Mother Schema, Obstetric Dilemma, and the Origin of Behavioral Modernity
:1. Introduction
1.1. Evolution of the Mother-Infant Relationship
1.2. Structure of the Thesis
1.3. “Hard Problems”
An explanation of what it is for mental states to be conscious either will itself appeal to mental states or it will not. Suppose now that all mental states are conscious, and that our explanation of what it is for mental states to be conscious does invoke mental states. Such an explanation will be circular, since the appeal to mental states is then automatically an appeal to conscious states. Invoking the very phenomenon we want to explain trivializes the explanation and prevents it from being informative.(p. 735)
2. Language
we do not really know how the Basic Property is actually implemented in neural circuitry. In fact … we don’t have a good understanding of the range of possible implementations for any kind of cognitive computation. Our grip on how linguistic knowledge of ‘grammars’ might actually be implemented in the brain is even sketchier (p. 157); “Basic Property” refers to the generation of a practically unlimited number of hierarchically structured expressions.
(1) studies of nonhuman animals provide virtually no relevant parallels to human linguistic communication, and none to the underlying biological capacity; (2) the fossil and archaeological evidence does not inform our understanding of the computations and representations of our earliest ancestors, leaving details of origins and selective pressure unresolved; (3) our understanding of the genetics of language is so impoverished that there is little hope of connecting genes to linguistic processes any time soon; (4) all modeling attempts have made unfounded assumptions, and have provided no empirical tests, thus leaving any insights into language’s origins unverifiable.
We were looking for the evolutionary origin of the complex and abstract rules of UG. Christiansen and Chater [51] say … Don’t ask how the UG rules evolved in the brain. The rules are in language, which is another ‘organism,’ not in the brain. The brain simply helped shape the language, in that the variant languages that were not learnable by the brain simply did not ‘survive.’ This hypothesis begs the question of why and how the brain acquired an evolved capacity to learn all and only UG-compliant languages in the first place, despite the poverty of the stimulus—which was the hard problem we started out with in the first place!
2.1. The Obstetric Dilemma and Proto-Language
The human mother-child relationship is unique among the primates as is the use of tools. … In man adaptation to bipedal locomotion decreased the size of the bony birth-canal at the same time that the exigencies of tool use selected for larger brains. This obstetrical dilemma was solved by delivery of the fetus at a much earlier stage of development. But this was possible only because the mother, already bipedal and with hands free of locomotor necessities, could hold the helpless, immature infant. The small-brained man-ape probably developed in the uterus as much as the ape does; the human type of mother-child relation must have evolved by the time of the large-brained, fully bipedal humans of the Middle Pleistocene. Bipedalism, tool use and selection for large brains thus slowed human development and invoked far greater maternal responsibility. The slow-moving mother, carrying the baby, could not hunt, and the combination of the woman’s obligation to care for slow-developing babies and the man’s occupation of hunting imposed a fundamental pattern on the social organization of the human species.(pp. 73–74)
Such coordinated, dyadic behavior … addressed the “obstetric dilemma” of two million years ago when the anatomical trend toward a narrowed pelvis in fully bipedal Homo erectus conflicted at childbirth with a concomitant anatomical trend toward enlarged brains and skulls. Among other adaptations (e.g., separable pubic symphysis in females at parturition, compressible infant skull, extensive postnatal brain growth), the gestation period was significantly reduced, resulting in helpless infants dependent on their caretakers for years, rather than weeks or months as in other primates. A mother’s simplification, repetition, elaboration, and exaggeration of affinitive communicative behaviors (e.g., smiling, open eyes, eyebrow flash, head bob, head nod, soft undulant vocalization, touching, patting, kissing) served to reinforce affinitive neural networks in her own brain and, when performed on a shared temporal basis, also set up a means of neural coordination of behavior and of matching of affective change between the pair.
