Identification of Thermophilic Aerobic Sporeformers in Bedding Material of Compost-Bedded Dairy Cows Using Microbial and Molecular Methods
:Simple Summary
1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Sample Collection
2.2. Sample Preparation
2.3. Counting the Inoculated Agar Plates
2.4. Amplification of Parts of the 16S rRNA-Gene Sequence of Grown TAS by PCR
2.5. Statistical Analyses
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. CBP Bedding Material Parameters
3.2. Bacterial Growth/Identification
3.3. PCR and Sequence Analyses
3.4. Effects on the TAS Amount and Concentration
3.4.1. Effects on the Amount of TAS (log10 cfu/g Bedding Material)
3.4.2. Effects on the TAS Concentrations of the Different TAS Species
4. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sample Number | Sampling Season | CBP Group | Days a | Mc b (%) | Tbed c (°C) | Thigh d (°C) | RHhigh d (%) | Tdown e (°C) | RHdown e (%) | Tamb f (°C) | Bed g (m2) | Picked Colonies (n) | TAS (log10) |
1 | winter 2017 | CBP1-lact. h | 8 | 50.24 | 31.13 (±13.80) | 7.92 (±0.54) | 93.78 (±18.37) | 8.16 (±0.86) | 98.70 (±2.94) | 7.40 | 8.90 | 3 | 5.74 |
2 | CBP4-dry | 8 | 50.33. | 34.77 (±16.09) | 8.00 (±0.17) | 99.90 (±0.00) | 8.20 (±0.10) | 99.90 (±0.00) | 13.18 | 13 | 5.86 | ||
3 | spring 2018 | CBP1-lact. | 113 | 68.80 | 36.08 (±8.46) | 12.10 (±0.81) | 51.50 (±2.76) | 12.22 (±0.66) | 58.87 (±4.72) | 14.30 | 8.42 | 12 | 3.70 |
4 | CBP2-lact. | 108 | 66.63 | 33.96 (±7.36) | 12.99 (±0.78) | 49.26 (±3.97) | 13.01 (±0.92) | 53.28 (±4.60) | 7.80 | 7 | 3.91 | ||
5 | CBP3-lact. | 80 | 65.28 | 34.96 (±7.18) | 12.08 (±0.27) | 52.38 (±2.40) | 12.13 (±0.27) | 56.53 (±4.26) | 8.31 | 1 | 3.48 | ||
6 | CBP4-dry | 113 | 61.93 | 32.83 (±16.80) | 11.60 (±0.20) | 52.37 (±1.23) | 11.70 (±0.20) | 55.37 (±1.36) | 12.99 | 22 | 4.07 | ||
7 | summer 2018 | CBP1-lact. | 248 | 64.19 | 42.12 (±6.84) | 31.94 (±0.32) | 40.87 (±1.21) | 31.88 (±0.42) | 44.06 (±0.42) | 34.20 | 8.82 | 2 | 3.60 |
8 | CBP2-lact. | 248 | 62.46 | 40.17 (±7.85) | 32.52 (±0.35) | 38.79 (±1.80) | 32.64 (±0.20) | 40.48 (±3.56) | 8.01 | 16 | 3.64 | ||
9 | autumn 2018 | CBP1-lact. | 44 | 48.23 | 55.97 (±17.27) | 6.66 (±0.42) | 70.16 (±2.42) | 6.72 (±0.43) | 74.67 (±3.38) | 6.20 | 8.66 | 8 | 4.51 |
10 | CBP2-lact. | 44 | 56.71 | 46.31 (±14.15) | 6.52 (±2.25) | 68.27 (±2.16) | 7.29 (±0.63) | 72.57 (±3.26) | 9.44 | 4 | 3.62 | ||
11 | CBP3-lact. | 44 | 56.79 | 56.33 (±5.99) | 6.12 (±0.43) | 68.03 (±1.23) | 6.24 (±0.57) | 70.99 (±1.91) | 9.14 | 6 | 3.80 | ||
12 | CBP4-dry | 44 | 56.94 | 56.57 (±0.64) | 5.83 (±0.51) | 72.10 (±3.11) | 6.07 (±0.76) | 73.53 (±4.97) | 11.11 | 1 | 3.23 | ||
13 | winter 2019 | CBP4-dry | 121 | 65.62 | 17.93 (± =3.36) | 5.63 (±0.06) | 60.73 (±0.97) | 5.67 (±0.06) | 60.93 (±0.49) | 7.90 | 21.96 | 4 | 4.32 |
PCR-No. | Primers | Sequences (Position in GenBank Acc. No. X60623 a) | Amplified Hypervariable Region | Reference |
1 | 27F | 5′-GAGTTTGATCCTGGCTCA-3′ (3–20) | V1, V2 and V3 | [27,39] |
V3R | 5′-CGTATTACCGCGGCTGCTG-3′ (539–521) | |||
2 | V6F | 5′-TCGAtGCAACGCGAAGAA-3′ (963–980) | V6 | [39] |
V6R | 5′-ACATtTCACaACACGAGCTGACGA-3′ (1084–1061) |
TAS Species | |||||||
Sample Number | Sampling Season | A. thermoaeroph.a | B. lichenif.b | G. thermodenit.c | L. sacch.d | T. vulg.e | U. thermosph.f |
1 | winter 2017 | - | 0.67 | - | 0.33 | - | - |
2 | 0.08 | 0.46 | 0.15 | 0.23 | - | 0.08 | |
3 | spring 2018 | - | 0.84 | - | 0.08 | 0.08 | - |
4 | 0.29 | 0.71 | - | - | - | - | |
5 | - | 1.00 | - | - | - | - | |
6 | - | 0.68 | - | 0.14 | 0.18 | - | |
7 | summer 2018 | - | 1.00 | - | - | - | - |
8 | - | 0.31 | 0.25 | - | 0.43 | - | |
9 | autumn 2018 | - | 0.50 | - | - | 0.37 | 0.13 |
10 | - | 0.75 | - | - | 0.25 | - | |
11 | - | 0.67 | - | 0.33 | - | - | |
12 | - | 1.00 | - | - | - | - | |
13 | winter 2019 | 0.25 | 0.75 | - | - | - | - |
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Share and Cite
Giambra, I.J.; Jahan, Y.; Yin, T.; Engel, P.; Weimann, C.; Brügemann, K.; König, S. Identification of Thermophilic Aerobic Sporeformers in Bedding Material of Compost-Bedded Dairy Cows Using Microbial and Molecular Methods. Animals 2021, 11, 2890.
Giambra IJ, Jahan Y, Yin T, Engel P, Weimann C, Brügemann K, König S. Identification of Thermophilic Aerobic Sporeformers in Bedding Material of Compost-Bedded Dairy Cows Using Microbial and Molecular Methods. Animals. 2021; 11(10):2890.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGiambra, Isabella J., Yeasmin Jahan, Tong Yin, Petra Engel, Christina Weimann, Kerstin Brügemann, and Sven König. 2021. "Identification of Thermophilic Aerobic Sporeformers in Bedding Material of Compost-Bedded Dairy Cows Using Microbial and Molecular Methods" Animals 11, no. 10: 2890.
APA StyleGiambra, I. J., Jahan, Y., Yin, T., Engel, P., Weimann, C., Brügemann, K., & König, S. (2021). Identification of Thermophilic Aerobic Sporeformers in Bedding Material of Compost-Bedded Dairy Cows Using Microbial and Molecular Methods. Animals, 11(10), 2890.