1. Introduction
Location-allocation is one of the most important analyses in GIS science, identifying optimal facility locations for optimal services to specific demands [
1]. Demands can be allocated to facilities based on factors, such as minimum distance, minimum cost, the capacity of facilities, etc. The best location for each facility depends on such criteria as optimal distance, capacity, population density, and optimal cost. An unsuitable location for a facility would adversely affect that facility in providing an effective service. If the location of a facility is far from an appropriate demographic space, then it will not service it well [
2]. Similarly, the capacity of facilities is a factor in the effectiveness of their service. The location of the facilities must be well-defined and distributed in such a way that they can respond to the demand, in terms of their capacity. For example, if the capacity of a hospital is 10,000 beds, it means that the hospital is not able to provide more than this number and should not accept more patients than this capacity. As is clear, capacity is a main criterion in location-allocation problems, because each facility in the real world can serve only a specified demand.
The location-allocation problem has four main models, namely, the P-Median model, the Simple Plant Location Problem (SPLP), P-Center, and Coverage problem [
3]. The Median problem approach introduces the median points into the candidate points, with the objective of minimizing the total cost [
4]. The Maximal Covering Location model aims to maximize demand coverage with the predetermined number of facilities [
5]. The Center problem covers all the points, its goal being to minimize the maximum distance between demand points and the closest service center [
6]. The objective of SPLP is to minimize the combined transportation costs and fixed costs for setting up and operating facilities. Improvements in optimization methods, computer programming, computational theory, algorithms, and computer hardware have resulted in a wide range of well-developed location analysis approaches [
7]. Many models have been developed, with various criteria and constraints, to solve the complexity of real-world problems. Although these models are different from each other in their objective and structure, they are, in fact, derived from the same four main models [
7]. Many research studies have been undertaken using these models: Yu and Liu, for example, have studied min-max cover problems, while Ding and Qiu [
9] applied an algorithm for the facility location problem with the goal of minimizing total cost. Xu and et al. [
10] examined the mixed center location problem, developing three heuristics to solve it. Because of the complexity of these models, which belong to the NP-hard problem category [
11], employing exact methods to solve them is very time-consuming. Consequently, metaheuristic algorithms are used. Unifying these location-allocation main models would make the problem still more complicated, but this unification is important for two reasons: (1) it helps us to categorize and understand the relationship between different problems; and (2) it can be a tool for introducing and constructing new models that satisfy human needs [
In 1984, Hillsman [
12] used the median structure to solve many location problems by changing distance or cost matrix. Church and Weaver also introduced the Vector Assignment P-Median Problem (VAPMP). The VAPMP allows each demand to be assigned several facilities [
13]. In 2014, Lei and Church presented a model called the Vector Assignment Ordered Median Problem (VAOMP), which generalizes both the VAPMP and OMP models. This model is used to solve many problems. They used the Integer Linear Programming method to solve their developed model, which requires expensive software, and its computational time is long [
7]. To reduce the computational time of the model, Lei et al. [
1] applied the VAOMP unified approach and Tabu Search algorithm in 2016. The unified approach mentioned above led to a significant reduction in the computational time required to solve various problems. Applying some algorithms and changing their parameters may reduce computational time.
The objective of this paper, given the importance of capacity as a criterion in various problems and in constructing realistic conditions, is to develop the VAOMP model with a capacity criterion, so that this model becomes the VAOCMP (Vector Assignment Ordered Capacitated Median Problem). This is because, in the real world, each facility has a specific capacity that must be considered in the simulation of objects. This study then investigates the application of the VAOMP and VAOCMP models to the specific study area of fire stations in Tehran (in new areas with large populations), with a demand capacity of 50,000 people and the goal of minimizing the arrival time of fire engines to the incident site to 5 min. Using the Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing algorithms in a GIS environment (previously examined by Aghamohammadi et al. and Kovacevic-Vujcic et al. [
15]), this paper compares VAOMP with VAOCMP and evaluates the implementation of the two different algorithms in solving large-size problems and then it tests the models in a larger set to make sure that the models on the big data also deliver acceptable results. GIS is also used in this study to collect and organize data, to introduce the candidate locations, and to produce the graphical outputs.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. The following section defines the problem definition, before the subsequent section reviews the literature, to identify which similar studies have already been undertaken.
Section 4 presents the development of the VAOMP model, considering the capacity criterion and the formulation of VAOCMP.
