An Exploratory Study Investigating Factors Influencing the Outpatient Delivery of Geriatric Rehabilitation
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Design
2.2. Population and Setting
2.3. Data Collection
2.4. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Participants
3.2. Current Delivery of Outpatient GR
3.3. Factors Influencing the Delivery of Outpatient GR
3.3.1. Patient-Related Factors
Quote 1: “If someone needs a bit of support, but does not have a partner, then it’s complicated to set up an outpatient program at all, because someone must have a certain level of self-management before you can make that step home at all. But if you have someone around you who can provide some support, then you are ready to go home sooner than when you live alone”—(Physician).
Quote 2: “[…] patients often depend on others to come to us, at least most of them in our target group, so that makes it more difficult for the patient.”—(Physiotherapist).
3.3.2. Care-Professional-Related Factors
Quote 3: “[…] if there is a patient who […] has broken a hip, and needs to go to the toilet at night, for example… Yes, if someone is home alone, I find that rather worrying, so to speak. You just have to hope that it goes well.”—(Physiotherapist).
3.3.3. Factors Influencing Efficiency of Outpatient GR
Quote 4: “During the time we went to visit the patient at home, we would be able to treat double the number of patients at the geriatric rehabilitation center.”—(Physician).
Quote 5: “[…] you have a chat, people want to show you things […]”—(Physiotherapist).
Quote 6: “Transport from A to B is always tricky. Can someone be brought, or should he take a taxi? Does he have to take a group taxi, which has to drive a route with 10 people, which is again extra stressful”—(Physician).
3.3.4. Factors Related to Organization of Outpatient GR
Quote 7: “What I was wondering is whether we are going to manage this with the current staff, because look, as soon as a bed becomes unoccupied, this man continues with an outpatient GR trajectory, however, this bed is immediately occupied again, so then you actually have two patients for one bed.”—(Physiotherapist).
Quote 8: “[…] currently notice that people sometimes have to wait on the rehabilitation ward until home care has been arranged”—(Physiotherapist).
3.4. Opinions on Increasing the Proportion of Outpatient Trajectories
Quote 9: “Maybe when you see someone functioning in their own environment, you see the total picture, that you see someone going over thresholds in their home or in a shower with a 30 cm step”—(GR manager).
Quote 10: “[…] from having here 24/7 staff around, to being completely home alone again […]. We simply want that transition to be a little smoother […]”—(Physiotherapist).
Quote 11: “If you visit someone for 2–3 weeks, they have that, that confidence of: “okay, I can do this at home””—(Physiotherapist).
Quote 12: “[…] beds in an institution are just really expensive and a bed at home is not that expensive”—(Occupational therapist).
3.5. Prerequisites for Increasing the Proportion of Outpatient Trajectories
Quote 13: “If the frameworks were much clearer and more streamlined, I think that would help everyone, because now everyone is inventing their wheel, each wheel looks slightly different. That has to do with regional differences, willingness of people in the region, whether they want to invest in themselves? How are things already arranged? Or you can link up with certain structures that already exist, but it is all a bit improvised, because funding and organization are not properly framed”—(Physician).
Quote 14: “For example, home care does a piece of care, the therapist who visits for a walk, there may also be the physician’s practice assistant on the team because there is a psychosocial need. How do you connect those people that they communicate with each other for the sake of that client?”—(GR manager).
Quote 15: “Yes, I do think that you must have the organization or the management with you, because ultimately, if you want to expand outpatient then the hours must expand as well. And if the organization says, we won’t do that then, that’s a limiting factor”—(Occupational therapist).
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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GR Disciplines | Number |
Physicians specialized in the care for older persons | 11 |
Physiotherapists | 5 |
GR managers * | 5 |
Nurse practitioners | 2 |
Occupational therapists | 1 |
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Prins, L.A.P.; Gamble, C.J.; van Dam van Isselt, E.F.; Stammen, R.A.I.; Ettaibi, A.; Creemers, I.A.M.; van Haastregt, J.C.M. An Exploratory Study Investigating Factors Influencing the Outpatient Delivery of Geriatric Rehabilitation. J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 5045.
Prins LAP, Gamble CJ, van Dam van Isselt EF, Stammen RAI, Ettaibi A, Creemers IAM, van Haastregt JCM. An Exploratory Study Investigating Factors Influencing the Outpatient Delivery of Geriatric Rehabilitation. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023; 12(15):5045.
Chicago/Turabian StylePrins, Lidy A. P., Chris J. Gamble, Eléonore F. van Dam van Isselt, Romy A. I. Stammen, Ahlam Ettaibi, Ilse A. M. Creemers, and Jolanda C. M. van Haastregt. 2023. "An Exploratory Study Investigating Factors Influencing the Outpatient Delivery of Geriatric Rehabilitation" Journal of Clinical Medicine 12, no. 15: 5045.
APA StylePrins, L. A. P., Gamble, C. J., van Dam van Isselt, E. F., Stammen, R. A. I., Ettaibi, A., Creemers, I. A. M., & van Haastregt, J. C. M. (2023). An Exploratory Study Investigating Factors Influencing the Outpatient Delivery of Geriatric Rehabilitation. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(15), 5045.