2.2. Motherese and Proto-Language
All languages have a word that refers to hands, for instance, but this is probably because it is important for people everywhere to talk about hands, not because of a specific innate propensity toward hand-naming.(p. 148)
Goodall [89] notes that vocal communication of chimpanzees is far more complex than previously appreciated, and has classified 34 discrete calls along with the emotions with which they are associated. She also observes that chimpanzee listeners learn much from the sequences of vocalizations that pass back and forth between individuals. (For example, the screaming of an adult followed by squeaks and then pant-grunts indicates to a distant chimpanzee that an aggressive interaction has occurred and that the victim has relaxed and approached the aggressor.) Chimpanzee calls are distinguished (with presumably more difficulty for human than chimpanzee listeners) from an acoustically graded continuum.(p. 492)
3. Ritual
3.1. Cave Acoustics
The high levels of absorption at high frequencies do not favor verbal audibility, since these frequencies are fundamental for the understanding of the spoken word. This is therefore a space for liturgical music, composed to inspire religious contemplation.[113] (p. 311)
3.2. Changed States: Shamanism and Hypnosis
3.3. Postures and Movements
3.4. Ritual Emotion
One generally finds, even in animals, “rules” of play: special signals (such as wagging the tail or not using claws), postures, facial expressions, and sounds that mean “This is make-believe.” Often, special places are set aside for playing: a stadium, a gymnasium, a park, a recreation room, a ring or circle. There are special times, special clothes, a special mood for play—think of holidays, festivals, vacations, weekends.(p. 17)
4. Music
Music is that form of interhuman communication in which humanly organised, non-verbal sound is perceived as vehiculating primarily affective (emotional) and/or gestural (corporeal) patterns of cognition.
4.1. Music as Social Glue
music is conceptualized as a behavioral and motivational capacity: what is done to sounds and pulses when they are “musified” — made into music — and why. For this new view, I employ the ethological notion of ritualization, wherein ordinary communicative behaviors (e.g., sounds, movements) are altered through formalization, repetition, exaggeration, and elaboration, thereby attracting attention and arousing and shaping emotion.(p. 169)
4.2. Strong Experiences with Music
(1) IMEs are characterized by altered states of consciousness, which leads to the experience of harmony and self-realization; (2) IMEs leave people with a strong motivation to attain the same harmony in their daily lives; (3) people develop manifold resources during an IME; (4) IMEs cause long-term changes to occur in people’s personal values, their perception of the meaning of life, social relationships, engagement, activities, and personal development.(p. 525)
The music was suddenly there round about me, as if it comprised a transparent but evidently impenetrable wall. I thought that it told me something, and I listened and answered, and when the music/story went on, I felt a joy that was so enormous that I experienced it as being almost cosmic. The condition that the story led me into was plastic—almost as if I was floating around or hovering inside the transparent wall. Nothing, nobody, could reach me. It was like a salvation, but without religious elements, and the warmth and joy and the calm that I experienced and heard long followed me. The experience influenced me for a long time after that in a deep and distinct manner.(pp. 163–164)
The feeling was mixed successively with a sort of elation of incorporeal floating, a total merging with the music, or quite simply with something bigger—God or the universe, perhaps—where the experience of me, myself, was completely annihilated. I think of it as that the experience at this stage is very like a religious salvation experience of being high on drugs.(p. 164)
“(…) a cosmic total experience beyond time and space. My body and the music became a whole where I knew I was dead, but it was a death that was a birth into something that was liberatingly light. A light that didn’t exist in this life. I even vanished from this life, so I can’t remember anything of my surroundings. Everything that happened wasn’t connected to this world”.(p. 168)
The song actually saved my life. Every time I hear the song I am filled with a feeling of joy. … I have been selected to live, I think that ‘someone’ saved me. Not God or any divine power. But this ‘someone’ whom I can’t place, they are just there. They are there like a big shadow, not only for me, deep inside, but in the whole of history, the whole history of life. I can only describe it by saying that it frightens me, but it makes me curious. It is magnificent and absolutely unique, but terrible and indestructible.[43] (p. 60)
5. Religion
5.1. The Experience of Divine Presence
… all at once I … felt the presence of God—I tell of the thing just as I was conscious of it—as if his goodness and his power were penetrating me altogether.… I thanked God … I begged him ardently …. I felt his reply … Then, slowly, the ecstasy left my heart; that is, I felt that God had withdrawn the communion which he had granted … But the more I seek words to express this intimate intercourse, the more I feel the impossibility of describing the thing by any of our usual images.
… the holy spirit descended upon me in a manner that seemed to go through me, body and soul. I could feel the impression, like a wave of electricity, going through and through me. Indeed, it seemed to come in waves and waves of liquid love; for I could not express it any other way.
At times God comes into my soul without being called; and He instills into her fire, love, and sometimes sweetness; and the soul believes this comes from God, and delights therein. But she does not yet know, or see, that He dwells within her; she perceives His grace, in which she delights … For the eyes of the soul behold a plentitude of which I cannot speak; a plentitude which is not bodily but spiritual, of which I can say nothing.
