Microlensing Searches for Exoplanets
:1. Introduction
1.1. Discovering Exoplanets
- Radial velocity detects planets by measuring the periodic shifting of spectral lines on the stellar spectrum that is induced by the orbital motion of the planet around the host star. Discoveries from radial velocity surveys over the past 20 years provide the first evidence that the incidence of giant planets increases with increasing stellar mass, at least for planets with short orbital periods [7]. Although the radial velocity method has been remarkably successful in identifying planets near their hosts, discoveries of giant planets beyond 1 AU for low-mass stars have been comparatively few [8] because detecting planets at larger orbital distances requires mission lifetimes that span several years to decades.
- Transit surveys, from the ground and from space, identify exoplanets with near edge-on orbits that pass in front of their host stars causing them to appear dimmer for the duration of the event. The most successful of these surveys to date has been the Kepler space mission [9], having found hundreds of large and small planets out to ∼1 AU from their hosts and thousands of candidates. Although its primary mission was suspended in 2013 due to the failure of two reaction wheels, without which the telescope could not point accurately, it provided strong evidence that terrestrial planets are far more numerous than gas giants for periods less than 85 days [10].
- Astrometry involves very precise measurements of a star’s position in the sky over a long period of time. If the star has planets orbiting it, then minute periodic shifts in its measured position could be detectable. The difficulty lies in extracting such highly accurate measurements, because the expected shifts are minuscule. This is the reason that no astrometric planet candidates have been confirmed to date. The Gaia space mission may change all that. It launched on 19 December 2013, and it is estimated it will discover thousands of planets in its expected 5-to-10-year lifetime [11]. It is worth noting that the strength of the astrometric signal is inversely proportional to the distance of the planet and its host star from the Earth.
- Pulsar timing provided the first successful exoplanet detections around Pulsars in 1992 [12]. Pulsars are rapidly rotating neutron stars; they are the superdense stellar remnants of supernova explosions in the distant past. The beam of electromagnetic radiation they emit as they rotate is detected on the Earth as it sweeps by, and is recorded as a highly regular and ultra-precise pulsation signal. Planets orbiting the pulsar reveal themselves through irregularities in the arrival time of the pulses.
- Direct imaging is the only method aiming to visually isolate an exoplanet from its host star. Through high-contrast imaging using adaptive optic systems on large telescopes, massive exoplanets orbiting at the outer reaches of their systems have been discovered [13]. Only those planets that lie very far from their host star can be found with this method, because a star will outshine any nearby planets by a billion times in the optical part of the spectrum.
- Microlensing, in many ways the odd one out, is the topic of this review. It discovers planets by measuring characteristic variations in the brightness of a background star generated by the gravity of intervening objects along the line of sight.
1.2. What Is Microlensing?
2. Microlensing Basics
2.1. Single Lens
2.1.1. The Deflection Angle
2.1.2. The Lens Equation
2.1.3. The Einstein Radius
2.1.4. Image Positions
2.1.5. Magnification
2.1.6. Microlensing Timescales
2.1.7. The Optical Depth
2.2. Higher-Order Effects
2.2.1. Blending
2.2.2. Parallax
2.2.3. Finite Source
2.2.4. Binary Source
2.3. Binary Lens
2.4. The Magnification and Image Positions for the Binary Lens
2.5. Critical Curves and Caustics
2.6. Binary Light Curve Degeneracies
2.7. Higher-Order Effects for Binary Lenses: Orbital Motion
2.8. Finding Planets
3. Microlensing Observations in Practice
3.1. Surveys and Follow-Up
3.2. Real-Time Modeling
3.3. Second-Generation Surveys
3.4. From Digital Images to Light Curves
4. Results from Microlensing
4.1. Highlights
4.1.1. A Cold Super-Earth Orbiting an M-Dwarf Star
4.1.2. A Jupiter-Saturn Analog
4.1.3. Limits on the Frequency of Planets
5. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Microlensing Method
5.1. Weaknesses
- The probability of observing planet-lensing events is low, ∼ per star. In practice, this does not constitute a problem because surveys monitor about a billion stars regularly and there are ∼3–5 new microlensing planets discovered every year.
- Planetary anomalies last only a few hours for Earths and a few days for Jupiters. Dozens of telescopes around the world coordinate their efforts to provide high-cadence observations of even the briefest anomalies.
- Microlensing planets are too far away and are not good targets for searching for life with next-generation space missions. Although these planets cannot be the studied further, they provide the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to understanding how planetary systems form and evolve: what happens beyond the snow line.
- Microlensing events are one-off occurrences, with no possibility of observing them again. Yet their light curves are observed from dozens of telescopes around the world, providing independent confirmation of the features detected. They are typically very well sampled, so anomalies can be well constrained.
- It cannot find planets very close (≲0.4 AU) or too far (≳100 AU) from their host stars. Those regimes are better explored by transits, radial velocity and direct imaging. Microlensing is uniquely capable of exploring intermediate distances.
5.2. Strengths
- It does not have a bias for nearby stars, thus it explores the true Galactic population of planets.
- It does not have a bias for the type of host star and can equally well find planets around brown or red-dwarf stars, main-sequence stars, stellar remnants, or event detect planets that have been ejected from their systems and are no longer gravitationally bound to their stars.
- It does not require many years of observations to discover a planet. The typical microlensing event lasts for less than a month and provides a ‘snapshot’ of the system, with a good chance of revealing any planets close to the Einstein ring of the lens.
- It is very cheap in terms of the resources it requires, as it doesn’t rely on having access to massive telescopes. 1m-class telescopes are routinely used for the observations, and for the brighter events even smaller amateur telescopes have contributed useful data.
- It is sensitive to Earth-mass planets from ground-based observations.
- It is uniquely capable of finding planets at and beyond the snow line of their host stars.
6. Future Prospects
Conflicts of Interest
CCD | Charge-coupled device |
AU | Astronomical unit. The average distance between the Sun and the Earth |
WFIRST | Wide Field Infrared Survey Telescope |
PSPL | Point source - Point lens |
MACHO | Massive compact halo object |
MOA | Microlensing observations in astrophysics |
OGLE | Optical gravitational lensing experiment |
KMTNet | Korea Microlensing Telescope Network |
CCD | Charge-Coupled Device |
EMCCD | Electron Multiplying Charge Coupled Device |
VLTI | Very Large Telescope Interferometer |
PIONIER | Precision Integrated-Optics Near-infrared Imaging ExpeRiment |
GRAVITY | a VLTI instrument for precision astrometry and interferometric imaging |
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Tsapras, Y. Microlensing Searches for Exoplanets. Geosciences 2018, 8, 365. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences8100365
Tsapras Y. Microlensing Searches for Exoplanets. Geosciences. 2018; 8(10):365. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences8100365
Chicago/Turabian StyleTsapras, Yiannis. 2018. "Microlensing Searches for Exoplanets" Geosciences 8, no. 10: 365. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences8100365
APA StyleTsapras, Y. (2018). Microlensing Searches for Exoplanets. Geosciences, 8(10), 365. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences8100365