Richard Neutra’s Ambiguous Relationship to Luxury
:1. Introduction
2. On Neutra and Luxury
3. Luxury of the Rich
4. Industry and Crafts
5. Irrational Luxury
6. The Lovells and the Kaufmanns
7. Size and Costs
8. Focus on Desires
9. Privacy and Views
10. Owners, Guests, Servants
11. Comfortable Installations
12. Luxurious Materials
13. Customized Features
14. Prototypes
15. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | |
2 | |
3 | However, Friedman’s study only overlaps slightly, since glamour is not the same as luxury. Moreover, this paper only partially agrees with her conclusions. In particular, it questions her portrayal of Neutra as an architect who felt perfectly at ease serving wealthy individual clients. |
4 | Kenneth Frampton in a 1995 video interview conducted by Elizabeth Harris and Ron Radziner, quoted by Burton and Botnick (2002, p. 25). |
5 | Hannes Meyer, explanatory text for the presentation of the “Volkswohnung” of the Bauhaus Dessau at the Grassi-Museum, Leipzig, 1929, published in Möller (2015, p. 87). All translations, unless otherwise noted, are by the author. Original text: “[…] nicht der luxus, […] sondern das bedürfnis der breitesten volksgemeinschaft ist massgebend.” |
6 | Original text: “Volksbedarf statt Luxusbedarf.” |
7 | |
8 | Original text: “Zum erstenmal in der Geschichte wirkt nicht die Schicht mit den grössten Ansprüchen, sondern die Schicht mit den geringsten Ansprüchen als stilbildender Faktor. […] Kein in Luxus und Unbeschränktheit der Mittel erdachter Bau kann heute in der Geschichte des Bauens mehr Bedeutung erhalten.” Quoted several times by Teige, for example in Teige ([1930] 2000, p. 136); Teige ([1932] 2002, p. 182). See also Giedion (1928b). |
9 | |
10 | |
11 | Original text: “[…] [D]as zukünftige Handwerk wird in einer neuen Werkeinheit aufgehen, in der es Träger der Versuchsarbeit für die industrielle Produktion sein wird. Spekulative Versuche in Laboratoriumswerkstätten werden für die produktive Durchführungsarbeit der Fabriken Modelle—Typen—schaffen.” See also Gropius (1930, p. 10). |
12 | Original text: “Müssen wir in Deutschland heute noch Schulen errichten, in welchen die Fähigkeit kultiviert wird, für bemittelte Schichten angenehme und interessante Nebensächlichkeiten zu erzeugen? Müssen junge Menschen dafür abgerichtet werden, die Lebensöde und die Inhaltsleere unserer sogenannten Kulturkreise mit immer neuem Kunstkonditorkram auszufüllen […]?” On these inconsistencies of the Bauhaus see Schuldenfrei (2018). |
13 | Neutra, Richard J. n.d., ca. 1929. Leichtstahlrahmen im kleinen und mittleren Wohnbau. Unpublished typescript. Richard and Dion Neutra Papers (Collection Number 1179). Los Angeles: Charles E. Young Research Library, University of California (hereafter cited as UCLA), box 75, f. 11. |
14 | Dione Neutra to Mary Beard, 19 April 1949, as quoted in D. Neutra (1983, pp. 182–83). See also Boesiger (1951, p. 114). |
15 | Original text: “produkt der formel: (funktion mal ökonomie).” |
16 | Transl. by D. Q. Stephenson. Original text: “Ich lehrte sie [die Studierenden] das Vielerlei der idealistischen Wirklichkeiten verachten, und ich strebte mit ihnen zur einzig beherrschten Wirklichkeit des Messbaren, Sichtbaren, Wägbaren.” See also Frank and Neurath (1930). Roger Ginsburger took a similar view (Ginsburger and Riezler 1931). |
17 | Original text: “die architektur ist keine ‘baukunst’ mehr. das bauen ist eine wissenschaft geworden. architektur ist bauwissenschaft.” |
18 | Philip Lovell’s newspaper columns and books are easily accessible, but most correspondence between him and Neutra seems to be lost. In contrast, the correspondence between Kaufmann and Neutra is almost fully preserved. It is particularly comprehensive, because the Kaufmanns were only seldom on the spot for personal meetings. About the wives’ opinions is, unfortunately, much less known. Leah Lovell did not publish; Liliane Kaufmann almost only commented on issues typically left to woman such as colors and gardening. |
19 | Lovell to Neutra, 9 February 1969, quoted in Hines (1982, p. 305). |
20 | For a similar view of Lovell’s approach to luxury see Solan (2004, pp. 157–58, 163–66). |
21 | Houses by Neutra that are larger than the Lovell and Kaufmann Residences include the Rentsch, Tremaine, Kronish, Bucerius, and Delcourt Houses (Neutra and Neutra 1974). The living area of the Lovell Health House was estimated by the author. |
