Factors Impacting the Use or Rejection of Hearing Aids—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
:1. Introduction
2. Methods
2.1. Search Strategy
2.2. Selection Criteria
2.3. Qualitative and Quantitative Data Synthesis and Statistical Analysis
3. Results
4. Discussion
Limitations of the Study
5. Conclusions
- A significant proportion of patients (38%) do not use their hearing aid devices.
- Being aware of the need to use hearing aids and having a higher degree of hearing loss are important factors that promote their use.
- Homogeneous multicenter studies using the same methodology are needed to analyze the causes of rejection of hearing aids.
- Due to the heterogeneity and bias in the studies, it is not possible to objectively establish the causes for the use of hearing aids, and the quality of the evidence is low. There is heterogeneity among the studies included in this analysis, including non-randomized series, variation in the populations studied, different study designs, and diverse data collection methods. The wide age range and the inclusion of studies conducted over a long period, which encompasses changes in technology and social habits, further contribute to the heterogeneity. This increased heterogeneity suggests that the results may not apply to the overall population. Therefore, valid conclusions cannot be drawn regarding the characteristics and profiles of patients in each group.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Database | Boolean Operators |
EMBASE | (‘hearing aid’/exp OR ‘hearing aid’ OR ((‘hearing’/exp OR hearing) AND (‘aid’/exp OR aid))) AND (‘adaptation’/exp OR adaptation) (‘hearing aid’/exp OR ‘hearing aid’ OR ((‘hearing’/exp OR hearing) AND (‘aid’/exp OR aid))) AND (‘patient compliance’/exp OR ‘patient compliance’) ((‘hearing aid’/exp OR ‘hearing aid’ OR ((‘hearing’/exp OR hearing) AND (‘aid’/exp OR aid))) AND (‘patient compliance’/exp OR ‘patient compliance’) OR ‘acceptance’/exp OR acceptance) AND (‘older adults’/exp OR ‘older adults’) (‘hearing aid’/exp OR ‘hearing aid’ OR ((‘hearing’/exp OR hearing) AND (‘aid’/exp OR aid))) AND (‘acceptance’/exp OR acceptance) AND (‘older adults’/exp OR ‘older adults’) (‘aged’/exp OR ‘aged’ OR ‘aged patient’ OR ‘aged people’ OR ‘aged person’ OR ‘aged subject’ OR ‘elderly’ OR ‘elderly patient’ OR ‘elderly people’ OR ‘elderly person’ OR ‘elderly subject’ OR ‘senior citizen’ OR ‘senium’) AND (‘hearing aid’/exp OR ‘aid, hearing’ OR ‘auditory appliance’ OR ‘auditory prosthesis’ OR ‘fitting, hearing aid’ OR ‘hearing aid’ OR ‘hearing aid device’ OR ‘hearing aid fitting’ OR ‘hearing aid, device’ OR ‘hearing aids’ OR ‘hearing apparatus’ OR ‘hearing device’ OR ‘listening aid’ OR ‘listening aids’) AND (‘patient compliance’/exp OR ‘adherence to therapy’ OR ‘adherence to treatment’ OR ‘compliance to therapy’ OR ‘compliance to treatment’ OR ‘patient adherence’ OR ‘patient compliance’ OR ‘patients’ adherence’ OR ‘therapy adherence’ OR ‘therapy compliance’ OR ‘treatment adherence’ OR ‘treatment adherence and compliance’ OR ‘treatment compliance’) |
PUBMED | hearing aid AND older adults AND patient compliance hearing aid AND elderly AND use hearing aid and elderly and use hearing aid and elderly and adherence hearing aid and elderly and acceptance hearing aid and elderly and acceptance hearing aid and use and covid hearing aid AND elderly AND (use OR adherence OR acceptance OR Patient compliance) |
BVS | hearing aid and elderly and patient compliance hearing aid and elderly and acceptance hearing aid and elderly and adherence |
Author, Year | Total No. | Adherence (n) | Rejection n (Rate) | AVG. AGE | Min. Age | Max. Age | Avg. Age Use | Avg. Age Rejection | |
Humes et al., 2021 [20] | Retrospective | 139 | 105 | 34 (24%) | 73.7 | 60 | 89 | 74.7 | 72.7 |
Fuentes-López, 2019 [21] | Prospective | 355 | 278 | 77 (22%) | 74.9 | 65 | 85 | ||
Carrasco-Alarcón, 2018 [22] | Cross-sectional | 22 | 18 | 5 (22%) | 79.6 | 60 | 99 | 79 | 80.2 |
Simpson et al., 2019 [23] | Prospective | 732 | 218 | 514 (70%) | 70.1 | 18 | x | 69.1 | 70.2 |
Hickson et al., 2014 [24] | Retrospective | 160 | 85 | 75 (46%) | 73 | 60 | 91 | ||
Bainbridge et al., 2014 [25] | Cross-sectional | 1636 | 541 | 1095 (33%) | 70 | ||||
Gallagher, 2018 [26] | Cross-sectional | 32 | 12 | 22 (64%) | 71.6 | 47 | 80 | 71.5 | 76.7 |
Hong, 2014 [27] | Retrospective | 1318 | 1237 | 81 (6%) | 65.3 | ||||
Assi et al., 2021 [28] | Cross-sectional | 5146 | 1587 | 3559 (69%) | |||||
Garstecki et al., 1998 [29] | Cross-sectional | 131 | 60 | 71 (54%) | 74.5 | 65 | 90 | 75.35 | 73.7 |
Solheim et al., 2019 [30] | Prospective | 181 | 153 | 28 (15%) | 79.2 | 60 | |||
Korkmaz et al., 2016 [31] | Retrospective | 400 | 351 | 49 (12%) | 63.67 | 39 | 89 | ||
Aazh et al., 2015 [12] | Cross-sectional | 1023 | 727 | 296 (28%) | 74 | 75 | 73 | ||
