Local Multi-Head Channel Self-Attention for Facial Expression Recognition
:1. Introduction
2. Related Work
2.1. Attention
- Global Attention: is usually only a module used before another model with the idea to enhance the important parts of an image.
- Spatial Attention: the attention modules focus on single pixels or areas of the feature maps.
- Channel Attention: the attention modules focus on entire feature maps.
- Self-Attention: the attention tries to find relationships between different aspects of the data.
- Stand-Alone Attention: the architecture is aimed at fully replacing the convolutional blocks and at defining a new processing block for computer vision based on some attention mechanism (mostly self-attention).
- In all of them, channel attention always has a secondary role and there is always a spatial attention sub-module with a primary role;
- In all of them, the crucial multi-head structure is lacking;
- All of them implement channel attention as a “passive” non-learning module;
- None of them integrates our local spatial behavior for channel attention;
- None of them integrates our dynamic scaling, which is very specific of our architecture.
2.2. FER2013
3. LHC-Net
3.1. Architecture
3.2. Motivation and Analysis
3.2.1. Channel Self-Attention
- Spatial attention in computer vision strongly relies on the main assumption that a relationship between the single pixels or areas of an image exists. This assumption is not self-evident, or at least, not as evident as the relationship between words in a phrase, which spatial attention is inspired by.
- All attempts to pursue spatial self-attention in computer vision (especially in stand-alone mode) have gained only minor improvements over the previous state-of-the-art architectures, and most of the times, at the price of an unreasonably higher computational cost and a prohibitive pre-training on enormous datasets.
- Much more simple and computationally cheaper approaches, like Squeeze and Excitation in Efficient Net, have already been proven to be very effective without the need to replace convolution.
3.2.2. Dynamic Scaling
3.2.3. Shared Linear Embedding and Convolution
3.2.4. Local Multi-Head
- Their approach is not designed for self-attention.
- Their local processing units are used at a later stage. They directly calculate local attention weights from embeddings (scalar output with softmax activation). Our local processing units calculate the initial embeddings (high dimension output with linear activation).
- Local heads have the advantage of working at a much lower dimension. Detecting a pattern of a few pixels is harder if the input includes the entire feature map.
- Splitting the images in smaller parts gives to local heads the ability to build new feature maps, considering only the important parts of the old maps. There is no reason to compose feature maps in their entirety when only a small part is detecting an interesting feature. Local heads are able to add a feature map to a new feature map only if the original map is activated by a pattern and only around that pattern, avoiding the addition of not useful information.
- Local heads seem to be more efficient in terms of parameters allocation (see Appendix B).
4. Experiments
4.1. Experimental Setup
4.2. Results
- ResNet34 is confirmed to be the most effective architecture on FER2013, especially its v2 version. In our experiments, raw ResNet34 trained with the multi-stage protocol and inferenced with TTA reaches an accuracy that is not distant from the previous SOTA (ResMaskingNet).
- Heavy architectures seem not to be able to outperform more simple models on FER2013.
- LHC-Net has the top accuracy, both with and without TTA.
- LHC-NetC outperforms LHC-Net, but is outperformed when TTA is used.
- More importantly, LHC-Net outperforms the previous SOTA with less than one-fourth of its free parameters, and the impact of the LHC modules on the base architecture is much lower (less than vs. over ), and it is closer to other attention modules such as CBAM/BAM/SE.
5. Conclusions and Future Developments
- Testing LHC on other, more computational intensive scenarios such as the Imagenet dataset.
- Testing LHC with other backbone architectures and with a larger range of starting performances (not only peak performances).
- We did not optimize the general topology of LHC-Net, and the model hyper-parameters of the attention blocks are hand-selected with only a few attempts. There is evidence that both the 5 blocks topology and hyper-parameters might be sub-optimal.
- Further research on the stand-alone training mode will be necessary.
- Normalization blocks before and after the LHC blocks should be better evaluated, in order to mitigate the divergence issue mentioned in the previous section.
- A second convolution before the residual connection should be considered, to mimic the general structure of the original Transformer.
