2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Inclusion Criteria
Inclusion criteria used in the screening phase taking into account title, abstract, and keywords:
Papers in whose title, abstract, or keywords the following terms appeared: revictimization in intimate partner/gender/domestic violence; chronicity in intimate partner/gender/domestic violence; history of domestic/intimate partner abuse; repeated abuse; repeated intimate partner/gender/domestic/intimate partner violence; and similar combinations;
Publications in English and Spanish;
Articles with quantitative statistical analysis: exclusively opinion articles, epidemiological articles, and articles with qualitative methodology were excluded because they did not use standardized effect size measures;
Non-manipulative studies: the objective of this work is to find victim-related variables associated with the risk of suffering repeated abuse. For this reason, any studies on the efficacy of interventions on the risk of revictimization were excluded. We have not included studies that have analyzed strategies used to confront a situation of IPVAW, i.e., recourse to shelters, restraining orders, or social support;
The studies should report results on a sample of women;
Revictimization in women aged 18 to 65 years;
Revictimization among heterosexual couples: sexual orientation is a factor frequently ignored in the studies of IPVAW or even given as a reason for exclusion. In addition, it has been shown that the characteristics of violence in non-heterosexual couples may be conditioned by other factors than those of heterosexual couples [
Inclusion criteria in the eligibility phase taking into account the entire full text:
Identical to the previous phase except with the difference that systematic reviews were excluded in this phase because they did not include quantitative analyses;
Analysis of results that included the variable revictimization.
2.2. Sources of Information and Selection of Studies
The databases used and the number of results obtained after searching each of them are specified below:
Firstly, on 7 February 2020, the PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, MEDLINE, and ERIC databases were searched. The same search strategy, specified in the following point, was used for all the databases, and a total of 2086 results were obtained. To narrow the number of studies, the following electronic filters were used based on the eligibility criteria presented: language (English or Spanish), gender (women and men or women), and age (18 to 65 years or 18 to 65 and other ages). No restrictions were placed on the year of publication or the type of paper. After using these filters, 1344 results were obtained, and when duplicates were eliminated, 1052 papers remained to be reviewed.
Secondly, on 21 February 2020, another search was performed, with the corresponding electronic strategy, in the Web of Science and SciELO databases. In this search, no electronic filter was used, except for language, and 259 results were obtained, of which 246 remained after the duplicates had been eliminated.
Thirdly, on 24 February 2020, three searches were performed in the OpenGrey database to access gray literature from different national bookstores on the European continent that were not controlled by commercial publishers. No electronic filters were used, and a total of 37 results without duplicates were obtained.
Therefore, a total of 1335 papers were reviewed by title, abstract, and keywords. The first 400 results were reviewed jointly by two members of the research team, obtaining a Cohen’s Kappa index of 97% coincidence. The studies that met the criteria were stored and managed in the RefWorks platform. After this first step, 119 papers were selected to be reviewed again with the full text and 18 new references were identified that could be included, so that a total of 137 full-text articles were finally reviewed (
Figure 1). Of these 137 papers, 14 could not be found and, finally, 35 papers, 17 retrospective and 18 prospective, were included because they met all the criteria. However, in the data extraction process, developed below, 13 more articles were excluded, resulting in a final number of 22 articles (11 retrospective and 11 prospective), 11 of which were coincident with those included in the reviews by Kuijpers et al. [
5] and Orke et al. [
2.3. Search
The electronic search strategy used, based on that performed by Orke et al. [
7] for the databases PsycINFO, PsycARTICLES, PsycBOOKS, MEDLINE, AND ERIC, was (intimate partner violence or partner abuse or domestic violence or domestic abuse or battered wom?n or spouse abuse or Family violence) AND ((chronic* (abuse* OR victim*)) OR (multiple (relation* OR victim* OR victim* OR partner* OR partner* OR abuse*)) OR (repeat* (relation* OR victim* OR victim* OR partner* OR partner* OR abuse*) OR (reoccur* (victim* OR partner* OR partner* OR abuse*)) or revictim* OR re-victim* OR polyvictim* OR Poly-victim OR Multivictim OR Muti-victim)).
