1. Introduction
Culture uses experiences to convey meaning (
Dewey 1934), which can be achieved through demonstrations or everyday experiences (
Newman et al. 2012). Culture may come from any part of life with the experience is shared, such as by common symbols, texts, or information, by any group, thus conveying beliefs, customs, values, and other figurative or abstract practices that confirm the cultural common identity (
Throsby 2001). Cultural creativity can be regarded as a combination of experience and art. It is a kind of understanding of the meaning of culture to individuals or people, such as the recognition and interpretation of information, and the meaning of symbols (
Throsby 2001). The latter may be integrated into the arts and create a dialogue within the culture, just as individuals participate in cultural creation while sharing experiences (
McCarthy et al. 2001). It also represents the value of cultural creativity in people’s lives (
Throsby 2001). Therefore, in order to capture the value of cultural creativity, this study explored regional cultural creativities with different creative forms to understand how people interpret and interact with various regional images of cultural creativity (
Gray 2010). This study also explored how subjective thinking produces a regional image after being influenced by the text and images (
Tribe and Xiao 2011). However, as the composition of the regional image is very complex,
Gallarza et al. (
2002) considered it to be a complex, multi-dimensional, and dynamic combination that cannot be explained by a simple facet (
Gallarza et al. 2002). Therefore, the regional image of cultural creativity discussed in this study is an example of images and words in social content. By subjectively judging the masses in order to generate behavioral interactions between emotions and intentions, it produces a specific figurative or abstract impression (
Baloglu and McCleary 1999). In order to conceptualize the regional image (
Canally 2010), this study applies the concept of converting a vague regional image into a concrete symbol (
Therkelsen 2003). This is an issue that is highly valued in many image studies. For example, assessing the individual attributes of the regional image and obtaining specific factors that influence the regional image (
Jenkins 1999). The common definition of the regional image refers to the potential ideal image in the minds of the masses (
Mak 2011). Information obtained through television, the internet, books, and magazines can be transformed into figurative or abstract concepts (
Gartner 1994;
Jenkins 1999). Moreover, information from different media is often used to guide the masses in a systematic manner (
Ekinci 2003). Many ideas and concepts induced by secondary images have caused prejudice before the actual contact with the region (
Gartner 1994). Therefore, in order to explore the individual’s information perception, it is necessary to analyze the mass perception of the region image and the primary and secondary image relationships in the minds of individuals which can help to adjust the correct positioning of the region to the masses (
Fesenmaier and MacKay 1996).
In view of this, this study refers to the above literature, by analyzing the abstract (performance) type of cultural creativity, and the figurative (commodity) type of cultural creativity, in order to understand how existing regional cultural creativities operate information threads in social media, and how the different forms of content may lead to different levels of participation and feedback. In addition, this study focuses on the relationship between content participation, information cues, and emotional cues, which attempt to amplify information issues in social business strategies. When the text content is different from the image content, there may be negative emotions and behaviors. This study will discuss the social content marketing perspective in regards to cultural creativity, and examine the image positioning and actual information benefits of cultural creativity. Taking the Cloud Gate Dance Theater as an example of an abstract cultural creation (performance type), and Green-in-hand as an example of a figurative cultural creativity (commodity type), the research presented herein combines abstract cultural creativity and figurative cultural creativity to interpret these two completely different regional cultural creativities. This study examines the characteristics of constructing text and image content, and seeks to grasp the characteristics or problems of the current regional cultural creativity’s information management from the actual behavior data. It will be investigated if there will be a gap in thinking for social content in the public because of their own tonal differences. It is hoped that the results of this study can be used as a reference for future cultural creations or related cultural institutions in social marketing.
There are three research purposes for this study. First, this study is different from other business types of region research, as it simply targets non-profit regional cultural creativities as the object, using social media content exploration technology to collect post content, mass behavior, and emotional data for analysis. By comparing figurative cultural creativity and abstract cultural creativity how region socialization succeeds in achieving complex cultural and creative ideas and images through clear image positioning can be understood. Secondly, this study explores the relationship between information, mass emotions, and behavior using a clear behavioral model. While existing research enriches our understanding of mass behavior (
Kohler et al. 2011;
Nambisan and Baron 2007), in the face of changing social media, this study uses social information (text, photo, video) and mass emotions (‘Love’, ‘Haha’, ‘Wow’, ‘Sorry’, ‘Anger’), correlated with variables, such as behaviors (likes, comments, shares), to explain the relationship between social information and mass participation. Thirdly, an attempt is made to find poor information positioning and determine how to transform the content, enhance the public’s perception and emotions, and enhance public participation in order to achieve a more effective social dialogue. The framework developed in this study will effectively examine the motivations and behavioral responses of the masses to social media participation in cultural institutions.
