Cardiac Rehabilitation in German Speaking Countries of Europe—Evidence-Based Guidelines from Germany, Austria and Switzerland LLKardReha-DACH—Part 1
:1. Introduction
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- To newly define the clinical indications for CR-referral, and to describe actual scientific evidence and minimal requirements to be successful in improving CR-outcomes in terms of clinical prognosis, quality of life and other health-related qualities.
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- To evaluate a broad spectrum of cardiovascular diseases and discuss all aspects of CR delivery including an individualized therapeutic approach, psychosocial aspects, individual education and long-term adherence to prevention of CV diseases.
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- To harmonize CR within the area of Germany, Austria and Switzerland by CR-content and delivery in detail as adapted to the individual’s diseases and needs.
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- To strictly follow a scientific approach with predefined procedures in a literature search, evidence generation, data presentation and consenting recommendations, all steps being externally supervised by the “Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany” (AWMF) as an independent institution.
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- To clearly define progress and actual deficits in CR-delivery and scientific approaches.
2. Methods
2.1. Guidelines Initiation, Organization, Financial Support and Scientific Supervision
2.2. Guidelines Generation and Reviewing
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- Topic-related, a structured literature search and review followed by a meta-analysis;(classification “S3” = “high grade evidence”)
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- Topic-related semi-structured literature search and review without meta-analysis, recommendations by a predefined and supervised consenting process;(classification “S2k” = medium grade evidence)
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- Topic-related summaries of the most recent scientific guidelines published by national and international medical societies (NER = narrative evidence reporting).
2.3. Contents, Presentation of Evidence-Based Clinical Recommendations and Classification of Evidence
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- Relevance of outcomes and quality of evidence for each relevant outcome;
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- Consistency of study results;
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- Directness/applicability of the evidence to the target population, PICO specifics (Population(s), Intervention(s), Control(s), Outcome(s));
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- Precision of effect estimates reg. confidence intervals;
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- Magnitude of the effects;
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- Balance of benefit and harm;
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- Ethical, legal, economic considerations;
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- Patient’s preferences.
3. Results and Evidence-Based Recommendations for CR-Initiation and Delivery
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- Atherosclerotic cardiovascular diseases;
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- Heart failure;
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- Diseases of the aorta;
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- Diseases of the pulmonary vessels;
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- Myocarditis;
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- Congenital heart diseases.
3.1. Patients after Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)
3.1.1. Recommendations
- After acute coronary syndrome (STEMI, NSTEMI or unstable angina pectoris) patients are recommended to participate in cardiac rehabilitation (CR). This is based on the scientific evidence of CR-participation being associated with a significant reduction in total mortality, cardiac mortality and re-infarction rate (↑↑, 1++, 100%) [7,16,17,18,27];
- After ACS cardiac rehabilitation is recommended to start as early as possible, but not later than 3 months after hospital discharge, to be center-based (ambulatory, residential or mixed) and to be under supervision and responsibility of expert cardiologists. (↑↑, 2++, 100%) [7,17,27]. “Centre-based CR” is defined as cardiovascular rehabilitation under the supervision and responsibility of a rehabilitation center.
- To be successful, cardiac rehabilitation of patients after ACS is recommended to meet the following minimal requirements (↑↑, 1++, 100%) [7,21,38,39]:
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- Total exercise volume to be ≥1000 min as calculated by the “number of weeks” times “exercise sessions per week” times “exercise duration per session in minutes”;
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- Exercise intensity to be within the upper third of the individually achieved and clinically tolerable range (as measured in METs; VO2max; Watt; RPE)
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- The number of rehabilitation sessions including exercise, information, education and psychosocial interventions to be ≥36.
- In addition to exercise training programs, CR is recommended to provide the following components being individualized to the patient’s needs and preferences (↑↑, 2++, 100%) [16,17,18,27]: consequent management of cardiovascular risk factors and risk diseases including pharmacotherapy, information, motivation, education, psychological support and intervention, as well as support to regain and/or keep social and vocational integration.
3.1.2. Scientific Evidence
3.1.3. Limitations
3.2. Patients after Coronary Bypass Surgery (CABG)
3.2.1. Recommendations
- CR is recommended to be based on a structured, supervised and individually adapted exercise program to sustainably increase the individual’s exercise capacity
- To be successful, cardiac rehabilitation after CABG is recommended to meet the following minimal requirements (↑↑, 2++, 100%) [7,21,38,39,45,46,47]:
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- Control of post-surgery risks like sternum instability, delayed wound healing, pneumonia or post-thoracotomy syndrome—if needed immediate treatment in cooperation with the heart center being responsible;
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- Total exercise volume to be ≥1.000 min as calculated by the “number of weeks” times “exercise sessions per week” times “exercise duration per session in minutes”;
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- Exercise intensity to be within the upper third of the individually achieved and clinically tolerable range (as measured in METs; VO2max; Watt; PRE);
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- The number of rehabilitation sessions including exercise, information, education and psychosocial interventions to be ≥36.
