Hate-Speech Countering by Immigrant and Pro-Immigrant Associations in Almeria (Spain)
:1. Introduction
1.1. Social Context
1.2. The Hatemongers
2. Methodology
2.1. Mechanisms and Data Analysis
2.2. Ethics
3. Findings
3.1. Associations’ Experiences of Hate
“Towards users (especially people of foreign origin) and also towards those who show solidarity with them”, related to “prejudice, ignorance and extrapolation. They are based on dehumanisation, on depriving another human being of his or her dignity (…) Sometimes these discourses are latent or covert, appearing in passing comments such as “look, they even have a mobile phone”. This indicates a level of degradation in the way they are viewed, which considers these people not only inferior but subhuman (…). This is a degrading treatment that protects structural violence”.
“Question: Who is the target of this hate speech, the users, you or the organisation?
Answer: The people we help, especially immigrants. Against the staff who take care of these people. We are not aware of any hate speech against the organisation.
Question: Have you identified any subject, organisation or political party that spreads hate speech?
Answer: Yes, specifically the VOX political party.
Question: Have you received hate speech outside social media? If so, what is it about?
Answer: There have been specific cases in which when we have been accompanied by migrants or people of colour we have not been attended to in some establishments, and also when we have accompanied a user we have been given the feeling that we do not help everyone equally, as if we were only dedicated to helping foreigners”.
3.2. Hate Counter-Discourses Developed by Immigrant and Pro-Immigrant Associations
- (1)
- They have become the focus of hate speech because they are an easy target. They create negative sentiments to win votes.
- (2)
- They do not receive 4700 euros in Madrid. The money is used to pay for the facilities and salaries of the professionals who work in the centres. More than 70% of the minors under guardianship in Madrid are nationals, not foreigners.
- (3)
- They are not difficult to integrate. There are many successful cases, despite the lack of resources and institutional neglect they suffer.
- (4)
- They are not delinquents. They are children who are alone in Spain.
- (5)
- “More than criminals, they are the object of many crimes”, says the deputy director of the Institute of Criminology of Malaga.
“Despite the fact that many countries have made progress in policies so that the population belonging to this group has full access to fundamental rights, there is still a long way to go. That is why it is so important to make visible the discrimination and #violencia (violence)they experience and to promote actions to put an end to acts and expressions of #odio (hate)”.
“Discrimination is something that is the everyday life and prevents or holds back many, many people of different ages from being able to develop and pursue their well-being.”
“Hate speech, intolerance, polarisation and dehumanisation of the “other” generate multiple forms of violence.”
“Hate reifies, polarises and generates multiple forms of violence.”
“Because targeted hate is on the rise, reifying and polarising people and societies and generating multiple forms of violence 👉 with hatred there will be no peace.” (From their Instagram account)
“To create an informed society that is critical of existing discriminatory behaviour and attitudes towards migrants or racialised people. Our mission has led us to strengthen in Spanish schools and institutions the acquisition of knowledge and tools that will allow us to build a peaceful society committed to putting an end to discrimination, with young people as the main engine of change”.
