Religious Freedom in the Time of the Pandemic
:1. Religious Freedom in the Time of the Pandemic
2. Restrictions on the Right to Religious Freedom
3. Ways of the Introduction of Limitations Regarding Religious Freedom
4. The Level of Restrictions Introduced
5. Churches as “Superspreaders”
6. French Specificity
7. Presumption of the Superiority of Public Health over Religious Freedom
8. The Dispute over “Essential Goods”
9. The Depth of State Interference in the Affairs of the Church
10. Concluding Remarks
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | Note that the list of rights that do not allow derogation is short and includes only seven instances, including the right to life, the prohibition of torture and slavery. |
2 | ODIHR is an office of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) dealing with the human dimension of security. |
3 | The clergy of the Lavra first called on the faithful to disregard the sanitary rules and then had to close the temple due to 90 cases of infection and the imposed quarantine (see OSCE/ODIHR 2020, p. 117). |
4 | According to the Pew Research Center, 10 states banned religious gatherings, 15 states did not introduce any restrictions, and others imposed some restrictions (see Villa 2020). |
5 | In Poland, the talks concerned, for example, the number of liturgy participants and the lifting of the obligation for the celebrant to wear a mask. In the case of Italy, agreements were signed with several religious communities containing arrangements tailored to the needs of a given group. In the case of Germany, the authorities reached an agreement with various faiths and religions on how to organize services for the Christmas season (see The European Centre for Law and Justice 2020; Spadaro 2020, pp. 362–64; JMK, KF 2020). |
6 | It seems that in Europe we do not yet have research on changes in religious behavior during the pandemic, similar to that carried out by the Pew Research Center in the United States (see Pew Research Center 2020). |
7 | The considerations do not take into account the fundamentally different situation of Islam in some Western countries. The dynamically growing Muslim community often does not have a sufficient number of prayer rooms. If, however, this was the reason for introducing restrictions in relation to all religions, such an action should be considered irrational and unnecessary in relation to, for example, Christianity. |
8 | In Poland, at the same time, we had a wave of attacks against clergy, sacred buildings, profanation of religious symbols and St. John Paul II monuments, interrupting services. This happened as part of a demonstration organized by abortion supporters after the ruling of the Constitutional Tribunal, which declared eugenic abortion unconstitutional. |
9 | Bringing this reasoning ad absurdum, one should expect that where the greatest restrictions on religious freedom have been introduced, the infection rate is the lowest. |
10 | Ireland opened churches on 1 December 2020 (see Department of the Taoiseach 2020) and Great Britain on 2 December 2020 (see Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government 2020). |
11 | On 22 December, the Belgian Conseil d’État dismissed lawsuits against the government in which representatives of religious communities demanded an increase of limits of people allowed to attend services (see Conseil d’État—Belgium 2020). |
12 | Many countries provide the lists of several detailed rules of a “good citizen” in the time of the pandemic. For example, the government of Belgium on its website summarises them in the form of “6 golden rules”:
13 | In its Article 9, the EU General Data Protection Regulation states that data on religious beliefs, biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person, and data concerning health are classified as sensitive data, the processing of which is allowed only in exceptional and strictly defined situations (see General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016). |
