Stray and Owner-Relinquished Cats in Australia—Estimation of Numbers Entering Municipal Pounds, Shelters and Rescue Groups and Their Outcomes
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
1.1. Statistics from Australia
1.2. Statistics from USA and UK
1.3. Knowledge Gap and Aims
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Organizations
2.2. Definitions of Admission, Intake and Outcomes
2.3. Data Collection
Data Requested from Municipal Councils
- If the council took in and managed reclaiming (return to owner) and/or rehoming of cats, using its own facility/facilities (i.e., managed one or more pounds for cats);
- Agencies into which any cats were transferred.
2.4. Estimation of Unavailable Council Data
2.5. Animal Rescue Groups
2.6. Calculation of Intake, Admission and Outcome Statistics
2.6.1. Total Numbers of Admissions
2.6.2. Outcomes
2.7. Association between Human Resident Population or Urban Status and Intake per 1000 Residents and Outcomes
3. Results
3.1. Availability of Data and Contributions of Imputed Data
3.2. National Results
3.3. Comparisons between States/Territories
3.4. Comparisons within Organizations between States/Territories
3.4.1. Municipal Councils
3.4.2. RSPCA
3.4.3. Other Welfare Organizations
3.4.4. Rescue Groups
3.5. Trends over Time
3.6. Associations between Each of Council Urban Status and Human Resident Population with Intake, and Percentages of Unclaimed Outcomes That Were (a) Rehomed and (b) Euthanized
4. Discussion
4.1. National Admissions and Intakes
4.2. Admissions by State/Territory
4.3. Intakes by Agency
4.4. Strategies to Reduce Intakes and Admission Rates
4.5. National Reclaim Rate
4.6. Reclaim by State/Territory
4.7. Reclaim by Agency
4.8. Strategies to Increase Reclaim Rates
4.9. National Rehome Rates and by State and Agency
4.10. Strategies to Increase Rehoming Rate
4.11. Role of Rescue Groups in Reducing Numbers Euthanized
4.12. Euthanasia—National, by State and Agency
5. Limitations of the Study
5.1. Quality and Availability of Data
5.1.1. Municipal Councils
5.1.2. Welfare Agencies
5.1.3. Rescue Groups
5.2. Lack of Transparency
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
States/Territory | Organizations Whose Data Were Publicly Available or That Provided Data on Request | Animal Welfare Organizations and Rescue Groups (Not Listed with PetRescue or NSW Government) and Whose Data Were Not Publicly Available and Were Approached but Did Not Provide Data |
New South Wales | RSPCA Animal Welfare League Sydney Cats and Dogs Home Cat Protection Society Pets For Life | Animal Adoption Agency Happy Paws SoCares Charmhaven Animal Facility Mini Kitty Commune |
Victoria | RSPCA Animal Aid Victoria Lost Dogs Home Lort Smith Animal Hospital (Animal Welfare League) Cat Protection Society Geelong Animal Welfare Society | Australian Animal Protection Society Bendigo Animal Welfare and Community Services Blue Cross Animal Society Mount Alexander Animal Welfare Pets Haven Save A Dog Second Chance Animal Rescue Inc. |
South Australia | RSPCA Animal Welfare League | Lucky Little Paws Moorook Animal Shelter Wilde Cat Cottage |
Australian Capital Territory | RSPCA | |
Queensland * | RSPCA Animal Welfare League | Paw and Claw Port Douglas Sunshine Coast Animal Refuge Warwick Animal Welfare |
Northern Territory | RSPCA | PAWS (Darwin) Alice Springs Animal Shelter |
Western Australia | RSPCA Cat Haven | Animal Protection Society Armadale Community Animal Rescue Celebrity PetRescue |