4. Discussion
5. Limitations and Future Lines of Research
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Associations | Social Media | Start of Activity in Social Networks |
Immigrant Associations | ||
Asociación Marroquí | Facebook: Asociación Marroquí- España (14,000 followers) YouTube: Asociación Marroquí para la Integración (13.6 k followers) Tiktok: asociacionmarroqui (124.4 k followers) | Facebook: 5 November 2009 YouTube: 5 October 2013 TikTok: - |
Asociación Codenaf | Web: http://www.codenaf.org (accessed on 15 October 2023) Facebook: Codenaf Málaga (442 followers) Twitter: @AsocCodenaf (767 followers) Instagram: @codenafmalaga (949 followers) | Twitter: May 2012 Facebook: 12 March 2020 Instagram: March 2020 |
Asociación de inmigrantes malienses (Malian Association) | Instagram: @casademali (971 followers) Twitter: @casademali_ong (495 followers) YouTube: @videoscasademali (46 followers) | Twitter: October 2010 YouTube: 15 July 2012 Instagram: May 2017 |
Asociacion At-Tawba (Moroccan, African and Caribbean Association) | Web http://www.at-tawba.es (accessed on 15 October 2023) Facebook: Asociación at-tawba (1054 followers) Instagram: @attawba2020 (124 followers) YouTube: @at-tawba (32 followers) E-mail: [email protected] | YouTube: 20 April 2013 Facebook: 20 November 2016 Instagram: August 2020 |
Asociación Aisad Mbolo (Senegalese Association) | Facebook: Aisad Mbolo | 1 August 2011 |
Asociación De Colombianos “Almería Para Todos” (Colombian Association) | Facebook: Almeria para todos (1824 followers) Twitter: @yaddygonzalez (281 seguidores) | Twitter: March 2011 Facebook: 24 April 2015 |
Asociación Rumanos Almeriense (Romanian Association) | Facebook: Asociatia “Rumanos-Almerienses” (1409 followers) Twitter: @RAlmerienses (6 followers) | Facebook: 14 March 2016 Twitter: July 2019 |
Asociación Alcemos la voz África (African Immigrant Association) | Web: https://alcemoslavoz1.blogspot.com (accessed on 15 October 2023) Instagram: @alcemos_la_voz_africanos (2.797 followers) Facebook: Alcemos la Voz Africa (263 followers) | Instagram: November 2017 Facebook: 1 December 2017 |
Colectiva Nunca más sin nosotras (Association of Immigrant Women) | Instagram: @nuncamassinnosotras.mm (212 followers) YouTube: @NuncaMasSinNosotras (1 follower) Spotify: Nunca más sin nosotras-mujeres migrantes E-mail: [email protected] | Instagram: March 2023 YouTube: 13 April 2023 Spotify: - |
Asociación po-rusky (Russian Association) | Web: https://www.almeriaporussky.es (accessed on 15 October 2023) E-mail: [email protected] | - |
Asociación de inmigrantes mauritanos-AEMA (Mauritanian Association) | https://www.africanidad.com/2016/01/asociacion-de-emigrantes-mauritanos-en_54.html (accessed on 15 October 2023) | - |
Asociación de inmigrantes nigerianos (Nigerian Association) | E-mail: [email protected] | - |
Asociación Al-Mouhajir (Moroccan Association) | E-mail: [email protected] | - |
Asociación RAHMA (Moroccan Association) | E-mail: [email protected] | - |
Asociación Mali-CAIRA (Association of Malian Immigrant Women) | E-mail: [email protected] | - |
Pro-Immigrant Associations | ||
Asociación Movimiento Por La Paz (MPDL) | Instagram: @movimientoxlapaz.mpdl (3.478 followers) Facebook: Movimiento por la Paz-MPDL (13 k followers) Twitter: @MovimientoxlPaz (11.8 k followers) YouTube: @MovimientoPorLaPaz (948 followers) | YouTube: 2 April 2009 Facebook: 20 April 2009 Twitter: October 2009 Instagram: May 2019 |
Asociación Accem | Facebook: Accem (24 k followers) Instagram: @accem_ong (15 k followers) Twitter: @Accem_ong (18 k followers) YouTube: @AccemONG (4.51 k followers) LinkedIn: Accem | YouTube: 21 September 2009 Twitter: September 2012 Facebook: 18 December 2012 Instagram: June 2016 LinkedIn: - |