- In addition to exercise training programs, CR is recommended to provide the following components individualized to the patient’s needs and preferences (↑↑, 2++, 100%):
3.2.2. Scientific Evidence
3.2.3. Limitations
3.3. Patients with Chronic Coronary Syndrome (CCS)
3.3.1. Recommendations
- Patients with CCS with or without PCI in history are recommended to participate in cardiac rehabilitation (CR), provided that one or more of the following preconditions are fulfilled (↑↑, 88%):
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- The clinical prognosis is limited due to insufficiently treated cardiovascular risk factors and risk diseases (e.g., ESC-SCORE > 5%);
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- Ongoing typical cardiac symptomatology (angina pectoris, dyspnoe) but no option for (additional) coronary revascularizations;
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- Comorbidities including PAD, COPD, diabetes, chronic renal disease increasing the risk of adverse outcomes;
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- Increased risk of CCS to jeopardize the individual’s social and vocational reintegration during follow-up.
- To be successful, CR in patients with CCS is recommended to meet the following structural baseline conditions (↑↑, 100%):
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- To be center-based (out-patient, in-patients, mixed) and under the supervision and responsibility of a cardiologist;
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- To be based on a structured, supervised and individually adapted exercise program in order to sustainably increase the individual’s physical performance.
- In addition, the CR-program is recommended to meet the following minimal requirements of CR-implementation (↑↑, 100%):
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- Total exercise volume to be ≥1000 min as calculated by the “number of weeks” times “exercise sessions per week” times “exercise duration per session in minutes”;
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- Exercise intensity to be within the upper third of the individually achieved and clinically tolerable range (as measured in METs; VO2max; Watt);
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- The number of rehabilitation sessions including exercise, information, education and psychosocial interventions to be ≥36.
- In addition to exercise training, the CR-program is recommended to provide the following components to be individually adapted to the needs of the patients with CCS (↑↑, 100%):
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- Information, motivation, education, psychological support, and support in social and vocational reintegration;
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- Strict treatment/reduction of cardiovascular risk factors and risk diseases.
3.3.2. Scientific Evidence
3.3.3. Limitations
3.4. Patients with High or Very High Cardiovascular Risk but without Witnessed Coronary Artery Disease
3.4.1. Recommendations
- All patients with high or very high cardiovascular risk (CVR, ESC-SCORE ≥ 5) but without witnessed CAD are recommended to participate in structured and multicomponent prevention programs (e.g., provided by employers, health agencies, pension funds and others) (↑↑, 100%).
- In patients with high or very high cardiovascular risk (CVR, ESC-SCORE ≥ 5) but without witnessed CAD, participation in a multidisciplinary CR-program is suggested, if the following preconditions are fulfilled (↑, 100%):
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- Presence of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors;
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- High motivation of the individual to reduce CV-risk and improve healthy lifestyle;
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- The individual’s social and vocational integration/reintegration being at risk.
3.4.2. Scientific Evidence
3.4.3. Limitations
3.5. Patients with Chronic Heart Failure
3.5.1. Recommendations
- Patients with chronic heart failure (NYHA I-III) and clinically stabilized patients after acute decompensated heart failure are recommended to participate in CR, as CR attendance is associated with an improvement of exercise capacity, functional capacity and improved health-related quality of life (↑↑, 1+, 100%) [4,28,70,71,72,73,74,75].
- In addition to individualized and supervised exercise training, CR in chronic heart failure patients is recommended to include the following components:
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- Information and education to improve patient’s comprehension and self-management (↑↑, 1+, 100%);
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- Psychological support and if needed psychological interventions in order to improve coping, self-efficacy and to overcome depression and anxiety (↑↑, 4 “expert opinion”, 100%).
3.5.2. Scientific Evidence
3.5.3. Limitations
3.6. Patients after Surgical or Interventional Heart Valve Repair
3.6.1. Recommendations
- Patients after surgical heart valve replacement or heart valve repair as well as patients after interventional heart valve replacement are recommended to participate in CR (↑↑, 100%).
- In all patients after heart valve repair CR is recommended to provide a detailed non-invasive cardiovascular check-up including a stress test and echocardiogram at the beginning of CR. In case of clinical signs of endocarditis, a transoesophageal echocardiogram is recommended to be performed immediately for further evaluation (↑↑, 100%).