The second section of this study briefly describes the relevant literature and theories of regional image, information clues, and emotional clues at the present stage of research on this topic.
Section 3 proposes the cultural creative powder specialization, from the perspective of text and image content, to explore relevant assumptions between content and mass participation, and uses this to assess the impact of information clues on the mood and behavior of the masses.
Section 4 focuses on the methodology of the research process, with
Section 5 presents the data analysis.
Section 6 discusses the results, suggesting how to use this model to carry out the content management of the relevant cultural creative social media and develop the ideal content marketing plan.
4. Research Methodology
Social Media Content Exploration (SMCM) refers to collecting social media platform content, text, or data (
He et al. 2013), including text mining, to explore models or trend relationships. SMCM refers to using content mining to capture images, videos, relevant information, or data, such as multimedia, and discussing data processing of non-text structures (
Kaplan and Haenlein 2010). An example is using Facebook tools and technology to collect and filter social media content (
Fayyad et al. 1996;
Liu and Park 2015). The development of social media has continually led to an in-depth analysis of content exploration (
Zeng and Gerritsen 2014). First, through an application programming interface (API), data and information in social media are extracted. Then data filtering, storage, and analysis is performed with meaningful information extracted for interpretation based on the analysis of data results (
Filieri and McLeay 2014). The SMCM application provides a variety of social content characteristics recognition patterns that understand the causes and meanings of human behavior in terms of functions, information, and themes. Qualitative and quantitative analysis is carried out as a basis for judging the trend of unstructured content. Social media data can be collected in an instant, thus allowing managers to react quickly and relocate resources. SMCM uses tools, such as collection, exploration, and visualization, to detect and analyze social media data (
Tang and Yang 2017). Regardless of the use of manual modeling or computational techniques for semi-automatic modeling, SMCM is one of the most common methods (
Chanana et al. 2004). Therefore, it is often used in theoretical research on social content or through text mining to explore the relationship with the public based on content attributes (
He et al. 2013;
Chandrasekaran et al. 1999).
The implementation of social media content exploration in this study is described below. First, the application program (API) is used to extract data from social media, then information and data collation, integration, and storage are executed. Finally, the image analysis technology “Jumptuit” of Google Cloud Vision is used to automatically detect the image elements, such as characters and objects in images or films, which includes optical character recognition, interactive label detection, document text detection, face detection, web detection, and logo detection. Then, these data are automatically classified and integrated in the database through machine learning. Moreover, the application of artificial intelligence technology, combined with image analysis and machine learning technology, can analyze the facial expressions and emotions of the portrait according to the category of search. In order to integrate the needs of region image research, web detection and logo detection are especially adopted to analyze the collected community images, and then filter and integrate the important analysis results.
The Cloud Gate Dance Theater and Green-in-hand are two of the few cultural and creative institutions authorized and promoted by the Executive Yuan and the Ministry of Culture. Therefore, its brand image and popularity are highly recognized by the government and the public. According to our observations, this institution is also more active in community content planning and interaction with the audience. Therefore, given that it is easier to obtain sufficient data sources for this institution, samples from the Cloud Gate Dance Theater and Green-in-Hand were selected for analysis in this study. Previously, the issue considered in this study was tested with a 2018 posts. However, it was found that the test results were not significant due to the small number of posts, so it was decided to increase the time range of the posts under consideration. Since 2011, the tested samples began to have a relatively stable frequency of postings. Therefore, it was decided to collect all the post materials from 2011 to 2018 on a yearly basis. Using a stable post frequency and the largest number of fans, a social media content analysis was performed for both Taiwan’s Cloud Gate Dance Theater and Green-in-hand, two different regional cultural creativities. We collected all user page content for the period 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2018, and the number of user comments for each post. There were a total of 4784 posts. Of the posts, 1299 were links, and 3485 had photo content. Of the interactions, there were 921,487 Likes, 11,861 Comments, and 69,661 Shares. Of the emotional responses, there were 7558 for Love, 674 for Haha, 1080 for Wow, 583 for Sorry, and 20 for Anger (
Table 1).