14 | The OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) draws attention to the fact that the transfer of religious activity online, on the one hand enables people who, for various reasons, may have been previously deprived of such a possibility, to participate. On the other hand, however, it raises fears in many of the participants that the authorities could use this tool to collect information about their religious affiliation, religious activity, and the course of religious meetings (see OSCE/ODIHR 2020, p. 118). |
15 | “È difficile decidere se noi viviamo oggi in Europa in una democrazia che assume forme sempre più despotiche di controllo o in uno Stato totalitario che si maschera da democrazia” (Agamben 2020, p. 95). |
16 | “Earthly existence is important, but much more important is eternal life”—wrote Cardinal Sarah in a letter to Presidents of Episcopal Conferences (Sarah 2020a). |
17 | “- le décret attaqué est disproportionné et non-nécessaire pour poursuivre l’objectif de lutte contre l’épidémie covid-19 dès lors, d’une part, qu’un protocole sanitaire strict peut être mis en place permettant la réalisation des cérémonies religieuses sans risque sanitaire, d’autre part, que le culte religieux est un bien de première nécessité pour les fidèles et, enfin, que d’autre lieux clos sont ouverts au public alors même que leur activité n’est pas essentielle” (see Conseil d’État—France 2020a). |
18 | An example of such an approach is the text by David M. Neuhaus SJ, “Il virus e una punizione di Dio?”, from which—after a very erudite exegesis—we only learn that the Bible does not call us to voice moral judgments or prophecies announcing misfortune, but to convert (see Neuhausa 2020, pp. 238–43). |
19 | Permiting public services each time also solved the problem of baptisms. |
20 | “Ceremonies Provided by Humanists UK are Still Permitted across the UK” (Humanists UK 2020). |
21 | An example is the initiative of the Archbishop of Paris, who wrote a letter to the directors of Paris hospitals, offering the services of 55 young priests as chaplains during the epidemic. The initiative did not meet with a positive response (see Aupetit 2020). |
22 | One can imagine alternative solutions, for example Poland introduced a lockdown not before but after Christmas. |
Level of Restrictions | Private Prayer in Places of Public Worship | Public Religious Gatherings | Country | |
A | B | |||
very high | suspended | suspended | Cyprus | Cyprus |
Denmark | Denmark | |||
Germany | Germany | |||
Greece | ||||
Malta | ||||
Romania | Romania | |||
Slovenia | ||||
United Kingdom | United Kingdom | |||
Tajikistan | ||||
Turkey | ||||
high | permitted | suspended | Austria | |
Belgium | ||||
Croatia | Croatia | |||
Estonia | Estonia | |||
Finland | Finland | |||
France | France | |||
Ireland | ||||
Italy | Italy | |||
Latvia | Latvia | |||
Lithuania | Lithuania | |||
Luxembourg | ||||
Portugal | ||||
Slovakia | ||||
Kazakhstan | ||||
Kyrgyzstan | ||||
Uzbekistan | ||||
moderate | permitted | permitted with limited number of persons | Czech Republic | Czech Republic |
Netherlands | Netherlands | |||
Poland | Poland | |||
Sweden | Sweden | |||
low | permitted | permitted if distance is kept or without limitations | Bulgaria | Bulgaria |
Hungary | Hungary | |||
Spain | Spain | |||
Turkmenistan |
Level of Restrictions | Public Religious Services | Country |
very high and high | prohibited public religious services | Belgium |
France | ||
Ireland | ||
United Kingdom | ||
moderate | authorized and regulated religious services | Austria |
Germany | ||
Slovenia | ||
Spain (some regions) | ||
Switzerland | ||
Ukraine | ||
low | authorized religious services | Bulgaria |
Croatia | ||
Czech Republic | ||
Denmark | ||
Estonia | ||
Finland | ||
Greece | ||
Hungary | ||
Iceland | ||
Italy | ||
Latvia | ||
Lithuania | ||
Luxembourg | ||
Malta | ||
Montenegro | ||
Netherlands | ||
Norway | ||
Poland8 | ||
Portugal | ||
Romania | ||
Slovakia | ||
Spain (some regions) | ||
Sweden | ||
Switzerland |
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Mazurkiewicz, P. Religious Freedom in the Time of the Pandemic. Religions 2021, 12, 103.
Mazurkiewicz P. Religious Freedom in the Time of the Pandemic. Religions. 2021; 12(2):103.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMazurkiewicz, Piotr. 2021. "Religious Freedom in the Time of the Pandemic" Religions 12, no. 2: 103.
APA StyleMazurkiewicz, P. (2021). Religious Freedom in the Time of the Pandemic. Religions, 12(2), 103.