- A better head splitting technique could be key in future research. The horizontal splitting we used was only the most obvious way to achieve it, but not necessarily the most effective. Other approaches should be evaluated, e.g., learning the optimal areas through spatial attention.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Acronyms
Acronym | Meaning |
AI | Artificial Intelligence |
CBAM | Convolutional Block Attention Module |
CNN | Convolutional Neural Network |
CoAtNet | COnvolutional and self-ATention Network |
ECA | Efficient Channel Attention Network |
FER | Facial Expression Recognition |
GAN | Generative Adversarial Network |
LHC | Local multi-Head Channel self-attention |
LSTM | Long Short-Term Memory |
ML | Machine Learning |
NLP | Natural Language Processing |
ResNet | Residual Network |
RM-Net | Residual Masking Network |
SAGAN | Self-Attention Generative Adversarial Network |
SCA | Spatial and Channel wise Attention |
SE | Squeeze and Excitation Network |
SGD | Stochastic Gradient Descent |
SOTA | State of the art |
SVM | Support Vector Machine |
TTA | Test Time Augmentation |
URCA | UpSample Residual Channel-wise Attention |
VGG | Visual Geometry Group |
VIT | Vision Transformer |
Appendix B. A Qualitative Analysis of Multi-Head Efficiency over Global Head
Appendix C. Benchmark Results
Model | Accuracy | TTA | Params | Att |
BoW Repr. [37] | 67.48% | no | - | - |
Human [37] | 70.00% | no | - | - |
CNN [39] | 70.02% | no | - | - |
VGG19 [38] | 70.80% | yes | 143.7M | - |
EffNet [38] * | 70.80% | yes | 9.18M | - |
SVM [37] | 71.16% | no | - | - |
Inception [40] | 71.60% | yes | 23.85M | - |
Incep.v1 [38] * | 71.97% | yes | 5M | - |
ResNet34 [40] | 72.40% | yes | 27.6M | - |
ResNet34 [38] | 72.42% | yes | 27.6M | - |
VGG [40] | 72.70% | yes | 143.7M | - |
SE-Net50 [41] | 72.70% | yes | 27M | 5.18% |
Incep.v3 [38] * | 72.72% | yes | 23.85M | - |
ResNet34v2 | 72.81% | no | 27.6M | - |
BAMRN50 [38] * | 73.14% | yes | 24.07M | |
Dense121 [38] | 73.16% | yes | 8.06M | - |
ResNet50 [41] | 73.20% | yes | 25.6M | - |
ResNet152 [38] | 73.22% | yes | 60.38M | - |
VGG [42] | 73.28% | yes | 143.7M | - |
CBAMRN50 [38] | 73.39% | yes | 28.09M | |
LHC-Net | no | 32.4M | 14.8% | |
LHC-NetC | no | 32.4M | 14.8% | |
ResNet34v2 | 73.92% | yes | 27.6M | - |
RM-Net [38] | 74.14% | yes | 142.9M | 80.7% |
LHC-NetC | yes | 32.4M | 14.8% | |
LHC-Net | yes | 32.4M | 14.8% |
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Authors | Method | Accuracy |
Minaee et al. [39] | CNN with global spatial attention | 70.02% |
Pramerdorfer et al. [40] | Inception | 71.6% |
Pramerdorfer et al. [40] | ResNet | 72.4% |
Pramerdorfer et al. [40] | Visual Geometry Group (VGG) | 72.7% |
Khanzada et al. [41] | SE-ResNet50 | 72.7% |
Khanzada et al. [41] | ResNet50 | 73.2% |
Khaireddin et al. [42] | VGG with hyper-parameters fine tuning | 73.28% |
Pham et al. [38] | ResMaskingNet (ResNet with spatial attention) | 74.14% |
Pham et al. [38] | ensemble of 6 convolutional neural networks | 76.82% |
Block | Heads | Dim | Pool | Scale | Ker |
LHC1 | 8 | 196 | 3 | 1 | 3 |
LHC2 | 8 | 196 | 3 | 1 | 3 |
LHC3 | 7 | 56 | 3 | 1 | 3 |
LHC4 | 7 | 14 | 3 | 1 | 3 |
LHC5 | 1 | 25 | 3 | 1 | 3 |
Optimizer | Adam, learning rate = 0.0001 |
Batch Size | 48 |
Patience | 30 epochs |
Augmentation | 30 degree rotation |
Optimizer | Stochastic Gradient Descent, learning rate = 0.01 |
Batch Size | 64 |
Patience | 10 epochs |
10 degree rotation | |
Augmentation | 0.1 horizontal/vertical shift |
0.1 zoom |
Optimizer | Stochastic Gradient Descent, learning rate = 0.01 |
Batch Size | 64 |
Patience | 5 epochs |
Augmentation | - |
Optimizer | Stochastic Gradient Descent, learning rate = |
Batch Size | 64 |
Patience | 3 epochs |
Augmentation | - |
Model | Top 40% | Top 40% w/o Best | Top 25% | Top 25% w/o Best | Best |
ResNet34v2 | 72.69% | 72.65% | 72.75% | 72.69% | 72.81% |
LHC-Net | 72.77% | 72.83% | |||
LHC-NetC | 72.79% | 72.89% |
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Pecoraro, R.; Basile, V.; Bono, V. Local Multi-Head Channel Self-Attention for Facial Expression Recognition. Information 2022, 13, 419. https://doi.org/10.3390/info13090419
Pecoraro R, Basile V, Bono V. Local Multi-Head Channel Self-Attention for Facial Expression Recognition. Information. 2022; 13(9):419. https://doi.org/10.3390/info13090419
Chicago/Turabian StylePecoraro, Roberto, Valerio Basile, and Viviana Bono. 2022. "Local Multi-Head Channel Self-Attention for Facial Expression Recognition" Information 13, no. 9: 419. https://doi.org/10.3390/info13090419
APA StylePecoraro, R., Basile, V., & Bono, V. (2022). Local Multi-Head Channel Self-Attention for Facial Expression Recognition. Information, 13(9), 419. https://doi.org/10.3390/info13090419