Section 3 presents the methodology or the workflow of the VAOCMP model with the Tabu and Simulated Annealing algorithms, and
Section 4 presents the implementation of the model in two case study scenarios (with and without the capacity criterion). We then conclude with a summary of findings and a discussion of necessary future work.
1.1. Problem Definition
Location-allocation is a long-established research problem. The overall objective of this problem is to position a certain number of facilities in optimal locations, so that they are able to serve specific demands or customers in an optimal manner. The location-allocation of emergency facilities, such as fire stations, is even more important among public facilities. Because these facilities are responsible for protecting the lives and property of people, these facilities must be in the optimal location to effectively meet demand in any region. According to National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) international standard, each fire station has a capacity of 50,000 people; that is, it has to serve up to 50,000 people [
If the capacity criterion for these facilities is not taken into account, too many demands may be allocated to the fire stations, which they will not be able to meet, threatening lives and property in the event of an incident. Many studies on location-allocation have not considered the capacity condition, such as Lei and Church, 2014, Lei et al., 2016, etc. This makes the problem space unrealistic because, in general, according to the NFPA, each station is considered for 50,000 people, and a fire station with its equipment and forces are unable to serve more than this population. So more than this population needs to create new stations, although the improper location of the stations will also disrupt their operation. Therefore, the capacity criterion is a very important one for the location-allocation model. At the same time, the fire service must be able to reach the scene of an incident in less than 5 min to be able to contain it. Hence, the purpose of the location-allocation model in this research is to minimize the arrival time of fire engines to demand sites. To this end, the present study uses the new unified VAOMP model, which can solve various location-allocation problems, to solve the specific problem of locating fire stations and with the aim of minimizing response time. Taking into account the importance of capacity in locating emergency facilities, this study also develops the VAOMP model with the added criterion of capacity.
Location-allocation problems are NP-hard problems, so that metaheuristic methods need to be used for problem-solving to save valuable time. Thus, in this study, two algorithms are used: Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing algorithms. If there are not enough fire stations to serve the demand in an area, i.e., several demands remain without stations, then new candidate locations for stations need to be created. In this case, relocation-reallocation is performed to select the appropriate stations to serve all the demands. In a large city with a dense texture as a case study, it is necessary to check the status of its existing fire stations. If there are insufficient existing fire stations, it is necessary to create additional stations for optimal service. It is solving this problem for which location-allocation models are required.
1.2. Literature Review
The problem of location-allocation was raised by Weber. He determined the location of a market by minimizing the total distance between the markets and their demands [
18]. This was a Median problem. With the evolution of hardware and software, several other location-allocation problems were developed and tested with different target functions and constraints. Location-allocation problems belong to the category of NP-hard issues [
11] and are a subset of combinatorial optimization problems. Solving various location-allocation problems using exact methods is very time-consuming. For this reason, most research is undertaken using metaheuristic algorithms.
For example, Arostegui et al compared the Genetic, Simulated Annealing, and Tabu Search algorithms in determining the location of various facilities under time constraints, solution constraints, and unconstrained criteria. They found that implementation of the Simulated Annealing and Genetic algorithms depended on the type of problem, as well as the problem conditions [
19]. For this reason, the authors used the two algorithms Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search, to solve their location-allocation problem. Vecihi et al. developed an evolutionary Simulated Annealing algorithm to determine the location of uncapacitated facilities on a large scale [
20]. The Simulated Annealing method is simple in terms of execution and yields results comparable with the Genetic algorithm. Torrent et al. applied the Simulated Annealing algorithm to a location-allocation problem, thereby reducing the solving time [
21]. The results of this research show that Simulated Annealing algorithm is a simple and good algorithm in solving location-allocation problems.
Aghamohammadi et al. [
14] developed a hybrid algorithm for solving allocation problems of emergency evacuation based on Tabu search algorithm. The results of this research show that metaheuristic algorithms are good ones in solving emergency location-allocation problems. Mahmoodpour et al. compared Genetic, Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing algorithms in location problem and network modeling in thermal energy generation. The effectiveness of each algorithm was examined, and the results showed the efficiency of the Simulated Annealing algorithm in solving this type of problem [
22]. Bolouri et al. solved the problem of multi-objective location-allocation of fire stations in Tehran using the P-Median model and two Genetic and Simulated Annealing algorithms. The results showed the efficiency of the Genetic algorithm in a great number of demands [
23]. All of these investigations were done with the same four location-allocation models.
