Optimizing Sensory Attributes: Exploring the Placement of the Ideal-Product Question in Check-All-That-Apply Methodology
:Featured Application
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Samples
2.2. Participants
2.3. Free Listing
2.4. Check-All-That-Apply (CATA)
2.5. Data Analysis
3. Results
3.1. Population Characterization
3.2. Free Listing
3.3. CATA
3.3.1. Study 1—Grape Juice
3.3.2. Study 2—Milk Chocolate Bars
3.3.3. Ideal Product
3.4. Consumer Acceptance
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Free Listing * | CATA-L * | CATA-F * | ||
Age (years old (yo)) | 18–25 yo | 85% | 85% | 85% |
25–32 yo | 11% | 11% | 14% | |
32–39 yo | 3% | 1% | 1% | |
39–46 yo | 1% | 2% | 0% | |
Weekly Grape Juice Consumption Frequency | 1 × week | 24% | 9% | 8% |
2 × weeks | 63% | 76% | 76% | |
3 × weeks | 11% | 11% | 14% | |
4 × weeks | 2% | 5% | 3% | |
Favorite Brands of Grape Juice | Aliança® | 0% | 9% | 16% |
Aurora® | 6% | 18% | 20% | |
Del valle® | 38% | 59% | 46% | |
La fruit® | 29% | 43% | 31% | |
Others | 27% | 23% | 39% | |
Weekly Milk Chocolate Bar Consumption Frequency | 1 × week | 0% | 0% | 0% |
2 × weeks | 66% | 70% | 81% | |
3 × weeks | 24% | 22% | 14% | |
4 × weeks | 10% | 7% | 5% | |
Favorite Brands of Milk Chocolate | Cacau show® | 8% | 18% | 23% |
Garoto® | 8% | 11% | 7% | |
Lacta® | 27% | 50% | 35% | |
Nestlé® | 46% | 44% | 42% | |
Others | 11% | 29% | 45% |
Category | Descriptors Grape Juice | % of Mentions a | Descriptors Milk Chocolate | % of Mentions b |
Appearance | Grape’s characteristic color | 34 | Chocolate’s characteristic color | 21 |
Very dark color | 13 | Very light color | 28 | |
Very transparent | 3 | Very dark color | 15 | |
Very light color | 5 | Good appearance | 12 | |
Smell | Very weak smell | 24 | Weak smell | 20 |
Grape’s characteristic smell | 17 | Chocolate’s characteristic smell | 72 | |
Very strong smell | 17 | |||
Flavor | Weak taste | 15 | Very sweet | 67 |
A little acidic | 8 | Nauseating | 12 | |
Grape’s characteristic flavor | 26 | Chocolate’s characteristic flavor | 47 | |
A little sweet | 18 | Tasty | 51 | |
Bad taste | 11 | Weak taste | 18 | |
Tasty | 21 | Greasy | 27 | |
Acidic | 22 | A little sweet | 25 | |
Very sweet | 16 | |||
Astringent (“squeeze” sensation in the mouth) | 15 | |||
Bitter | 7 | |||
Wine flavor aftertaste | 17 | |||
Consistency | Good consistency | 8 | Creamy | 12 |
Concentrated/full-bodied | 31 | Soft melting in the mouth | 30 | |
Watery | 14 | Delayed intense melt-in-the-mouth sensation | 5 | |
Soft | 30 | |||
Firm | 20 | |||
Good texture | 31 | |||
Sensation | Energizing | 3 | ||
Indulgent | 10 | |||
Adhesiveness in the mouth | 21 |
Descriptors/Products | CATA-L | CATA-F | ||||||||
Cochran’s Q Test | Ideal | 1 | 2 | 3 | Cochran’s Q Test | Ideal | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Grape’s characteristic color | * | 0.843 a | 0.444 c | 0.693 b | 0.680 b | * | 0.750 a | 0.500 b | 0.697 a | 0.671 a |
Very light color | * | 0.013 c | 0.458 a | 0.144 b | 0.013 c | * | 0.007 c | 0.349 a | 0.132 b | 0.013 c |
Very transparent | * | 0.00 b | 0.078 a | 0.026 ab | 0.00 b | * | 0.007 b | 0.079 a | 0.033 ab | 0.00 b |
Very dark color | * | 0.497 a | 0.144 c | 0.333 b | 0.562 a | * | 0.625 a | 0.250 b | 0.316 b | 0.691 a |