- In frail and older patients after heart valve repair mobility and functional capacity are suggested to be checked (6-min walking test; “Timed-Up & Go” test; “hand-grip strength”) in addition, which in some patients may be supplemented by the evaluation of cognitive performance (e.g., Mini Mental State Examination), (mal)nutrition (“Mini Nutritional Assessment”), and activities of daily life (e.g., Barthel Index) (↑, 100%).
- Moreover, all patients after heart valve repair are recommended to be evaluated with respect to their “health-related quality of life”, potential “risk behaviors” and “psychosocial issues” as a basis for individualized therapeutic, psychological and/or vocational support during CR (↑↑, 100%).
- Exercise training of patients after heart valve repair is recommended and should include an individually adapted combination of structured endurance training, dynamic resistance training and special training to improve coordination and flexibility as well as coordination, especially in older patients (↑↑, 100%).
- All patients after heart valve repair are recommended to be informed on prophylaxis of endocarditis, and—if appropriate—on the consequences of anticoagulation and thoracotomy (↑↑, 100%).
- Patients, who need to be anticoagulated with vitamin K antagonists, are suggested to participate in a training course of INR self-monitoring (↑, 100%).
3.6.2. Scientific Evidence
3.6.3. Limitations
3.7. Patients after Implantation of a Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD), Resynchronisation System (CRT), and Patients with a Wearable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (WCD)
3.7.1. Recommendations
- Patients after ICD, CRT, or WCD implantation are recommended to participate in cardiac rehabilitation (CR) (↑↑, 100%).
- CR is recommended to include individually adapted endurance and strength training of low to moderate intensity depending on the nature of the underlying cardiac disease and the actual clinical status (↑↑, 100%).
- In patients with recently implanted devices (<6 weeks) training intensity is suggested to be extremely light (RPE 6–8/20) (↑, 100%). In case of an ongoing clinically stable follow-up beyond 6 weeks after device implantation, exercise intensity is recommended to be stepwise and individually adapted depending on the disease related functional limitations as evaluated by echocardiography, stress test, and Holter-ECG (↑↑, 100%).
- Within the first 6 weeks after device implantation, the ipsilateral pectoral girdle is recommended to be spared in order to avoid electrode dislocation (↑↑, 100%).
- Moreover, it is suggested to avoid inappropriate strain on this particular region also in the long run (↑, 100%).
- ICD-patients and all therapeutic personnel being in contact with them are recommended to be aware of the individually programmed “anti-tachycardia pacing” (ATP) heart rate (“ICD detection rate”). To avoid inadequate ICD shock delivery the maximum heart rate must be kept at least 10 -20 beats per minute below the ICD-ATP rate (↑↑, 100%).
- Direct exposures of the ICD-CRT-pulse generator to mechanical stress are recommended to strictly be avoided (↑↑, 100%).
- In WCD-patients exercise training also is suggested to be adapted to the underlying heart disease and follow the recommendations concerning ICD-patients (↑, 100%).
- There are several other specific features of ICD/CRT/WCD patients like anxiety and/or depression and post-traumatic stress disorder that are recommended to be considered, and patients and their dependents need to be informed about this (↑↑, 100%).
3.7.2. Scientific Evidence
3.7.3. Limitations
3.8. Patients with Ventricular Assist Device (VAD)
3.8.1. Recommendations
- VAD implantation is recommended to be followed by cardiac rehabilitation conducted in specialized institutions (↑↑, 100%).
- These specialized CR-centers are recommended to guarantee the following preconditions (↑↑, 100%):
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- Profound knowledge with respect to the various VAD systems being used;
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- Close cooperation with the correspondent heart center;
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- Emergency equipment and regulations adapted to the special requirements of VAD-patients.
- CR of VAD-patients is recommended to include the following measures with respect to therapy, patient’s support and supervision (↑↑, 100%):
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- Individually adapted endurance training plus dynamic strength training of light to moderate intensity as recommended for patients with chronic heart failure;
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- Echocardiographic examinations of myocardial function need to include VAD-specific evaluations for rapid detection of VAD-dysfunction;
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- Daily monitoring for rapid detection and treatment of infections;
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- Regular training courses addressing patients and therapeutic team in order to improve knowledge and competence especially with respect to VAD-dysfunction and emergency situations;
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- Training of patients and their relatives in changing driveline dressings;
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- Training of eligible VAD-patients with respect to self-monitoring of anticoagulation;
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- Psychological support;
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- Vocational support and after-care in cooperation with the heart center responsible for the VAD implantation.
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- Guideline adjusted treatment of cardiac arrhythmias and supervision of additional devices like pacemakers, ICD and CRT.