Tasmania | RSPCA Just Cats Ten Lives |
Methods for Imputing Intake and Outcome Numbers for Western Australia and South Australia | |
Western Australia |
South Australia |
Discrepancies in Numbers for Council and Animal Welfare Organizations |
Discrepancies in Animal Rescue Group Intakes |
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State | Total Number of Municipal Councils | Number of Municipal Councils Operating Their Own Pound | Proportion of Municipal Councils Operating Their Own Pound | Number Operating Their Own Pound That Supplied Data | Proportion Operating Their Own Pound That Supplied Data |
New South Wales | 128 | 111 | 87% | 107 | 96% |
Victoria | 79 | 38 | 48% | 37 (1/38 by RTI) | 97% |
South Australia | 69 | 12 | 17% | 4 | 33% |
Queensland | 78 | 60 | 77% | 18 (6/18 by RTI) | 30% |
Northern Territory | 17 | 3 | 18% | 1 | 33% |
Western Australia | 149 | 82 | 55% | 18 | 22% |
Tasmania | 29 | 0 | 0% | N.A. | N.A. |
Australian total | 549 | 306 | 56% | 185 | 60% |
State/Territory (Human Population) | Admissions/Intake for Year | Outcomes during Year | Discrepancy 5 | ||||||||
Reclaimed | Rehomed | Transferred Out | Released Alive 3 | Euthanized | Other Outcomes 4 | No. (%) 6 | |||||
No. 1 | No. (Per 1000 Residents) [%] 2 | No. (Per 1000 Residents) [%] 2 | No. (Per 1000 Residents) [%] 2 | % Rehomed of Unclaimed | No. (Per 1000 Residents) [%] 2 | No. (Per 1000 Residents) [%] 2 | No. (Per 1000 Residents) [%] 2 | % Euthanized of Unclaimed | No. (Per 1000 Residents) [%] 2 | ||
Admissions: | |||||||||||
New South Wales (7,980,168) | 39,339 | 4.9 | 1511 (0.2) [3%] | 21,901 (2.7) [49%] | 50% | 29,960 (3.8) [66%] | 14,664 (1.8) [32%] | 34% | 513 (0.1) [1%] | +88 (+0%) | |
Victoria (6,462,019) | 52,893 | 8.2 | 3596 (0.6) [7%] | 33,431 (5.2) [62%] | 67% | 38,183 (5.9) [71%] | 14,464 (2.2) [27%] | 29% | 909 (0.1) [2%] | +387 (+1%) | |
South Australia (1,736,527) | 18,867 | 10.9 | 467 (0.3) [3%] | 12,293 (7.1) [67%] | 68% | 12,829 (7.4) [70%] | 5349 (3.1) [29%] | 30% | 235 (0.1) [1%] | +601 (+3%) | |
Australian Capital Territory (420,379) | 2482 | 5.9 | 139 (0.3) [6%] | 1978 (4.7) [79%] | 84% | 2126 (5.1) [85%] | 334 (0.8) [13%] | 14% | 34 (0.1) [1%] | 0 (0%) | |
Queensland (5,009,424) | 36,954 | 7.4 | 2445 (0.5) [6%] | 25,936 (5.2) [65%] | 70% | 31,226 (6.2) [79%] | 7801 (1.6) [20%] | 21% | 453 (0.1) [1%] | +330 (+1%) | |
Northern Territory (247,058) | 1348 | 5.5 | 22 (0.1) [2%] | 720 (2.9) [51%] | 52% | 434 (1.8) [31%] | 575 (2.3) [41%] | 42% | 6 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) | |
Western Australia (2,594,181) | 23,001 | 8.9 | 834 (0.3) [3%] | 15,354 (5.9) [62%] | 64% | 8402 (229.8) [34%] | 6212 (2.4) [25%] | 26% | 148 (0.1) [1%] | +496 (+2%) | |
Tasmania (528,298) | 4731 | 9.0 | 117 (0.2) [3%] | 3881 (7.3) [84%] | 86% | 3017 (5.7) [65%] | 622 (1.2) [13%] | 14% | 21 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) | |
National (24,982,688) | 179,615 | 7.2 | 9132 (0.4) [5%] | 115,494 (4.6) [65%] | 69% | 124,625 (5.0) [70%] | 50,022 (2.0) [28%] | 30% | 2319 (0.1) [1%] | +1902 (+1%) | |
Admission outcomes: | |||||||||||
Admissions nationally | 176,965 | 9132 [5%] | 115,494 [65%] | 50,022 [28%] | 2319 [1%] | ||||||
Intakes: | |||||||||||
Municipal councils | 58,121 * | 2.3 | 4007 (0.2) [7%] | 14,775 (0.6) [26%] | 28% | 11,004 (0.44) [19%] | 29,785 (1.2) [53%] | 26,036 (1.0) [46%] | 50% | 666 (0.0) [1%] | +1329 (+2%) |
