The Long-Term Experiment Platform for the Study of Agronomical and Environmental Effects of the Biochar: Methodological Framework
:1. Introduction
2. State of the Art of Long-Term Experiments Focusing on Soil Carbon Studies: Site Networks, Database, and Data Management
- assessment of C sequestration potential in agricultural soils;
- assessment of agricultural ecosystem adaptation to climate and CO2 changes;
- regional assessment of C sequestration on U.S. Conservation Reserve Program land;
- regional assessment of the impacts of conservation tillage on SOM;
- regional soil quality assessment and monitoring;
- contribution to IPCC chapter on “Mitigation options in agriculture”;
- process studies of environmental and management impacts on soil structure and SOM dynamics;
- process studies of tillage effects on microbial community structure and SOM stabilization;
- carbon dating and 12C/13C analyses of SOM turnover;
- management and soil effects on microorganism biodiversity.
- 1.
- collecting and retrieving LTE experimental data;
- 2.
- establishing a database system—composed of a metadata database and actual dataset database—as described here below;
- 3.
- establishing quality control criteria and protocols;
- 4.
- fostering data and model sharing among researchers through an electronic bulletin board and list server—which was made possible through a collaboration agreement preserving the intellectual property rights of data holders and model developers.
- 1.
- general details (name of the experiment and start year, contact details for data holder/duty person);
- 2.
- local condition descriptions (e.g., coordinates, site history, climatic region, rainfall and temperature, soil description);
- 3.
- nature of the experiment (e.g., land use, vegetation/crop type, factors, treatments, land management);
- 4.
- measurement methods and frequency;
- 5.
- experimental design (e.g., plot size, slope, heterogeneity measures, replicates, controls, statistical analysis, etc.);
- 6.
- data availability;
- 7.
- key references.
3. The Proposal for a Long-Term Experiment Platform for the Study of the Agronomical and Environmental Effects of Biochar (LTEP-BIOCHAR)
- 1.
- Taking a census of the current LTEs on biochar’s effects on soil;
- 2.
- Presenting the objectives, methods, and conditions of the experiments;
- 3.
- Displaying the authors and promoters of the experiments.
- 1.
- engaging new LTEs on biochar (by invitation, literature search, or spontaneous request from the LTEP leader);
- 2.
- qualification check from the LTEP board, including minimum duration (3 years), availability to provide all the information requested in the standard format;
- 3.
- downloading and completing the “template” entirely, adding all the details of interest and attaching some photos of the site and the materials used, specifying all technical details of the experiment;
- 4.
- providing at least one published, peer-reviewed paper as proof of the scientific approach of the experiment, as well as authorship and data property protection;
- 5.
- editorial checks and adjustments to fit the standard format;
- 6.
- publication on the website [49].
4. Critical Review of the Adopted Choices
- 1.
- the period for soils in a temperate location to reach a new equilibrium in terms of C sink saturation after a land use change is around 100 years [52];
- 2.
- guidelines for greenhouse gas inventories use a figure of 20 years for soil C to approach a new equilibrium: “It is important, in deriving estimates of biomass accumulation rates, to recognize that biomass growth rates will occur primarily during the first 20 years following changes in management, after which time the rates will tend towards a new steady-state level with little or no change occurring unless further changes in management conditions occur” [53];
- 3.
- a decade is therefore the minimal timespan to record significative changes.