3.8.2. Scientific Evidence
3.8.3. Limitations
3.9. Patients after Heart Transplantation (HTX)
3.9.1. Recommendations
- During the first weeks after HTX cardiac rehabilitation is recommended (↑↑; 100%) to preferably be conducted as inpatient CR in close cooperation with the transplant center.
- Eligible CR centers are recommended (↑↑; 100%) to provide a special knowledge and clinical experience with respect to
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- Immunosuppressive medication and its potential drug–drug interactions;
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- Early recognition of transplant rejection;
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- Early recognition of infection.
- CR content is recommended to be adapted to the special needs of HTX-patients as outlined in the following (↑↑, 100%):
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- Exercise intensity needs to be adapted to the elevated resting heart rate after denervation resulting in a reduced heart rate reserve and consecutive limited cardiopulmonary performance;
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- The CR program has to include intense information and instructions on the effect of immunosuppressant drugs, their interaction with other drugs and the elevated risk of infection due to immunosuppressive medication;
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- Patients must be informed about occasionally discreet clinical signs of rejection;
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- Moreover, HTX-patients need to be counselled and motivated to reduce their individual cardiovascular risk by healthy nutrition, weight and blood pressure control as well as smoking cessation;
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- HTX-patients also need to have psychosocial support and counselling on vocational aspects if required;
- The inpatient CR-program is suggested to be followed by a long-term outpatient aftercare program (↑, 100%).
3.9.2. Scientific Evidence
3.9.3. Limitations
3.10. Patients after Surgical or Interventional Repair of the Aorta
3.10.1. Recommendations
- Patients after surgical or interventional repair of the aorta are recommended to participate in a cardiovascular rehabilitation program (↑↑; 100%).
- During CR after surgical and interventional repair of the aorta the following conditions are recommended (↑↑; 100%):
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- All patients after surgical or interventional repair of the aorta need to have a risk evaluation at CR start as a basis to individually adapt the exercise program;
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- For medical blood pressure control all patients after repair of the aorta are to be treated with beta receptor blockers as a baseline medication;
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- Following risk evaluation and provided that blood pressure is sufficiently under control a supervised and a controlled stress-test is recommended at the start and end of CR.
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- During CR, blood pressure needs to be monitored closely including ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. During any stress test, the systolic blood pressure must not exceed 160 mmHg;
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- For physical exercise, ergometer training should be preferred as this allows repetitive blood pressure measurements;
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- Particular attention must be guaranteed with respect to signs and symptoms suspicious for typical complications like mal-perfusion (e.g., claudication, intestinal angina, repetitive back pain, hoarseness or increasing dysphagia).
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- Competitive sports, contact sport, sprinting, isometric strengths sports, and any physical effort associated with exhaling on exertion are to be strictly avoided!
3.10.2. Scientific Evidence
3.10.3. Limitations
3.11. Patients with Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
3.11.1. Recommendations
- Patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD) are recommended to participate in cardiovascular rehabilitation under the following conditions (↑↑; 100%):
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- PAD Stage IIa and IIb;
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- PAD Stage IIa following revascularization (surgical or interventional);
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- PAD Stage IIb following revascularization and in cases with delayed wound healing.
- Patients with peripheral artery disease (PAD) stage III of IV are not recommended to participate in cardiovascular rehabilitation (↓↓; 100%).
- In patients with PAD as a primary disease, CR is suggested to be delivered in specialized rehabilitation centers including the following standard equipment(↑; 100%):
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- Guideline-based PAD treatment concept;
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- Supervision by a medical specialist in angiology;
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- Exercise therapists being specialized in angiology;
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- Nursing staff skilled in wound management;
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- Physiotherapists skilled in manual measures and able to alleviate physical symptoms impairing the success of exercise training.
- Starting CR, the following primary diagnostics are recommended to be performed in all PAD patients (↑↑; 90%):
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- Assessment of peripheral pulses
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- Standardized walking distance test at the start and end of rehabilitation
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- Ankle-brachial index (ABI)
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- Time of re-capillarization;
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- color-coded duplex sonography
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- assessment of health-related quality of life
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- assessment of cardiovascular risk factors
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- assessment of psychosocial problems
- Treatment of PAD patients during CR is recommended to apply all measures needed for effective secondary prevention (↑↑; 100%), including:
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- individually adapted, intermittent walking exercise
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- exercise training to improve cardiopulmonary exercise capacity
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- modular and structured training courses for information, education and to support patients in dealing with their disease
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- smoking cessation courses
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- psychosocial support, if indicated
- During CR all PAD patients are suggested to participate in special vascular exercise training programs being separated from CAD-patients (↑; 100%).
- With respect to the social and vocational support of PAD-patients, it is recommended to consider potential limitations in walking capability (↑↑; 100%).