5. Data Analyses and Results
5.1. Reliability and Validity
In this study, factor analysis was performed to assess the reliability and effectiveness of the data. The KMO value obtained in this study was 0.741, with Cronbach’s α being found as 0.722. The factor load is close to or higher than 0.7, indicating good convergence and discriminant validity. Two statistical analyses, namely simple correlation analysis and linear regression analysis, were performed in this study. In addition, this study conducted multiple tests to examine the correlation between independent variables. A variance inflation factor (VIF) exceeding 10 indicates multiple collinearity problems. In this study, the value of VIF is exclusively lower than 10, indicating that there was no multicollinearity.
5.2. Hypothesis Testing
First, we tested Hypothesis 1, that regional cultural creativities use the regional image for packaging, and its link post (LP, pure text) (
Table A1), has an impact on the emotional and behavioral participation of the social masses. Of these, H1a, performance culture and its link post (LP), and H1c, merchandise culture and its link post (LP), having impacts with the emotional participation of social media users, are partially supported. H1b, performance culture and its link post (LP) having an impact on the social participants’ behavioral participation, is also partially supported. However, H1d, merchandise culture and creativity and its link post (LP) having an impact on the social participants’ behavioral participation, is marginally supported.
Second, we tested Hypothesis 2, that regional cultural creativities use the regional image for packaging, and their photo posts (PP, image and text) have an impact on the emotional and behavioral participation of social masses. It was found that H2b, performance culture creative photo posts (PP), and H2d, merchandise culture and creativity and its photo posts (PP), having impacts with the behavioral participation of social media users, are supported. H2a, performance culture creative photo posts (PP) having an impact on the emotional participation of social masses, is also supported. However, H2c, merchandise culture creative photo posts (PP) having an impact on the emotional participation of social masses, is partially supported
Next, we tested Hypothesis 3, that the information content of the regional cultural creativity presents images of abstract (feeling) clues, which have an impact on the emotional and behavioral participation of social masses. The results show that H3a, the content of performance culture and creativity presents images of abstract (feeling) clues, and H3c, the content of merchandise culture and creativity presents images of abstract (feeling) clues, having impacts with the emotional participation of social media users, are both marginally supported. H3b, the content of performance culture and creativity presents images of abstract (feeling) clues, and H3d, the content of merchandise culture and creativity presents images of abstract (feeling) clues, all having impacts with the emotional participation of social media users, are supported.
Finally, we tested Hypothesis 4 that the information content of the regional cultural creativity presents images of figurative (task) clues, which have an impact on the emotional and behavioral participation of social masses. H4a, the content of performance culture and creativity presents images of figurative (task) clues, which have an impact on the emotional participation of social masses, is partially supported. H4b, the content of performance culture and creativity presents images of figurative (task) clues, which have an impact on the behavioral participation of social masses, is supported. However, H4c, the content of merchandise culture and creativity presents images of figurative (task) clues, which have an impact on the emotional participation of social masses, and H4d, the content of merchandise culture and creativity presents images of figurative (task) clues, which have an impact on the behavioral participation of social masses, are both marginally supported (
Table 2).
6. Discussion and Implications
6.1. Discussion of Findings
This research produced some interesting findings. The results show that the planning of the contents of the social media pages of the regional cultural creativities significantly affected the users’ emotional responses to the content and behavioral participation (
Figure 2).
First, we tested Hypothesis 1, that the image of regional cultural creativities with link posts (LP, pure text), have an impact on the emotional and behavioral participation of people. For the emotional participation of users, the performance culture and its link post (LP) had values of β = 0.104, t = 3.097, and p < 0.001, and the behavioral participation of users had values of β = −0.008, t = −0.242. For the emotional participation of users, the merchandise culture and its link post the LP had values of β = −0.049, t = −1.022, and the behavioral participation of users had values of β = 0.034, t = 0.707. All three regional cultural creativities have statistically significant results.
Second, we tested Hypothesis 2, that the image of regional cultural creativities with photo posts (PP, image and text), have an impact on the emotional and behavioral participation of people. For the emotional participation of users, the performance culture creative photo posts (PP) had values of β = 0.115, t = 4.810, and p < 0.001, and the behavioral participation of users had values of β = −0.155, t = −6.487, and p < 0.001. For the emotional participation of users, the merchandise culture creative photo posts (PP) had values of β = −6.487, t = −1.268, and the behavioral participation of users had values of β = −0.079, t = −3.359, and p < 0.005. All three regional cultural creativities have statistically significant results.