In 2014, Lei and Church developed the VAOMP unified approach that can solve various location-allocation problems with a target function. This model can identify and construct new models that satisfy human needs. Too, the VAOMP problem is NP-hard, since it encompasses NP-hard problems, such as the P-Center problem and the P-Median problem as special cases. Lei and Church showed that using ILP takes a long computation time in finding optimal solutions [
7]. The authors used the developed Lei and Church model to solve their problem, which lacks the capacity condition. Therefore, Lei et al. solved the VAOMP problem for the same case study using the Tabu Search algorithm. Their Computational results showed that the Tabu Search algorithm can often find the solutions in seconds, the solutions that are better than those obtained using the ILP method in hours or a day [
1]. They proposed using a Simulated Annealing algorithm to solve different location-allocation problems with the VAOMP model. Hitherto, no research has been undertaken with the newly developed VAOMP model. Bolouri et al. from the perspective of spatial justice, examined the condition of fire stations using two algorithms, Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search, using VAOMP in solving location-allocation problem. The results showed that the location of some of the existing facilities for service is not suitable [
First, the present study uses from VAOMP model for the location-allocation of fire stations in Tehran. Since fire stations have a particular capacity to service demand, the capacity criterion needs to be considered in the VAOMP model. Therefore, the VAOMP model must be developed with capacity as a criterion (VAOCMP). Then, Tabu Search, and Simulated Annealing algorithms will be used to solve the VAOMP and VAOCMP problem in two scenarios for fire stations, with the aim of minimizing the total weighted time required to service their demand centers. The contribution of this paper is in developing the VAOMP model with a capacity criterion and then applying this in a case study for fire stations. Finally, the results of the VAOMP and VAOCMP models with two algorithms will be examined, and the impact of considering the capacity criterion on emergency facilities (fire stations) will be determined.
1.3. Developing the VAOMP Model Considering the Capacity Criterion (VAOCMP)
Capacity will be considered as one of the most important factors in each facility. If capacity is ignored in these facilities, the number of allocations for each facility would be unknown, and sometimes there would be a facility with a large number of allocations or sometimes one without any allocation in the problem. In the real world, every facility has a specific capacity for servicing its allocations, so the VAOMP model, which does not consider capacity, has been developed with a capacity criterion to make the problem more realistic. In this newly developed model, which we call the Vector Assignment Ordered Capacitated Median Problem (VAOCMP), all the conditions of the VAOMP model are established, such as the assignment of one demand to multiple facilities, levels of order, etc. Meanwhile, each facility has a particular capacity, which ensures that each facility will not operate over its capacity. The mathematical function of the model developed will be:
The variables and parameters of this model are:
I is the set of demands
J is the set of facilities
the population or the number of demands in each building block or at location i
k = 1, 2,…n is an index for the relative rank of service time, one assigned to each demand.
the weight on the kth rank of service
the distance or time (or generalized cost) between i and j.
L the maximum number of levels of closeness being considered in the model for any demand (in this research is equal to 1)
the fraction of the time demand at i is served by its lth closest facility
capacity of each facility or fire station that is equal to 50,000 people
The constraints of this model are:
Before presenting the VAOCMP model, it is necessary to obtain the cost matrix between all the points of demand and the selected facilities by Origin-Destination Cost Matrix (OD Cost Matrix) analysis in GIS. The OD Cost Matrix is a matrix that specifies the cost between each facility and each demand point. In this research, the cost is defined as the arrival time for fire engines to the demand point. Then, all the arrays in the OD Cost Matrix are ranked according to the lowest cost (or time), so it can be determined which facility is closest to which demand, and which demand will be the closest demand to each facility. Based on the number of allocation levels, or l and then by considering the capacity at each level of the order, it will be determined which facility will be served by which demand. Applying the ranking, any demand closer to a facility is likely to be allocated earlier than demands which are further away, and therefore, the capacity of the facility will be filled up with closer, rather than more distant, demands. If two arrays or demands have the same cost for a facility (while the facility has spare capacity), the array with the smaller demand index will be allocated for the capacity. Then the partial sum ( is calculated for each facility, based on the ranking level. The OD Cost Matrix seems to be highly effective in quickly reaching the solution: as it is possible to find the lowest cost between facilities and demands, each demand point will be allocated to its closest adjacent facility, and every facility will also be served by its closest adjacent demand. For example, a demand may be serviced by different facilities based on its ranked level, but the capacity of the facility can only serve the closest demands around it. However, the intended demand may not be the closest demand to the facility, so the capacity of the facility will not be allocated to the demand further away, and that more distant demand must use capacity from another facility, which is not necessarily the closest facility to the intended demand. The constraints of this model are described as follows:
Equation (2) also considers capacity as a factor: if a demand is allowed to be allocated to a facility, the value of