- Following CR all PAD-patients are recommended to follow the medical care by an angiologist and to participate in an ambulatory vascular sports group (↑↑; 100%).
3.11.2. Scientific Evidence
3.11.3. Limitations
3.12. Patients after Pulmonary Embolism (PE) with or without Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
3.12.1. Recommendations
- Patients after PE with or without DVT are suggested to participate in CR (↑, 100%).
- In patients after PE, a structured and supervised exercise is recommended, if the following preconditions are guaranteed (↑↑, 100%):
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- Guideline adjusted anticoagulation;
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- DVT compression of superficial veins.
- Starting CR, the following diagnostics are recommended in all patients after PE (↑↑, 100%):
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- Assessment of pulmonary artery blood pressure by transthoracic echocardiography to detect ongoing pulmonary hypertension and to follow the course of the disease;
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- Assessment of cardiopulmonary performance preferably by spiroergometry or alternatively by ergometry combined with determination of oxygen saturation;
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- 6-min walking test (including determination of oxygen saturation) in patients with low exercise capacity;
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- Evaluation of psychosocial as well as vocational issues.
- Therapeutic and educational measures during CR of patients after PE are recommended to include (↑↑; 100%):
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- Structured and supervised exercise training including individually adapted bicycle training, dynamic resistance training, aqua aerobics and gymnastics;
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- In patients with low exercise capacity, hand crank ergometer, gymnastics, and walking exercise may alternatively be used;
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- Psychosocial interventions, if necessary;
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- General educational programs focusing on risks, origins and pathophysiology of thrombosis, and in addition communicating how to prevent recurrent thrombosis including healthy lifestyle and anticoagulation.
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- Detailed information needs to be delivered with respect to (a) avoiding gravidity during anticoagulation in general, (b) using “low molecular heparins” instead of vitamin K antagonists or NOAK in case there is a wish to have children, (c) the elevated risk with respect to recurrent thrombosis by using oral contraceptives or postmenopausal estrogens
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- In patients suffering from neoplastic disorder anticoagulation shall be delivered according to the specific guidelines
3.12.2. Scientific Evidence
3.12.3. Limitations
3.13. Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension (PH) of Various Origins
3.13.1. Recommendations
- Patients with severe pulmonary hypertension and under optimized, guideline-adjusted medical treatment are suggested to participate in a structured and closely supervised exercise training (↑, 100%).
- Exercise training in patients with severe PH is suggested to preferably take place in a CR-center experienced in treating PH-patients in close cooperation with a PH expert center (↑, 100%).
- Starting CR, the health-related quality of life, individual risk behaviors and potential psychosocial problems are recommended to be evaluated and therapeutically addressed (↑↑, 100%).
- Exercise training is recommended to take place in small groups, being closely supervised and to be started in low doses individually adjusted in a daily manner(↑↑, 100%).
- Accordingly, all target parameters are suggested to be systematically checked during CR. In this way increased risks with respect to syncope, respiratory infects, hypoxemia, and arrhythmias are to be considered (↑, 100%).
3.13.2. Scientific Evidence
3.13.3. Limitations
3.14. Patients after Myocarditis
3.14.1. Recommendations
- In patients with “acute myocarditis” participation in rehabilitation programs is not recommended (↓↓, 100%). Intensive medical care and physical rest are indicated.
- In all other states, e.g., “subacute myocarditis”, “healed myocarditis” or “myocarditis in history”, participation in CR-programs is suggested (↑, 100%).In patients with “subacute myocarditis”, defined as
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- clinically stable patients;
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- laboratory markers of inflammation and myocardial injury/stress being in the normal range or continuously declining to almost normal values;
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- ECG without or with clearly declining pathological signs;
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- Echocardiogram presenting without or with declining pericardial effusion, and with normal or improving LV-function;
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- Holter-ECG presenting without clinically relevant arrhythmias.
- exercise training is suggested to start at “extremely low” levels (BORG scale 6-8/20)(↑, 100%), but a symptom-limited exercise test is not suggested to be performed at this stage (↓, 100%).In patients with “healed myocarditis”, defined as
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- clinically stable patients;
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- laboratory markers of inflammation and myocardial injury/stress in the normal range;
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- ECG normal or with stable residual changes like “bundle branch block”;
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- Echocardiogram presenting without or only minimal pericardial effusion and normal or only slightly reduced LV-function;
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- Holter-ECG presenting without clinically relevant arrhythmias.
- A symptom-limited exercise test is suggested before starting a regular structured and supervised exercise training of “low” intensity (BORG scale 10-12/20) (↑, 100%).
- A slowly intensifying exercise training may be considered (↔, 100%), but physical exertion should be avoided.