My belief is that it is the ground of being, that it is a spirit that holds creation … something that’s very, very immediate … it’s more here than I am here right now. … To me this divine is someone, some being, who knows me and loves me … It is someone who can address me and guide me, whom I can trust and don’t need to be standoffish with or fearful of, because there’s an empathic connection. I feel that whoever this divine is knows me better than I know myself.
5.2. Existing Theories of Religious Origins
5.3. Religious Emotion
Here the poverty of stimulus could not be more extreme, nor could religious responses be more robust. Consider adolescent Khoisa males in Southern Africa who endure excruciating ritual circumcision only to live in exile in a desert environment without any food or water until they heal. The initiates risk infection, dehydration, exposure, and willingly submit to certain agony. The Khoisa claim the gods demand this ordeal of them. But how can chopping bits of genitals before the heavens improve survival?[194] (p. 656)
5.4. Religion and Infant-Carer Attachment
The perceived availability and responsiveness of a supernatural attachment figure is a fundamental dynamic underlying Christianity and many other theistic religions. Whether that attachment figure is God, Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, or one of various saints, guardian angels, or other supernatural beings, the analogy is striking. The religious person proceeds with faith that God (or another figure) will be available to protect and comfort him or her when danger threatens; at other times, the mere knowledge of God’s presence and accessibility allows him or her to approach the problems and difficulties of daily life with confidence.(p. 6)
Bowlby [62] identified three classes of stimuli hypothesized to activate the attachment system: (a) frightening or alarming environmental events; (b) illness, injury, or fatigue; and (c) separation or threat of separation from attachment figures. If God functions psychologically as an attachment figure, then we should find that people turn to God, and evince attachment-like behaviors toward God, under these conditions. Indeed, in Western Christian traditions at least, these are precisely the three categories of “trouble and crisis” when people are most likely to seek God’s support and comfort.(p. 7)
To the extent that God functions psychologically as an attachment figure, we might expect the structure of individual differences in God images to resemble that of parental images. … In virtually every factor-analytic study published, irrespective of the particular kinds of items used, the first (and large) factor to emerge invariably reflects the idea of God as loving, caring, and benevolent.(p. 10)
5.5. A Scenario for the Origin of Proto-Religion
5.6. Male Dominance
6. Reflective Consciousness
mothers increasingly used prosodic and gestural markings to encourage juveniles to behave and to follow … mothers that attended vigilantly to infants were strongly selected for, and that such mothers had genetically based potentials for consciously modifying vocalizations and gestures to control infants.(p. 491)
7. Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology
7.1. Transnatal Memory
7.2. The Perceptible Prenatal Environment
the acoustic environment of the fetus is composed of continuous cardiovascular, respiratory, and intestinal sounds that are punctuated by isolated, shorter bursts during maternal body movements and vocalizations. The distribution of sounds is confined to frequencies below 300 Hz.(p. S31)
7.3. The Mother and Infant Schemas
7.4. Prenatal and Perinatal MS
7.5. Biochemical Foundations
the social connotations and activation of the endogenous opioid system become cross-conditioned during early ontogenesis, so that later in life whenever the opioid system is activated by stress and pain, social connotations could arise together with the paradoxically occurring euphoric states and, vice versa, opioid-mediated euphoric and trance-like states are enhanced by social affiliation. The need for and the possibility of identification are interwoven at a psychobiological level: regression promotes endogenous opioid mediation while endogenous opioids mediate affiliation, and help depersonalization by loss of ego boundaries.[94] (p. 79)
(a) participation by nonmothers, (b) motor competence and expertise, (c) an adaptive opponency between avoidance and approach, and a facilitating role of (d) neonatal vulnerability, (e) salient distress, and (f) rewarding close contact. Physiologically, they also share neurohormonal support from (g) oxytocin, (h) the domain-general mesolimbocortical system, (i) the cingulate cortex, and (j) the orbitofrontal cortex.[279] (p. 1305)
Even species that are highly divergent from mammals, such as squid, crocodiles, clownfish, and rattlesnakes demonstrate functionally similar behaviors to sequester and protect young from predators during their most vulnerable developmental stage, shortly after birth.
8. Psychology of Religious and Musical Emotion
8.1. Awe
8.2. Geborgenheit
8.3. Predictions
The sublime does not urgently press, from an existential point of view; it is nonsocial and noninteractive. Nevertheless, the perception of existential safety is crucial, especially for the natural sublime: Niagara and Denali are immense, of extraordinary beauty, powerful and moody beyond measure, but the experiencing person is—although very close by—safe.[291] (p. 124)
- Postnatal activation of MS produces otherworldly feelings (awe).
