The Visual Construction of the Umayyad Caliphate in Al-Andalus through the Great Mosque of Cordoba
:1. A New Scenario for the Umayyads of Al-Andalus
2. The Legacy of the Umayyad Ancestors and the “Imperial” Aesthetics
3. Domes and Chrysography for a Royal Scene
4. Politico-Religious Apologia through the Quranic Inscriptions
5. On the Forms of Epigraphic Settings
The glory (al-’izzat) and greatness (wa al-’aẓ mat), and excellence (al-jaīrawat) and grandeur (al-kabīra) of God (li-llāh).
6. Recipients and Ideologists of the Epigraphic Program
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | For further details on the Quranic inscriptions see the following articles: (Calvo Capilla 2001; Calvo Capilla 2010a), as well as a forthcoming article about the inscriptions in the axial nave. Architectural aspects are in (Calvo Capilla 2008). My research on the formal characteristics and the social, religious, and political meaning of the congregational and small mosques of al-Andalus were developed in my doctoral thesis (2001) published in (Calvo Capilla 2014a). |
2 | (Northedge 2005; Leisten 2003; Creswell 1989, pp. 358–73). Golden mosaics were used in the decoration of the facade of the mihrab in the al-Mutawakkil mosque in Samarra (Herzfeld 1912, p. 10; Lamm 1927, pp. 106–10, 115–17). Sābāṭ is the passage that linked the mosque with the caliphal palace. |
3 | About the “qubba of Islam” in Andalusi literature see: Lévi-Provençal and García Gómez (1950, pp. 39, 103). |
4 | (Puerta Vílchez 1997, pp. 492–503). Also in English: 2017. Aesthetics in Arabic Thought: From Pre-Islamic Arabia Through al-Andalus. Leiden. Furthermore, (Puerta Vílchez 2013). |
5 | The remains of the first mihrab had been analyzed by (Fernández Puertas 2015, pp. 299–305, 326–28). |
6 | Grabar coined the expression “talkative building” in reference to the Dome of the Rock (Grabar 2006, p. 93). |
7 | Another singular aspect of the Mosque of Cordoba is that there is no known intervention of damnatio memoriae or modification of a previous inscription in the Islamic period. Maybe they existed, but those have been lost. (Abdeljaouad 2018; Bloom 2015). |
8 | According to Martínez Núñez (2015, pp. 37–38), the definitive consolidation of the simple kufic occurred in the inscriptions of the extension ordered by al-Ḥakam II in the Mosque of Córdoba. For the evolution of the kufic script, see Ocaña (1970, 1988). |
9 | Hernández Giménez (1928, pp. 197, 207–8); Cabañero Subiza and Herrera Ontañón (2001, pp. 273–74, Figure 7). Only one fragment of the epigraphic frieze is known so far. |
10 | In the upper frieze on the intersecting arches delimiting the Villaviciosa chapel are Q. 3:18 (complete), that is, the Tahlīl, a variant of the profession of faith, plus the first sentence of 3:19. Basmala plus Q. 33: 70–71 are in the lower inscription. All the details are analysed in a forthcoming article. |
11 | On the west side, the lower frieze contains fragments of Q. 3:190–94; in the upper frieze, we found a small fragment of Q. 20:110, probably preceded by 20:109 and followed by 20:111; the remaining half of the upper frieze is occupied by Q. 2:286, which was probably partially cited (as in the sābāṭ façade). |
12 | On the east side arcade run also two inscriptions. The lower one contains probably full verses of Q. 3, not consecutive and separated by a decorative motif: Q. 3:4 + 3:8 + 3:26 [¿ ?] + 3:133–34. The upper one contains a fragment of the Q. 2:110 (separating mark at the end of this verse). |
13 | The dates of the coins coincide with those of the construction of the mosque. See similar motifs in the dirhams of al-Ḥakam II preserved in the Museo Arqueológico Nacional (MAN): nº inv. 2008/103/85 (352H/963–4), nº inv. 2008/103/129 (353H/964–5), nº inv. 2008/103/213 (354H/965) or nº inv. 2008/103/211 (354H/965), nº inv. 104314 (357H/967–8). Also, in (Coins of al-Andalus in the Tonegawa collection). |
14 | About the polychrome ceiling, see (Cabañero Subiza and Herrera Ontañón 2014). As for the lighting, there is little information about the lamps hanging from the ceiling: (Kider et al. 2009). |
15 | Two circular roundels containing the word Allāh and a Quranic verse on its perimeter are on the northern minaret (early 11th century): O’Kane (2018, p. 145); Bierman (1998, p. 82). Another circular inscription, likely Fatimid, is decorating the mihrab façade of the great mosque of Qayrawan. |
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Capilla, S.C. The Visual Construction of the Umayyad Caliphate in Al-Andalus through the Great Mosque of Cordoba. Arts 2018, 7, 36.
Capilla SC. The Visual Construction of the Umayyad Caliphate in Al-Andalus through the Great Mosque of Cordoba. Arts. 2018; 7(3):36.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCapilla, Susana Calvo. 2018. "The Visual Construction of the Umayyad Caliphate in Al-Andalus through the Great Mosque of Cordoba" Arts 7, no. 3: 36.
APA StyleCapilla, S. C. (2018). The Visual Construction of the Umayyad Caliphate in Al-Andalus through the Great Mosque of Cordoba. Arts, 7(3), 36.