Next, we tested Hypothesis 3, that the image of regional cultural creativities with the abstract implication (emotional) pictures, have an impact on the emotional and behavioral participation of people. For the emotional participation of users, the content of performance culture and creativity presents images of abstract (feeling) clues had values of β = 0.162, t = 6.765, and p < 0.001, and the behavioral participation of users had values of β = 0.127, t = 5.291, and p < 0.001. For the emotional participation of users, the content of merchandise culture and creativity presents images of abstract (feeling) clues had values of β = 0.069, t = 2.962, and p < 0.005, and the behavioral participation of users had values of β = 0.092, t = 3.925, and p < 0.001. All three regional cultural creativities have statistically significant results.
Finally, we tested Hypothesis 4, that the image of regional cultural creativities with the concrete implication (missionary) pictures, have an impact on the emotional and behavioral participation of people. In terms of the emotional participation of users, the content of performance culture and creativity presents images of figurative (task) clues had values of β = 0.094, t = 3.914, and p < 0.001, and the behavioral participation of users had values of β = 0.066, t = 2.740, and p < 0.01. For the emotional participation of users, the content of merchandise culture and creativity presents images of figurative (task) clues had values of β = 0.020, t = 0.878, and the behavioral participation of users had values of β = 0.097, t = 4.154, and p < 0.001.
6.2. Theoretical Implications and Limitations and Future Research
The results of this study found that, first of all, pictures with text could elicit better emotional and behavioral responses (
Table A2 and
Table A3). Especially for abstract cultural ideas of expression classes, image-type posts have a significant relationship in terms of emotions. The figurative cultural creativity of goods, using images, can produce significant results in behavioral responses, such as message or sharing. Therefore, in regards to the information clues and emotional reactions, we find that the most common emotion caused by cultural creative powder is Love, followed by Haha and Wow. In particular, the emotional response of the graphic form will be greater than the simple text content. The reason is that the information in graphic form is the most direct and the most informative, so it is the easiest to stimulate the understanding and input of the masses (
Keller 1993).
Secondly, whether it is performance culture or commodity culture, if the image content contains a smile, there will be obvious significant results in the interactive results of the sharing. Further examination of the emotional response reveals that performance-based cultural creativity has results that are more significant for Wow and Sorry in terms of emotions, while commodity-based cultural creativity tends to favor positive emotions, such as Love and Haha. This shows that mastering the characteristics of two completely different regional cultural creativities can indeed lead the public to respond more effectively to the corresponding emotions. Information clues are the benchmarks for the masses to judge the image. Emotional clues are opinions or likes and dislikes that the masses have on the image based on the content received. The masses interpret different regional cultural creativities (
Netemeyer et al. 2004) for informational experience, such as region knowledge, region feedback and region impressions, etc. (D. A.
Aaker 1996).
Finally, this study analyzed the abstract and figurative imagery of the image, and found that the performance culture has achieved remarkable results due to its abstract image and the region name or performance image in the emotional clue (
Table A4,
Table A5 and
Table A6). Commodity culture and creativity are also based on the characteristics of the region. The more obvious the region symbol for the image clues presented by the information clues, the easier it is to have dialogue with the public, resulting in feedback behavior, such as Likes and Shares, as well as a performance culture. Therefore, understanding the region characteristics and presenting the figurative or abstract representation of the image is the key to content marketing. When the public experiences social media, they immediately respond to the acceptance of the social information, and reflect their satisfaction in emotions and behaviors (
Jiang et al. 2010). Therefore, consistent with previous studies, it is confirmed that entertainment is a key factor influencing social behavior (
Lin and Lu 2011;
Sledgianowski and Kulviwat 2009). This is because information rich in entertainment elements is more likely to trigger positive comments from the masses and even stimulate a higher likelihood of individuals’ revisiting (
Raney et al. 2003).
This study suggests that the graphical information and social content management of regional cultural creativities can be evaluated for the following three points.
First, regardless of any type of region, it is important for text to match images for social content, so that informational clues can effectively match emotional clues and improve the efficiency of information dissemination.
Second, the regional cultural creativity of the performance type can use graphic and textual communication for emotional clues, and the cultural creativity of the commodity type can enhance the figurative region or product information according to its own figurative characteristics, so that the visual and region image are consistent. This enhances communication skills.
Third, if you want to enhance the expression of human nature, you can try to add a portrait or a smiling face. According to the image analysis results of this study, it can be seen that the presentation of smiley symbols has a significant auxiliary effect on the positive emotions of the masses and the willingness to share content.
6.3. Academic Contribution/Practical Contribution
On the academic level, this study has the following contributions.
