The Value of Dignity in Prison: A Qualitative Study with Life Convicts
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Aims
2.2. Participants
2.3. The Instruments and the Qualitative Method
3. Results
3.1. The Values of Freedom, Self-Consciousness and Education and Their Failure in Prison
‘In my opinion, life has no value here in prison. Indeed, my life was finished when I entered prison. However, I wanted to learn to paint, and the manager of the prison authorised me to have some material, but the material was bought at my own expense. […] In my opinion, learning new things is important. I try to keep growing. Although prison limits me, I try to make the most of all the opportunities that are offered to me here. Learning new things is important’.
The risk is to irreparably lose your freedom, credibility and personal clout. You can no longer decide anything, neither for yourself nor for others; you cannot participate in the programs organised by your family. Life sentence is comparable to being confined to a hospital even though you have recovered, [and because] you can’t go home there is no hope, and only death can set you free. The difference is that, in a hospital, you die quickly; here the suffering never ends. […] Family is a fundamental value to me and in my life it is all.
Sometimes you forget who you are because you lose yourself, and you start asking yourself why you got a life sentence. Who am I? In this condition, you reach the point where you wonder if they sentenced the right person. You don’t recognise yourself as the same person you were twenty years ago. Now, I understand that I had an awful life. When I was younger, I wasn’t able to think, I was arrogant, but now I’m another person. Why do I have to stay here for the errors of an individual that I’m not anymore? […] What I would like to communicate to others is my true identity, my most sincere identity, which is no longer the same as before. I want to let them know that I am now a new person who knows the value of respect for others and for myself. […] Life sentence prevents you from changing your identity, keeps you always the same, fixes you on your mistake and that is not your real identity, the one you can tell others.
3.2. Life Sentence as Annihilation of Life Meaning and of the Values of Generativity and Family
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
6. Limitations and Future Research
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1. “Tell me a little about your life history, particularly the parts that you either remember most, or think are the most important.” |
2. “When did you feel most alive?” |
3. “Are there specific things that you would want your family to know about you, and are there particular things you would want them to remember?” |
4. “What are the most important roles you have played in life (family roles, vocational roles, community service roles, etc.)?” |
5. “Why were they so important to you, and what do you think you accomplished in those roles?” |
6. “What are your most important accomplishments, and what do you feel most proud of?” |
7. “Are there particular things that you feel still need to be said to your loved ones, or things that you would want to take the time to say once again?” |
8. “What are your hopes and dreams for your loved ones?” |
9. “What have you learned about life that you would want to pass along to others? What advice or words of guidance would you wish to pass along to your (son, daughter, husband, wife, parents, others)?” |
10. “Are there words or perhaps even instructions you would like to offer your family to help prepare them for the future?” |
11. “In creating this permanent record, are there other things that you would like included?” |
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Testoni, I.; Marrella, F.; Biancalani, G.; Cottone, P.; Alemanno, F.; Mamo, D.; Grassi, L. The Value of Dignity in Prison: A Qualitative Study with Life Convicts. Behav. Sci. 2020, 10, 95.
Testoni I, Marrella F, Biancalani G, Cottone P, Alemanno F, Mamo D, Grassi L. The Value of Dignity in Prison: A Qualitative Study with Life Convicts. Behavioral Sciences. 2020; 10(6):95.
Chicago/Turabian StyleTestoni, Ines, Francesca Marrella, Gianmarco Biancalani, Paolo Cottone, Francesca Alemanno, David Mamo, and Luigi Grassi. 2020. "The Value of Dignity in Prison: A Qualitative Study with Life Convicts" Behavioral Sciences 10, no. 6: 95.
APA StyleTestoni, I., Marrella, F., Biancalani, G., Cottone, P., Alemanno, F., Mamo, D., & Grassi, L. (2020). The Value of Dignity in Prison: A Qualitative Study with Life Convicts. Behavioral Sciences, 10(6), 95.