Searching for the Location of Lord Lao: The Evolution of Daoist Cosmic Concept between the Han and Tang Dynasties
:1. Shadows of the Kunlun Mountain as the Heavenly Ladder
One is the Dao… When dispersed, it becomes Qi. When gathered, it becomes Great High Lord Lao. Lord Lao constantly governs Kunlun. 一者道也……一散形為氣, 聚形為太上老君, 常治昆侖10
Dao says: …… The venerable Daoist Qi of Three-Five-Seven-Nine rules over the Kunlun Mountain of the Pure Tenuity. It appeared in three heavens and quickly enters your body and then you are untied and escape from the net and pay homage to Lord Lao.
道曰:……三五七九道氣尊, 治在清微昆侖山。近見三天入人身, 解脫綱羅見老君.
《太上老君音誦戒令文》曰:我以今世之人作惡者多, 父不慈、子不孝、臣不忠……吾是以引而遠去, 乃之昆侖山上。……吾治在昆侖山, 山上臺觀, 眾樓殿堂, 宮室連相接次……平定之後, 還當昇舉, 伏宅昆侖.14
以漢安元年(142)壬午歲五月一日, 老君於蜀郡渠亭山石室中, 與道士張道陵將詣昆侖大治新出太上。太上謂世人不畏真正, 而畏邪鬼, 因自號為“新出老君”。即拜張為太玄都正一平氣三天之師, 付張正一明威之道、新出老君之制.16
The Great High then from his Kunlun Diocese ascended to the Seven Treasures Virtue Abbey of the Heaven Top Diocese. He summoned Daoling and said to him: “My Dao emerged from the state of non-origination, before the beginning of the Great Beginning”.太上於是昆侖治中, 進登天首大治七寶道德觀上, 召道陵而告之曰:“吾道出於無先, 太初之前”.17
The upper immortals ascend to heaven in broad daylight; the middle immortals dwell in famous mountains such as Kunlun and Penglai, constructing palaces in mid-air; the lower immortals often reside in caves and grottoes of various famous mountains.上仙白日昇天;中仙棲于昆侖、蓬萊等名山, 空中結宮室;下仙常棲諸名山洞室.23
Ascending Kunlun Mountain, at a point twice its height lies Liangfeng Mountain. Climbing it will not lead to death. Twice its height again lies the Xuanpu. Climbing it brings spiritual elevation and the ability to control wind and rain. Going up another two times its height leads to the top heaven, where climbing it grants divine powers and access to the abode of the Taidi. 昆侖之丘, 或上倍之, 是謂涼風之山, 登之而不死。或上倍之, 是謂懸圃, 登之乃靈, 能使風雨。或上倍之, 乃維上天, 登之乃神, 是謂太帝之居.
2. Exquisite Palace and Hall in the Great Clarity Heaven
Realms | Names | levels |
Beyond the Three Realms 三界外 | Grand Canopy Heaven 大罗天 | One level |
Jade Clarity Domain 玉清境 | One level | |
Highest Purity Domain 上清境 | One level | |
Great Clarity Domain 太清境 | One level | |
Four Seed People Heavens 四種民天 | Four Levels | |
Inside the Three Realms 三界内 | The Formless Realm 無色界 | Four Levels |
the Form Realm 色界 | Eighteen Levels | |
the Realm of Desire 欲界 | Sixteen Levels |
Fifth Immortal: Lord of the Dao, also known as the One, is the central star of the Polaris on the Central Pole of the Supreme Heavenly Lord… Above is the Primordial pneuma of Great Clarity…Laozi and Taihe serve on his left and right…第五神仙:道君者, 一也, 皇天上帝中極北辰中央星是也.……上有太清元氣……老子、太和侍之左右……
Sixth Immortal: Lord Lao is the soul of heaven and the ruler of nature, always attending to the Lord of the Dao’s side. Therefore, we nine immortals are called the Nine-Headed Lord. 第六神仙:老君者, 天之魂也, 自然之君也, 常侍道君左右方。故吾等九人, 九頭君也。39