Welfare organizations: | |||||||||||
- RSPCA | 47,388 * | 1.9 | 2665 (0.1) [6%] | 31,105 (1.2) [66%] | 70% | 1033 (0.04) [2%] | 34,803 (1.4) [74%] | 11,740 (0.5) [25%] | 26% | 683 (0.0) [1%] | 0 (0%) |
- Other organizations | 45,924 * | 1.8 | 2460 (0.1) [5%] | 29,222 (1.2) [65%] | 69% | 932 (0.04) [2%] | 32,614 (1.3) [72%] | 11,486 (0.5) [25%] | 27% | 970 (0.0) [2%] | +573 (+1%) |
Sub-total: | 93,312 * | 3.7 | 5125 (0.2) [6%] | 60,327 (2.4) [65%] | 69% | 1965 (0.08) [2%] | 67,417 (2.7) [73%] | 23,226 (0.9) [25%] | 27% | 1653 (0.1) [2%] | +573 (+1%) |
Animal rescue groups | 41,355 * (28,753 7) * | 1.7 (1.2 7) | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 40,528 (1.6) [98%] | 98% | 0 (0.00) [0%] | 40,528 (1.6) [98%] | 827 (0.0) [2%] | 2% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) |
Total intake | 192,584 * | 7.7 |
State/Territory and Organization | Intake/Admission for Year | Outcomes during Year | Discrepancy 5 | ||||||||
Returned to Owner (RTO) | Rehomed | Transferred Out | Released Alive 3 | Euthanized | Other Outcomes 4 | No. (%) 6 | |||||
No. 1 | No. (Per 1000 Residents) [%] 2 | No. (Per 1000 Residents) [%] 2 | No. (Per 1000 Residents) [%] 2 | % Rehomed of Unclaimed | No. (Per 1000 Residents) [%] 2 | No. (Per 1000 Residents) [%] 2 | No. (Per 1000 Residents) [%] 2 | % Euthanized of Unclaimed | No. (Per 1000 Residents) [%] 2 | ||
NEW SOUTH WALES (human population 7,980,168) | |||||||||||
Municipal councils that ran own pound service pooled | 20,053 {19,928} | 2.5 {2.5} | 853 (0.1) [4%] | 4326 (0.5) [22%] | 23% | 6259 (0.8) [31%] | 11,438 (1.4) [57%] | 8176 (1.0) [41%] | 43% | 295 (0.0) [1%] | 0 (0%) |
Welfare organizations: | |||||||||||
| 14,676 7 | 1.8 | 563 (0.1) [4%] | 7652 (1.0) [53%] | 55% | 288 (0.0) [2%] | 8503 (1.1) [59%] | 5735 (0.7) [40%] | 41% | 211 (0.0) [1%] | 0 (0%) |
| 1415 | 0.2 | 17 (0.0) [1%] | 986 (0.1) [83%] | 85% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 1003 (0.1) [85%] | 179 (0.0) [15%] | 15% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) |
| 2266 | 0.3 | 74 (0.0) [3%] | 1627 (0.2) [76%] | 79% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 1701 (0.2) [80%] | 432 (0.1) [20%] | 21% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | +133 (+6%) |
| 862 | 0.1 | 3 (0.0) [0%] | 837 (0.1) [98%] | 98% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 840 (0.1) [98%] | 10 (0.0) [1%] | 1% | 4 (0.0) [0%] | −45 (−5%) |
| 67 | 0.0 | 1 (0.0) [2%] | 57 (0.0) [92%] | 93% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 58 (0.0) [94%] | 1 (0.0) [2%] | 2% | 3 (0.0) [5%] | 0 (0%) |
Animal rescue groups pooled | 6547 [NA 8] | 0.8 [NA 8] | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 6416 (0.8) [98%] | 98% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 6416 (0.8) [98%] | 131 (0.0) [2%] | 2% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) |
Admissions/outcomes for state | 39,339 | 4.9 | 1511 (0.2) [3%] | 21,901 (2.7) [49%] | 50% | 29,960 (3.8) [66%] | 14,664 (1.8) [32%] | 34% | 513 (0.1) [1%] | +88 (+0%) | |
VICTORIA (human population 6,462,019) | |||||||||||
Municipal councils that ran own pound service pooled | 13,150 {12,749} | 2.0 {2.0} | 1243 (0.2) [10%] | 5751 (0.9) [44%] | 49% | 330 (0.1) [3%] | 7324 (1.1) [57%] | 5631 (0.9) [43%] | 48% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | +195 (+1%) |
Welfare organizations: | |||||||||||
| 11,2097 | 1.7 | 730 (0.1) [7%] | 7500 (1.2) [68%] | 72% | 391 (0.1) [4%] | 8621 (1.3) [78%] | 2369 (0.4) [21%] | 23% | 113 (0.0) [1%] | 0 (0%) |