- Since an infant with its mother is objectively safe (protected) and warm (thermoregulated), postnatal MS activation evokes geborgenheit.
- Both awe and geborgenheit may be “experienced” when children and adults participate in rituals.
- Ritual participants cannot know where these special feelings come from, because their ontogeny precedes reflective consciousness and language.
- The best survival strategy for infants and children is to understand and follow maternal intentions. Rituals, therefore, often feature the additional emotion of devotion (to the group or its leader/s).
- Since the mother’s traditional role includes consoling an infant that experiences hunger, thirst, pain, anger, or distress, rituals (including music and religion) provide similar comfort.
9. Evaluating the Evidence
9.1. The Mother Schema
9.2. Skill Development
9.3. Strong Musical Experiences
It was as if the music had blown away all my thoughts. I no longer had any worries, but nor did I feel any joy. The only thing that filled me was a magnificent feeling.(p. 19)
These experiences feel the strongest; I flight off, go into another state, things around me change, there is magic, I float around in some space or other. I go inwards at the same time that I expand. All feelings are mixed together.(p. 27)
The music started, loud and magnificent. Suddenly I thought that two strong arms lifted me and put me in front of the dance group. All my fear disappeared. The music seized all my attention and the dance steps matched with the music and vice versa. A feeling of joy and happiness swept through me. I was in a completely different world. It was so fantastic that music and dance fused together to one unit.(p. 32)
Quietly, gently as a warm summer breeze, the music reached me and went right in. I sat there without moving a muscle, leaning forward, and just sort of swallowed it. I had never heard anything so indescribably beautiful. And every bit of me was filled with divine harmony and I was aware that tears were starting to run down my cheeks, but I didn’t care about that and I wasn’t ashamed.(p. 48)
It was a total experienced just as strong as first love. … How I gradually lost contact with the ground and experienced an intoxication of the senses.(p. 51)
Everything was calm and peaceful. I turned the radio on and out poured classical music from a big orchestra. I felt how I sucked in the music, I drank it, swallowed it, was being filled by it. Like a dry sponge which is reacquiring its shape.(p. 52)
It felt as if my legs were filled with a fizzy drink and I was lifted up to a higher sphere. If there is a heaven after this life, I have already visited it. My experience is similar to that which near-death patients describe: a journey towards light and happiness.(p. 53)
We sang together in such harmony that I’ve never experienced anything like it before. It felt as if I was hovering and was lifted higher and higher up on the wings of music! All my problems disappeared and my entire body with dissolved in tones. When the record came to an end it felt as if I had slept for 24 hours solid. I felt so rested!(p. 59)
Then something amazing happened. I played as if I was in a trance, and I promised I have never played better. This was an incredible feeling, it was as if time and space disappeared. There was only me and the music, nothing else existed.(p. 63)
Suddenly I was in some inexplicable way sucked into the music. It felt as if I was somehow lifted up from my seat and sort of floated in the room while at the same time being filled with serenity and inner harmony, in raptures.(p. 79)
It seemed as though I was sitting in an enormous globe of light, filled with music. All the earthly things around me had completely vanished. The rustling of paper, the coughs and scrapings were gone. I was alone with the music, filled with joy, unaware of everything else around me.(p. 81)
9.4. Allusions to Mother Schema in the Christian Bible
- 1.
- In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
- 3.
- Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
- 4.
- In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind.
- 5.
- The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
- 12.
- Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.
- 14.
- The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.
- 18.
- No one has ever seen God.
- 1.
- 3.
- From the fetal viewpoint, the mother is the universe. For the infant, she is the origin of life.
- 4–5.
- The shining light alludes to the sudden brightness of the postnatal world in which the infant “meets” the mother.
- 12.
- “Children of God” is consistent with mother-infant attachment. Many believe that supernatural agents watch over them, care about moral behavior, and punish wrong behavior [333]—as mothers do.
- 14.
- “The Word became flesh” suggests accommodation (Piaget) of MS at birth, after which the infant identifies the mother not only by her voice (word) but also by vision, touch, and (postnatal) smell/taste.
- 18.
- Fetal eyes respond to lightness, but there is nothing to see.