The electronic search strategy used for the databases Web of Science and SciELO was based on the one used by Orke et al. [
7] for the Web of Science database, which is not made explicit in the published report, but the lead author was contacted and provided it via e-mail: TI = (violence or abuse* or reabus* or revictim* or assault* or reassault* or batter*) AND TI = (intimate or partner* or marriage* or husband* or wife or wives or spous* or domestic*) AND TI = (recur* or reabus* or revictim* or repeat* or prior or past or future or later or prerelationship* or further or subsequent or subsequent or previous* or chronic* (abuse* or victim*) or persistent (abuse* or victim*) or poly-victim or multimvictim or multi-victim)
Regarding the electronic search strategy used in OpenGrey, several searches of greater and lesser complexity were performed, but only two of them yielded results: “battered women” and “intimate partner violence”.
2.4. Data Extraction Process and Data List
Taking as a reference the variables analyzed in the review by Orke et al. [
7], for each study that met the eligibility criteria, the information extracted was classified into three types of categories: methodological, substantive, and extrinsic following the classificatory proposal of Sánchez and Botella [
Methodological variables: information was collected on the design (prospective/longitudinal or retrospective/cross-sectional), total duration of the study, sample size, participants lost, measurement instruments, and the statistical analysis performed.
Substantive variables: main objectives, conceptualization of key terms (revictimization, revictimization by the same or different partners), comparisons made, mean age and range, sample origin (shelters, police stations, general population), inclusion criteria, type of victimization measured (physical, psychological, or sexual), risk/protection factors analyzed, and main results obtained related to revictimization.
Extrinsic variables: country of origin of the sample, date of publication, and specialty and gender of the two main authors.
To perform the extraction, a base table was prepared in Excel with the variables listed and a coding manual was drafted in which the information required for each variable was specified. Information extraction was performed independently by two members of the research team for 50 of the 137 articles reviewed by full text, and an adequate Kappa agreement index of 87% was obtained [
12]. The number of studies excluded in this process and the reasons for their exclusion are shown in
Table 1. The possible impact of the exclusion of these studies on the results of the analysis is analyzed in the results section. The quality of the studies was only taken into account as an exclusion criterion if there was insufficient information to calculate the effect sizes necessary for the analysis, since the number of studies included is low and the object of study is quite recent, so priority was given to having as much information as possible.
The 106 effect sizes analyzed corresponded to 15 risk and protective factors associated with revictimization, 10 of which were common between retrospective and prospective studies (childhood abuse, PTSD symptomatology, drug use, frequency of previous physical violence, social support, age, educational level, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, and employability). The remaining 5 factors (alcohol consumption, leaving a partner after episodes of violence, marital status, severity of violence, and access to sources of help) were only analyzed for one of the two types of design because there were no more than two studies that provided effect sizes (ESs) for these variables. In addition, the following variables, personality alterations, anxious symptomatology, perpetration of violence by the victim, pregnancy in the previous year, cohabitation with the aggressor, self-esteem, attitudes, attributional style, attachment style, and reactions to violence, were not represented in the meta-analysis because they were not included in more than two studies in either of the two types of design. Access to the results obtained by the source studies for these variables that were not analyzed is provided in
Appendix B.
2.5. Summary Measures and Statistical Analysis
RStudio version 1.4.1106 was used to perform the analyses. Most of the studies provided odds ratios (ORs) as a measure of effect size (ES), so in those cases in which a different index was provided, the relevant conversions were performed following the formulas suggested in Botella and Sánchez [
12] to unify the type of statistic used for each variable. Once the ORs were calculated, the combined ESs were obtained for each variable that had at least three ESs found in different individual studies [
In those studies that included more than one measure for the same risk factor (e.g., giving differentiated data for physical and sexual revictimization), the mean of the ES provided was calculated to maintain the assumption of independence. This procedure was performed for six ESs linked to the variables of age, ethnicity, substance abuse, alcohol abuse, physical violence in the previous year, and childhood abuse.
We chose to use a random-effects analysis model because, unlike fixed-effects models, it takes into account the sampling variability of the studies, thus increasing the generability of the results obtained. The specific variance (tau2) was estimated using the restricted maximum likelihood method. The Q statistic was used to test the null hypothesis that interstudy heterogeneity was not significant, while the I2 statistic was used to estimate the percentage of ES variability that is not explained by random sampling error. Separate sensitivity analyses were performed for the retrospective and prospective studies in order to account for the effect of the reference group employed by each paper.