| 2925 | 0.5 | 434 (0.1) [15%] | 1711 (0.3) [59%] | 69% | 32 (0.0) [1%] | 2177 (0.3) [75%] | 692 (0.1) [24%] | 28% | 42 (0.0) [1%] | +14 (+0%) |
| 10,549 | 1.6 | 881 (0.1) [8%] | 3867 (0.6) [37%] | 40% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 4748 (0.7) [46%] | 5029 (0.8) [48%] | 53% | 654 (0.1) [6%] | +118 (+1%) |
| 938 | 0.1 | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 522 (0.1) [75%] | 75% | 37 (0.0) [5%] | 559 (0.1) [80%] | 37 (0.0) [5%] | 5% | 100 (0.0) [11%] | +242 (+26%) |
| 1400 | 0.2 | 105 (0.0) [7%] | 1274 (0.2) [84%] | 90% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 1379 (0.2) [90%] | 146 (0.0) [10%] | 10% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | −125 (−9%) |
| 2981 | 0.5 | 203 (0.0) [7%] | 2127 (0.3) [70%] | 75% | 366 (0.1) [12%] | 2696 (0.4) [89%] | 342 (0.1) [11%] | 12% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | −57 (−2%) |
Animal rescue groups pooled | 10,897 [10,107 8] | 1.7 [1.6 8] | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 10,679 (1.7) [98%] | 98% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 10,679 (1.7) [98%] | 218 (0.0) [2%] | 2% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) |
Admissions/outcomes for state | 52,893 | 8.2 | 3596 (0.6) [7%] | 33,431 (5.2) [62%] | 67% | 38,183 (5.9) [71%] | 14,464 (2.2) [27%] | 29% | 909 (0.1) [2%] | +387 (+1%) | |
SOUTH AUSTRALIA (human population 1,736,527) | |||||||||||
Municipal councils that ran own pound service pooled | 2913 {1658} | 1.7 {1.0} | 60 (0.0) [3%] | 1102 (0.6) [48%] | 49% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 1161 (0.7) [50%] | 1017 (0.6) [44%] | 45% | 132 (0.1) [6%] | +601 (+21%) |
Welfare organizations: | |||||||||||
| 46937 | 2.7 | 265 (0.2) [6%] | 3317 (1.9) [70%] | 74% | 19 (0.0) [0%] | 3601 (2.1) [75%] | 1121 (0.6) [23%] | 25% | 50 (0.0) [1%] | 0 (0%) |
| 6781 | 3.9 | 142 (0.1) [2%] | 3415 (2.0) [50%] | 51% | 51 (0.0) [1%] | 3608 (2.1) [53%] | 3120 (1.8) [46%] | 47% | 53 (0.0) [1%] | 0 (0%) |
Animal rescue groups pooled | 4550 [4480 8] | 2.6 [2.6 8] | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 4459 (2.6) [98%] | 98% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 4459 (2.6) [98%] | 91 (0.1) [2%] | 2% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) |
Admissions/outcomes for state | 18,867 | 10.9 | 467 (0.3) [3%] | 12,293 (7.1) [67%] | 68% | 12,829 (7.4) [70%] | 5349 (3.1) [29%] | 30% | 235 (0.1) [1%] | +601 (+3%) | |
AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY (human population 420,379) | |||||||||||
Welfare organizations: | |||||||||||
| 1683 7 | 4.0 | 139 (0.3) [8%] | 1186 (2.8) [70%] | 77% | 9 (0.0) [1%] | 1334 (3.2) [79%] | 318 (0.8) [19%] | 21% | 34 (0.1) [2%] | 0 (0%) |
Animal rescue groups pooled | 808 [799 8] | 1.9 [1.9 8] | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 792 (1.9) [98%] | 98% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 792 (1.9) [98%] | 16 (0.0) [2%] | 2% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) |
Admissions/outcomes for territory | 2482 | 5.9 | 139 (0.3) [6%] | 1978 (4.7) [79%] | 84% | 2126 (5.1) [85%] | 334 (0.8) [13%] | 14% | 34 (0.1) [1%] | 0 (0%) | |
QUEENSLAND (human population 5,009,424) | |||||||||||
Councils pound service pooled | 11,446 {9570} | 2.3 {1.9} | 1182 (0.2) [11%] | 1334 (0.3) [12%] | 14% | 2695 (0.5) [25%] | 5063 (1.0) [46%] | 5597 (1.1) [51%] | 57% | 148 (0.0) [1%] | +330 (+3%) |
