It has been established that glass has played a critical role in Modernity (
Macfarlane and Martin 2002—
Panneels 2019) as a key material that allowed
observation, a key tenet of modern science in particular—observation of that which was not discernible to the naked eye but made visible through lenses in microscopes or telescopes. Glass became a material that spoke of Modernity, in industrial design and in architecture, and also played a critical role in the expansion of communication to name but a few of its key contributions to the Modern Era. How then, should glass be considered in the Anthropocene, which is considered—but still contested—as the end of modernity (
Chandler 2018).
During nearly two decades of glass making as an art practice, my making skills as a craft maker have focused on kiln-based techniques and practices, rather than glass blowing or stained glass, which are perhaps better known traditional glass techniques. Kiln glass methods rely on sculpting techniques, of modelling forms from clay for example, then creating a plaster mould from this model into which the glass is cast.
Material Journey looked at the distinct processes involved in the making of a cast glass object. The motif of a small glass cast paper boat had been used in previous works as a symbol of the human journey and exploration such as
Off The Map (2015),
Arctic (2015) and
Map-i: Buchan Way (
Figure 1).
Material Journey was thus to consider the production of an artwork, mainly from the studio based in the Scottish Borders and its subsequent exhibition at the National Glass Centre in Sunderland. Conceptually, the work unconsciously borrowed from the work of Scottish artist George Wyllie whose
Paper Boat (1989) lamented the decline of the ship building industry on the River Clyde (
Patience and Wyllie 2016) and can thus be translated to the River Wear.
The small paper boat thus became emblematic of the material journey of the project—from idea, to work in progress to a final ‘finished’ artwork. The project broke down the practice of producing an artwork in three distinct phases—the Thinking Phase, the Making Phase and finally the Exhibiting Phase. The project considered the many different forms of energy embodied in the work—of thinking power (designing, drawing, problem solving and research), manual making power (shaping, forming, wiping, grinding, polishing, cleaning, etc.) as well as the embodied energy in the material itself. This journey ‘took us down the rabbit hole…of carbon footprint calculation…as someone said… know the beginning before the end…’ The results were collated in a poem-like text, as text has often been used in previous works (see
Supplementary 1). I subsequently discovered that Newton and Helen Harrison, pioneers of the environmental art movement, often use poetic text besides their visuals as an integral part of the work. This methodology was devised to ‘answer the question of how much information you could compress and in how short a reading time for understanding to take place of extremely complex eco-political observations, leading ultimately to […] understanding’ (
Harrison et al. 2016, p. 67).
Material Journey (
Figure 2:
Material Journey (
stages), 2018: processes displayed) thus became not simply a ‘finished’ final artwork but also detailed the unseen energy that went into its production evidenced in not only the carbon footprint calculations but also the visual representation of four distinct stages of its production in the exhibition itself (
Figure 3:
Material Journey (
boat), 2018: exhibition shot). The making of a glass cast object can be identified by its six distinct stages—master model making, rubber mould making, wax modelling, plaster mould making and finally glass casting followed by the finishing stage of grinding and polishing. The carbon footprint calculations relied on available data, harvested from datasheets issued by manufacturers and from data sets produced by industry organisations. The carbon footprint calculation was divided into three distinct calculations. First, the direct emissions created by the materials used, including waste, and the energy used by equipment used in the making process. In the process of calculating the carbon footprint, I relied on the engineering expertise of freelance researcher Tom Jordan to assist. Although seven main gases are frequently produced in manufacturing processes, CO
2 is the largest and main gas emitted and that is what we concentrated on (see
Supplementary 2: Carbon Footprint Calculation
Material Journey Excel File). In the first scope, we considered the
direct embodied energy for the immediate materials used in the production of the work itself (glass, molochite, plaster, wax, rubber silicone, water) which we estimated to be 55.08 kilos of CO
2. Secondly, we considered that the amount of CO
2 created from the waste of the project was negligible as the waste itself was to become part of the project itself. Thirdly, we considered the carbon footprint of the equipment used in the production of the piece. This included the use of the car to travel to and from the studio to the National Glass Centre, the use of the equipment such as the kiln, wax steamer, and rubber and wax melting pot. The carbon footprint of the car was by far the biggest of all CO
2 emissions of the actual equipment use itself. We estimated the carbon footprint of the equipment use to be 46.87 kilos of CO
2 of which the car was 46.76 kilos. In the second scope, we considered the
indirect emissions of energy from its production—the firing of the kiln, the melting of the rubber compound and the wax, the lighting and heating of the studio and the gallery where the work was to be exhibited for two months. This, we estimated to be 323.74 kilos of CO
2. Finally, in the third scope, we calculated the indirect emissions from other sources, mainly emissions from transport—from the packaging in which the materials were delivered to the materials themselves, delivered by courier diesel vans. This, we estimated added another 2.9 kilos of CO
2. Overall, we estimated that this project generated 428.62 kilos of CO
2. An average tree can absorb 22 kilos of CO
2 per annum. Therefore, we argued that this project would need 19.5 trees to absorb its carbon footprint in a year.