Efficiency and Effectiveness of the European Parliament under the Ordinary Legislative Procedure
:1. Introductory Considerations
1.1. Purpose
1.2. General Considerations
“the “macro” effectiveness [targets] the impact of the action on the objectives of general interest to the company”
“the “micro” effectiveness (…) concerns the effects of local operations with reference to the strategy of the company”
2. Formulating the Assessment Indicators
2.1. Preliminary Considerations
2.2. Institutional Considerations
2.3. Formulating the Quantitative Indicators
- per legislature
- per reading
- per parliamentary committee
- number of completed procedures
- number of procedures completed in the first or second reading
- decision-making time (length of procedure)
- number of obsolete or withdrawn procedures
- number of procedures with a duration of more than 10 years
- number of rejected procedures
- On the website of co-decisions and conciliations, the statistics present the procedures up to the date of signature.
- In the search engine of the Legislative Observatory (OEIL), those procedures whose acts have already been published or are awaiting publication in the Official Journal are considered complete.
- Various reports of the EP do not clearly specify when a COD/OLP is considered complete.
2.4. Formulating the Qualitative Indicators
- nature of the files
- quality of the legislation
- amendments tabled by the EP and taken over in the final text of the legislative acts
- technical on the substance and of substantial nature (relating to the strictly technical areas de facto regulated at the level of expert groups)
- technical on the form and of formal nature (in the case of codifying, consolidating or repealing legislative acts in the framework of the Strategy for better regulation)
- (a)
- Files of alignment to comitology consisting of adapting the existing legislation to the ‘regulatory procedure with scrutiny’
- (b)
- Files consisting of strictly technical adaptations, such as extending a certain transitional period (European Parliament 2009b, p. 7)
- (a)
- Purely political dossiers such as the Climate package (consisting of files such as the Regulation on the reduction of CO2 emissions produced by cars, the Emissions trading scheme, and the Regulation on cosmetics)
- (b)
- Sensitive files from a political point of view (such as LIFE+, Inspire, concluded on the third reading)
- (c)
- Generally, more-sensitive files from a political point of view, usually concluded on the second reading such as the Pesticides package or the two famous REACH pieces of legislation (the regulation and the directive)
3. Assessment of the Legislative Work of the European Parliament in COD/OLP
3.1. Quantitative-Qualitative Assessment of the EP’s Legislative Activity
- (1)
- Environment: public’s right of access to information, right to participate in decision-making and right to justice (Aarhus Convention-2003/0246 (COD))
- (2)
- Travel services: indirect taxation (VAT), administrative cooperation-2003/0057 (COD)
- (3)
- Oil pollution: fund for damage compensation in European waters, Erika II package-2000/0326 (COD)
3.2. Assessing the Qualitative-Quantitative Legislative Activity of the European Parliament
- (a)
- 46 of the 83 dossiers concluded by Committee on Legal Affairs (JURI) were legal codifications concluded on first reading (European Parliament 2009b, pp. 8, 11).
- (b)
- 54 dossiers concerned the comitology alignment (to the new regulatory procedure with scrutiny).
- (c)
- 6 were repealing dossiers (European Parliament 2009b, p. 9).
- (1)
- on the one hand, to the disastrous consequences for public opinion from the crises that have marked food safety and public health (such as mad cow disease and the avian flu), causing intense legislative activity in these areas, and
- (2)
- on the other hand, particularly during the fifth and the sixth legislature legislatures, to the emergence of themes related to environment and energy and to the need to promote a ‘Europe of concrete projects.’
4. Final Remarks
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Type of Procedures | The Fifth Legislature (1999–2004) Measured in 2014 and 2019 | The Sixth Legislature (2004–2009)Measured in 2014 and 2019 | The Seventh Legislature (2009–2014) | The Eighth Legislature (2014–2019) | ||
Completed procedures | 495 | 495 | 527 | 527 | 558 | 383 |
Lapsed or withdrawn procedures | 68 | 71 | 26 | 56 | 67 | 7 |
On-going procedures | 3 | 0 | 31 | 1 | 28 | 140 |
Rejected procedures | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | - | |
Total procedures | 569 | 569 | 586 | 586 | 653 | 530 |
Agreement on | 1999–2004 Legislature | 2004–2009 Legislature | The Shortest and Longest Procedure (2004–2009) |
First Reading | 13.8 | 15.2 | 1.8/47.9 |
Second reading | 25.1 | 31.3 | 11.9/108.1 |
Conciliation | 31.9 | 43.7 | 28.8/159.4 |
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Matei, A.; Ciora, C.; Dumitru, A.S.; Ceche, R. Efficiency and Effectiveness of the European Parliament under the Ordinary Legislative Procedure. Adm. Sci. 2019, 9, 70. https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci9030070
Matei A, Ciora C, Dumitru AS, Ceche R. Efficiency and Effectiveness of the European Parliament under the Ordinary Legislative Procedure. Administrative Sciences. 2019; 9(3):70. https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci9030070
Chicago/Turabian StyleMatei, Ani, Cristina Ciora, Adrian Stelian Dumitru, and Reli Ceche. 2019. "Efficiency and Effectiveness of the European Parliament under the Ordinary Legislative Procedure" Administrative Sciences 9, no. 3: 70. https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci9030070
APA StyleMatei, A., Ciora, C., Dumitru, A. S., & Ceche, R. (2019). Efficiency and Effectiveness of the European Parliament under the Ordinary Legislative Procedure. Administrative Sciences, 9(3), 70. https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci9030070