- CR in patients with “healed myocarditis” is recommended to include regular visits and controls of ECG, echocardiogram, and laboratory parameters to early detect potential adverse cardiac effects (↑↑, 100%).
- Competitive sports or other high grade physical activities are recommended not to start before 3–6 months after complete recovery (↑↑, 100%).
- Patients with “healed myocarditis” are recommended to be supported in their social and vocational reintegration (↑↑, 100%).
- In the case of prolonged cardiovascular symptoms and ongoing physical limitations despite inconspicuous cardiovascular diagnostics, it is recommended to consider psychological comorbidity (↑↑, 100%).
3.14.2. Scientific Evidence and Limitations
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- remaining risks of high-grade arrhythmias especially after starting physical exercise;
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- persistent myocardial failure;
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- needs for psychosocial support.
3.15. Adults with Congenital Heart Disease (ACHD)
3.15.1. Recommendations
- Adults with congenital heart disease (ACHD) are suggested to participate in cardiac rehabilitation programs (CR), if they had cardiac surgery, interventional treatment or if they suffer from complications of the underlying CHD (↑, 100%).
- CR of ACHD—especially in case of a complex disease—is suggested to be performed in rehabilitation centers familiar with the care of these patients and integrated in a medical network specialized in treating and supervising ACHD (“AHCD expert center”) (↑, 100%).
- For this reason, rehabilitations centers treating ACHD also are suggested to provide the presence and supervision of an adult/pediatric cardiologist with ACHD certification (↑ 100%).
- In detail, rehabilitation centers treating and supervising ACHD are recommended to meet the following requirements (↑↑100%):
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- Providing a multidisciplinary supervision and treatment of all cardiac and non-cardiac problems of ACHD;
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- Individual grading of the actual cardiovascular limitations and risks as the basis for proper allocation into the exercise programs;
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- Delivery of individualized and closely supervised exercise training taking into account the current cardiac status, potential CHD-related limitations in cardiac function including heart failure, pulmonary hypertension, arrhythmias, infective endocarditis, and pathologies of the aorta and others;
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- Health-related quality of life, individual risk behaviors and psychosocial problems are recommended to be systematically assessed at the beginning of CR and also need to be addressed by the individualized rehabilitation program.
3.15.2. Scientific Evidence
3.15.3. Limitations
4. Summary and Critical Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Cardiac Rehabilitation Guidelines “Lead Management”:
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- Schwaab, Bernhard
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- Rauch, Bernhard
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- Bjarnason-Wehrens, Birna
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- Albus, Christian
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- Meng, Karin
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- Schmid, Jean-Paul
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- Benzer, Werner
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- Jensen, Katrin †
Officially Nominated Delegates of Participating Scientific Societies and Health Care Institutions (“Steering Committee”):
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- Albus Christian, “Deutsches Kollegium für Psychosomatische Medizin“ (DKPM)
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- Benzer Werner, “Österreichische Kardiologische Gesellschaft“ (ÖKG)
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- Falk Johannes, “Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund“ (DRV)
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- Gielen Stephan, “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie“ (DGK), Klinikum Lippe, Detmold, Germany
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- Grande Gesine, “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rehabilitationswissenschaften“ (DGRW), Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg (President), Germany
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- Gysan Detlef, “Bundesverband der Niedergelassenen Kardiologen“ (BNK), University Witten-Herdecke, Germany
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- Joisten Christine, “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sport—und Präventivmedizin“ (DGSP), Germany
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- Schmidt, Jean-Paul, “Swiss Working Group for Cardiovascular Prevention, Rehabilitation and Sports Cardiology”, SCPRS
External Supervision of Evidence Generation and Grading:
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- Kopp Ina B, AWMF-Institut für Medizinisches Wissensmanagement, Philipps-Universität, D-35043 Marburg, Germany
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- Nothacker Monika, AWMF-Institut für Medizinisches Wissensmanagement, Philipps-Universität, D-35043 Marburg, Germany
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- Blödt, Susanne, AWMF-Institut für Medizinisches Wissensmanagement, Geschäftsstelle Berlin, D-10559 Berlin, Germany
Statistics and Biometry:
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- Jensen Katrin (group leader) †
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- Metz Matthes
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- Saure Daniel
Management of Literature:
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- Grilli Maurizio, M.L.I.S
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- Metzendorf, Maria-Inti, Dipl. information specialist
Additional Members of the LL-KardReha-DACH Topic Related Expert Panel Specifically Engaged in LLKardReha-DACH-Part 2:
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- Bönner, G, Medizinische Fakultät Albert-Ludwigs-Universität zu Freiburg; D-79104 Freiburg, Germany
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- Brzoska, P, Universität Witten/Herdecke, D-58448 Witten, Germany
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- Buhr-Schinner, H, Ostseeklinik Schönberg-Holm, D-24217 Ostseebad Schönberg/Holstein, Germany
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- Charrier, A, D-01328 Dresden, Germany
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- Cordes, C, Gollwitzer-Meier-Klinik, D-32545 Bad Oeynhausen
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- Exner, A-K, Klinikum Lippe GmbH, D-32756 Detmold, Germany
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- Fromm, B, REHA-Klinik Sigmund Weil GmbH, D-76669 Bad Schönborn, Germany
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- Gohlke H Neue Kirchstr.22, D-79282 Ballrechten-Dottingen, Germany
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- Gysan, D, Department für Humanmedizin, Private Universität Witten/Herdecke GmbH, D58455 Witten, Germany
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- Härtel, Ursula, LMU München, Institut für medizinische Psychologie, D-80336 München, Germany
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- Hahmann, H, Ringweg 13, D-88316 Isny, Germany
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- Herrmann-Lingen, C, Klinik für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, D-37075 Göttingen, Germany
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- Karger, G, Rehaklinik Heidelberg-Königstuhl, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany
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- Karoff M, D-58332 Schwelm, Germany
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- Kiwus, U, D-14169 Berlin, Germany
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- Knoglinger, E, Kirchberg-Klinik, D-37431 Bad Lauterberg, Germany
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- Krusch, C, Agentur für Arbeit Ludwigshafen, D-67059 Ludwigshafen, Germany
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- Langheim, E, Reha-Zentrum Seehof der Deutschen Rentenversicherung Bund, D-14513 Teltow bei Berlin, Germany
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- Mann, J, KfH Zentrum, D-80804 München-Schwabing, Germany
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- Max, R, Zentrum für Rheumatologie, D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany
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- Predel H-G, Institute for Cardiology and Sports Medicine, Dep. Preventive and Rehabilitative Sport- and Exercise Medicine, German Sport University Cologne, D-50933 Köln, Germany
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- Preßler A, Privatpraxis für Kardiologie, Sportmedizin, Prävention, Rehabilitation, D-81675 München, Germany
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- Razum, Oliver, Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften, Universität Bielefeld, D-33615 Bielefeld, Germany
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- Schütt M, Diabetologische Schwerpunktpraxis, D-23552 Lübeck, Germany
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- Schultz, K, Klinik Bad Reichenhall, D-83435 Bad Reichenhall, Germany
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- Skoda, Eva-Maria, Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, LVR University Hospital, University of Duisburg-Essen, D-45147 Essen, Germany,
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- Steube, D, D-10704 Berlin, Germany
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- Streibelt, Marco, Dr., German Federal Pension Insurance, Dep. for Rehabilitation Research, D-10704 Berlin, Germany
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- Stüttgen, Martin, D-67157 Wachenheim, Germany
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- Stüttgen, Michaela, ZAR Ludwigshafen Klinikum, D-67063 Ludwigshafen/Rhein, Germany
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- Teufel, M, Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, LVR University Hospital, University of Duisburg-Essen, D-45147 Essen, Germany, D-45147 Essen, Germany
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- Tschanz, H, Berner REHA Zentrum, CH-3625 Heiligenschwendi, Switzerland
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- Vogel, H, Universität Würzburg Abteilung für Medizinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, Medizinische Soziologie und Rehabilitationswissenschaften, D-97070 Würzburg, Germany
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- von Schacky C, Omegametrix GmbH, D-82152 Martinsried, Germany
Conflicts of Interest
ACS | acute coronary syndrome |
ATP | antitachycardia pacing |
AWMF | Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany |
BORG/RPE | Borg Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale |
CABG | coronary artery bypass grafting |
CAD | coronary artery disease |