Asociación Almería acoge | Facebook: Almería acoge (2496 followers) Instagram: @almeriaacoge (780 followers) | Facebook: 23 September 2010 Instagram: 24 September 2015 |
Cáritas Diocesana | Facebook: Caritas Almería (2430 followers) Twitter: @caritasalmeria (1083 followers) | Facebook:14 November 2010 Twitter: January 2011 |
Asociación CEAR (Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado) | Facebook: CEAR (67 k followers) Instagram: @cearefugio (42 k followers) YouTube: @comisionespanoladeayudaalr4181 (8.56 k followers) LinkedIn: Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR) (58.292 followers) | Facebook: 31 May 2011 YouTube: 12 June 2012 Instagram: October 2015 LinkedIn: - |
Asociación Hermanas Oblatas | Facebook: Hermanas Oblatas CCSS de Jesús y María (3213 followers) Instagram: @programaoblatasalmeria (133 seguidores) | Facebook: 9 December 2011 Instagram: June 2023 |
Médicos del mundo | Facebook: Médicos del Mundo Andalucía Instagram: @medicosdelmundoandalucia (1450 followers) Twitter: @MdMAndalucia (1.117 followers) | Facebook: 9 November 2011 Twitter: September 2011 Instagram: February 2015 |
Cruz Roja | Web: https://www.cruzroja.es/principal/web/provincial-almeria (accessed on 15 October 2023) Facebook: Cruz Roja Almería (339 k followers) Twitter: @CruzRojaEsp (129.5 k followers) Instagram: @cruzrojaesp (106 k followers) | Facebook: 22 January 2009 Twitter: April 2011 Instagram: November 2015 |
Fundación CEPAIM | Facebook: Fundación Cepaim (22 k followers) Instagram: @fundacioncepaim (8.046 followers) Twitter: @fundacióncepaim (10.7 k followers) | Facebook: 15 November 2012 Twitter: November 2012 Instagram: 5 October 2018 |
Servicio Jesuita a migrantes (SJM) | Facebook: SJM España (2063 followers) Twitter: @migrantes_sj (6.397 followers) Instagram: @sjmesp (1.459 followers) YouTube: @SJMEspana (211 followers) | Twitter: March 2016 Facebook: 18 November 2016 YouTube: 11 November 2016 Instagram: October 2019 |
Asociación Ítaca | Facebook: Asociación Ítaca (663 followers) Instagram: @asociaciónitaca (1561 followers) YouTube: @asociacionitacaalmeria.2734 (110 followers) | Facebook: 7 March 2019 Instagram: March 2019 YouTube: 2 April 2020 |
Association | Types of Campaigns | Activities against Hate Speeches |
Immigrant Associations | ||
Asociación Marroquí |
| -Informative post (1,2) -National congress “desmontando la islamofobia” (1,2,3,4) -National forum of professionals “retos para la prevención social y la atención jurídica de los delitos de odio” (1,2) -National Islamophobia prevention program (19) -Project “Tetris: ¡Denunciando el odio!” (1,2) -Project “viviendo juntas, desmontando mitos” (4) -Project “caminando hacia la autonomía” (5) -Program “Universitarios por la tolerancia” (3,4) -Program “Algoritmos y neuronas: Sensibilizando sobre la islamofobia” (1) -Podcast “verdad-o-fobias” (1,2) |
Asociación Codenaf |
| -Actividades de sensibilización al alumnado universitario (3) -Sesiones formativas (sobre inclusión y migración) promocionadas por la propia asociación -Project “Juntos hacemos nuestro barrio: ciudadanía intercultural y cohesión social en los Barrios de Casco Histórico, Pescadería y La Chanca”. (19) Inside of this, it has been develoved: -Speeches “gestión de la diversidad cultural a través de la mediación intercultural en el ámbito socioeducativo” (19) Taller de “Gestión de la diversidad cultural en los centros de salud”, para los profesionales de Almería (19) -Online workshop about the misinformation that revolves around the reform of the immigration law (13,14,15,16) |
Asociación de inmigrantes malienses (Malian Association) | -Denunciation of the immigrant situation | |
Asociación At-Tawba (Marrocan, African and Caribbean Association) |
