PKCHD: Towards a Probabilistic Knapsack Public-Key Cryptosystem with High Density
:1. Introduction
- in the system, the encryption function is nonlinear about the message vector;
- to disguise the easy knapsack problem, the size conditions should be excluded;
- the encryption function must be non-injective. A cipher-text must have so many preimages that it is computationally infeasible for the attacker to list all the preimages.
- PKCHD is a probabilistic knapsack-type PKC.
- The multivariate polynomial encryption function is nonlinear about the message vector, and its degrees are controlled by the randomly-chosen small integers.
- The secret key is disguised via Chinese remainder theorem (CRT) rather than the size conditions. Thus, PKCHD is secure against simultaneous Diophantine approximation attacks.
- The density of PKCHD is sufficiently high under the relinearization attack model. A cipher-text has too many plaintexts for the attacker to enumerate all of them in polynomial time.
- If its density evaluates the hardness of a knapsack instance, PKCHD can always use the hardest knapsack vector as the public-key.
- The attacker has to solve at least two hard number-theoretic problems, namely integer factorization and simultaneous Diophantine approximation problems, to recover the trapdoor information.
2. Preliminaries
- -
- , the field of real numbers.
- -
- , the ring of integers; , the set of all positive integers.
- -
- , the complete system of least nonnegative residues modulo n; , the reduced residue system modulo n.
- -
- , the greatest common divisor of a and b; , the least common multiple of a and b.
- -
- If , mod b denotes the inverse of a modulo b.
- -
- , a divides b.
- -
- a mod p, the least nonnegative remainder of a divided by p.
- -
- means that a is the least nonnegative remainder of b modulo N; means that a and b are congruent modulo N.
- -
- For , and an integer m, m mod denotes the 2-tuple (m mod a, m mod b).
- -
- means that or .
- -
- , the cardinality of a set A.
- -
- , the binary length of an integer a.
- -
- , the smallest integer greater than or equal to r.
2.1. Lattice
2.2. Low-Density Subset Sum Attacks
2.3. Simultaneous Diophantine Approximation
3. Easy Knapsack-Type Problems
- Construct an easy instance P[easy] from an intractable problem P.
- Shuffle P[easy] to make the resultant problem P[shuffle] seemingly-hard and indistinguishable from P.
- P[shuffle] is published as the encryption key. The information s by means of which P[shuffle] is reduced to P[easy] is kept as the secret key.
- The authorized receiver knowing s solves P[easy] to recover a message, whereas the task for the attacker is to solve P[shuffle].
3.1. An Easy Compact Knapsack Problem
3.2. Generalization of the Simultaneous Compact Knapsack Problem
Algorithm 1. Solving the simultaneous Diophantine equations |
4. The Proposed PKCHD Cryptosystem
4.1. Key Generation
- Con:
- I is T-DIST modulo the set J under the indices of K.
4.2. Encryption
4.3. Decryption
4.4. Remarks
- Con:
- I is P-DIST modulo the set J under the indices of K.
4.5. A Practical Implementation
5. Performance and Parameter Specifications
5.1. Parameter Specifications
5.2. On Generating the Keys
Algorithm 2. Generating the secret cargo vectors |
5.3. Computational Complexity
5.4. Information Rate
6. Security Analysis
6.1. On Solving the Cracking Problem
6.1.1. Brute Force Attacks
6.1.2. Low-Density Attack
6.1.3. On the Number of Plaintext Vectors That a Cipher-Text Has
- Unif:
- Given a cipher-text c, the vector output by the lattice reduction algorithms is uniformly distributed over the plaintext vectors.
6.1.4. On Reducing to the CVP
6.2. On Solving the Trapdoor Problem
6.2.1. Simultaneous Diophantine Approximation Attack
6.2.2. Known N Attack
6.2.3. Known p and q Attack
6.3. Generating the Hardest Knapsack Instances
6.4. Provable Security Remarks
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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I | |
K | |
27 | |
n | 9 |
A | |
B | |
p | 999979 |
q | 999983 |
N | 999962000357 |
E | |
759237254392 | |
F | |
M | |
G | |
c | 44190990551868 |
Y | |
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Share and Cite
Ping, Y.; Wang, B.; Tian, S.; Zhou, J.; Ma, H. PKCHD: Towards a Probabilistic Knapsack Public-Key Cryptosystem with High Density. Information 2019, 10, 75.
Ping Y, Wang B, Tian S, Zhou J, Ma H. PKCHD: Towards a Probabilistic Knapsack Public-Key Cryptosystem with High Density. Information. 2019; 10(2):75.
Chicago/Turabian StylePing, Yuan, Baocang Wang, Shengli Tian, Jingxian Zhou, and Hui Ma. 2019. "PKCHD: Towards a Probabilistic Knapsack Public-Key Cryptosystem with High Density" Information 10, no. 2: 75.
APA StylePing, Y., Wang, B., Tian, S., Zhou, J., & Ma, H. (2019). PKCHD: Towards a Probabilistic Knapsack Public-Key Cryptosystem with High Density. Information, 10(2), 75.