will be equal to 1. Constraint (3) requires a large coefficient value, M; this constraint establishes that when i has the kth smallest partial sum, the unconditional partial sum should be equal to the actual partial sum of the costs. Constraints (4) and (5) define that each partial sum should be assigned only one rank and that each rank should be assigned to only one partial sum. Constraint (6) stated that the partial sum of the kth rank should be less than, or equal to, the partial sum at the next rank. Constraint (7) is a constraint, ensuring that each demand is assigned to a facility as its lth closest. Constraint (8) is a Balinski-like constraint, where an assignment to a site at j can be made only if that site has been selected for a facility. Constraints (9) stated that a given demand i is assigned to facility j as the lth closest facility, when j is actually the lth closest facility to i. Constraint (10) stated that the number of open facilities should be from p2 to p1. Constraint (11) defines the appropriate values and constraints for the decision variables [
1]. Constraint (12) states that each demand can only be allocated to L facilities according to the ranked level. Constraint (13) states that the sum of allocations for each facility should be less than, or equal to, its capacity. The pseudo-code of this function is as follows:
The required number of facilities is selected as the initial solution using spatial analysis. This solution will speed up the time required to reach the optimal solution.
The OD Cost Matrix is created for all demands and facilities selected at the previous step.
All the arrays in the OD Cost Matrix are arranged or ranked based on the minimum cost.
Based on the order of matrix arrays, which was created in the previous step, and considering the capacity of each facility, the closest demand to each facility is allocated according to the type and the number of service levels.
According to Equation (2), the partial sum for each demand is calculated based on the allocations of each demand to each facility and the possibility of allocating the demand to a facility according to the capacity criterion and the ranked level of each demand to any facility.
Then, all the demands are sorted according to their minimum partial sum: the minimum value will be the lowest weight .
In the last step by Equation (1), the minimum value of the function will be obtained for the selected facilities.
2. Material and Methods
Firstly, using the VAOMP model, the status of the fire stations in the study area will be investigated. This is to minimize the arrival time of the fire trucks to the accident site, using the Simulated Annealing ( and Tabu Search ( algorithms. Then, to evaluate the model, the VAOMP is executed in a larger area. Secondly, the VAOCMP model is developed by adding the capacity criterion to the VAOMP model. Then, the model developed for the study area will be used with the same algorithms to determine the location-allocation of fire stations with the VAOCMP model, to minimize the arrival time of fire trucks to the demand point at no more than 5 min and again the developed VAOCMP model runs in a larger area (as in the previous step).
In both steps, if the existing stations were not able to service all the demands, some new stations would be created as candidates from the positioning of candidate fire stations (checking different parameters for locating and overlaying different layers). Then, using the VAOMP and VAOCMP models, we will relocate and reallocate candidate stations for the predefined aim, and investigate the allocation number for each station. Consequently, an optimal algorithm will be identified for solving this type of problem. Then the status of location and allocation will be compared using VAOMP and VAOCMP in the case study.
Figure 1 shows the main steps of implementation in the study area.
It should be noted that the VAOMP approach is converted to a Median problem, if
, the assignment vector is θ = [
1] and the number of assignment levels is also one. In addition, it must fit in Constraint (10)
7]. The Median problem is one of the problems that automatically generate the closest assignment. The function in the studied problem is Median, and its cost is the arrival time of fire engines to demand points.
3. Result
In this study, the required data include: the statistical zones and the existing population in the 21st and 22nd districts of Tehran; the existing and candidate fire stations; and the road network and information about the roads, including the average traffic on each section of the road, traffic speed, location of one-way or two-way roads and location of U-turns. In today’s world, human life is accompanied by high mobility. Modern web mapping services, such as OpenStreetMap, an example of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), and Google Maps provide fairly accurate geographic information at no cost. In the era of smartphones and mobile internet, these map distributors can be used virtually everywhere [
25]. Novack, Wang, and Zipf presented how the greenness, sociability, and quietness factors are defined and extracted from OSM. OSM data is sufficiently accessible and reliable. Different researchers are aware of the benefits of using OSM as a data set for different applications [
The metropolis of Tehran has witnessed disastrous incidents in recent years. The 22nd district is located in the northwest of Tehran with many tall buildings. The area of this district is about 6200 hectares. District 22 is geographically the largest part of the capital. Due to its size and increasing population, this district requires greater attention. According to the latest census in 2015, the population of this district is over 150,000, and it will reach 450,000 persons by the year 1404 based on the Detailed Plan. District 21 measures about 5156 hectares. This is 7.8% of the total area of Tehran, and in comparison with other areas, it is one of the largest areas of the Tehran municipality. The population of this district is 186,600, according to the latest census, which is more than 8% of Tehran’s population.