| -Collaborates in the program run by Asociación Marroquí “Programa Nacional de Prevención de la Islamofobia” (19) -Publication of posts based on real stories of immigrants to counteract hate speech |
Asociación Aisad Mbolo (Senegalese Association) | -Informs about the activities carried out by the association | |
Asociación De Colombianos “Almería Para Todos” (Colombian Association) |
| -Municipal forums about bullying, peace and human rights (10) |
Asociación Rumanos Almeriense (Romanian Association) | -Informs about the activities carried out by the association | |
Asociación Alcemos la voz África (African Immigrant Association) |
| -Combats misinformation through its post -Creation and implementation of a challenge against racism with the hashtags: #soyunserhumanonosoydecolor #mitonodepielnodefinequiensoy #JUNTOSSOMOSMASFUERTES -Artist Project fridafro #4 “Almería en Madrid” -Featured stories with literary recommendations -Speech “Racismo en el periodismo. Afrodescendencia, identidad y género” |
Colectiva Nunca más sin nosotras- mujeres inmigrantes (Association of Immigrant Women) |
| -Informative post about fake information related to “el racismo a la inversa” |
Asociación Po-rusky (Russian Association) | - | - |
Pro-Immigrant Associations | ||
Asociación Accem |
| -Campaign “Odiame” -Campaign “Save a Hater” and hashtags: #SaveAHater #Ódiame #PorLaIgualdad -Campaign “refugiados en el cine” and hashtag “RefugiadxsEnElCine” -Project “Detección y asistencia a víctimas de incidentes y /o delitos de odio por motivación racista, xenófoba o intolerancia asociada” (1,19) -Project “ENREDandoBarrios” (1,2,19) and hashtags: #CONviveSINprejuicios #SINprejuicios #PIENSAloquedices #SumamosDiversidad #AcogemosEIntegramos -Project DIVEM (1,2) -Conference Sinracxen (1,2) -Guide fighting against hate speech in Guadalajara and Ávila as part of the DIVEM Project (1,2) -Sensitisation conference “Barrios digitales libres de odio” -International conference “Buenas prácticas para la denuncia del odio” (12) -“Espacios tolerantes” initiative -Post “#RefugiadxsCélebres” y “#RefugiadxsEnElCine” |
Asociación Movimiento Por La Paz (MPDL) |
| -Ciclo de Cine por la paz (7,8,11) -Informative post about hate speeches and the hate pyramid -“Antirracista” Speech (6,7,8) -Project “Jóvenes frente a la discriminación: convivencia pacífica e intercultural en el ámbito educativo” -“Escuelas inclusivas e interculturales” Guide to an education free of racism and xenophobia (12) -Use of the hashtags: #StopRacismo #ConRacismoNoHabráPaz #ComunicaciónAntirracista #NuestroOrgulloNuestraDiversidad #NoHateSpeech #NoHate #DiscursodeOdio #JóvenesAntirracistas |
Cruz Roja |
| -Project “sociedad digital” that offers courses on: -Origin of hate speech -Hoaxes and misinformation -Good practices in social networks with the hashtag: #SaberParaSerMejores -Campaign “Desenmascara el ciberbullying” (12) -Project “Generando convivencia frente al acoso escolar” (12) -Project “Prevención y sensibilización sobre la no discriminación y promoción de la igualdad de trato” (12) with the hashtag #MejoresPorPrincipio -Online workshops for volunteers from Stop Rumores (1,2) and Andalucía Acoge: “Cómo detectar rumores y poner freno al odio”; and Newtral “Luchar contra la desinformación: sin verificar, no compartas”. -Publication of vignettes designed by artists on social networks and on its website: -Una educación en igualdad nos ayuda a salir del estereotipo (Emma Gascó) -El peso del lenguaje (Gazpacho agridulce) -Lo peor, a veces, está por llegar (Javier de Isusi) -Podcast “+ahora” -IV Jornada #GenerandoConvivencia (12) |
Médicos del mundo |