22 | Neutra to Lovell, 15 May 1930, UCLA, box 75, f. 9; Brooks, M. L. 1947. Billing 47—Last Billing. UCLA, box 1462, f. 3, March 31. In Kaufmann to Neutra, 19 November 1947, UCLA, box 1462, f. 3, a marginally different number is found: $284,483. These figures do not represent the entire costs of the houses: They only contain what the owners paid to their contractors (which was Neutra in the case of the Lovell House), but not what they paid directly, like the lot and the architect’s fees for example. Therefore, some much higher figures given by other sources may be correct as well. According to McCoy (1979, p. 69), Lovell remembered in 1958 that he had paid $150,000 for his house; Toker (2003, p. 330) reported that the Desert House was nearly half a million dollars. |
23 | The Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index was at 207 in 1929 and at 413 in 1947 (ENR Construction and Building Cost Indexes 1948). |
24 | Kaufmann, Edgar J. 1946. Owners Comments. UCLA, box 121, f. 2, February 9; Kaufmann to Neutra, 20 September 1946, UCLA, box 1462, f. 3. |
25 | Neutra to Lovell, 15 May 1930, UCLA, box 75, f. 9. Lovell promised to pay additional $100 (Dione Neutra to Richard J. Neutra, 13 June 1930, Richard J. Neutra Collection. Pomona: College of Environmental Design (ENV), Cal Poly Pomona (hereafter cited as Pomona). It is likely that Lovell paid the promised $100, but doubtful whether he also paid the remaining $313. |
26 | Kaufmann to Neutra, 19 November 1947, UCLA, box 1462, f. 3; Neutra to Kaufmann, unsent letter, 14 March 1948, UCLA, box 1462, f. 3; Neutra to Kaufmann, 14 March 1948, UCLA, box 1462, f. 3. The author’s calculation of unpaid fees is based on the highly probable assumption that Neutra had mistakenly applied the 10 percent fee to the contractor’s overhead costs before accepting Kaufmann’s final proposal. Otherwise the amount of unpaid fees would have been considerably higher. Anyway, Neutra was unable to be reimbursed for untimely changes and other services not included in the contract. |
27 | Dione Neutra about the fees for the von Sternberg House to her parents, 5 December 1935, as quoted in D. Neutra (1983, p. 31). |
28 | Dione Neutra to Mütterli [Lilly Niedermann, her mother], 18 April 1930, Pomona. |
29 | Construction Activity (1946); Emergency Controls on Construction 1941–1948 (1948); United States Department of Labor (1948, pp. 18–19). Already during the war, a similar law was effective: regulation L-41, issued on 9 April 1942, and removed on 15 October 1945. This law made the construction of private houses costing more than $8000 nearly impossible. Only within the short period when neither of the two regulations was effective, the construction of expensive residences such as the Kaufmann Desert House could be started. |
30 | About the foundations see Hines (1982, p. 200). The first meeting of Neutra and the Kaufmanns took place on 9 February 1946 (Kaufmann to Neutra, 5 February 1946, UCLA, box 119, f. 2). |
31 | H. C. Smith to Kaufmann, 14 April 1947, UCLA, box 1462, f. 3. |
32 | Notwithstanding Kaufmann’s complaints about slow progress (Kaufmann to Neutra, 18 June 1946, UCLA, box 119, f. 2), his house was built much faster than most similar projects like, for example, Neutra’s Tremaine House. Construction of both houses had started shortly before 26 March 1946 (Neutra to Warren Tremaine, 24 April 1946, UCLA, box 1670, f. 2). But while the Kaufmann Desert House was ready to move in by about February 1947 (Neutra to Kaufmann, 11 January 1947, UCLA, box 120, f. 4), only more than a year later, towards the end of April 1948, the Tremaine House approached the same stage (Katharine Tremaine to Neutra, 23 April 1948, UCLA, box 1491, f. 2). |
33 | Neutra to Kaufmann, 3 August 1946, UCLA, box 119, f. 3; Liliane Kaufmann to Neutra, 10 August 1946, UCLA, box 119, f. 3; Neutra to Waale-Camplan Co. & Smith, Inc., 14 September 1946, UCLA, box 119, f. 5. Koroseal tiles are a sort of thin plastic tiles. |
34 | Neutra, Richard J. n.d. Arztliche Arbeit in V.S [U.S.] und Einstellung der Bevölkerung. Unpublished typescript. UCLA, box 75, f. 11, p. 9. |
35 | Neutra to James Reddick, 30 July 1946, UCLA, box 119, f. 3; Neutra, Richard J. n.d. Plant lists. UCLA, box 121, f. 1; Neutra, Richard J. n.d. Captions. UCLA, box 827, f. 1. |