10. Epistemological Biases
10.1. Ecological Psychology
(1) cognition is situated; (2) cognition is time-pressured; (3) we off-load cognitive work onto the environment; (4) the environment is part of the cognitive system; (5) cognition is for action; (6) offline cognition is body based.(p. 625)
the amygdala, hippocampus, and temporal lobe … are responsible for religious, spiritual, and mystical trancelike states, dreaming, astral projection, near-death and out-of-body experiences, and the hallucination of ghosts, demons, angels, and gods.[341] (p. 105)
10.2. Feminism
the evolved taste for “fairness” in dyadic and small-scale interpersonal interaction [which] appears to be directly related to evolved neural mechanisms that are also are activated in the application of punishment by impartial judges in modern legal systems.[8] (p. 192)
Many of the distinctive characteristics that make us human can trace their origins (or at least their significance) to the fact that we give birth to infants who are highly dependent on others … While we recognize that single-cause explanations of the human adaptation are simplistic, we propose that an equally important player in the story of human evolution … is the helpless, attractive human infant.(pp. 1–2)
Practically, the process of feminist research is characterized by four primary features: (1) expanding methodologies to include both quantitative and qualitative methods, (2) connecting women for group-level data collection, (3) reducing the hierarchical relationship between researchers and their participants to facilitate trust and disclosure, and (4) recognizing and reflecting upon the emotionality of women’s lives.[347] (p. 773)
10.3. Subjectivity
11. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Recurring Elements in Reports of Strong Musical Experiences | Explanations Based on MS Theory |
Disappearance of thoughts and problems, a different state of consciousness, trance, intoxication of the senses, no sense of time, indescribable | The fetus/infant is prelinguistic and lacks reflective consciousness including a sense of the future and past relative to the present. |
Floating, hovering, weightlessness, flying, no contact with ground, out-of-body experience, liquid, water, waves; drinking, swallowing, sucking; pouring, dissolved | The fetus is floating in amniotic fluid. It is protected by it and sometimes swallows it (cf. [120]). Christian baptism, Jewish Tvilah, Islamic Wuḍū, and Shinto Misogi (ritual purification) may be relevant. |
Another world, no sense of place, nothing else exists, heaven, near-death experience | The uterine environment is closed and separate from the rest of the world. |
Globe of light | The eye develops throughout the prenatal period [330]; the human fetus may perceive light that penetrates the uterus [331]. |
God on high, being in heaven | The mother’s vocal chords and heart are physically higher than the fetus. (This explanation is problematic because it depends on both a functioning vestibular system and directional hearing in utero.) |
Sense of fusion, everything mixed together, harmony, every bit of me filled | The fetus is part of (and inseparable from) the mother. |
Attention completely focused on music or divine encounter; absorption, unaware of all else | This may be a figure-ground effect as the fetus perceives the mother as separate from background noise. |
Emotions in the categories transcendence and geborgenheit, raptures, indescribably beautiful | These may be adult attempts to retrospectively describe emotions of the fetus and infant when perceiving the mother. |
Magic, enchantment | The fetus and newborn lack concepts of cause and effect. |
Recovery | Attachment to the mother ensures safety and enables recovery [62]. |
Love (“first love”) | The fetus/infant-mother relationship is literally the first love in the lifespan. |
Situations That Trigger Strong Religious or Music Experiences | Speculative Explanations Based on MS Theory |
Musical melody | Sounds like mother’s voice through filter of amniotic fluid (low-pass filter removes high frequencies and shifts attention from timbral changes to frequency contours) |
Musical rhythm and movement | Sounds like mother’s heartbeat or footsteps; feels like maternal walk |
Musical harmony | Sounds like the lower harmonics of the mother’s voice (spectral pitch pattern) before maturation of harmonic pitch pattern recognition (virtual pitch) |
Sound energy mainly at lower frequencies (100-300 Hz), e.g. highly resonant rooms or caves | Amniotic fluid muffles high frequencies |
Bent posture (kneeling, bowing, hands touching each other and face etc.) | Fetal positions |
Repetition (with variation) of sound or movement patterns [91,92] | Prenatally perceptible sound and movement patterns are repeated many times with variation |
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Parncutt, R. Mother Schema, Obstetric Dilemma, and the Origin of Behavioral Modernity. Behav. Sci. 2019, 9, 142.
Parncutt R. Mother Schema, Obstetric Dilemma, and the Origin of Behavioral Modernity. Behavioral Sciences. 2019; 9(12):142.
Chicago/Turabian StyleParncutt, Richard. 2019. "Mother Schema, Obstetric Dilemma, and the Origin of Behavioral Modernity" Behavioral Sciences 9, no. 12: 142.
APA StyleParncutt, R. (2019). Mother Schema, Obstetric Dilemma, and the Origin of Behavioral Modernity. Behavioral Sciences, 9(12), 142.