Taisu Jun Yuancheng Laozi, also known as the soul of heaven, governs in the Great Clarity Domain, within the Curved Array. He serves the Emperor Lord and is in charge of the pneuma of the True Primordia, hence he is known as Taisu Jun. Taihe Jun Huangcheng Laozi is the spirit of heaven, who also governs within the Great Clarity Domain and Curved Array. He is known as Taihe Jun and serves the Heavenly Emperor, in charge of the pneuma of the True Embryo. …Taisu Yuancheng Laozi constantly serves the Emperor within Great Clarity; while Huangcheng Laozi serves the Heavenly Emperor and can be found in and out of Purple Sublimity, located in Kunlun. 太素君元成老子, 亦天之魂, 治在太清之中, 勾陳之內, 常侍帝君, 主真元之炁也, 號曰太素君矣。太和君皇成老子, 天之魄也, 亦治在太清勾陳之內, 號曰太和君, 常侍天帝, 主胎元之氣也。……太素元成老子, 太清之中常侍帝君;皇成老子, 常侍天帝, 出入紫微, 正在昆侖43
… The Jiujun Shenming Daoyao says: “The Taiqing Zhong Jing came from Lord Lao and was passed down to Yuanjun and the Jiuhuang Zhenren.”… The Zhengyi Jing mentions: “The Taiqing Jinye Tianwen Dili zhi Jing consists of forty-six volumes”. This scripture mainly discusses Golden Alchemy and also includes astrological and meteorological calculations, I should not show its details here. According to the Mo Lu, in the first year of the Han An era (142), the Great High transmitted these forty-six volumes of scripture to the Heavenly Master, and they have been passed down ever since.言太清者, 孟法師云:……此經既明金丹之術, 服禦之者遠昇太清, 故言太清。……太清者, 太一為宗。……《九君申明道要》云:“《太清中經》, 元始出來, 出於老君, 傳付元君、九皇真人……。”《正一經》云:“《太清金液天文地理之經》, 四十六卷。”此經所明, 多是金丹之要, 又著緯候之儀, 今不詳辯。按《墨錄》所明, 即漢安元年(142), 太上以此經四十六卷付於天師, 因此至今也。45
The way of the transcendents/immortals regards life as the most important [thing], therefore it cultivates it/life. At first, cultivators practiced in the mortal world, but as they delved deeper into their cultivation, they entered the immortal realms. Through constant migration, they advanced step by step, first entering the Great Clarity Domain as immortals, then the Highest Purity Domain as Perfect Beings, then the Jade Clarity Domain as Saints, and finally reaching the realm of Grand Canopy—where they achieve the ultimate state of the Dao. 仙道主生, 因生修習。仙之言遷, 遷昇太清。遷仙入真, 上昇上清。遷真入聖, 上昇玉清。遷聖入道, 上昇大羅, 至道之境49
3. The Purple Sublimity Ultimate Palace, Supreme Pole Domain, and the Difficulties in Integrating the Godhood of Gold Portal Latter Saint
3.1. Lord Lao’s Purple Sublimity Ultimate Palace
The Five Stars of the North Pole and the Six Stars of the Curved Array are all in the Purple Sublimity Palace. The North Star is the most revered of the North Pole, and Pivot Star is the pivot of heaven. … The star east of the North Pole is called the Recorder Under the Pillar, which oversees the recording of sins. 北極五星, 勾陳六星, 皆在紫宮中。北極, 北辰最尊者也, 其紐星, 天之樞也。……極東一星, 曰柱下史, 主記過.