| -Using “Stop rumores” imagines (1,2) -Conference about trafficking and hate crimes -Awareness campaign against stigma and discrimination towards people with HIV (22) -Short film festival and mental health program -International speech “vivir más, vivir mejor” addressing ageism and discrimination against older people (12) -Podcast “de mujer a mujer” |
Asociación Almería acoge |
| -“Stop rumores” program (1,2) -Dissemination of the hashtag #LaVivienda+Que UnDerecho |
Cáritas Diocesana |
| -Conference about human rights (12) |
Asociación CEAR (Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado) |
| -Project “escucha refugio” (6,7,8) -Podcast “danzando diversidad” (6,7,8) #escucharrefugio -Project “Servicio de asistencia y orientación a víctimas del consejo para la eliminación de la discriminación racial o étnica” (CEDRE) (17,18) and use of the hashtag #FrenteAlOdioDDHH -Speech “discursos y delitos de odio hacia la población migrante y refugiada” (6) -Speech “Formas de lucha contra la discriminación y los delitos de odio” -Demand for a social and political pact against hate crimes -Online speech “La normalización del racismo y el discurso del odio en los medios de comunicación” -Request for an investigation together with other associations against hate crimes spread by VO X-Use of the hashtags: #FrenteAlOdioDDHH #ElOdioNoEsInocente #DiaParaContrarrestarDiscursoDeOdio |
Asociación Hermanas Oblatas |
| - |
Fundación CEPAIM |
| -Project “desactiva el racismo y la xenofobia” (1,12,19) and website www.desactiva.org (accessed on 15 October 2023). -Project “Stickers contra el odio” (12) -Radio show “la comunidad” with Onda Cero and @UnitedwayEspaña, and using the hashtag #YoDesactivo -CEPAIM Madrid Radio show “Diálogos que Desactivan” -Racism and xenophobia film festival with the use of the hashtag #YoDesactivo (1,2,12) -Youth Conference about hate speeches (1,12,19) -Awareness activities in universities -Awareness activities in secondary education centers “jóvenes que reflexionan” (1,2) -Program RED (12) -Fundación CEPAIM Podcast “Convive sin odio” (12) -Wokshop Desactiva–Grupo Motor de sensibilización contra el Racismo y la Xenofobia (1,12,19) -Antiracism conference (1,2) -Conference_ Jornadas Desactivando el racismo y la xenofobia (12) -Online workshop: Webinario: “De la intersección a la intervención, Aplicación práctica en casos de racismo y xenofobia.” (12) -Speech“Tratamiento de bulos y fake news en los medios de comunicación” (1,2,12) -Rueda contra el racismo (12) |
Servicio Jesuita a Migrantes (SJM) |
| -Podcast “semillas” -Reportage “Tendiendo puentes” |
Asociación Ítaca |
| -Post: Made in Puche “historias que no conoces” -Reportage “¿y si es verdad?” (10) -Podcast “a pie de calle, mostrando el cambio” (5,10,20,21) -Use of the hashtag #EstoTambiénEsElPuche |
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Rodriguez Martinez, P.; Martinez Joya, L.; Villegas Lirola, F. Hate-Speech Countering by Immigrant and Pro-Immigrant Associations in Almeria (Spain). Soc. Sci. 2024, 13, 33. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci13010033
Rodriguez Martinez P, Martinez Joya L, Villegas Lirola F. Hate-Speech Countering by Immigrant and Pro-Immigrant Associations in Almeria (Spain). Social Sciences. 2024; 13(1):33. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci13010033
Chicago/Turabian StyleRodriguez Martinez, Pilar, Lucía Martinez Joya, and Francisco Villegas Lirola. 2024. "Hate-Speech Countering by Immigrant and Pro-Immigrant Associations in Almeria (Spain)" Social Sciences 13, no. 1: 33. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci13010033
APA StyleRodriguez Martinez, P., Martinez Joya, L., & Villegas Lirola, F. (2024). Hate-Speech Countering by Immigrant and Pro-Immigrant Associations in Almeria (Spain). Social Sciences, 13(1), 33. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci13010033