Grape’s characteristic smell | * | 0.830 a | 0.320 b | 0.431 b | 0.451 b | * | 0.868 a | 0.263 b | 0.342 b | 0.382 b |
Very weak smell | * | 0.00 c | 0.510 a | 0.346 b | 0.301 b | * | 0.020 b | 0.487 a | 0.474 a | 0.375 a |
Very strong smell | * | 0.706 a | 0.255 c | 0.346 bc | 0.425 b | * | 0.559 a | 0.329 b | 0.355 b | 0.401 b |
Bad taste | * | 0.00 b | 0.118 a | 0.163 a | 0.196 a | * | 0.00 b | 0.164 a | 0.105 a | 0.184 a |
Very sweet | ** | 0.065 b | 0.170 a | 0.092 ab | 0.078 ab | ** | 0.086 ab | 0.164 a | 0.099 ab | 0.053 b |
Tasty | * | 0.882 a | 0.314 b | 0.359 b | 0.392 b | * | 0.730 a | 0.309 c | 0.467 b | 0.375 bc |
Grape’s characteristic flavor | * | 0.850 a | 0.301 b | 0.353 b | 0.320 b | * | 0.783 a | 0.283 b | 0.388 b | 0.382 b |
Weak taste | * | 0.033 c | 0.307 a | 0.131 b | 0.137 b | * | 0.013 c | 0.336 a | 0.158 b | 0.171 b |
Acidic | * | 0.144 b | 0.222 b | 0.359 a | 0.222 b | * | 0.118 b | 0.296 a | 0.428 a | 0.322 a |
A little sweet | * | 0.392 a | 0.275 ab | 0.209 b | 0.294 ab | ** | 0.434 a | 0.276 b | 0.329 ab | 0.368 ab |
A little acidic | * | 0.386 a | 0.196 b | 0.157 b | 0.163 b | * | 0.454 a | 0.257 b | 0.243 b | 0.237 b |
Wine flavor aftertaste | * | 0.405 a | 0.261 b | 0.458 a | 0.490 a | * | 0.461 a | 0.263 b | 0.467 a | 0.428 a |
Astringent (“squeeze” sensation in the mouth) | * | 0.052 b | 0.222 a | 0.301 a | 0.314 a | * | 0.072 b | 0.243 a | 0.250 a | 0.316 a |
Bitter | * | 0.052 b | 0.157 a | 0.183 a | 0.235 a | ** | 0.020 b | 0.118 a | 0.125 a | 0.092 ab |
Good consistency | * | 0.765 a | 0.516 c | 0.693 ab | 0.608 bc | * | 0.724 a | 0.559 b | 0.638 ab | 0.684 ab |
Watery | ** | 0.00 c | 0.340 a | 0.170 b | 0.131 b | * | 0.007 c | 0.329 a | 0.224 ab | 0.118 b |
Concentrated/full-bodied | * | 0.562 a | 0.196 c | 0.222 c | 0.412 b | * | 0.599 a | 0.171 c | 0.217 c | 0.362 b |
Descriptors/Products | CATA-L | CATA-F | ||||||||
Cochran’s Q Test | Ideal | 1 | 2 | 3 | Cochran’s Q Test | Ideal | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
Very dark color | * | 0.351 a | 0.033 b | 0.007 b | 0.099 b | * | 0.430 a | 0.040 b | 0.007 b | 0.099 b |
Good appearance | * | 0.742 ab | 0.636 b | 0.364 c | 0.848 a | * | 0.636 a | 0.742 a | 0.377 b | 0.742 a |
Chocolate’s characteristic color | * | 0.762 a | 0.616 b | 0.384 c | 0.682 ab | * | 0.709 a | 0.556 b | 0.212 c | 0.675 ab |
Very light color | * | 0.033 c | 0.219 b | 0.636 a | 0.079 c | * | 0.033 c | 0.205 b | 0.709 a | 0.073 c |
Weak smell | * | 0.033 c | 0.417 b | 0.603 a | 0.318 b | * | 0.046 c | 0.305 b | 0.695 a | 0.444 b |
Chocolate’s characteristic smell | * | 0.974 a | 0.596 b | 0.404 c | 0.728 b | * | 0.980 a | 0.702 b | 0.311 c | 0.576 b |
Chocolate’s characteristic flavor | * | 0.762 a | 0.351 c | 0.384 c | 0.563 b | * | 0.715 a | 0.444 b | 0.252 c | 0.457 b |
Weak taste | * | 0.007 c | 0.212 ab | 0.285 a | 0.113 b | * | 0.020 c | 0.179 b | 0.318 a | 0.172 b |
Nauseating | * | 0.00 c | 0.272 a | 0.232 ab | 0.146 b | * | 0.007 c | 0.199 ab | 0.298 a | 0.159 b |
A little sweet | * | 0.391 a | 0.185 b | 0.106 b | 0.146 b | * | 0.563 a | 0.205 b | 0.166 b | 0.219 b |
Tasty | * | 0.934 a | 0.358 c | 0.411 c | 0.642 b | * | 0.801 a | 0.530 b | 0.331 c | 0.530 b |
Very sweet | * | 0.086 b | 0.232 a | 0.258 a | 0.232 a | * | 0.106 c | 0.291 ab | 0.338 a | 0.205 bc |
