On Nonlinear Regression for Trends in Split-Belt Treadmill Training
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Experimental Dataset
2.2. Exponential Models
2.2.1. Single Exponential Model
Common Language Interpretation
2.2.2. Double Exponential Model
Common Language Interpretation
2.3. Model Fitting
2.3.1. Parameter Bounds
Bounds for c
Bounds for b, ,
Bounds for a, ,
2.3.2. Optimisation Problems
2.3.3. Optimisation Algorithm
2.4. Model Evaluation and Selection
2.5. Confidence Intervals for Parameters
2.5.1. Based on Linearisation
2.5.2. Without Linearisation
2.6. MATLAB Implementation of Methods
3. Results
3.1. Group-Averaged Symmetry Series
3.1.1. Model Selection
3.1.2. Estimated Parameters and Confidence Intervals
3.2. Participant Symmetry Series
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AIC | Akaike’s information criterion |
PSO | Particle swarm optimisation |
SS | Same speed configuration |
DS | Differential speed configuration |
ctDCS | Cerebellar transcranial direct current stimulation |
AUTEC | Auckland University of Technology Ethics Committee |
CIs | Confidence intervals |
UD | Undefined |
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Model (Parameters) | Direction | Overshoot | Bounds |
Single (a; b; c) | +ve | – | [0, 2]; [−ln(2), 0]; [−1, 1] |
−ve | – | [−2, 0]; [(2), 0]; [−1, 1] | |
Double (; ; ; ; c) | +ve | No | [0, 1]; [−ln(2), 0]; [0, 1]; [−ln(2), 0]; [−1, 1] |
Yes | [−1, 0]; [−ln(2), 0]; [0, 1]; [−ln(2), 0]; [−1, 1] | ||
−ve | No | [−1, 0]; [−ln(2), 0]; [−1, 0]; [−ln(2), 0]; [−1, 1] | |
Yes | [0, 1]; [−ln(2), 0]; [−1, 0]; [−ln(2), 0]; [−1, 1] |
Phase | Session | AIC (Single Exp. Model) | AIC (Double Exp. Model) |
Adaptation | I | −2017.63 | −2327.59 |
II | −2472.15 | −2496.23 | |
De-adaptation | I | −1326.61 | −1371.21 |
II | −1409.85 | −1461.28 |
Phase | Parameter | Session | CI Overlap | |
Session I | Session II | |||
Adapt | Asymmetry at beginning | −0.114 [−0.126, −0.106] | −0.033 [−1.018, 0.888] | Yes |
Total change | −0.137 [−0.148, −0.133] | −0.063 [−1.048, 0.857] | Yes | |
Strides to 50% changes | 235 [194, 299]; 21 [18, 24] | 30 [25, 52]; 28 [19, 32] | No *, Yes | |
Asymmetry at end | 0.024 [0.021, 0.027] | 0.030 [0.030, 0.031] | No * | |
Overshoot | UD [UD, UD] | 0.034 [0.030, UD] | Yes | |
Residuals std. | 6.386 × 10−3 | 5.600 × 10−3 | – | |
De-adapt | Asymmetry at beginning | 0.141 [−0.863, 0.227] | 0.125 [0.090, 0.154] | Yes |
Total change | 0.117 [0.080, 0.200] | 0.098 [0.070, 0.125] | Yes | |
Strides to 50% changes | 100 [76, 13203]; 15 [8, 34] | 58 [38, 252]; 4 [2, 11] | Yes, Yes | |
Asymmetry at end | 0.024 [−0.943, 0.027] | 0.027 [0.019, 0.029] | Yes | |
Overshoot | UD [UD, UD] | UD [UD, UD] | Yes | |
Residuals std. | 7.043 × 10−3 | 6.161 × 10−3 | – |
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Share and Cite
Rashid, U.; Kumari, N.; Signal, N.; Taylor, D.; Vandal, A.C. On Nonlinear Regression for Trends in Split-Belt Treadmill Training. Brain Sci. 2020, 10, 737. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci10100737
Rashid U, Kumari N, Signal N, Taylor D, Vandal AC. On Nonlinear Regression for Trends in Split-Belt Treadmill Training. Brain Sciences. 2020; 10(10):737. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci10100737
Chicago/Turabian StyleRashid, Usman, Nitika Kumari, Nada Signal, Denise Taylor, and Alain C. Vandal. 2020. "On Nonlinear Regression for Trends in Split-Belt Treadmill Training" Brain Sciences 10, no. 10: 737. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci10100737
APA StyleRashid, U., Kumari, N., Signal, N., Taylor, D., & Vandal, A. C. (2020). On Nonlinear Regression for Trends in Split-Belt Treadmill Training. Brain Sciences, 10(10), 737. https://doi.org/10.3390/brainsci10100737