36 | Maybe, also the specific difficulties that overshadowed the marriages of the Lovells and the Kaufmanns had some influence on these decisions (Cleary 1999; Marmorstein 2002; Toker 2003). |
37 | At the Lovell Health House, the private rooms were not labelled “bedrooms,” but “private living rooms,” since the Lovells intended to sleep on their sleeping porches. |
38 | For the following two reasons it is very likely that originally, four bedrooms but no study were projected. First, the plans published in several early articles do not mention any study, but refer to all four large spaces of the upper floor as “living rooms” or “Einzelwohnzimmer,” respectively (The Demonstration Health-House 1930, p. 438; Hoffmann 1932, .p. 391). Second, on the final working drawings, these rooms are labelled “study,” “living room 2,” “living room 3,” and “living room 4.” Thus, “living room 1” is missing—most likely because it has become “study.” |
39 | Accordingly, the larger of these rooms is occasionally labelled “sewing room” (Neutra, Richard J. n.d. Caption. UCLA, box 836, f. 6. Elsewhere, Neutra said that it is presently used as the living room of the housekeeper (Neutra, Richard J. n.d. Caption. UCLA, box 837, f. 1). |
40 | |
41 | Original text: “An Stelle der bisherigen Vorliebe für das Ornament muss das Gefallen am Material treten.” |
42 | For similar statements about the Tugendhat House see Riezler (1931, p. 326); Meyer (1933, p. 42); Tugendhat (1969, p. 1246). |
43 | For example, at the Rentsch House (1965) (Neutra to Bruno Honegger, 8 March 1964, UCLA, box 1982, f. 2). |
44 | Neutra, Richard J. 1947. Kaufmann Color Scheme. UCLA, box 120, f. 4, January 12. |
45 | Liliane Kaufmann to Neutra, 3 December 1946, UCLA, box 120, f. 3; Joseph Blumfield to Liliane Kaufmann, 20 December 1946, UCLA, box 120, f. 3. They were woven by Joseph Blumfield, Los Angeles, with whom Neutra collaborated also on other projects. |
46 | Charles Eames to Liliane Kaufmann, 18 August 1947, UCLA, box 120, f. 4. |
47 | Neutra, Richard J. n.d., ca. 1929. Leichtstahlrahmen im kleinen und mittleren Wohnbau. Unpublished typescript. UCLA, box 75, f. 11. |
48 | Some authors went even further, saying that the Lovell Health House was the first residence with a steel skeleton worldwide; others made ambiguous statements. See Gesundheitshaus in Kalifornien (1930, p. 351); Gregory Warchavchik in his introduction to Neutra (1948, p. 32); Lovell quoting Neutra in a letter to Dion and Dione Neutra, 6 August 1971, as cited in Hines (1982, p. 308); McCoy (1979, p. 91); Hines (1982, p. 81); Sheine (1990, p. 48). |
49 | Neutra, Richard J. n.d., ca. 1956. Residence on an Arid, Detached Site, Colorado Desert, California. Unpublished typescript. UCLA, box 121, f. 9. |
50 | Neutra (1949, p. 4). For more a more detailed discussion of the heating and cooling system of the Kaufmann Desert House see Brunner (2018). |
51 | Correspondence between Neutra and several German publishers. 1930. Pomona. |
52 | In general, the greater the geographic and temporal distance to the event, the higher the numbers of visitors reported. In a January 1930 letter to Frances Toplitz, Dione Neutra (as quoted in Neutra and Neutra 1986, p 183) mentioned 1500 visitors, both Hoffmann (1932, p. 385) and McCoy (1979, p. 70) totaled 15,000 visitors, and the Czechoslovakian journal Stavba even “counted” 30,000 guests (Dům zdraví v Los Angeles 1930). An additional motivation for opening his house were the substantial reductions on the steel price Lovell received for it (Lovell in a 1958 interview with Esther McCoy, as cited in McCoy 1979, p. 68; Lovell to Dion and Dione Neutra, 6 August 1971, as quoted by Hines 1982, p. 308). Neutra would make similar deals again for the construction of his own VDL Research House in 1932–1933 and for its reconstruction in 1963–1965. |
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Brunner, M. Richard Neutra’s Ambiguous Relationship to Luxury. Arts 2018, 7, 75.
Brunner M. Richard Neutra’s Ambiguous Relationship to Luxury. Arts. 2018; 7(4):75.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBrunner, Matthias. 2018. "Richard Neutra’s Ambiguous Relationship to Luxury" Arts 7, no. 4: 75.
APA StyleBrunner, M. (2018). Richard Neutra’s Ambiguous Relationship to Luxury. Arts, 7(4), 75.