Empowering Absence? Assessing the Impact of Transnational Male Out-Migration on Left behind Wives
:1. Introduction
2. Contextual Background
2.1. Transnational Labor Migration (TLM)
2.2. TLM in Academic Discourse
2.3. TLM and Gender
2.4. Theoretical Context
3. Methods
3.1. Study area and Data Collection
3.2. Women Empowerment-Concept and Framework
3.3. Women Empowerment Index (WEI)
3.4. Calculating the Indices
3.4.1. Decision-Making Index (DMI)
3.4.2. Mobility Index (MI)
3.4.3. Unpaid Work Index (UWI)
3.4.4. Information Index (II)
3.4.5. Leadership and Participation Index (LPI)
3.4.6. Weighting of Components and Final WEI Calculation
4. Result and Discussion
4.1. Descriptive Statistics and Influence of Household Structure
4.2. TLM and WEI
5. Conclusions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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WEI Component | Indicator | Relation with WEI | Criterion for Selection of Indicator |
Decision- Making Index (DMI) | Decision regarding own health (DMI1) | (+) | Yogendrarajah (2013); Cunningham et al. (2015); Rajkarnikar (2020), RSC |
Decision regarding health and education of children (DMI2) | (+) | ||
Decision regarding important purchases and sales (DMI3) | (+) | ||
Decision regarding agricultural activities or business (DMI4) | (+) | ||
Mobility Index (MI) | Mobility for education for self and children (MI1) | (+) | Doss et al. (2022); Malapit et al. (2013), RSC |
Mobility for work (MI2) | (+) | ||
Mobility for visiting friends and relatives (MI3) | (+) | ||
Mobility to participate in social events and festivals (MI4) | (+) | ||
Unpaid Work Index (UWI) | Time used in child and elderly care (UWI1) | (−) | Ghosh and Chopra (2019); John (2020), RSC |
Time used in fetching water and firewood (UWI2) | (−) | ||
Time used in cooking, cleaning, and washing (UWI3) | (−) | ||
Information Index (II) | Education level (II1) | (+) | RSC and EJ |
Access to TV, newspaper, or a radio (II2) | (+) | ||
Access and ability to use internet (II3) | (+) | ||
Leadership and Participation Index (LPI) | Membership of local NGO/CBO (LPI1) | (+) | Acharya et al. (2007), RSC, EJ |
Positive attitude and acceptance of women leaders (LPI2) | (+) | ||
Involvement in local politics (LPI3) | (+) |
Respondent’s Background | Men in TLM | Men not in TLM | Total | |||
Age | No. of HHs | % of HH | No. of HHs | % of HH | No. of HHs | % of HH |
15–24 | 25 | 6.70 | 52 | 13.94 | 77 | 20.64 |
25–34 | 78 | 20.91 | 76 | 20.38 | 154 | 41.29 |
35–44 | 57 | 15.28 | 40 | 10.72 | 97 | 26.01 |
45+ | 25 | 6.70 | 20 | 5.36 | 45 | 12.06 |
Total | 185 | 49.60 | 188 | 50.40 | 373 | 100 |
Ethnicity | ||||||
Bramhin/chettri | 50 | 13.40 | 73 | 19.57 | 123 | 32.98 |
Janajati | 80 | 21.45 | 55 | 14.75 | 135 | 36.19 |
Madeshi | 39 | 10.46 | 42 | 11.26 | 81 | 21.72 |
Dalit | 16 | 4.29 | 18 | 4.83 | 34 | 9.21 |
Total | 185 | 49.60 | 188 | 50.40 | 373 | 100 |
Education level | ||||||
No education | 20 | 5.36 | 26 | 6.97 | 46 | 12.33 |
Primary | 74 | 19.84 | 56 | 15.01 | 130 | 34.85 |
Secondary | 72 | 19.30 | 85 | 22.79 | 157 | 42.09 |
University | 11 | 2.95 | 9 | 2.41 | 20 | 5.36 |
Informal | 8 | 2.14 | 12 | 3.22 | 20 | 5.36 |
Total | 185 | 49.60 | 188 | 50.40 | 373 | 100 |
Household structure | ||||||
Living with in-laws (Extended) | 142 | 38.07 | 157 | 42.09 | 299 | 80.16 |
Not living with in-laws (Nuclear) | 43 | 11.53 | 31 | 8.31 | 74 | 19.84 |
Total | 185 | 49.60 | 188 | 50.40 | 373 | 100 |
Involved in income-generating activities | ||||||
Yes | 76 | 20.38 | 63 | 16.89 | 139 | 37.27 |
No | 109 | 29.22 | 125 | 33.51 | 234 | 62.73 |
Total | 185 | 49.60 | 188 | 50.40 | 373 | 100 |
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Koirala, S. Empowering Absence? Assessing the Impact of Transnational Male Out-Migration on Left behind Wives. Soc. Sci. 2023, 12, 80. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12020080
Koirala S. Empowering Absence? Assessing the Impact of Transnational Male Out-Migration on Left behind Wives. Social Sciences. 2023; 12(2):80. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12020080
Chicago/Turabian StyleKoirala, Saroj. 2023. "Empowering Absence? Assessing the Impact of Transnational Male Out-Migration on Left behind Wives" Social Sciences 12, no. 2: 80. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12020080
APA StyleKoirala, S. (2023). Empowering Absence? Assessing the Impact of Transnational Male Out-Migration on Left behind Wives. Social Sciences, 12(2), 80. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12020080