Generic Product Lifecycle Model: A Holistic and Adaptable Approach for Multi-Disciplinary Product–Service Systems
:Featured Application
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
- Search term vector TS 1.1 (cross-product):{lifecycle, life cycle} × {circular} × {engineering, planning, design};
- Search term vector TS 1.2: {product, system, plant, asset, software};
- Search term vector TS 1.3: {*, literature}.
- Search term vector TS 2.1: {lifecycle model, life cycle model}.
- Search term vector TS 2.2: {product, system}.
- Search term vector TS 2.3: {holistic, generic}.
- Integrating core elements of complementary models.
- Contextualizing lifecycle phases regarding different perspectives.
- Visualizing both sequential dependencies and circularity (focusing on data/knowledge and products/material).
- Providing means for adaptation/tailoring.
3. Results
3.1. Literature Analysis
3.1.1. Specific Perspectives (Subjects)
3.1.2. Integrative Perspectives
3.1.3. Cross-Cutting Perspectives
3.2. Comparison and Correlation
No. | Authors | Ref | No. | Authors | Ref | No. | Authors | Ref |
1 | Grant 1991 (2002) | [70] | 22 | Schatten et al., 2010 | [71] | 43 | Stahel 2016 | [58] |
2 | VDI 2243:1993 | [72] | 23 | Arnold et al., 2011 | [73] | 44 | VDI 4800:2016 | [74] |
3 | VDI 2221:1993 | [75] | 24 | Balzert and Liggesmeier 2011 | [38] | 45 | Bauer et al., 2017 | [61] |
4 | Hubka et al., 1996 | [29] | 25 | Diedrich et al., 2011 | [76] | 46 | Dang 2017 | [77] |
5 | Rajlich et al., 2000 | [41] | 26 | Goll 2011 | [39] | 47 | European Union 2017 | [37] |
6 | Wirth et al., 2000 | [78] | 27 | Meier et al., 2012 | [79] | 48 | Lin et al., 2017 | [51,80,81] |
7 | Schimmelpfeng 2002 | [35] | 28 | Meier et al., 2012/2017 | [82] | 49 | Meier et al., 2017 | [82] |
8 | VDI 2243:2002 | [83] | 29 | Freitag et al., 2012 | [84] | 50 | Nußholz 2017 | [85] |
9 | Meier 2004 | [86] | 30 | Hepperle 2013 | [43] | 51 | Bracht et al., 2018 | [31] |
10 | Schenk and Wirth 2004 | [34] | 31 | Laurischkat 2013 | [87] | 52 | Tao et al., 2018 | [55] |
11 | Abele et al., 2005 | [88] | 32 | Thomas and Nüttgens 2013 | [89] | 53 | VDI 4801:2018 | [90] |
12 | Tan et al., 2006 | [54] | 33 | Porter 2014 | [91] | 54 | Wiktorsson et al., 2018 | [46] |
13 | Zarnekow et al., 2005 | [69] | 34 | Vajna 2014 (2020) | [92] | 55 | Hastenteufel et al., 2019 | [40] |
14 | Westkämper 2008 | [93] | 35 | Vielhaber and Stoffels 2014 | [94] | 56 | Klenk et al., 2019 | [68] |
15 | Hulvej 2008 | [95] | 36 | E. MacArthur Fdt. 2015 | [59] | 57 | Raabe et al., 2019 | [36] |
16 | Becker et al., 2009 | [96] | 37 | Helu and Hedberg 2015 | [97] | 58 | Schleich et al., 2019 | [98] |
17 | Eigner et al., 2009 | [33] | 38 | Lehmhus et al., 2015 | [99] | 59 | Tao et al., 2019 | [100] |
18 | Robin et al., 2009 | [66] | 39 | Lu et al., 2015 | [101] | 60 | VDI 2221: 2019 | [28] |
19 | Ropohl 2009 | [57] | 40 | Wellsandt et al., 2015 | [30] | 61 | Güntner et al., 2020 | [102] |
20 | Aurich et al., 2010 | [103] | 41 | Lu et al., 2016 | [101] | 62 | Neuhäuser et al., 2020 | [104] |
21 | Blinn et al., 2010 | [64] | 42 | Mahut et al., 2016 | [42] | 63 | Yousefnezhad et al., 2020 | [105] |
- Business management-bound lifecycles for product–service systems do not address the specifics of technically demanding products, which is usually accompanied by multi-disciplinarity. As the model to be developed shall serve engineers as well as business economists, technical systems must not only be mentioned, but they need to be concretized in the way of their multidisciplinary interaction.
- No information- and material-flow-based view on Circular Economy of product–service systems incorporating multi-disciplinary material core products is concretized yet. However, this is needed to lay the foundation for a modern Circular Economy, minimizing resource consumption, waste production, emissions and energy waste. Further, the concretization of both information and material flows is a prerequisite for the development of new digital business models for CE.
