Normative Characteristics of Perceived Self-Efficacy
:1. Introduction
1.1. Sources of SEP
1.1.1. Experiences of Mastery
1.1.2. The Vicarious Experience
1.1.3. Verbal Persuasion
1.1.4. Physiological and Emotional States
1.2. Inter-Individual and Cultural Differences
1.3. The Effects of SEP
1.3.1. In Health
1.3.2. In the Field of Learning
1.3.3. In the Professional Field
2. Hypotheses
3. Materials and Methods
4. Results
4.1. For Executives (N = 128)
4.2. For Non-Executives (N = 307)
4.3. For Students (N =176: 134 Female and 42 Male)
5. Discussion
- Executives claim to significantly value the employees with high perceived self-efficacy (Hypothesis 1).
- Moreover, we note that the declaration of such a high feeling is effective among non-executives (Hypothesis 2), which could mean, if we consider that the paradigm of self-presentation with neutral instructions frequently produces answers impregnated with social desirability, a clairvoyance of the employees as to this valuation.
- This clairvoyance is finally more directly confirmed on our third population, even though they are students and, moreover, their experience (psychology) is not the most favourable for the dissemination of organizational norms: these future employees are actually aware of this valuation and report a high SEP in order to showcase themselves, whereas a contrario they display a low SEP in order to offer a poor image of themselves (Hypothesis 3).
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A: the Items Employed
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Type of Answer | Raw Data and Percentages |
Positive answers | 1612 (89.96%) |
Negative answers | 180 (10.04%) |
Total | 1792 (100%) |
Type of Answer | Raw Data and Percentages |
Positive answers | 3225 (75.03%) |
Negative answers | 1073 (24.97%) |
Total | 4298 (100%) |
Type of Answer | Raw Data and Percentages |
Positive answers | 2351 (96.12%) |
Negative answers | 95 (3.88%) |
Total | 2446 (100%) |
Type of Answer | Raw Data and Percentages |
Positive answers | 1792 (96.34%) |
Negative answers | 68 (3.66%) |
Total | 1860 (100%) |
Type of Answer | Raw Data and Percentages |
Positive answers | 559 (95.39%) |
Negative answers | 27 (4.61%) |
Total | 586 (100%) |
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Gangloff, B.; Mazilescu, C.-A. Normative Characteristics of Perceived Self-Efficacy. Soc. Sci. 2017, 6, 139.
Gangloff B, Mazilescu C-A. Normative Characteristics of Perceived Self-Efficacy. Social Sciences. 2017; 6(4):139.
Chicago/Turabian StyleGangloff, Bernard, and Crisanta-Alina Mazilescu. 2017. "Normative Characteristics of Perceived Self-Efficacy" Social Sciences 6, no. 4: 139.
APA StyleGangloff, B., & Mazilescu, C.-A. (2017). Normative Characteristics of Perceived Self-Efficacy. Social Sciences, 6(4), 139.