Emotion AI-Driven Sentiment Analysis: A Survey, Future Research Directions, and Open Issues
:1. Introduction
1.1. Emotion AI-Driven Sentiment Analysis: Taxonomy
1.2. Sentiment Analysis (SA) Process
1.2.1. Step 1: Data Collection
1.2.2. Step 2: Training Dataset and Subjective Data
1.2.3. Step 3: Data Pre-Processing
1.3. Comparison with Previous Surveys
2. Literature Review
2.1. Ontology-Based Sentiment Analysis: Review
- To examine the domain-specific knowledge;
- To activate the domain knowledge for reuse;
- To provide clear domain supposition;
- To split the domain and functional expertise;
- To provide a way to share their knowledge with the software agents.
2.2. Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis: A Review
2.3. Sentiment Analysis Based on Machine Learning: A Review
2.4. Neural Network Models: A Review
3. Methodology
3.1. Machine Learning Approaches
Algorithm 1. |
Input: A = Total number of trees D = Training dataset F′ = Features f′ = Sub features Output: Label of bagged class 1. For each and every tree in A (i) Create a bootstrapping sample S of size D (ii) Create a tree recursively to all the internal nodes with the following steps: Step 1:- Choose the sub feature f′ randomly at feature F′ Step 2:- Best sub feature f′ has to selected Step 3:- Finally split the node 2. Test instance will be passed to trees once trees are created 3. Later, a majority of votes are provided by assigning the class labels |
Algorithm 2. |
Training CNN for sentiment analysis Input: f(x) = {x1, x2, …. xn} , f(y) = {y1, y2,…. yn} Step 1: Train the CNN with input f(x)and f(y) Step 2: Sentiment score of f(x) predicted Step 3: Let X be the leftover training data and Y be their sentiment Step 4: Let the CNN fine-tune with the input X and Y Step 5: Return (the average performance) Output: Sentiment of the data |
3.2. Lexicon-Based Approaches
3.2.1. Sentiment Analysis in Gram Representation
3.2.2. Term Frequency- Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) Representation
3.2.3. Dictionary-Based Approach
3.2.4. Corpus-Based Approach
3.2.5. Statistical Approach
4. Results and Discussions
4.1. Evaluation Metrics
4.1.1. Prediction Accuracy
4.1.2. Refined Measure on Tweet Precision
4.1.3. Recall
4.1.4. F-Measure
4.2. Using Ontology-Based Sentiment Analysis
4.3. Using Lexicon-Based Sentiment Analysis
4.4. Using Machine-Learning-Based Sentiment Analysis
5. Challenges, Future Research Directions, and Open issues
5.1. Mining Unstructured Data
5.2. Identifying Composite Media Features
5.3. Different Words with the Same Meaning
- Sentiment words that do not express a sentiment—some of the words in interrogative statements may not explicitly express any sentiment. Still, the emotion present in the statement should be identified as another challenge [96].
- Emotion identification (sarcasm)—it is difficult for the machine to identify sarcastic statements. Researchers on SA work hard to identify sarcastic comments with high accuracy, as human emotions and attitudes are often ambiguous [97].