Purple Sublimity Palace. It is located at Yuming Field outside the Northern Sea, on the Xuanlong Mountain where the Lady of the Purple Sublimity resides. 紫微宮。右在北溟外羽明野玄隴山, 紫微夫人之所居。
Purple Sublimity Ultimate Palace. It is situated at Mount Jade-Capital in the northwestern part of the Grand Capital of Mystery. 紫微上宮。右在玄都西北玉京山。
Seven Treasures of Purple Sublimity Palace. It is located at the Mount Jade-Capital in the Grand Capital of Mystery. 七寶紫微宮。右在太玄都玉京山。
Seven Treasures Pole Star Terrace of Primordial Yang of Capital of Mystery is where the Heavenly Worthy of the Primordial Beginning is in a state of peace and no-action and left to ponder all living beings. 玄都元陽七寶紫微宮。右原始元尊恬然安漠, 寂然無為, 思念萬兆之所.58
3.2. The Supreme Pole Domain and the Godhood of the Gold Portal Latter Saint
Stages | Host |
First Fruit: Immortal of the Cave Palaces 第一初果洞宮仙人 | |
Second fruit: the Perfect Immortal of the Void Palaces on the famous mounts 第二次果名山之上虛宮地真人 | |
Third Fruit: the Perfect of Nine Palaces 第三次果為九宮真人 | |
Fourth Fruit: Great Clarity Supreme Immortals 第四果證位為太清上仙 | Great High Lord Lao |
Fifth Fruit: The Perfects of the Supreme Pole 第五太極真人果位 | The relevant palaces are above Great Clarity and below Supreme Clarity, governed by Lord Lao. |
Sixth Fruit: The Perfects of Highest Purity 第六果位為上清真人 | It is located above Supreme Pole, in the Highest Purity Domain, governed by The Lord of Great Dao of Jade Dawn. |
Seventh Fruit: Jade Clarity Sages 第七極果為玉清聖人 | Merged with Dao. |
Levels in the Zhenling Weiye Tu |
Jade Clarity |
Highest Purity |
Supreme Pole |
Great Clarity |
Nine Palaces |
Three Officials 三官 |
Feng Capital 豐都 |
Right position of Highest Purity: Right Saint Gold Portal Emperor Dawn, Latter Saint Great Dao of Mystery and Prime will be born in this world in the year of Renchen. 上清右位:右聖金闕帝晨後聖玄元道君.壬辰當下生.79
Middle position of the Supreme Pole: The Supreme Pole Gold Portal Emperor Lord. His surname is Li, and will descend in the year of Renchen and become the Lord of Great Peace. 太極中位:太極金闕帝君.姓李, 壬辰下教, 太平主.80
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | For the overall discussion of the evolution of Daoist cosmic concept (especially the view of the heavenly realm) between the Han and Tang dynasties, cf. (Schafer 1977; Mugitani 1988, pp. 54–73; Xiao 1989, pp. 207–648; W. Sun 2016; Lu 2018b; and others). |
2 | Zhen Luan, and Xiaodao Lun. 148a. In the same work, Zhen Luan once again ridiculed the location of the Lord of the Great Dao of the Most High, pointing to the inconsistency between the ritual practice and the classic narrative in Daoist tradition. See Xiaodao Lun, p. 149c. |
3 | |
4 | The transformation of Laozi’s divinity was not a simple linear progression. Criticism towards the overemphasis on Laozi’s sacred status was not limited to those outside of Daoist tradition, as some practitioners also expressed dissenting views. As Ge Hong (葛洪) straightforwardly stated, “as for Laozi, he was particularly adept at attaining the Dao, inwardly genuine and natural. To properly understand his life, one should rely on historical records as well as immortal and secret texts to cross-reference. Other folk views are full of falsehoods. The later Daoist priests have added their own embellishments, which are not authentic teachings”. See Li Fang ed., Taiping Yulan, p. 659.2943b. |
5 | The Kunlun belief system in the Han dynasty and its subsequent adoption by Daoism, Cf. (Sofukawa 1979; Xian 2006; Luo 2020; G. Wang 2022, etc.). |
