Features of the Field of Internal Waves on the Abkhazian Shelf of the Black Sea according to Remote Sensing Data and In Situ Measurements
:1. Introduction
2. Methods for Measuring and Processing the Obtained Data
3. Concentric Structures near the Mouth of the Kodor River
4. Internal Waves Generated by the Plume of the Kodor River
5. Cyclonic Eddy Near Cape Sukhumsky and Internal Waves That It Generated
6. Generation of Internal Wave Packets Associated with a Plume of River Waters and Decay of Inertial Waves in the Galsky Region
7. Conclusions
- It is shown that internal waves are widespread on the Abkhazian shelf. They appear as trains of short-period waves (as a rule, soliton-like) that move in different directions, in contrast to trains on wide shelves, which are characterized by movement towards the coast.
- The direction of internal wave trains’ travel depends on the sources of their generation. The prevailing direction of internal wave propagation is to the shore. Inertial internal waves move in this direction. These waves came from the open part of the sea to shallow water, where they, being transformed, generate trains of short-period waves, which also move ashore. Moreover, movement ashore is possible when waves are generated by the lateral front of a plume of desalinated river waters moving along the coast.
- The cases of the moving of internal wave trains offshore are revealed. This is due to the generation of internal waves by the river plume front moving from the coast. Nonlinear internal waves moving from the shore can be generated by a jet of river water flowing into the sea, as well as by reflecting short-period waves incident on the shore in the case of a very steep shelf.
- The effect of the generation of multidirectional internal waves by a cyclonic submesoscale eddy is shown using the example of a detailed analysis of a set of quasi-synchronous satellite and sea truth data, and the impacts of currents on the propagation of such waves are analyzed.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A. Google Earth Engine Code for Satellite Data Request
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Landsat-8 | Sentinel-2A/B | |
Sensor, type of source information product | OLI, Collection 1 Tier 1 TOA Reflectance | MSI, Level-1C |
The channel sequence used | RGB (B4, B3, B2) | |
Pixel spacing (m) | 30 | 10 |
Projection used, EPSG | UTM NORTH 37, 32637 | |
Optimal brightness adjustment | Stretch: “2 sigma” | Stretch: “3 sigma” |
No. | Date | Satellite | Granule ID |
1 | 10 September 2017 | Sentinel-2 B | 20170910T080959_20170910T081359_T37TFH 20170910T080959_20170910T081359_T37TGH |
2 | 4 October 2020 | Landsat-8 | LC08_173030_20201004 LC08_173031_20201004 |
3 | 4 October 2020 | Sentinel-2 B | 20201004T080759_20201004T081240_T37TFH 20201004T080759_20201004T081240_T37TGH |
4 | 24 October 2020 | Sentinel-2 B | 20201024T081009_20201024T081240_T37TFH 20201024T081009_20201024T081240_T37TGH |
5 | 25 August 2021 | Sentinel-2 A | 20210825T080611_20210825T080832_T37TFH 20210825T080611_20210825T080832_T37TGH |
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Serebryany, A.; Khimchenko, E.; Zamshin, V.; Popov, O. Features of the Field of Internal Waves on the Abkhazian Shelf of the Black Sea according to Remote Sensing Data and In Situ Measurements. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2022, 10, 1342. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10101342
Serebryany A, Khimchenko E, Zamshin V, Popov O. Features of the Field of Internal Waves on the Abkhazian Shelf of the Black Sea according to Remote Sensing Data and In Situ Measurements. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering. 2022; 10(10):1342. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10101342
Chicago/Turabian StyleSerebryany, Andrey, Elizaveta Khimchenko, Viktor Zamshin, and Oleg Popov. 2022. "Features of the Field of Internal Waves on the Abkhazian Shelf of the Black Sea according to Remote Sensing Data and In Situ Measurements" Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 10, no. 10: 1342. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10101342
APA StyleSerebryany, A., Khimchenko, E., Zamshin, V., & Popov, O. (2022). Features of the Field of Internal Waves on the Abkhazian Shelf of the Black Sea according to Remote Sensing Data and In Situ Measurements. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(10), 1342. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse10101342