Greasy | * | 0.007 c | 0.265 a | 0.185 ab | 0.126 b | * | 0.033 c | 0.166 b | 0.305 a | 0.159 b |
Soft | * | 0.536 a | 0.272 b | 0.285 b | 0.318 b | * | 0.450 ab | 0.265 c | 0.483 a | 0.344 bc |
Good texture | * | 0.662 a | 0.417 bc | 0.338 c | 0.536 ab | * | 0.694 a | 0.430 bc | 0.305 c | 0.490 b |
Soft melts in the mouth | * | 0.728 a | 0.285 b | 0.338 b | 0.377 b | * | 0.695 a | 0.219 c | 0.351 bc | 0.437 b |
Firm | ** | 0.311 b | 0.477 a | 0.331 ab | 0.331 ab | ** | 0.338 ab | 0.450 a | 0.212 b | 0.344 a |
Delayed intense melt-in-the-mouth sensation | * | 0.099 b | 0.318 a | 0.278 a | 0.265 a | * | 0.185 b | 0.477 a | 0.305 b | 0.219 b |
Creamy | * | 0.662 a | 0.344 b | 0.338 b | 0.430 b | * | 0.530 a | 0.331 b | 0.503 a | 0.430 ab |
Adhesiveness in the mouth | * | 0.139 c | 0.497 ab | 0.530 a | 0.371 b | * | 0.192 c | 0.517 a | 0.623 a | 0.351 b |
Energizing | * | 0.550 a | 0.232 b | 0.185 b | 0.272 b | * | 0.444 a | 0.205 b | 0.152 b | 0.205 b |
Indulgent | * | 0.874 a | 0.351 b | 0.344 b | 0.477 b | * | 0.841 a | 0.397 bc | 0.311 c | 0.470 b |
Attributes | Grape Juice | Milk Chocolate | ||
Essentials | Characteristic color * Characteristic smell * Good consistency * Very strong smell Concentrated | Characteristic color * Characteristic smell * Good consistency * Tasty Characteristic flavor | Characteristic color * Characteristic smell * Characteristic flavor * Tasty * Good texture * Indulgent * Good appearance | Characteristic color * Characteristic smell * Characteristic flavor * Tasty * Good texture * Indulgent * Soft melting in the mouth |
Undesirable | Very weak smell * Watery * Acidic * Very light color Astringent | Very weak smell * Watery * Acidic * | Very light color * Weak smell * Weak taste * Nauseating * Adhesiveness in the mouth * Firm | Very light color * Weak smell * Weak taste * Nauseating * Adhesiveness in the mouth * Very sweet Heavy melting in the mouth |
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Share and Cite
Amorim, K.A.; Dutcosky, S.D.; Becker, F.S.; Asquieri, E.R.; Damiani, C.; Soares, C.; Rodrigues, J.F. Optimizing Sensory Attributes: Exploring the Placement of the Ideal-Product Question in Check-All-That-Apply Methodology. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 11686. https://doi.org/10.3390/app132111686
Amorim KA, Dutcosky SD, Becker FS, Asquieri ER, Damiani C, Soares C, Rodrigues JF. Optimizing Sensory Attributes: Exploring the Placement of the Ideal-Product Question in Check-All-That-Apply Methodology. Applied Sciences. 2023; 13(21):11686. https://doi.org/10.3390/app132111686
Chicago/Turabian StyleAmorim, Katiúcia Alves, Silvia Deboni Dutcosky, Fernanda Salamoni Becker, Eduardo Ramirez Asquieri, Clarissa Damiani, Cristina Soares, and Jéssica Ferreira Rodrigues. 2023. "Optimizing Sensory Attributes: Exploring the Placement of the Ideal-Product Question in Check-All-That-Apply Methodology" Applied Sciences 13, no. 21: 11686. https://doi.org/10.3390/app132111686
APA StyleAmorim, K. A., Dutcosky, S. D., Becker, F. S., Asquieri, E. R., Damiani, C., Soares, C., & Rodrigues, J. F. (2023). Optimizing Sensory Attributes: Exploring the Placement of the Ideal-Product Question in Check-All-That-Apply Methodology. Applied Sciences, 13(21), 11686. https://doi.org/10.3390/app132111686