6 | The brief summary of the relationship between Queen Mother of the West and Kunlun, see (L. Michael 1979). The research on Queen Mother of the West is extremely rich. A comprehensive review can be found in (Q. Zhang 2013, pp. 1–38). |
7 | A brief discussion on the research approaches of Kunlun can be found in (L. Gao 2019). For more significant works on the study of Kunlun, see (Y. Wang 2020; T. Michael 2016; Feng 2022). |
8 | Research on the Queen Mother of the West is quite rich, Zhang Qin has contributed to this field his Wenhua Renleixue Shiye Xiade Xiwangmu Shenhua Chuanshuo Yanjiu (Q. Zhang 2013, pp. 1–38). |
9 | There have been many studies on Xiang’er Zhu, cf. (Mugitani 2013, pp. 1–42), translated by Li Heshu. |
10 | Rao Zongyi, Laozi Xiang’er Zhu Jiao Zheng, p. 12. |
11 | Regarding the twenty-four dioceses system of the Heavenly Master Daoism, see (C. Wang 1996). For information on the organizational system of the early Heavenly Master Daoism, cf. (Kleeman 2016). |
12 | It should be noted that a material in Ge Hong’s (葛洪) Baopuzi Neipian 抱朴子內篇 [Book of the Master Who Keeps to Simplicity, Inner Chapters] is often used as early evidence of Lord Lao’s governance of Kunlun, but the interpretation of this material is questionable. According to Ge Hong’s record, Cai Dan 蔡誕 became an earth immortal with a lowly status and was driven by higher-ranking deities. He was responsible for tending Lord Lao’s dragons, but due to negligence, he lost the Five-color dragon Lord Lao often rode. As a result, he was punished and sent to work as a farmer under Kunlun Mountain. Later, when Cai Dan returned home, he claimed that he came from Kunlun and stated that the sacred realm of Kunlun is not accessible without Lord Lao’s talisman. See (M. Wang 1986, pp. 349–50). Some scholars linked Lord Lao’s information in Cai Dan’s story with the statement “Laojun governs Kunlun” in Xiang’er Zhu and argue that both reflect the same idea that Lord Lao resides in and rules over Kunlun. However, in this story, there is no necessary connection between Lord Lao and “ruling over Kunlun”. If Lord Lao was situated on a higher plane in the immortal realm, he should still have the power to banish Cai Dan to cultivate land at the foot of Kunlun Mountain. |
13 | On Kou Qianzhi, Cf. (Wei 1974, 114.3049–3054; Y. Chen 2001, pp. 120–58; Zhong 2005, pp. 436–524; Y. Liu 2002, pp. 271–81). |
14 | Laojun Yinsong Jie Jing, in Daozang, DZ 785, vol. 18, pp. 211c, 212a. |
15 | Fort overview and academic Understanding of Santian Nei Jiejing 三天內解經, Cf. (Jin 2014, pp. 5–6; G. Li 2017, pp. 13–21). |
16 | Santiannei Jiejing, in Daozang, DZ 1205, vol. 28, p. 414b. |
17 | Yamada (1999, p. 220). Due to the discovery of Dunhuang manuscripts and other reasons, the international academic community has paid more attention to the Shengxuan Jing. For related research, refer to (Y. Liu 2011, pp. 117–213). |
18 | Wang Xuanhe, Shangqing Daolei Shixiang, in Daozang, DZ 1132, vol. 24, p. 876c. |
19 | Zhengyi Fawen Falubu Yi, in Daozang, vol. 32, 200c. (Lü 2011, p. 9). |
20 | Baopuzi Neipian Jiaoshi, p. 4.76. |
21 | Pan Shizheng, Daomen Jingfa Xiangcheng Cixu, in Daozang, DZ 1128, vol. 24, p. 797a. |
22 | Xie Shouhao, Taishang Hunyuan Laozi Shilue, in Daozang, DZ 773, vol. 17, p. 902a. |
23 | Meng Anpai, Dajiao Yishu 道教義樞, in Daozang, DZ 1129, vol. 24, p. 811a. |
24 | Wang Yu王煜, “Kunlun, Tianmen, Xi Wangmu Yu Tiandi”, pp. 59–60. |
25 | “Laozi Huahu Jing Xu”, in (J. Zhang 2004, vol. 8, p. 186b). |
26 | Shi Chongxuan, Yiqie Daojing Yinyi Miaomen Youqi, in Daozang, DZ 1123, vol. 24, p. 725c. |