These areas selected in Tehran are among the new and emerging areas in Tehran in which the population density has increased in recent years and is still increasing. In addition, these areas have very tall buildings and towers that require proper service to them. Moreover, due to the population and size of the study areas, these areas do not have emergency facilities, including a sufficient number of fire stations to serve. The total number of road sections is 1585. The population of these two districts is 336,600, according to the latest census. To evaluate the function of the model in a larger size, three areas 9, 17, and 18, which have a large area and population, are added to the study area. Then the statistical zones and demand data (or existing population in the region) were converted to a shape file for GIS input. Then, for each 40 people (which is equal to the average population of the building blocks), in the study area, 1 point is placed to facilitate the processing. GIS technology is used in this research for display, outputting, and performing some analysis.
The facilities are service providers, and in this study, the facilities are fire stations. To implement this location-allocation model, the fire station locations in Tehran’s 21st and 22nd districts will be required. There are 10 fire stations in these areas. By international standards, each fire station has a capacity of about 50,000 people, which is also stored in the shape file of fire stations. For the road network, the main road network is that in the 21st and 22nd districts of Tehran.
Figure 2 shows the location of existing fire stations, potential stations (which are derived from the positioning of the candidate fire stations), and the main road network in Tehran’s 21st and 22nd districts.
Figure 3 shows the population or demand distribution in the statistical zones. Each point shows 40 people. The programming of the model is done in the MATLAB environment.
5. Conclusions
Location-allocation models are one of the most important forms of GIS analysis and are used in many applications. To simulate the real world more effectively, it is necessary to add the objectives and criteria required to solve the problem into the problem space to obtain optimal solutions. One of these criteria is the criterion of capacity. Adding this condition to the problem of locating and allocating emergency facilities, such as fire stations, will lead to the optimal selection of stations in relation to the capacity of each station, thereby allowing for optimal service. First, the VAOMP model was developed to include the capacity criterion, and then the results of the VAOMP model were investigated with the VAOCMP model to examine the status of the existing fire stations in the study area, with the aim of minimizing arrival time using the Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing algorithms. The result in scenario 1 shows that 10 existing stations in the area were not enough to serve 336,600 existing demands and that 52,840 demands remained without service. Thus, 35 candidate stations were added to the analytical processes by locating potential fire stations. The processes showed that 13 stations are able to serve all demands, while the Tabu Search algorithm produces better results. This research used the VAOMP model developed by “Lei and Church, 2014”, and the research results showed that the model could produce good and close results with exact methods with a huge amount of data. Too, the results of this study are consistent with the results of Lei et al. [
1], who sought to optimize airports with the VAOMP model using the Tabu search algorithm. This new model can find optimal positions well, and like Lei et al. [
1] Tabu algorithm show good results. According to Aghamohammadi et al. [
14], the Tabu algorithm works better than the Simulated Annealing algorithm in solving location-allocation problems and has a better speed in achieving optimal solutions. With the larger data set, the VAOMP model was used, and results showed with 28 fire stations, 99.30% of demands can be allocated.
Again, the results of using the VAOCMP model in Scenario 2 showed that 10 stations in the study area were not able to service 59,080 demands in the area. Therefore, the candidate stations generated in Scenario 1 were used again, and the results showed that the 13 stations (10 existing stations and 3 candidate stations) were able to service to 99.5% of the region’s demand. Again, with the larger data set (1,250,796 persons), the VAOCMP model was used, and results showed with 28 fire stations, 98.36% of demands can be allocated. In this scenario, the Tabu Search algorithm produces better results than the Simulated Annealing algorithm in solving this kind of Median problem. Other researchers can use this unified approach to solve different problems with other algorithms, above all in large-scale problems. Future research will also be able to develop the model by adding other objectives and criteria, such as multi capacity facilities, user preferences, and multi objectives.