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
NB | Naive Bayes |
MNB | Multinomial naive Bayes |
SVM | Support vector machine |
ME | Maximum entropy |
NN | Neural network |
ANN | Artificial neural network |
CNN | Convolution neural network |
RNN | Recurrent neural network |
LSTM | Long short-term memory |
RF | Random forest |
LC | Linear classifier |
PC | Probability classifier |
PSDEE | Polarity shift detection, elimination, and ensemble |
TF | Term frequency |
TF-IDF | Term frequency-inverse document frequency |
DT | Decision tree |
BoW | Bags of word |
Pos | Parts of speech |
FSC | Fuzzy semantic classifier |
RFWC | Relative frequency word count |
KNN | K-nearest neighbor |
CRF | Conditional random fields |
DL | Document level |
SL | Sentence level |
FL | Feature level |
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Reference Number | Survey Objective | Survey Outcome |
[21] | To survey the development of sentiment analysis on images, videos, blogs, etc. To discuss visualized sentiment analysis and speech sentiment analysis. | It focused on the methodology to be used to provide the sentiment for both speech and visualization. It discussed how the automatic sentiment analyzer could be proposed for both speech and visual data. |
[22] | To focus on increasing precision and reducing the false rate of sentiment analysis. | The evaluation metrics were discussed, and they showed the experimental results. It explained how the supervised and unsupervised algorithms work. |
[23] | To conduct a sentiment analysis for the communities. | It discussed fine-grained sentiment analysis and algorithm classification. |
[24] | To depict the n-gram, unigram, and focuses on interpreting the sentiment in every single sentence. | It discussed the neural network-based approach and word embedding and elucidated how the recurrent neural network works. |
[25] | To conduct a survey to implement Twitter sentiment analysis. | It presented the methodology of HybridSeg and discussed subjective data. |
References Number | Problem Identified | Methodology | Dataset Used | Results | Limitation |
[30] | Data sparsity problem | Specific domain ontology | Tweets | 82% | Constrained accuracy |
[31] | To improve the accuracy | Microblog specific sentiment lexicon | Dataset from Tencent Weibo (2013) on 20 topics | 84.3% | Only for Chinese blogs |
[32] | Binary classification problem and accuracy | Fuzzy ontology (FO) with machine learning technique (ML) | Hotel reviews | 82.70% | Increased complexity |
[33] | Binary classification problem | Ontology at aspect extraction | Tweets | 82.9% | Not suitable for all domains |
[34] | To increase the efficiency of the project | Ontology-based text mining method (OTMM) and Self Organizing Maps (SOM) | National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 110,000 proposals | 91.2% | Time-consuming technique |
[35] | Polarity shift problem | Polarity Shifting Device Model | Movie reviews | 87.1% | Limited accuracy |
[36] | Lexicon-based approach | Movie review dataset | 77.6% | Hard to refresh the word reference | |
[37] | Sentiment compression technique before the aspect-based sentiment analysis | Chinese blog review dataset | 88.78% | Extractive compression technique failed to achieve accuracy | |
[38] | For enhancing the prediction accuracy of the unemployment rate | Domain ontology | Unemployment Initial Claims (UICs) values between January 2004 and March 2012, US Department of Labor | 81.7% | Rate prediction was not accurate |
Reference Number | Level of Analysis | Approach | Dataset Used | Results |
[42] | Feature-based term weight | Term Frequency (TF) | Multi-domain dataset | 85% |
[43] | - | Support Vector Machine | Tweets | 75.5% |
[44] | Feature based | Polarity classifier, enhanced emoticon classifier SentiWordNet-based classifier | Tweets | 87% |
[45] | - | Relative frequency word count | Drug, car, hotel | 80% |
[46] | Word level | Relative frequency word count (RFWC) | Tweets | Less than 50% |
[47] | Sentence level | Weight scheme | Tweets | 70% |
[48] | Phrase level | OpenDover (web service) | Tweets | 75% |
[49] | Sentence level | Semantic-based lexicon analysis | Tweets | - |
[50] | Word level | Word emotion lexicon | Socio-political (SP) and sports | Did not add value |
[51] | SentiWord level | Opinion works affixation | 9 various emotion/sentiment database | 94% |
[52] | Feature based | Opinion mining and ranking adjective count algorithm | DVD players | 97.1% |
[53] | Link based | Sentiment strength propagation approach | Hotel survey report | 72% |
