
MO-VCS | Multi-Objective Virus Colony Search |
MFO-PDU | Moth–Flame Optimization with Position Disturbance Updating Strategy |
ITSA | Improved Tunicate Swarm Algorithm |
ISFO | Improved Sailfish Algorithm |
IBFA | Improved Bacterial Foraging Algorithm |
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Reference | Methodology | Static ELD | Dynamic EELD |
[4,5] | SQP | √ | × |
[7] | IGAMU | √ | × |
[8] | HDE | √ | × |
[9] | AP-PSO | √ | × |
[12] | ESO | √ | × |
[13] | ABC | √ | × |
[14,20] | Q-PSO | √ | × |
[15] | BBO | √ | × |
[16] | Hybrid-BBO | √ | × |
[21] | Hybrid-PSO | √ | × |
[22] | GSA | √ | × |
[23] | EMOCA | √ | × |
[24] | IDPSPO | √ | × |
[25] | MKHA | √ | × |
[26] | MCSA | √ | × |
[31] | HGWO | √ | × |
[34] | ESSA | √ | × |
[36] | EMAM | √ | × |
[41] | Dy-NSBBO | × | √ |
[42] | MO-VCS | × | √ |
[43] | MFO-PDU | × | √ |
[44] | ITSA | × | √ |
[45] | ISFO | × | √ |
[47] | IBFA | √ | √ |
Proposed | EHO | √ | √ |
1 | 500 | 100 | 0.007 | 7 | 240 | 0.002022 | −0.000286 | −0.000534 | −0.000565 | −0.000454 | −0.000103 |
2 | 200 | 50 | 0.0095 | 10 | 200 | −0.000286 | 0.003243 | 0.000016 | −0.000307 | −0.000422 | −0.000147 |
3 | 300 | 80 | 0.009 | 8.5 | 220 | −0.000533 | 0.000016 | 0.002805 | 0.000831 | 0.000023 | −0.000270 |
4 | 150 | 50 | 0.009 | 11 | 200 | −0.000565 | −0.000307 | 0.000831 | 0.001129 | 0.000113 | −0.000295 |
5 | 200 | 50 | 0.008 | 10.5 | 220 | −0.000454 | −0.000422 | 0.000023 | 0.000113 | 0.000460 | −0.000153 |
6 | 120 | 50 | 0.0075 | 12 | 190 | 0.000103 | −0.000147 | −0.000270 | −0.000295 | −0.000153 | 0.000898 |
Best Cost (USD) | Worst Cost (USD) | Average Cost (USD) | Standard Deviations | |
100 | 15,299.62 | 15,428.46 | 15,339.83 | 34.78751 |
200 | 15,286.47 | 15,349.92 | 15,315.31 | 17.00265 |
500 | 15,293.25 | 15,351.38 | 15,308.31 | 15.80449 |
Algorithm | Others | Reference | ||
ALO | 200 | 20 | Not Reported | [56] |
BAT | 200 | 20 | , | [58] |
EHO | 200 | 20 | = 5 | Proposed Work |
/Parameter | EHO | MKHA [25] | ALO [56] | BAT [58] |
(MW) | 439.858 | 447.3998 | 473.84 | 499.9837 |
(MW) | 185.133 | 173.2424 | 181.75 | 148.8036 |
(MW) | 247.6364 | 263.3833 | 265.87 | 270.8342 |
(MW) | 133.7811 | 138.9778 | 129.85 | 127.1789 |
(MW) | 160.6319 | 165.3929 | 165.35 | 179.3078 |
(MW) | 96.18851 | 87.0495 | 85.081 | 75.5512 |
(MW) | 1263.229 | 1275.44 | 1301.74 | 1301.659 |
Losses (MW) | 0.229 | 12.44 | 38.74 | 38.659 |
Best Cost (USD) | 15,286.47 | 15,443.00 | 15,796.02746 | 15,814.97355 |
Worst Cost (USD) | 15,349.92 | 15,443.00 | 15,796.02746 | 15,898.4937 |
Standard Deviations | 17.00265 | 0.2318 | 7.46498 × 10−12 | 23.83492754 |
Average Cost (USD) | 15,315.31 | 15,443.00 | 15,796.02746 | 15,839.77276 |
CPU Time (secs) | 2.29 | 7.41 | 2.46 | 2.72 |
Method | Best Cost (USD) | Time Consumption |
BAT | 124,835.00 | 21.0129 |