Finally, as the assessment of the threat of publication bias was challenged by the low number of studies, we used the Rosenthal’s fail-safe number. Other methods, such as Egger’s regression or trim and fill, are unstable with so few studies. With the same objective, Orwin’s method, which is a more sophisticated variant, was calculated since it provides the potential number of studies with a null effect (LogOR = 0) that would be necessary to obtain a combined ES set close to 0 (in this work, as usual, a value of LogOR = 0.0). To determine the number of studies beyond which an analysis can be considered robust with respect to the threat of publication bias, the Rosenthal rule was used, according to which it is estimated that five studies should be left out for one published study plus ten (5 k + 10). Therefore, if the safety numbers exceeded that criterion, robustness to bias was considered to be present [
11]. The funnel plot was not used as a method for estimating publication bias due to the small number of studies contributed for each variable.
4. Discussion
Revictimization in IPVAW is a social problem that affects between 15% and 70% of women with previous experiences of intimate partner violence and entails serious emotional, physical, and sexual sequelae. The study of revictimization from the perspective of the biopsychosocial characteristics of the women who suffer it is recent and scarce. This meta-analysis is, to our knowledge, the first review with objective and quantitative results on the subject, and 22 studies have been analyzed, differentiated by the type of design used.
Several noteworthy conclusions can be drawn. Firstly, having suffered abuse in childhood was significantly associated with revictimization in both prospective and retrospective studies. In addition, the combined ES remained significant when analyzing those studies that analyzed revictimization by multiple aggressors, as shown by the sensitivity analysis. In other words, the effect found for childhood abuse is cross-sectional across the design used and the comparisons made, which of all the variables analyzed, was only observed in this variable. If we add to this transversality the strong critical levels obtained in the three analyses performed with the variable, the absence of significance in the heterogeneity test, and the low probability of publication bias, we can conclude that having experienced physical or sexual abuse, or both, in childhood is the most consolidated risk factor when predicting revictimization in IPVAW. This result mirrors the large number of studies that have identified a link between having experienced childhood abuse and the risk of IPVAW revictimization in adulthood [
37]. Such a relationship between childhood trauma and IPVAW revictimization follows a dose-response pattern. Thus, individuals who accumulate a greater number and variety of childhood traumatic experiences have greater psychological vulnerability to revictimization [
39]. According to [
26], this effect of cumulative trauma on the risk of revictimization is likely due to the impact that previous abuse has on coping with trauma-associated symptoms in adulthood. Indeed, the evidence linking childhood adversity to the onset of mental health problems in adulthood is robust and equally linked to a dose-response effect [
Secondly, the variable ethnicity, understood as belonging to a white ethnic group and taking the rest of the ethnic groups as a reference, constitutes a protective factor against revictimization in both prospective and retrospective studies. However, in this case, the results do not hold in the sensitivity analyses by comparisons. Specifically, it is observed that when distinguishing between revictimized women and women victimized on one occasion, the risk is clearly lower in those belonging to white ethnicity; but, when comparing women revictimized by multiple aggressors with women victimized by one aggressor, the variable ceases to be significant. This could suggest that the effect of ethnicity could vary according to the moderator number of aggressors involved in the revictimization. However, the result for this variable is not as robust as that obtained for childhood abuse, since, although heterogeneity is low and consistency between designs is maintained, the critical levels associated with the combined ESs obtained are not as powerful, and it is one of the variables with the greatest risk of publication bias. Therefore, it is risky to venture an explanation for the results found.
Thirdly, the remainder of the significant variables found have functioned as risk or protective factors exclusively for a specific type of design, but not for the other. Specifically, PTSD symptomatology in T1, alcohol abuse in T1, substance use in T1, having suffered physical violence in T1, severity of violence in T1, and age were significant risk factors only in the prospective studies. Older age also functioned as a protective factor in the prospective group, while having a higher level of education is found to be a protective factor in the retrospective studies. However, it is worth mentioning that the severity variable has been significant only in prospective studies because in the retrospective studies there were not enough ESs to perform the analysis. This result coincides with the prospective evidence prior to 2008 [
From these results, it can be deduced that the group of prospective studies has yielded a considerably greater number of significant variables associated with revictimization than the group of retrospective studies. Despite this, the consistency in the directionality of the results between the two designs is constant for all variables. Thus, those variables that appear to be significant protective factors in the prospective study group, although not appearing as such in the retrospective studies, obtained combined ORs of less than one, and vice versa in the case of the risk factors. In other words, in the study of revictimization in IPVAW, retrospective evidence gives rise to results largely similar to those provided in prospective studies, in addition to avoiding the overestimation of ESs. All this would imply being able to make use of this research design, with the savings in economic and human resources that this implies, with respect to prospective designs and without losing the quality of the evidence obtained.
