Simplification of Administrative Procedures through Fully Automated Decision-Making: The Case of Norway
:1. Introduction
2. Research Questions and Methodological Outline
2.1. Research Questions
2.2. Methodological Outline
3. Theoretical Framework
3.1. Safeguards under the Personal Data Act and the GDPR
3.1.1. Article 22 on Fully Automated Decision-Making
3.1.2. Interpreting Article 22(1)
3.1.3. The Requirement for Suitable Measures for Automated Individual Decision-Making
- the right to obtain human intervention on the part of the controller;
- the right to express his or her point of view;
- the right to contest the decision.
3.2. General Safeguards under the Public Administration Act
3.3. Findings
4. Discussion: Results of Mapping Exercise
4.1. Overview
4.2. Limitations
4.2.1. Limitations to the Exercise of Discretion and the Right to Proper Case Processing
4.2.2. The Processing Must Be Compatible with the Right to Protection of Personal Data
4.2.3. The Notion of a Decision Which Is “Only to a Little Degree Invasive”
4.3. Measures
4.3.1. The Right to Obtain Human Review
4.3.2. Quality Assurance and Audits
4.3.3. Time: Applicability Only in Extraordinary Situations
4.3.4. Data Protection Principles
4.4. Right to an Explanation of the Decision
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Name of Statute/Regulations | Section and Context of the Legal Basis | Limitations | Measures |
1A—Universities and University Colleges Act (universitets-og høyskoleloven) | s. 4-15(4): case processing of administrative systems of educational institutions | - | Right to human review |
1B—Universities and University Colleges Act (universitets- og høyskoleloven) | s. 3-4: approval of foreign higher education | - | Right to human review |
2—Primary, lower and upper secondary schools Act (opplæringslova) | s. 3-4a: approval of foreign education/training; power to issue regulations | - | Right to human review |
3—Higher Vocational Education Act (fagskoleloven) | s. 7: approval of relevant foreign education | - | Right to human review |
4—Educational Financial Support Act (utdanningsstøtteloven) | news. 20 (in effect from 1 January 2022): power of the State Educational Support Fund to make fully automated decisions; power to issue regulations | Non-discretionary unless indubitable Proper case processing Compatible with data protection right | Right to human review |
5—Regulations on Citizenship (statsborgerforskriften) | s. 13A-3: power of Directorate of Immigration to make fully automated decisions | Non-discretionary unless indubitable | Right to human review Frequent human checks |
6—Regulations on Foreigners’ Access to Norway (utlendingsforskriften) | s. 17-7c: power of Directorate of Immigration to make fully automated decisions | Non-discretionary unless indubitable | Right to human review Frequent manual checks |
7—Integration Regulations (integreringsforskriften) | s. 64: Results of multiple-choice tests in Norwegian and social studies may be fully automated | - | Satisfactory quality assurance Right to appeal formal errors |
8—Driving License Regulations (førerkortforskriften) | s. 15-1: issue of driving license and temporary driving license | - | Right to human review |
9—Labour and Welfare Act—“NAV Act” (NAV-loven) | s. 4a: Labour and Welfare Agency may issue fully automated decisions; power to issue regulations | Non-discretionary unless indubitable Proper case processing Compatible with data protection right | Right to human review |
10—Public Service Pension Fund Act (Statens pensjonskasseloven) | s. 45b: the Public Service Pension Fund can issue fully automated decisions; power to issue regulations | Non-discretionary unless indubitable Proper case processing Compatible with data protection right | Right to human review |
11—Employed Seamen’s Pension Scheme Act (Pensjonsordning for arbeidstakere til sjøs) | s. 21a: the Employed Seamen’s Pension Scheme may issue fully automated decisions; power to issue regulations | Non-discretionary unless indubitable Proper case processing Compatible with data protection right | Right to human review |
12—Fishermen’s Pension Insurance Act (fiskerpensjonsloven) | s. 29a: the directorate administering the fund may issue fully automated decisions; power to issue regulations | Non-discretionary unless indubitable Proper case processing Compatible with data protection right | Right to human review |