CCS | controlled cohort studies |
CCS | chronic coronary syndrome |
CHF | chronic heart failure |
CR | cardiovascular rehabilitation |
CROS | Cardiac Rehabilitation Outcome Study |
CRT | cardiac resynchronization therapy |
COPD | chronic obstructive lung disease |
CV | cardiovascular |
CVD | cardiovascular disease |
ECG | electrocardiogram |
EF | ejection fraction |
ESC-SCORE | European Society of Cardiology, Systematic COronary Risk Evaluation SCORE |
HADS | Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale |
HFrEF | heart failure with reduced left ventricular ejection fraction |
HIIT | high intensity interval training |
HTX | heart transplantation |
ICD | implanted cardioverter defibrillator |
LV-EF | left ventricular ejection fraction |
MET | metabolic equivalent |
NOAC | new oral anticoagulants |
NSTEMI | non ST-elevation myocardial infarction |
NYHA | New York Heart Association |
PAD | peripheral artery disease |
PCI | percutaneous coronary intervention |
PE | pulmonary embolism |
RCT | randomized controlled trial |
STEMI | ST-elevation myocardial infarction |
VAD | ventricular assist device |
WCD | Wearable Cardioverter-Defibrillator |
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External supervision: AWMF; “Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany” |
Classification of Scientific Evidence According AWMF Rules | Evaluation of Scientific Evidence |
S3 | Data acquisition and evaluation: Systematic reviews and meta-analyses were newly performed on the basis of the PRISMA and the MOOSE statements [24,25]. The evaluation of included studies followed the Cochrane risk of bias table (, currently valid version, accessed on 24 January 2021) for RCTs and the Newcastle–Ottawa Scale (NOS) for controlled cohort studies (CCS) [26]. In addition, a new methodological approach for the evaluation of CCS was developed, applied and published [17]. Reviewing and publication of meta-analyses: Meta-analyses were published in peer-reviewed journals before their results were discussed and graded within the guideline [17,27,28,29]. The guideline text was internally reviewed by the “lead management” followed by external assessment and final judgement by the “steering committee”. Systematic grading of scientific evidence: The scientific evidence acquired by meta-analyses was graded following the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) grading system (see Supplemental Material) [30]. Consensus-based grading of recommendations: Clinical recommendations were determined in face-to-face sessions of the steering committee according to the definitions outlined in Table 3. |
S2k | Data acquisition and evaluation: Scientific evidence was generated on the basis of the most actual and topic-related scientific guidelines, and in addition by a semi-structured evaluation of the scientific literature using PubMed and the Cochrane Library. Review process: All S2k chapters were internally pre-reviewed by the “lead committee” followed by the external and final judgement of the “steering committee” as supervised by the AWMF. Grading of evidence: As content and recommendations of S2k chapters were not based on newly performed meta-analyses, there was no formal grading of the underlying scientific evidence. |
Narrative evidence reporting, NER | Data acquisition and evaluation: Scientific evidence was generated on the basis of the most actual and topic-related scientific guidelines. Review process: There was no formal and predefined review process, but all chapters were reviewed by expert members of the “lead management” and “steering committee”. Grading of evidence: There was no newly performed formal grading of the underlying scientific evidence. Scientific evidence as published in current guidelines were cited, reported and discussed. |
Strong recommendation | “is recommended…” ↑↑“is not recommended…” ↓↓ |
Medium recommendation | “is suggested…” ↑“is not suggested….” ↓ |
neutral | “may be considered” ↔ |
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Rauch, B.; Salzwedel, A.; Bjarnason-Wehrens, B.; Albus, C.; Meng, K.; Schmid, J.-P.; Benzer, W.; Hackbusch, M.; Jensen, K.; Schwaab, B.; et al. Cardiac Rehabilitation in German Speaking Countries of Europe—Evidence-Based Guidelines from Germany, Austria and Switzerland LLKardReha-DACH—Part 1. J. Clin. Med. 2021, 10, 2192.
Rauch B, Salzwedel A, Bjarnason-Wehrens B, Albus C, Meng K, Schmid J-P, Benzer W, Hackbusch M, Jensen K, Schwaab B, et al. Cardiac Rehabilitation in German Speaking Countries of Europe—Evidence-Based Guidelines from Germany, Austria and Switzerland LLKardReha-DACH—Part 1. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021; 10(10):2192.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRauch, Bernhard, Annett Salzwedel, Birna Bjarnason-Wehrens, Christian Albus, Karin Meng, Jean-Paul Schmid, Werner Benzer, Matthes Hackbusch, Katrin Jensen, Bernhard Schwaab, and et al. 2021. "Cardiac Rehabilitation in German Speaking Countries of Europe—Evidence-Based Guidelines from Germany, Austria and Switzerland LLKardReha-DACH—Part 1" Journal of Clinical Medicine 10, no. 10: 2192.
APA StyleRauch, B., Salzwedel, A., Bjarnason-Wehrens, B., Albus, C., Meng, K., Schmid, J. -P., Benzer, W., Hackbusch, M., Jensen, K., Schwaab, B., Altenberger, J., Benjamin, N., Bestehorn, K., Bongarth, C., Dörr, G., Eichler, S., Einwang, H. -P., Falk, J., Glatz, J., ... on behalf of the Cardiac Rehabilitation Guideline Group. (2021). Cardiac Rehabilitation in German Speaking Countries of Europe—Evidence-Based Guidelines from Germany, Austria and Switzerland LLKardReha-DACH—Part 1. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 10(10), 2192.