ALO | 124,229.97 | 27.5294 |
KSO [32] | 125,491.00 | Not Reported |
Self Turing HDE [8] | 123,496.02 | 16.86025 |
Beta-HC-GWO (0.5) [59] | 123,162.04 | Not Reported |
CBPSO-RVM [21] | 122,281.14 | Not Reported |
EHO | 121,478.96 | 21.2882 |
Best Cost (USD) | Worst Cost (USD) | Average Cost (USD) | Standard Deviations | |
100 | 1,019,633.2 | 1,042,786.93 | 10,357,443.29 | 789.6 |
200 | 1,018,657.22 | 1,036,723.74 | 1,024,656.78 | 742.86 |
500 | 1,013,950.00 | 1,019,502.00 | 10,301,860.00 | 889.1759 |
1 | 28,466 | 22,085 | 13 | 51,341 | 30,031 |
2 | 30,231 | 23,954 | 14 | 47,737 | 30,462 |
3 | 33,190 | 22,353 | 15 | 44,481 | 26,528 |
4 | 36,406 | 25,311 | 16 | 39,467 | 24,031 |
5 | 38,248 | 29,537 | 17 | 38,078 | 26,984 |
6 | 41,081 | 24,784 | 18 | 41,240 | 23,879 |
7 | 42,784 | 27,220 | 19 | 44,597 | 25,721 |
8 | 44,425 | 28,461 | 20 | 51,694 | 30,470 |
9 | 47,801 | 28,854 | 21 | 47,638 | 27,604 |
10 | 51,476 | 31,531 | 22 | 41,236 | 25,644 |
11 | 53,038 | 31,366 | 23 | 34,649 | 23,745 |
12 | 53,079 | 33,799 | 24 | 31,567 | 23,731 |
Total | 1,013,950 | 648,085 |
Method | Best Cost (USD) | Average Cost (USD) | Worst Cost (USD) | Standard Deviation |
Individual approaches | ||||
ICA [60] | 1,018,467.49 | 1,019,291.358 | 1,021,795.773 | 687.56 |
CDE [61] | 1,019,123.00 | 1,020,870.00 | 1,023,115.00 | - |
DE [62] | 1,019,786.00 | - | - | - |
AIS [63] | 1,021,980.00 | 1,023,156.00 | 1,024,173.00 | - |
ECE [64] | 1,022,271.58 | 1,023,334.93 | - | - |
IPSO [65] | 1,023,807.00 | 1,026,863.00 | - | - |
DGPSO [66] | 1,028,835.00 | 1,030,183.00 | - | - |
BAT | 1,033,416.00 | - | - | - |
ALO | 1,035,431.00 | - | - | - |
Hybrid approaches | ||||
SOA-SQP [67] | 1,021,460.00 | - | - | - |
PSO-SQP [68] | 1,027,334.00 | 1,028,546.00 | - | - |
MHEP-SQP [69] | 1,028,924.00 | 1,021,179.00 | - | - |
AIS-SQP [70] | 1,029,900.00 | - | - | - |
CS-DE [71] | 1,023,432.00 | 1,026,475.00 | 1,027,634.00 | - |
Proposed EHO | 1,013,950.00 | 1,019,502.00 | 10,301,860.00 | 889.1759 |
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Peesapati, R.; Nayak, Y.K.; Warungase, S.K.; Salkuti, S.R. Constrained Static/Dynamic Economic Emission Load Dispatch Using Elephant Herd Optimization. Information 2023, 14, 339.
Peesapati R, Nayak YK, Warungase SK, Salkuti SR. Constrained Static/Dynamic Economic Emission Load Dispatch Using Elephant Herd Optimization. Information. 2023; 14(6):339.
Chicago/Turabian StylePeesapati, Rajagopal, Yogesh Kumar Nayak, Swati K. Warungase, and Surender Reddy Salkuti. 2023. "Constrained Static/Dynamic Economic Emission Load Dispatch Using Elephant Herd Optimization" Information 14, no. 6: 339.
APA StylePeesapati, R., Nayak, Y. K., Warungase, S. K., & Salkuti, S. R. (2023). Constrained Static/Dynamic Economic Emission Load Dispatch Using Elephant Herd Optimization. Information, 14(6), 339.