This study first verifies that the regional image is consistent with the social image location. The regional image reflects the degree of influence and informational experience (
Kent and Allen 1994). The key is whether information associations can be evoked in individuals’ memory and become the interpretation adopted by the public. Familiar information is clearly easier to recall than unfamiliar. Therefore, the information-familiar and visually relevant hypothesis model has been specifically demonstrated in advertising images and memory recall studies (
Campbell and Keller 2003). Whether it is from information organization theory or information processing-related research, it has been repeatedly shown that information familiarity is highly correlated with memory recall (
Campbell and Keller 2003). The complete and clear content of the clues can preserve more powerful region memories and make it easier to activate memories for region links (
Kent and Kellaris 2001).
Second, the information cues results found that information cues could be organized into region personalities through any direct or indirect contact (
Plummer 1985). It is generated through different marketing programs, such as product-related attributes, prices, advertisements, etc. (
Batra et al. 1993), and further becomes a region identity (
Fournier 1998). Of course, information can also be used to motivate the masses to act (
Fournier 1998). Cognition not only represents the beliefs and ideas of the masses, but also represents their emotional responses (
Bagozzi 1978). In general, emotional or behavioral responses are often seen as the basis for information location (
Srull and Wyer 1989) and can be effectively used as the primary analytical tool for social content.
Third, emotional clues can evoke emotions and self-expression (
Donahay and Rosenberger 2007), which are seen as important clues to region emotions (
Freling and Forbes 2005). The emotional identity of the region can be used to check the integrity of the image information in the regional image (
Baloglu and McCleary 1999), for example, whether the figurative or abstract elements in the image can be clearly conveyed. The emotional identity is a key factor that may also affect the subjective formation.
In addition, two primary contributions result from this study.
First, this study validates the importance of information cue and emotional cue models for region images, and changes with figurative and abstract perceptions (
Keller 2001). Social media provides marketers with the opportunity to increase region exposure, and it is necessary to strengthen the region image to enhance the region knowledge of the masses. Regional cultural creativities and people communicate with each other without time, place, or media restrictions, forming a two-way interaction between the public and regional cultural creativities (
Vargo and Lusch 2008). Communication cannot only enhance image and mass relationships (
Kim and Ko 2012), the active participation of the public will also affect the content participation and perceived value by the public (
Christodoulides et al. 2012). Therefore, frequent information experience and communication, region associations and attitudes towards the public will have a positive impact (D. A.
Aaker 1991). In particular, based on image information, social media activities are continuously constructed to reduce misunderstandings and prejudice against regional cultural creativities and, thus, enhance positive value in regional cultural creativities through information exchange (
Kim and Ko 2012).
Second, this study used experiments to measure the public after receiving the information, to assess the interaction between the public and different regional cultural creativities, to examine why the media information is out of balance with the needs of the public, and to verify the importance of using informational clues to influence public participation (J. L.
Aaker 1997). It is recommended that managers stimulate the public to generate region identity and participation by strengthening information with emotional content. Moreover, in terms of the special type of fan page data calculation, the enhanced behavioral response of Comment and Share will be better than Likes. The efficient use of information leads to effective interactions, raising people’s message and sharing behaviors, and stimulating the further reach of content (
Hoyer et al. 2010). In addition, this study also provides a conceptual framework for understanding how different forms of information, in regards to social management of existing regional cultural creativities, leads to varying levels of participation. Understanding the form of information is a key factor in the acceptance of information by the public. It is a reminder for cultural and creative institutions of the importance of text and images, and figurative and abstract information planning in social content.
6.4. Research Limitations and Recommendations
A primary research limitation lies in the classification method of information clues. The method used only uses Facebook’s existing link form posts and image type posts, and the analysis results are inevitably limited. In the future, we expect relevant research to be able to target more detailed categories, such as announcement-type information, promotional information, or interactive information, etc., to determine what information the region should provide in order to more easily respond to today’s changing needs.
Secondly, in view of the application of images in the cultural and creative industries, it must be considered that the culture is composed of many complex beliefs, values, and ideas, resulting in differences in attitudes and approaches. Therefore, communication strategies and region statements in cultural creativity should be chosen as a communication tool that easily extends the impression and creates benign communication (
Harvey 1993;
Mueller 1992). It is also encouraged to attempt to analyze image-specific image positioning (
Sriram and Gopalakrishna 1991), combining cultural creative features with social image content exploration as an important operational tool (
Dunn 1976). According to different media characteristics, different levels of element cutting are better for the information needs of the public (
Green et al. 1975;
Pollay 1986).