Welfare organizations: | |||||||||||
| 12,621 7 | 2.5 | 901 (0.2) [7%] | 9833 (2.0) [77%] | 82% | 233 (0.0) [2%] | 10,967 (2.2) [85%] | 1666 (0.3) [13%] | 14% | 205 (0.0) [2%] | 0 (0%) |
| 4320 | 0.9 | 362 (0.1) [8%] | 3440 (0.7) [80%] | 88% | 65 (0.0) [2%] | 3867 (0.8) [90%] | 307 (0.1) [7%] | 8% | 100 (0.0) [2%] | 0 (0%) |
Animal rescue groups pooled | 11,560 [8567 8] | 2.3 [1.7 8] | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 11,329 (2.3) [98%] | 98% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 11,329 (2.3) [98%] | 231 (0.0) [2%] | 2% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) |
Admissions/outcomes for state | 36,954 | 7.4 | 2445 (0.5) [6%] | 25,936 (5.2) [65%] | 70% | 31,226 (6.2) [79%] | 7801 (1.6) [20%] | 21% | 453 (0.1) [1%] | +330 (+1%) | |
NORTHERN TERRITORY (human population 247,058) | |||||||||||
Councils pound service pooled | 645 {590} | 2.6 {2.4} | 16 (0.1) [3%] | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0% | 82 (0.3) [13%] | 98 (0.4) [15%] | 547 (2.2) [85%] | 87% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) |
Welfare organizations: | |||||||||||
| 387 | 1.6 | 6 (0.0) [2%] | 330 (1.3) [91%] | 93% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 336 (1.4) [93%] | 20 (0.1) [6%] | 6% | 6 (0.0) [2%] | 0 (0%) |
Animal rescue groups pooled | 398 [316] | 1.6 [1.3] | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 390 (1.6) [98%] | 98% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 8 (0.0) [2%] | 2% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) |
Admissions/outcomes for territory | 1348 | 5.5 | 22 (0.1) [2%] | 720 (2.9) [51%] | 52% | 434 (1.8) [31%] | 575 (2.3) [41%] | 42% | 6 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) | |
WESTERN AUSTRALIA (human population 2,594,181) | |||||||||||
Councils pound service pooled | 9709 {3635} | 3.7 {1.4} | 652 (0.3) [7%] | 2126 (0.8) [22%] | 24% | 1637 (0.6) [17%] | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 5000 (1.9) [53%] | 56% | 91 (0.0) [1%] | +203 (+2%) |
Welfare organizations: | |||||||||||
| 890 7 | 0.3 | 22 (0.0) [3%] | 570 (0.2) [65%] | 67% | 93 (0.0) [11%] | 685 (18.7) [78%] | 135 (0.1) [15%] | 16% | 57 (0.0) [6%] | 0 (0%) |
| 8919 | 3.4 | 160 (0.1) [2%] | 7176 (2.8) [83%] | 84% | 381 (0.1) [4%] | 7717 (211.0) [89%] | 965 (0.4) [11%] | 11% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | +293 (+3%) |
Animal rescue groups pooled | 5594 [3483 8] | 2.2 [1.3 8] | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 5482 (2.1) [98%] | 98% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 112 (0.0) [2%] | 2% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) |
Admissions/outcomes for state | 23,001 | 8.9 | 834 (0.3) [3%] | 15,354 (5.9) [62%] | 64% | 8402 (229.8) [34%] | 6212 (2.4) [25%] | 26% | 148 (0.1) [1%] | +496 (+2%) | |
TASMANIA (human population 528,298) | |||||||||||
Councils pound service pooled | 0 {0} | 0.0 {0.0} | |||||||||
Welfare organizations: | |||||||||||
| 12297 | 2.3 | 39 (0.1) [3%] | 717 (1.4) [63%] | 65% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 756 (1.4) [66%] | 376 (0.7) [33%] | 34% | 7 (0.0) [1%] | 0 (0%) |
| 1040 | 2.0 | 15 (0.0) [1%] | 932 (1.8) [90%] | 91% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 947 (1.8) [91%] | 79 (0.1) [8%] | 8% | 14 (0.0) [1%] | 0 (0%) |
| 1461 | 2.8 | 63 (0.1) [4%] | 1251 (2.4) [86%] | 89% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 1314 (2.5) [90%] | 147 (0.3) [10%] | 11% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) |