27 | Xie Shouhao, Taishang Hunyuan Laozi Shilue, in Daozang, DZ 773, vol. 17, p. 893c. |
28 | Du Daojian, Xuanjing Yuanzhi Fahui, in Daozang, DZ 703, vol. 12, p. 771b. |
29 | For Daoist Integration from the Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Sui and Tang dynasties, see (Bai 2018). |
30 | Regarding the formation process of the “Thirty-Six Heavenly”, in addition to the research conducted by Lu Min, Sun Weijie, Xiao Dengfu, and Mugitani Kunio, there are also works by (Zeng 1993, pp. 41–43, 59; H. Wang 2017, pp. 73–89; W. Sun 2022, pp. 33–45, etc.). |
31 | Yunji Qiqian, p. 3.36. |
32 | A systematic introduction to the classification of the Daozang, see (G. Chen 1963, pp. 1–104). |
33 | There has been much discussion about the Great Clarity classics and alchemy. The discussions surrounding the literature, chemistry, and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries have been particularly intense. Internationally renowned scholars such as Joseph Needham, Nathan Sivin, and Chen Guofu have all written specialized books on this subject. More recent summaries and discussions can be found in (Han 2009, 2015, 2022, pp. 49–236). |
34 | Baopuzi Neipian Jiaoshi, 4.71. Fabrizio Pregadio believed that the Great Clarity tradition originated around 200 AD. in the Anhui region of China, and quickly spread to neighboring areas across the Yangtze River. See his Great Clarity, pp. 5–6. |
35 | Baopuzi Neipian Jiaoshi, p. 15.275. |
36 | Baopuzi Neipian Jiaoshi, p. 3.52. |
37 | Regarding the relevant works of these scholars, see (He 2015, pp. 29–30). |
38 | Taishang Laojun Zhongjing, in Daozang, DZ 1168, vol. 27, p. 142b. |
39 | Taishang Laojun Zhongjing, in Daozang, DZ 1168, vol. 27, p. 143a-b. |
40 | Fabrizio Pregadio, Great Clarity, pp. 43–44. |
41 | Taishang Laojun Zhongjing, in Daozang, DZ 1168, vol. 27, p. 143ab. |
42 | Kristofer Schipper and Franciscus Verellen ed., The Daoist Canon, pp. 159–60. |
43 | Dongzhen Taiyi Dijun Taidan Yinshu Dongzhen Xuanjing, in Daozang, DZ 1330, vol. 33, p. 533b. |
44 | Gao Tonglin pointed out that during the Sui and Tang dynasties, the Laozi Zhongjing was called Laozi Lizang Zhongjing老子歷藏中經, and it was also attributed as a classic taught by Laozi. This point can be found in his “Laozi Zhongjing Xintan”, pp. 106–31. |
45 | Yunji Qiqian, pp. 6.98–100. |
46 | In early literature, Zhang Daoling had “two faces”. One was the Patriarch Heavenly Master created by the teaching of the Orthodox and One Covenant with the Powers, while the other was an alchemist. These two different faces were eventually merged in the mythological biography of Zhang Daoling. See (C. Liu 2000, pp. 67–136; Y. Liu 2010, pp. 113–36, 137–56; Goossaert 2022, pp. 13–32) Han Jishao, “Cong Laozi Xiang’re Zhu dao Liandanjia Zhang Daoling” 從《老子想爾注》到煉丹家張道陵 [From Laozi Xiang’er Zhu to Alchemist Zhang Daoling], in his Woming Zaiwo, pp. 205–21, etc. |
47 | See Du Guangting Jizhuan Shizhong Jijiao, pp. 569–75. |
48 | Lu Min, “Jintang Daojiao Tianjieguan Yanjiu”, pp. 66–68. |
49 | Shangqing Taishang Kaitian Longqiao Jing, in Daozang, DZ 1354, vol. 33, p. 738b. |
50 | Yunji Qiqian, pp. 24.303–304. I translated “時號” as “be known as”, but the original expression seems to be wrong. These palaces should be the residences of Three Treasure Lords, but not their alternative names. |
51 | Pan Shizheng, Daomen Jingfa Xiangcheng Cixu, pp. 782c, 784a. |
52 | Wang Xuanhe, Sandong Zhunang, in Daozang, DZ 1139, vol. 25, p. 340c. |
53 | Du Guangting, Daode Zhenjing Guangshengyi, in Daozang, DZ 725, vol. 14, p. 318c. |