[60] | [61] | [62] | [63] | [64] | [65] | [66] | [67] | |
Approach | Unsupervised | Supervised | Classifier approach | Classifier approach | Supervised | Unsupervised | Hybrid | Supervised |
Features | Sentiment orientation weight | Sentiment orientation weight Multi-nomial Sentiment Analyis MSA | Word stem + n-gram | Word stem + n-grams MSA | n-gram | Semantic sentiment weight | n-grams | Word stem, SentiWord |
Algorithm | Based lexicon | Based lexicon | SVM, Naïve Bayes (NB), KNN | SVM, NB, KNN | SVM, NB | Rule-based and lexicon-based | SVM + lexicon-based approach | SVM, NB |
Dataset | Social network | Aljazeera | Facebook and blogs | Microblog | ||||
Accuracy | 83% | 97% | 96% | 67% | 75% | 46% | 84.01% | 87% |
Limitation | Negation and intensification were not considered | Manual extraction and feature score were done | Fewer features and classifiers were used | Could use more features as well as/Parts of Speech tag | More classifiers can be included to reduce the false rate | Did not add value | Negation was not considered | Usage of the dictionary-based rule to translate the word to MSA |
Pros | Cons |
• Many utilized fewer parameters. | • Some of the approaches require labeled data. |
• Labeling data is not necessary for feature extraction. | • It does not count the absence of text. |
• Training is done easily. | • Features are confused at times during analysis. |
• Some of the low-featured data can be extracted easily. | • When there is more than one possible opinion, it fails to handle the situation. |
• Opinion words are categorized into different forms. | • Many consider only adjectives. |
• Develops new standardized data. | • Exact feature identification is complicated. |
• Implicit statements are considered in the text during extraction. | • Unlabeled data are not analyzed properly. |
• Some of the lexicon approaches provide less false rates. | • It does not analyze short text properly. |
• Domain-specific data achieve high accuracy in predicting sentiments. | • Even though it ensures high accuracy, F-measure is also high. |
• Neural net models on predicting the sentiment achieve high accuracy with a less false rate. | • Building neural net ID is highly complicated. |
• Ontology sentiment analysis provides high accuracy when it is domain-specific. | • The false rate in the analysis is high in ontology when compared to the lexicon. |
Word | Positive Word | Negative Word |
She | 0.100 | 0.20000 |
Like | 0.100 | 0.00010 |
This | 0.010 | 0.01000 |
Comedy | 0.050 | 0.00500 |
Movie | 0.010 | 0.10000 |
Dataset | Positive | Negative | Neutral | Total |
Testing | 10,000 | 5800 | 4200 | 20,000 |
Training | 2000 | 2000 | 2000 | 6000 |
Types | Approaches | Merits | Demerits |
Lexicon based | Dictionary-based and rule-based approach Ensemble modeling | There is more extensive-term analysis and, hence, accuracy reaches a high. | This is strictly limited to a smaller number of words in the lexicon trained; hence, it is utilized in the fixed score of opinion. |
Machine learning | Bayesian networks Support vector machines Maximum entropy Random forest Decision tree Neural networks | It is efficient in training the model for a particular purpose. | It is only applicable when the data are labeled. This is more costly. |
Hybrid | Lexicon + machine learning | It is done at the sentence level, so it is easy at the document level. | It is complex and too noisy. |
User | Comment |
User 1 | “the amazon delivered the paste before the delivery date,” |
User 2 | “Paste tastes really good, and my cavity is reducing.” |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Chakriswaran, P.; Vincent, D.R.; Srinivasan, K.; Sharma, V.; Chang, C.-Y.; Reina, D.G. Emotion AI-Driven Sentiment Analysis: A Survey, Future Research Directions, and Open Issues. Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 5462. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9245462
Chakriswaran P, Vincent DR, Srinivasan K, Sharma V, Chang C-Y, Reina DG. Emotion AI-Driven Sentiment Analysis: A Survey, Future Research Directions, and Open Issues. Applied Sciences. 2019; 9(24):5462. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9245462
Chicago/Turabian StyleChakriswaran, Priya, Durai Raj Vincent, Kathiravan Srinivasan, Vishal Sharma, Chuan-Yu Chang, and Daniel Gutiérrez Reina. 2019. "Emotion AI-Driven Sentiment Analysis: A Survey, Future Research Directions, and Open Issues" Applied Sciences 9, no. 24: 5462. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9245462