Coronavirus and Immigration Detention in Europe: The Short Summer of Abolitionism?
:1. Introduction
2. Public Health Policies and the Immigration Detention Decline
3. Coronavirus and the Temporary Moratorium on Immigration Detention
4. Concluding Remarks: The Short Summer of Abolitionism?
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
1 | On cross-border mobility restrictions implemented since mid-2020 see the KPMG (; accessed on 19 April 2021) and nccr—on the move (!/vizhome/Covid-19outbreak_15843550159920/Lists; accessed on 19 April 2021) databases. |
2 | Specifically, the Global Detention Project (GDP) Covid-19 Platform (; accessed on 7 April 2021) was a critical source of information for this study. In a peculiar period in which scholars were largely unaware of what was happening beyond their national borders, this platform provided vital information to carry out comparative explorations. |
3 | The Migration Integration Policy Index 2020 ranks these three Mediterranean countries very low in terms of integration policies, well below the vast majority of Western and Nordic European nations and many other non-European jurisdictions such as Canada, New Zealand, Australia, USA, Brazil, and Argentina (see; accessed on 8 April 2021). |
4 | Release policies apparently garnered less traction in the US than in various Western and Northern European countries. However, also in the US the combination of an ongoing deportation effort with the scaling down of migration policing arrests resulted in a significant decline in the number of detained noncitizens in mid-2020 (EMN 2021). In fact, it is estimated that the US detained population dwindled by 42.5 per cent from late March to late July 2020 (Kerwin 2020; see also Erfani et al. 2021; Tosh et al. 2021). |
5 | UNHCR data show that the number of irregular sea arrivals mounted from 8162 in 2016 to 40,326 in 2020, after having peaked at 58,569 in 2018 (see; accessed on 28 May 2021). The clousure of the Eastern and central Mediterranean routes following the agreements between the EU and Turkey and between Italy and Lybia since 2017 has particularly contributed to this surge. |
6 | Deportation restrictions made a relevant difference between European cases and the US case. The US administration managed to keep its deportation routes with global south countries relatively open even in the framework of the especially severe border closures imposed in the first wave of the pandemic. In fact, it is estimated that around 40,000 noncitizens were deported from the US in spring 2020 (Kassie and Marcolini 2020; see also EMN 2021; Kerwin 2020). |
7 | Poland, Slovenia and Sweden were also particularly active in this field in the summer of 2020 (source: Eurostat; see also FRA 2020b). By contrast, the European Migration Network reports (EMN 2021) that the number of deportations only returned to pre-pandemic levels in summer 2020 in Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Poland, and Switzerland. |
8 | Paradoxically, the number of enforced deportations rose from 2019 to 2020 in the Czech Republic, and especially in Cyprus and Hungary. |
9 | In Spain, only 32.5 per cent of the issued deportation orders were actually enforced from 2008 to 2019 (source: Eurostat. Asylum and managed migration data). |
10 | Moroccan and Algerian nationals combined accounted for 44.1 per cent of the undocumented noncitizens under custody in Spanish detention facilities from 2014 to 2018 (Fernández-Bessa 2021). In addition, these two national groups accounted for 75.2 per cent of the noncitizens deported from Spain in 2019 after having been confined in one of the seven pre-removal facilities (source: National Mechanism for the Prevention of Torture;; accessed on 16 April 2021). |
11 | The Spanish Ministry of the Interior data (see; accessed on 14 April 2021) show that around 12,750 irregular border-crossers arrived to Spain from 1 May 2020 to 30 September 2020. |
12 | In 2020, more than 23,000 noncitizens arrived to the Canary Islands, a Spanish archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean which is relatively close to the Western Sahara’s coastline. Since August 2020, these border-crossers were hosted in an emergency camp sited in the Arguineguín pier, Grand Canary, which was set up for medical screening—including COVID-19 testing, police identification and registration purposes. This substandard facility was bitterly criticised by the Spanish Ombudsman, HRW, and other NGOs, for both its overcrowding and unsanitary conditions and the violation of asylum and police custody provisions. Empty hotel rooms were also used as an emergency accommodation solution in summer 2020. Both hotel rooms and the precarious Arguineguín facility were replaced with a new custodial centre, the Barranco Seco CATE, and with the transformation of former factories and administrative buildings into reception facilities since November 2020 (see HRW 2020; Gobierno de España 2020). |
13 | The Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla are located in northern Africa and sorrounded by razor-wired border walls. Both towns have reception facilities called CETI (for their initials in Spanish), which are aimed at hosting mainly asylum seeking border-crossers while they are awaiting either to receive an international protection decision or to be transferred to the Iberian peninsula. |
14 | As far as the number of enforced deportations is concerned, the majority of the mentioned jurisdictions does not play a leading role in the European deportation apparatus; Germany, though, is a top deporting country. In terms of enforcement rates, the Czech Republic, Italy, and also Ireland have relatively low rates, whereas Estonia, Germany, Latvia, and Romania are particularly efficient in enforcing their deportation orders. |
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Significant Decline in the Detention Population | Detention Facilities Almost Emptied | Closure of all Detention Facilities | Deportations More than Halved in 2020 |
Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, UK | Germany, Norway | Spain | Bulgaria, France, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Spain |
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Brandariz, J.A.; Fernández-Bessa, C. Coronavirus and Immigration Detention in Europe: The Short Summer of Abolitionism? Soc. Sci. 2021, 10, 226.
Brandariz JA, Fernández-Bessa C. Coronavirus and Immigration Detention in Europe: The Short Summer of Abolitionism? Social Sciences. 2021; 10(6):226.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBrandariz, José A., and Cristina Fernández-Bessa. 2021. "Coronavirus and Immigration Detention in Europe: The Short Summer of Abolitionism?" Social Sciences 10, no. 6: 226.
APA StyleBrandariz, J. A., & Fernández-Bessa, C. (2021). Coronavirus and Immigration Detention in Europe: The Short Summer of Abolitionism? Social Sciences, 10(6), 226.