Traditional Conceptions of the Legal Person and Nonhuman Animals
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
- (i)
- Personification of a set of norms.
- (ii)
- Status or role.
- (iii)
- Legal capacity to hold rights and bear duties.
- (iv)
- Subject of rights.
2. Personification of a Set of Norms
3. Status or Role
4. Legal Capacity to Hold Rights and Bear Duties
4.1. Problems with the Legal Capacity to Bear Duties
4.2. Problems with the Legal Capacity to Hold Rights
- (i)
- The animal is a person.
- (ii)
- The animal is entitled to the right to bodily liberty.
- (iii)
- The animal’s imprisonment is unlawful.
5. Subject of Rights
5.1. Who Can Be a Subject of Rights?
- (i)
- Animal welfare preference tests.
- (ii)
- Primatological research on capuchin monkeys, sooty mangabeys, and chimps.
- (iii)
- Observation of orcas’ behavior in the wild.
5.2. Problems with the Subject of Rights View
6. Conclusions
- (i)
- Legal personhood as the personification of a set of norms.
- (ii)
- Legal personhood as status or role.
- (iii)
- Legal personhood as the legal capacity to hold rights and bear duties.
- (iv)
- Legal personhood as the subject of rights.
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Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Montes Franceschini, M. Traditional Conceptions of the Legal Person and Nonhuman Animals. Animals 2022, 12, 2590.
Montes Franceschini M. Traditional Conceptions of the Legal Person and Nonhuman Animals. Animals. 2022; 12(19):2590.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMontes Franceschini, Macarena. 2022. "Traditional Conceptions of the Legal Person and Nonhuman Animals" Animals 12, no. 19: 2590.
APA StyleMontes Franceschini, M. (2022). Traditional Conceptions of the Legal Person and Nonhuman Animals. Animals, 12(19), 2590.