5. Future Directions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Ecosystem Services | Finding | Truth Value | Uncertainties |
Carbon sequestration | Biochar resistant to decomposition compared with fresh organic matter [5] | Very high confidence | Feedstock and process temperature |
Biochar stability is influenced by soil properties [7] | Medium confidence | Interactions between biotic and abiotic components of soil | |
Global carbon equivalent removal rate for converting available biomass into biochar is between 0.03 and 6.6 GtCO2eq year−1 by 2050 [3] | Medium confidence | Biomass availability and sink models’ interactions between biotic and abiotic components of soil | |
Mean residence time is in the order of magnitude of hundreds of years [12] | Low confidence | Feedstock and process temperature, interactions between biotic and abiotic components of soil, priming effect, crops, and soil conditions | |
Provision of food, fibers, feed, and other biomasses | Increased plant productivity by 10–13% [13] | Medium confidence | Biochar type, biochar and fertilizer agent interactions, application methods, permanence of the effect |
Nutrient cycling | Improved nutrient use efficiency and increased availability of phosphorus and potassium in soils; amelioration of soil acidity [14,15,16] | Medium confidence | Biochar type (ash content) and crop type, soil alkalinity; lack of long-term experiments, permanence of the effect |
Storing and purifying water, regulating flows, recharging aquifers | Increased water holding capacity [17] | Medium/high confidence | Specific local conditions may result in increased runoff and lower infiltration rates; soil type |
LTE Networks | Experiments | Duration Eligibility (Years) | Oldest Experiment (Years) | LTEs Addressing SOM |
Australia (1995) | 32 | 10 | 83 | >6 |
Germany and Eastern Europe (1994) | 50 | 30 | 116 | >13 |
EuroSOMNET (2002) | 110 | 8 | 157 | >45 |
North America (1992) | 39 | 10 | 118 | 39 |
BonaRes Germany (2020) | 200 | 20 | 142 | n.a. |
Africa (2012) | 19 | 5 | 52 | n.a. |
Nordic Research Platform (2008) | 38 | 16 | 104 | >6 |
Field Name | Location | Ongoing |
1. Tebano [38] | Italy | Yes |
2. Braccesca [39] | Italy | Yes |
3. Poggio Torselli (olive) | Italy | Yes |
4. Poggio Torselli (wine) | Italy | Yes |
5. Jumilla [40] | Spain | Yes |
6. Udine [40] | Italy | Yes |
7. Bezek [41] | Polonia | n/a |
8. Őrbottyán-Nyírlugos [42] | Hungary | n/a |
9. Donndorf-Eckersdorf [43] | Germany | n/a |
10. Mashhad [44] | Iran | n/a |
11. Siaya-Nyabeda-Kibugu [45] | Kenya | n/a |
12. Gartow [46] | Germany | n/a |
13. Prato Sesia [11] | Italy | Yes |
14. Frescobaldi | Italy | Yes |
15. Groß-Gerau [47] | Germany | n/a |
16. Cesa | Italy | Yes |
17. Dolna-Malanta [48] | Slovakia | n/a |
18. Merelbeke [40] | Belgium | n/a |
Section | Logical Function |
Project name and location | Name that identifies the field study in the platform and at geographic level |
Experimental purpose | Aim of the study, technical–scientific challenges (e.g., increasing water retention, soil quality improvement, carbon storage, etc.), technical challenges (e.g., increasing quality and production), and relating the quality of the substrate |
Geographic position | Geographic location of the experiment |
Site description | Accurate description of the main environmental variables that act on soil dynamics: climate, soil type and its physico-chemical characterization, initial field conditions, and agronomic operations |
Biochar and its application | Biochar type as well as its physico-chemical and geochemical characterization, biochar application rate, and description of the experimental design: plot size, slope, cultivation, heterogeneity measures |
Measured parameters | Parameters periodically measured in relation to the purpose of the experiment, with particular attention to sampling frequency and analytical protocols: vegetation measurement, time zero samples, soil carbon measurements, soil physico-chemical properties, etc. |
Planned activities | Description of the planned activities (such as changing the conditions of the soil, agronomic operations, experimental devices, etc.) |
Key findings | Scientific results derived from the field study and data |
Presentation of the working group | Description of the group that conducts and supports the experiment: collaboration with universities, ministers, and any received funding from private parties, national/EU/Federal projects, etc. |
Metadata | Key Findings |
Cropping system | 50% arable soil, 22.2%vineyard, 27.8% agroforestry (olive groves) |
Irrigation | n/a 1 |
Treatment | 66.6% only biochar, 5.6% biochar and fertilizers, 27.8% biochar and compost |
Duration of the experiment | Median = 4 years, average = 5.3 years, longest = 13 years |
Main purpose | 20% yield increase, 70% SOC content, 10% soil biology |
Funding | 77.8% funded by programs/entities, 22.2% self-funded |
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Share and Cite
Marazza, D.; Pesce, S.; Greggio, N.; Vaccari, F.P.; Balugani, E.; Buscaroli, A. The Long-Term Experiment Platform for the Study of Agronomical and Environmental Effects of the Biochar: Methodological Framework. Agriculture 2022, 12, 1244.
Marazza D, Pesce S, Greggio N, Vaccari FP, Balugani E, Buscaroli A. The Long-Term Experiment Platform for the Study of Agronomical and Environmental Effects of the Biochar: Methodological Framework. Agriculture. 2022; 12(8):1244.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMarazza, Diego, Simone Pesce, Nicolas Greggio, Francesco Primo Vaccari, Enrico Balugani, and Alessandro Buscaroli. 2022. "The Long-Term Experiment Platform for the Study of Agronomical and Environmental Effects of the Biochar: Methodological Framework" Agriculture 12, no. 8: 1244.
APA StyleMarazza, D., Pesce, S., Greggio, N., Vaccari, F. P., Balugani, E., & Buscaroli, A. (2022). The Long-Term Experiment Platform for the Study of Agronomical and Environmental Effects of the Biochar: Methodological Framework. Agriculture, 12(8), 1244.