Sequencing Batch Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge Membrane Process for Treatment of Tapioca Processing Wastewater
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Preparation of Activated Sludge
2.2. The SB-IFASM Set-Up
2.3. Short-Term Filtration Tests
2.4. The SB-IFASM Operation
2.5. Chemical Oxygen Demand Analysis
2.6. Total Solid (TS)
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Clean Water and Activated Sludge Filtration
3.2. Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Activated Sludge Filtration
3.3. Effects of Activated Sludge Concentration on the Permeability
3.4. SB-IFASM Performances
3.4.1. Filtration Performance
3.4.2. Total Solid Mixing
3.4.3. Chemical Oxygen Demand Removal
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Zainuddin, N.I.; Bilad, M.R.; Marbelia, L.; Budhijanto, W.; Arahman, N.; Fahrina, A.; Shamsuddin, N.; Zaki, Z.I.; El-Bahy, Z.M.; Nandiyanto, A.B.D.; et al. Sequencing Batch Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge Membrane Process for Treatment of Tapioca Processing Wastewater. Membranes 2021, 11, 875.
Zainuddin NI, Bilad MR, Marbelia L, Budhijanto W, Arahman N, Fahrina A, Shamsuddin N, Zaki ZI, El-Bahy ZM, Nandiyanto ABD, et al. Sequencing Batch Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge Membrane Process for Treatment of Tapioca Processing Wastewater. Membranes. 2021; 11(11):875.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZainuddin, Nur Izzati, Muhammad Roil Bilad, Lisendra Marbelia, Wiratni Budhijanto, Nasrul Arahman, Afrilia Fahrina, Norazanita Shamsuddin, Zaki Ismail Zaki, Zeinhom M. El-Bahy, Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto, and et al. 2021. "Sequencing Batch Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge Membrane Process for Treatment of Tapioca Processing Wastewater" Membranes 11, no. 11: 875.
APA StyleZainuddin, N. I., Bilad, M. R., Marbelia, L., Budhijanto, W., Arahman, N., Fahrina, A., Shamsuddin, N., Zaki, Z. I., El-Bahy, Z. M., Nandiyanto, A. B. D., & Gunawan, P. (2021). Sequencing Batch Integrated Fixed-Film Activated Sludge Membrane Process for Treatment of Tapioca Processing Wastewater. Membranes, 11(11), 875.