- A full differentiation between product class and instance exists so far only in rudimentary form and has not yet been applied to the product life cycle of multi-disciplinary systems. This way, a sustainable design of material core products can be stimulated and a foundation for digital business models, Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) and DevOps for Circular Economy can be laid.
- Most existing approaches describe value creation from the manufacturer’s point of view. Only a few lifecycle models take the consumer or user into account, such as [59]. The manufacturer’s perspective is too narrow and needs to become expandable to further stakeholders, such as the user, consumer, recycler or society. This is due to the fact that different stakeholders have different views and interfaces to the same “thing” as outlined by Främling and Holmström against the backdrop of the Internet of Things [65].
3.3. Synthesis: The generic Product Lifecycle Model (gPLC)
- intrinsic (based on the Product Creation process from classes to instances);
- circular (emphasizing material and information circularity);
- holistic (integrating single- and multi-disciplinary and cross-cutting perspectives);
- generic (applicable to a wide variety of specific industry branches);
- adaptable (providing handles to adapt inputs, phases and flows).
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Search Term | Web of Knowledge | ScienceDirect | |||||||
1945–2021 | Last 5 Years | Review Articles, Research Articles, Book Chapters | Review Articles | ||||||
TS1.1 | TS1.2 | TS1.3 | Total | Total | Highly Cited | 1995–2021 | Last 5 Years | 1995–2021 | Last 5 Years |
(lifecycle OR “life cycle”) AND (circular) AND (engineering OR planning OR design) | product | * | 371 | 324 | 8 | 14,662 | 8170 | 2204 | 1222 |
literature | 77 | 72 | 4 | 8751 | 5695 | 1516 | 1104 | ||
system | * | 321 | 276 | 8 | 18,273 | 9651 | 2604 | 1621 | |
literature | 65 | 61 | 5 | 10,436 | 6476 | 1724 | 1215 | ||
plant | * | 61 | 52 | 1 | 9015 | 5128 | 1566 | 1054 | |
literature | 6 | 6 | 1 | 5601 | 3566 | 1124 | 821 | ||
asset | * | 17 | 15 | 0 | 2121 | 1337 | 278 | 209 | |
literature | 3 | 3 | 0 | 1530 | 1069 | 234 | 180 | ||
software | * | 25 | 21 | 0 | 7752 | 4630 | 689 | 499 | |
literature | 6 | 6 | 0 | 4531 | 3125 | 556 | 419 | ||
TS2.1 | TS2.2 | TS2.3 | |||||||
“lifecycle model” OR “life cycle model” | product | holistic | 5 | 1 | 0 | 571 | 230 | 51 | 34 |
generic | 7 | 2 | 0 | 1140 | 77 | 305 | 31 | ||
system | holistic | 10 | 4 | 0 | 1284 | 85 | 341 | 33 | |
generic | 15 | 7 | 0 | 638 | 58 | 255 | 36 |
Application Case | Dimensions | Characteristics |
RepAIR case | Domain | aeronautics |
Stakeholders | OEM 1, MRO 2 service provider, suppliers, machine manufacturers, IT service companies, QA 3 experts, predictive maintenance experts | |
Product/Service | metal bracket of aircraft turbine: original part, repair process, spare part | |
Material circularity | Repair | |
Information circularity | RUL 4 estimation, predictive maintenance, decision support | |
OptiAMix case | Domain | Automotive |
Stakeholders | engineering services, third party manufacturer, IT service companies, decision support experts | |
Product/Service | rear wing holder for luxury sports cars | |
Material circularity | Anticipation of material flow | |
Information circularity | Design guidelines based on aggregated digital twins, business model alternatives | |
SugarFab case | Domain | food |
Stakeholders | sugar fabrication company, farm cooperative | |
Product/Service | sugar products for end consumers and for food industries | |
Material circularity | Beets, energy from side-products in fabrication, package waste | |
Information circularity | Supply chain from beet fields to warehousing and outbound logistics, intelligent process control |
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Share and Cite
Gräßler, I.; Pottebaum, J. Generic Product Lifecycle Model: A Holistic and Adaptable Approach for Multi-Disciplinary Product–Service Systems. Appl. Sci. 2021, 11, 4516.
Gräßler I, Pottebaum J. Generic Product Lifecycle Model: A Holistic and Adaptable Approach for Multi-Disciplinary Product–Service Systems. Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(10):4516.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGräßler, Iris, and Jens Pottebaum. 2021. "Generic Product Lifecycle Model: A Holistic and Adaptable Approach for Multi-Disciplinary Product–Service Systems" Applied Sciences 11, no. 10: 4516.
APA StyleGräßler, I., & Pottebaum, J. (2021). Generic Product Lifecycle Model: A Holistic and Adaptable Approach for Multi-Disciplinary Product–Service Systems. Applied Sciences, 11(10), 4516.