Fourthly, the heterogeneity existing in this area of study in both conceptual and methodological aspects is striking. Thus, there is no consensus among the studies on such basic aspects as the term used to refer to revictimization, since, although most use the term ‘revictimization’, others use alternative synonyms such as ‘reabuse’ or ‘re-engagement’. Nor is there any uniformity in defining it. Indeed, it is paradoxical that the literature on revictimization seems to take the definition of the term for granted when only one of the twenty-two studies included gave an explicit definition of revictimization [
14]. Neither is there any uniformity in setting the length of the temporal window established to assess the occurrence of revictimization, which ranged from one year in duration to an entire lifespan. The same problem occurs with respect to the types of violence likely to lead to repeated abuse, except in the case of physical violence, which is always assessed, as well as in relation to the established reference groups, as reflected by the lack of agreement when differentiating between revictimization by multiple and single aggressors. It seems that most articles on the topic do not provide an explicit definition of revictimization, but that it depends on the characteristics of the study, the selection and recruitment of the sample, and the instruments used to detect it. This fact was already pointed out by Cattaneo and Goodman [
6], and it does not seem to have changed much over the years.
This lack of systematicity and generalized heterogeneity hinders the analysis, the comparability, and the interpretation of the results obtained. After conducting this meta-analysis, the need to establish a certain degree of research uniformity is underscored, since it is particularly complicated to study an area in which there is no agreed definition for central concepts such as revictimization itself [
To the problem of the heterogeneity in the literature on revictimization must be added the scarcity of studies on revictimization [
7]. The small number of studies complicates drawing solid conclusions on the relationships between the different variables analyzed and revictimization. In addition, there is a lack of quality in the source articles when reporting the results. This has meant that in this meta-analysis, 26.7% of the 30 articles that could have been included were excluded from the already short list of identified papers. The scarcity of research combined with low-quality reports, and heterogeneity, are fundamental aspects, which explain why there are certain variables whose relationship with revictimization in IPVAW is not clear, despite being recurrently studied in the literature in this field. This is the case of PTSD symptomatology or substance use, which despite functioning as risk factors predictive of revictimization [
7], whose results are not always statistically significant.
Within the framework of this scarcity, it has been possible to corroborate that some types of factors are much more represented than others. As mentioned above, the variables referring to clinical symptomatology, as well as sociodemographic variables, are usually included in most studies on revictimization. By contrast, the under-representation of other variables that presumably should be part of these studies is striking. Therefore, it is surprising that only one study includes the analysis of the classical psychological variables such as self-esteem, assertiveness, or locus of control, and this research was carried out thirty years ago [
15]. Similarly, it is noteworthy that there is a tendency in this field to ignore the contextual variables related to the specific situation in which the violence occurs, that is, both the antecedents prior to the occurrence of the aggression and the immediate reactions. These components are fundamental to explaining and predicting behavior, as reflected in the theoretical models on revictimization in IPVAW proposed by Foa et al. [
8] or Bell and Naugle [
40]. Similarly, the few empirical studies that analyze the role of immediate reactions in situations of IPVAW [
6] have found that the use of confrontational coping strategies by the victim is the most important risk factor for revictimization once the effect of the other risk factors has been controlled for. In this meta-analysis, only the variable leaving the partner can be included in the study of immediate reactions to violence. However, it was only evaluated in three prospective studies, which has prevented us from drawing any significant conclusions in its role in revictimization.
The sample of studies analyzed is quantitatively and qualitatively small. There is insufficient evidence for any of the factors analyzed to draw solid conclusions. Moreover, for some of the factors, such as antecedents and consequences of the situation of violence, the scarcity of identified studies that include them is a reflection of the limited importance given to them in this field of study, rather than the size of the sample analyzed. Similarly, the paucity of studies has prevented us from conducting moderation analyses based on sufficiently large and balanced categories. Although sensitivity analyses have attempted to cover part of this shortcoming by allowing differentiation according to the comparisons made, it has not been possible to take into account the effect of aspects of interest such as the type of violence assessed, the use of ES corrected, or not, in the source studies, the use of one type of instrument or another, or the severity of the violence experienced [
5]. Also in relation to the low number of studies that included each variable considered in the meta-analysis, it was not possible to analyze publication bias using a funnel plot or evaluate the quality of the studies to be used as an exclusion criterion since priority was given to having more data for the analyses.