Animal rescue groups pooled | 1001 [1001 8] | 1.9 [1.9 8] | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 981 (1.9) [98%] | 98% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 20 (0.0) [2%] | 2% | 0 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) |
Admissions/outcomes for territory | 4731 | 9.0 | 117 (0.2) [3%] | 3881 (7.3) [84%] | 86% | 3017 (5.7) [65%] | 622 (1.2) [13%] | 14% | 21 (0.0) [0%] | 0 (0%) |
State and Statistic | Mean 1 | Standard Deviation | Median | Lower Quartile Range (Minimum to 25th Percentile) | Upper Quartile Range (75th Percentile to Maximum) |
New South Wales (n = 61) 2 | |||||
Human population (no. residents) in council area | 70,591 | 96,182 | 8900 | 373,486 | 72,630 to 373,486 |
Intake | 312 | 377 | 178 | 51 to 106 | 416 to 2437 |
Intake/1000 human residents in council area | 21 | 39 | 7 | 0.2 to 2 | 24 to 245 |
Percentage reclaimed 3 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 0 to 2 | 5 to 18 |
Percentage rehomed 3 | 17 | 20 | 9 | 0 to 0 | 30 to 70 |
Percentage euthanized 3 | 46 | 27 | 42 | 2 to 25 | 67 to 100 |
Percentage of unclaimed rehomed 3 | 17 | 21 | 9 | 0 to 0 | 31 to 70 |
Percentage of unclaimed euthanized 3 | 48 | 27 | 46 | 2 to 27 | 67 to 100 |
Victoria (n = 34) 4 | |||||
Human population (no. residents) in council area | 47,743 | 56,619 | 25,539 | 3862 to 11,521 | 62,585 to 255,367 |
Intake | 389 | 414 | 217 | 54 to 125 | 476 to 1544 |
Intake/1000 human residents in council area | 11 | 7 | 9 | 1 to 6 | 16 to 27 |
Percentage reclaimed 3 | 10 | 6 | 9 | 2 to 5 | 14 to 24 |
Percentage rehomed 3 | 37 | 24 | 37 | 0 to 15 | 58 to 76 |
Percentage euthanized 3 | 49 | 26 | 47 | 0 to 28 | 73 to 98 |
Percentage of unclaimed rehomed 3 | 42 | 27 | 41 | 0 to 16 | 65 to 86 |
Percentage of unclaimed euthanized 3 | 54 | 28 | 52 | 0 to 30 | 79 to 100 |
Organization | Year | Intake | % Change | No. of Cats Euthanized | % Change |
Municipal councils pooled 1 | 2016/17 | 20,025/17,566 1 | +3%/+8% 1, 2 | 8104/6852 | +4%/+13% 1, 2 |
2017/18 | 20,630/19,044 1 | +13%/+5% 1, 2 | 8404/7757 | +12%/+4% 1, 2 | |
2018/19 | 23,368/19,967 1 | +17%/+14% 1, 3 | 9419/8046 | +16%/+17% 1, 3 | |
RSPCA | 2016/17 | 15,608 | −2% 2 | 6571 | −7%2 |
2017/18 | 15,309 | −4% 2 | 6118 | −6%2 | |
2018/19 | 14,676 | −6% 3 | 5735 | −13%3 | |
Animal Welfare League | 2016/17 | 2236 4 | −28% 2 | 267 | −20%2 |
2017/18 | 1614 4 | −7% 2 | 214 | −16%2 | |
2018/19 | 1506 4 | −33% 3 | 179 | −33%3 |
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Chua, D.; Rand, J.; Morton, J. Stray and Owner-Relinquished Cats in Australia—Estimation of Numbers Entering Municipal Pounds, Shelters and Rescue Groups and Their Outcomes. Animals 2023, 13, 1771.
Chua D, Rand J, Morton J. Stray and Owner-Relinquished Cats in Australia—Estimation of Numbers Entering Municipal Pounds, Shelters and Rescue Groups and Their Outcomes. Animals. 2023; 13(11):1771.
Chicago/Turabian StyleChua, Diana, Jacquie Rand, and John Morton. 2023. "Stray and Owner-Relinquished Cats in Australia—Estimation of Numbers Entering Municipal Pounds, Shelters and Rescue Groups and Their Outcomes" Animals 13, no. 11: 1771.
APA StyleChua, D., Rand, J., & Morton, J. (2023). Stray and Owner-Relinquished Cats in Australia—Estimation of Numbers Entering Municipal Pounds, Shelters and Rescue Groups and Their Outcomes. Animals, 13(11), 1771.