54 | Chen Jingyuan 陳景元 (1025–1094), Yuanshi Wuliang Duren Shangpin Miaojing Sizhu元始無量度人上品妙經四注 [Four Commentaries on the Book of Salvation], in Daozang, DZ 87, vol. 2, p. 240a. |
55 | Zhen Luan, Zhen Zheng Lun 甄正論, in Taisho Tripitaka, T. 2112, vol. 52, p. 561a. |
56 | Wei Shou, Wei Shu, p. 141.3048. |
57 | Wushang Miyao, p. 22.282. |
58 | Wushang Miyao, pp. 22.268–275. |
59 | Taishang Dongxuan Lingbao Yebao Yinyuan Jing, in Daozang, DZ 336, vol. 6, pp. 128c–29a. |
60 | Dongxuan Lingbao Yujing Shan Buxu Jing, in Daozang, DZ 1439, vol. 34, p. 625b. |
61 | Taishang Dongxuan Lingbao Zhihui Zuigen Shangpin Dajie Jing, in Daozang, DZ 457, vol. 6, p. 895a. |
62 | Lu Xiujing, Dongxuan Lingbao Zhaishuo Guangzhu Jiefa Deng Zhuyuan Yi, in Daozang, DZ 524, vol. 9, p. 824b. |
63 | Dongxuan Lingbao Ziran Jiutiansheng Shenzhang Jing, in Daozang, DZ 318, vol. 5, p. 843c. |
64 | Taishang Lingbao Hongfu Miezui Xiangming Jing, in Daozang, DZ 377, vol. 6, p. 292c. |
65 | Qiyu Xiuzhen Zhengpin Tu, in Daozang, DZ 433, vol. 6, p. 695b-c. |
66 | Taishang Dongshen Sanyuan Miaoben Fushou Zhenjing, in Daozang, DZ 651, vol. 11, p. 414a. |
67 | Xie Shouhao, Hunyuan Shengji, in Daozang, DZ 770, vol. 17, p. 789b. |
68 | Wushang Miyao, pp. 78.977–100284. |
69 | Wushang Miyao, p. 6.84. |
70 | Lu Min, “Jintang Daojiao Tianjieguan Yanjiu”, pp. 71–72. |
71 | Wang Xuanhe, Sandong Zhunang, p. 354c. |
72 | Taiji Zuoxiangong Qingwenjing, in (D. Li 1999, p. 2315). |
73 | Zhenling Weiye Tu Jiaoli, p. 138. |
74 | The most systematic Daoist scripture about the Gold Portal Latter Saint is Shangqing Housheng Daojun Lieji上清後聖道君列紀, in Daozang, DZ 442, vol. 6, pp. 744b–48b. According to the hypothesis of Kobayashi Masayoshi, this text was likely written after 364 CE and possibly after 371 CE. See Masami Kobayashi, Rikuchō Dōkyōshi Kenkyū, pp. 436–37; more about the Messianism of medieval Daoism, see pp. 403–82. |
75 | The relevant research has been quite abundant, besides Masami Kobayashi’s work, also Cf. (Anna 1970, pp. 216–47; Mollier 1990; Bokenkamp 1994, pp. 59–88; F. Li 1996b, pp. 137–60; F. Li 1996a, pp. 82–99; F. Li 1996c, pp. 91–130; Campany 2002, pp. 194–211); Sun Yinggang孫英剛, “Jindao Zhichen” 金刀之讖 [The Golden Sword Prophecy], in his Shenwen Shidai, pp. 134–64, etc. |
76 | E Zürcher, “Eschatology and Messianism in Early Chinese Buddhism”, in Idema (1981, p. 37). |
77 | Shangqing Gaoshang Jinyuan Yuzhang Yuqing Yinshu, in Daozang, DZ 1358, vol. 33, p. 780b. |
78 | Ge Hong, Yuanshi Shangzhen Zhongxian Ji 元始上真眾仙記 [Register of Primordial Beginning, the Superior Perfects and Hosts of the Immortals], in Daozang, DZ 166, vol. 3, p. 270a; Pan Shizheng, Daomen Jingfa Xiangcheng Cixu, p. 796b-c; J. Chen (1988, p. 240a). |
79 | Zhenling Weiye Tu Jiaoli, p. 54. |
80 | Zhenling Weiye Tu Jiaoli, p. 86. |
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Bai, Z.; Li, P. Searching for the Location of Lord Lao: The Evolution of Daoist Cosmic Concept between the Han and Tang Dynasties. Religions 2023, 14, 1366.
Bai Z, Li P. Searching for the Location of Lord Lao: The Evolution of Daoist Cosmic Concept between the Han and Tang Dynasties. Religions. 2023; 14(11):1366.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBai, Zhaojie, and Pei Li. 2023. "Searching for the Location of Lord Lao: The Evolution of Daoist Cosmic Concept between the Han and Tang Dynasties" Religions 14, no. 11: 1366.
APA StyleBai, Z., & Li, P. (2023). Searching for the Location of Lord Lao: The Evolution of Daoist Cosmic Concept between the Han and Tang Dynasties. Religions, 14(11), 1366.