Finally, it is necessary to mention the potential generability of the results found. While it is true that the samples of the source studies addressed diversity in issues, such as the ethnicity of the participants, they did not do so in other aspects such as their sexual orientation. This factor was generally ignored in the results or even given as a reason for exclusion. Furthermore, although no geographic restrictions were used in the search conducted, 73% of the studies were carried out in the USA and the rest in Europe or New Zealand, which shows a Western-centric bias from which this field of study does not escape either. In addition, the heterogeneity of the data has meant that the effect of belonging to a white ethnic group has had to be compared with respect to the rest of the ethnic groups, without differentiating between them. Therefore, the generability of considering belonging to a white ethnic group, with respect to other ethnic groups, as the most powerful protective factor against revictimization could be compromised, bearing in mind that the research has been carried out in countries where it is precisely white people who are in their country of origin, with all the socioeconomic facilities that this implies.
5. Conclusions, Implications of the Evidence Found, and Future Lines of Research
Research on women who have experienced revictimization in IPVAW allows for some specific findings on particular predictors such as the effect of childhood abuse or ethnicity. However, the paucity and heterogeneity of the studies found preclude more solid conclusions. Carrying out this meta-analysis allows us to identify weaknesses in this field of study and to propose solutions to correct them.
Table 8 proposes a list of recommendations for future research in this field of study, some of which coincide with previous proposals [
6]. To avoid detracting from the clarity of the list, some of the proposed points are developed here in greater detail.
Firstly, in order to reduce the heterogeneity of central terms and definitions such as the term ‘revictimization’, it is proposed to put forward a broad definition that is as inclusive as possible, but that also manages to delimit the different circumstances in which revictimization is present [
6]. It is essential that the definition of revictimization makes reference to the importance of differentiating between revictimization by a single and multiple aggressors, as well as including the different types of violence in which revictimization can occur. Therefore, the use of the CTS-2 [
17] could facilitate this task, in addition to that referred to the unification of measurement instruments, by establishing specific types of violence, their definitions, and the period of time during which their occurrence is taken into account. Based on this meta-analysis, the following definition of revictimization is proposed with the aim of favoring both the unification of terms and the comparability of results: “Revictimization in the context of violence against women refers to a situation in which a victim of IPV experiences new suffering, trauma or harm as a result of any new emotional, physical or sexual abuse by the same or a different perpetrator.”
Secondly, with regard to the construction of theoretical models that synthesize and give coherence to the evidence found to date, previous proposals such as those of Foa et al. [
8] or Bell and Naugle [
41] can serve as a valuable guide. Although they require revision considering their age, they have made it possible to build bridges between the classic theoretical models in the study of violence against women and to solve some of the existing gaps.
Finally, there is a robust conclusion that can be drawn from the results obtained, which is that having suffered childhood trauma increases the risk of suffering revictimization in IPVAW, probably with a dose-response effect [
38]. This result has implications, in the first place, in the field of intervention, since although it is not possible to intervene on past experiences of childhood trauma, it is possible to stress the need to include in IPVAW intervention programs, training in therapeutic skills to help process childhood trauma and better understand its consequences, since IPVAW programs rarely include specialized personnel. Furthermore, it has been hypothesized and contrasted that one of the main mechanisms mediating between childhood traumatic experiences and vulnerability to revictimization is psychological distress, particularly trauma-related symptoms (PTSD symptoms or dissociative symptoms) [
42], so that intervening in PTSD symptomatology could also have an impact on the psychological consequences of having suffered childhood trauma. This meta-analysis has also confirmed a fairly clear tendency for PTSD symptoms to predict revictimization. Thus, there is a clear need for future research on the relationship between childhood trauma, PTSD symptomatology, and risk of revictimization to improve intervention programs. Second, the area of childhood abuse prevention also becomes imperative. There is robust evidence that protecting minors from any type of domestic violence is crucial to break the cycle of abuse in childhood and revictimization in adulthood [
42]. Training parents to help the child to cope adaptively can be fundamental, always being careful not to blame the victims. Thus, these findings should be approached as an opportunity to praise and boost IPVAW programs that offer services to help minors.
Therefore, although the literature on revictimization in intimate partner violence is still scarce, heterogeneous, and imprecise, this first meta-analysis about the evidence already found allows us to establish clear lines of action for future research in a field that is so relevant in today’s society.