13—Nurses’ Pension Scheme Act (sykepleierpensjonsloven) | s. 36: the Public Service Pension Fund may issue fully automated decisions; power to issue regulations | Non-discretionary unless indubitable Proper case processing Compatible with data protection right | Right to human review |
14—Pension Scheme for Persons Accompanying Foreign Service Employees Act (lov om ledsagerpensjon i utenrikstjenesten) | s. 3a: the Public Service Pension Fund may issue fully automated decisions; power to issue regulations | Non-discretionary unless indubitable Proper case processing Compatible with data protection right | Right to human review |
Name of Statute | Relevant RegulationsIssued Y/N | Name of Regulations | Remarks |
Citizenship Act (statsborgerloven) | Y | Regulations on Citizenship | See Table 1 |
Act on Foreigners’ Access to Norway (utlendingsloven) | Y | Regulations on Foreigners Access to Norway | See Table 1 |
Integration Act (integreringsloven) | Y | Integration Regulations | See Table 1 |
Road Traffic Act (vegtrafikkloven) | Y | Driving Licenses Regulations | See Table 1 |
Animal Welfare Act (dyrevelferdsloven) | N | - | - |
National Insurance Act (folketrygdeloven) | N | - | Power to issue regulations upon outbreak or risk of outbreak of infectious disease that endanger public health/safety. To be given effect as long as the outbreak or risk of outbreak is present or where the Labour and Welfare Agency has an unusually high case load or long processing periods because of the outbreak or risk thereof. |
State Pensions Fund Act (Statens pensjonsfond-loven) | N | S.10 enables regulations whereby data subjects’ rights may be restricted |
Name of Proposed Statute/Regulations | Section and Context of the Legal Basis | Limitations | Measures/Remarks |
1—Proposed amendment to Patient Medical Records Act (pasientjournalloven) | s. 11: Case processing, administration, settlement and implementation of healthcare; Power to issue regulations | Fully automated decisions permitted where the decision is slightly invasive | The degree of identification shall not be greater than necessary for the purpose; Processing of information on diagnosis or illness only when necessary to achieve purpose of processing the information |
2—Proposed amendment to National Insurance Act (folketrygdeloven) | s. 21-11: Decisions on health care benefits pursuant to chapter V of the Act; Power to issue regulations | Fully automated decisions permitted where the decision is slightly invasive | - |
3—Bill proposing a new Carriage of Goods Act (forslag til ny vareførselsloven) | s. 7-15: Customs authorities can issue fully automated decisions; Power to issue regulations | Proper caseprocessing | Right to human review |
4—Bill proposing a new Customs Duty Act (forslag til ny tollavgiftsloven) | s. 8-5: Customs authorities can issue fully automated decisions; Power to issue regulations | Proper case processing | Right to human review |
5—Bill proposing a new Archives Act (forslag til ny arkivloven) | - | - | Note: The Law Commission on the Archives Act’s proposal to introduce a duty to document automated application of the law was not taken up in the Bill. |
6—Law Commission on the Public Administration Act’s proposal for a new PAA (lovutvalgets forslag til ny forvaltningsloven) | s. 11 (majority view): Power to issue regulations that an administrative agency may issue decisions based on fully automated case processing. Decisions that are only slightly invasive may be made by fully automated processing without need for legal basis in regulations. s. 12: Duty to document the legal content in automated case processing systems. The documentation shall be made public, unless provided otherwise by law or special considerations require otherwise; power to issue regulations on system requirements and on publication | - | - |
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Weitzenboeck, E.M. Simplification of Administrative Procedures through Fully Automated Decision-Making: The Case of Norway. Adm. Sci. 2021, 11, 149.
Weitzenboeck EM. Simplification of Administrative Procedures through Fully Automated Decision-Making: The Case of Norway. Administrative Sciences. 2021; 11(4):149.
Chicago/Turabian StyleWeitzenboeck, Emily M. 2021. "Simplification of Administrative Procedures through Fully Automated Decision-Making: The Case of Norway" Administrative Sciences 11, no. 4: 149.
APA StyleWeitzenboeck, E. M. (2021). Simplification of Administrative Procedures through Fully Automated Decision-Making: The Case of Norway. Administrative Sciences, 11(4), 149.