Harumi et al., 2015 [32] | Cross-sectional | 305 | 267 | 38 (12%) | 69 | 21 | 101 | 71.33 | 69.71 |
Lee et al., 2015 [33] | Retrospective | 119 | 81 | 38 (31%) | 58 | 19 | 81 | 61.4 | 57.3 |
Oyarzún et al., 2017 [34] | Cross-sectional | 78 | 54 | 24 (30%) | 77.4 | 65 | |||
Bulgurcu et al., 2019 [35] | Retrospective | 191 | 60 | 131 (68%) | 77.54 | 60 | |||
Abdellaoui et al., 2013 [36] | Prospective | 184 | 99 | 85 (46%) | 74.2 | 55 | 92 | ||
Kaplan-Neeman et al., 2012 [37] | Cross-sectional | 177 | 146 | 31 (17%) | 65.7 | 49 | 65.2 | 66.2 | |
Maeda et al., 2016 [38] | Retrospective | 157 | 91 | 66 (42%) | 75.3 | 65 | 74.6 | 76.1 | |
Maul et al., 2011 [10] | Cross-sectional | 208 | 123 | 85 (40%) | 74.6 | 65 |
Author, Year | Causes for Use | Causes for Rejection | Causes for Use Legend | Causes for Rejection Legend |
Humes et al., 2021 [20] | 1, 2 | 1: a higher degree of hearing loss (in each article screened, they classify the degree of hearing differently) or bilateral hearing loss. 2: greater awareness of their condition. 3: greater satisfaction with the device, ease of use of the device, or having a simpler or more modern device. 4: higher economic status, higher income, higher level of education, having a university degree (each article examined determined in a different way the economic level qualified as high). 5: social issues (working age, daily activity, difficulties communicating in daily life, social support). 6: emotional causes, having a positive attitude. 7: greater experience using the device, using the device more hours per day. 8: being caucasian 9: recent diagnosis, recent audiometry evaluation, regular medical monitoring. 10: older age. 11: being male. 12: other comorbidities. | 1: lack of awareness of their condition. 2: low or no perceived benefits from hearing aid use. 3: inability to understand others. 4: finding the device uncomfortable or difficult to use. 5: social stigma and other social causes. 6: lack of sufficient income. 7: lack of social or family support. 8: older age. | |
Fuentes-López, 2019 [21] | 2, 3, 4 | 2, 3, 4 | ||
Carrasco-Alarcón, 2018 [22] | 2, 3, 4 | |||
Simpson et al., 2019 [23] | 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 | |||
Hickson et al., 2014 [24] | 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 | 2, 3 | ||
Bainbridge et al., 2014 [25] | 1, 2, 4, 9 | |||
Gallagher, 2018 [26] | 1, 2, 5, 7, 10 | 2, 3, 4, 5 | ||
Hong, 2014 [27] | 2, 3, 4, 6 | |||
Assi et al., 2021 [28] | 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 | |||
Garstecki et al., 1998 [29] | 1, 2 | 5, 7 | ||
Solheim et al., 2019 [30] | 2, 12 | 2, 4 | ||
Korkmaz et al., 2016 [31] | 1, 7 | |||
Aazh et al., 2015 [12] | 1, 10 | 3, 2 | ||
Harumi et al., 2015 [32] | 7, 4 | |||
Lee et al., 2015 [33] | 3, 5 | |||
Oyarzún et al., 2017 [34] | 1 | |||
Bulgurcu et al., 2019 [35] | 2, 3, 4, 6 | |||
Abdellaoui et al., 2013 [36] | 2, 3, 5 | 2, 6 | ||
Kaplan-Neeman et al., 2012 [37] | 1, 7, 10 | |||
Maeda et al., 2016 [38] | 6 | |||
Maul et al., 2011 [10] | 3 |
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Marcos-Alonso, S.; Almeida-Ayerve, C.N.; Monopoli-Roca, C.; Coronel-Touma, G.S.; Pacheco-López, S.; Peña-Navarro, P.; Serradilla-López, J.M.; Sánchez-Gómez, H.; Pardal-Refoyo, J.L.; Batuecas-Caletrío, Á. Factors Impacting the Use or Rejection of Hearing Aids—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J. Clin. Med. 2023, 12, 4030. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12124030
Marcos-Alonso S, Almeida-Ayerve CN, Monopoli-Roca C, Coronel-Touma GS, Pacheco-López S, Peña-Navarro P, Serradilla-López JM, Sánchez-Gómez H, Pardal-Refoyo JL, Batuecas-Caletrío Á. Factors Impacting the Use or Rejection of Hearing Aids—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2023; 12(12):4030. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12124030
Chicago/Turabian StyleMarcos-Alonso, Susana, Cristina Nicole Almeida-Ayerve, Chiara Monopoli-Roca, Guillermo Salib Coronel-Touma, Sofía Pacheco-López, Paula Peña-Navarro, José Manuel Serradilla-López, Hortensia Sánchez-Gómez, José Luis Pardal-Refoyo, and Ángel Batuecas-Caletrío. 2023. "Factors Impacting the Use or Rejection of Hearing Aids—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" Journal of Clinical Medicine 12, no. 12: 4030. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12124030
APA StyleMarcos-Alonso, S., Almeida-Ayerve, C. N., Monopoli-Roca, C., Coronel-Touma, G. S., Pacheco-López, S., Peña-Navarro, P., Serradilla-López, J. M., Sánchez-Gómez, H., Pardal-Refoyo, J. L., & Batuecas-Caletrío, Á. (2023). Factors Impacting the Use or Rejection of Hearing Aids—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 12(12), 4030. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm12124030