A New Building Information Modelling-Based Approach to Automate Recyclability Rate Calculations for Buildings
:1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
2.1. Waste Management and Recyclability in CE
2.2. Circular Indicators of Building Materials
2.3. Application of Digital Technologies in CE
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. BIM Model and IFC for Material Inventory
3.2. Inventory Integration with the European Waste Catalogue (EWC)
3.3. Recyclability Rate of Each Material
- Health and safety: Hazardous materials can pose significant risks to human health and the environment if not handled and disposed of properly. By identifying these materials early in the recyclability assessment process, appropriate safety measures can be put in place to protect workers, occupants, and the surrounding community.
- Regulatory compliance: The EWC provides a legal framework to classify and manage waste materials. Buildings that contain hazardous materials are subject to specific regulations regarding their demolition, deconstruction, and recycling in different countries.
- Environmental protection: The improper disposal of hazardous materials can have severe environmental consequences, including contamination of soil, water, and air. By identifying these materials and ensuring their safe disposal or recycling, ecosystems can be protected, and sustainable development is promoted.
3.4. Reference Service Life (RSL)
3.5. Scenario Analysis
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Building Recyclability Rate
4.2. Scenario Analysis
4.3. Sensitivity Analysis
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Material | Recyclability Range | Recyclability Rate Considered for Case Study | Reference |
1 | Brick | 0–85% | 36% | [9,37,38] |
2 | Gypsum wall | 2–10% | 4% | [39,40] |
3 | Rigid insulation | 46% | 46% | [41] |
4 | Wood | 10–15% | [42,43] | |
5 | PVC | 11–100% | 50% | [44,45] |
6 | Steel | 59% | [46] | |
7 | Aluminum | 33% | [46] | |
8 | Copper | 37% | [46] | |
9 | Concrete | 40–98% | 75% | [47,48] |
10 | Glass | 35–74% | 70.9% | [49,50] |
11 | Sash | 80% | 80% | [44,51] |
12 | Asphalt shingle | 10–70% | 70% | [52,53] |
13 | EPDM membrane | 70–100% | 96% | [52,54] |
No. | Material | RSL 1 (Years) [55] | RSL 2 (Years) [56] | RSL 3 (Years) [57] | RSL 4 (Years) [58] | RSL 5 (Years) [59] | RSL 6 (Years) [60] | RSL 7 (Years) [61] | Average (Years) |
1 | Brick | N/A | 25 | +35 | +60 | 20 | N/A | 25–40 | 34.5 |
2 | Gypsum wall | 40 | 40 | 35 | 60 | 25 | N/A | 20–30 | 37.5 |
3 | Rigid insulation (exterior) | 38 | 35 | 35 | 60 | 25 | N/A | 30–40 | 38 |
4 | Rigid insulation (interior) | 38 | 35 | 35 | 60 | N/A | N/A | 30–40 | 40.6 |
5 | Wood (exterior) | 40 | 40 | 35 | 30 | N/A | 20–30 | 30–40 | 34 |
6 | Wood (interior) | 40 | 40 | 35 | 60 | N/A | 20–30 | 30–40 | 39 |
7 | Concrete | N/A | 75 | +35 | 60 | N/A | 15–20 | 80 | 53 |
8 | Glass | 30 | 30 | 30 | 30 | N/A | N/A | 25–30 | 29.5 |
9 | Sash | 30 | 30 | 20 | 30 | N/A | N/A | N/A | 27.5 |
10 | Asphalt shingle | 30 | 30 | 30 | 50 | 15–20 | 20–30 | 40–50 | 32.5 |
11 | EPDM membrane | 30 | 30 | 35 | 25 | 15–20 | 10–15 | 20 | 24 |
12 | Ceiling, plaster | 30 | 35 | N/A | 25 | N/A | 25–30 | 25–40 | 30 |
13 | Oak flooring | N/A | 35 | N/A | 60 | N/A | 15–20 | 15–20 | 32.5 |
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Fereydooni Eftekhari, A.; Khodabakhshian, A.; Iuorio, O.; Re Cecconi, F.; Daniotti, B. A New Building Information Modelling-Based Approach to Automate Recyclability Rate Calculations for Buildings. Buildings 2024, 14, 1521. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14061521
Fereydooni Eftekhari A, Khodabakhshian A, Iuorio O, Re Cecconi F, Daniotti B. A New Building Information Modelling-Based Approach to Automate Recyclability Rate Calculations for Buildings. Buildings. 2024; 14(6):1521. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14061521
Chicago/Turabian StyleFereydooni Eftekhari, Alireza, Ania Khodabakhshian, Ornella Iuorio, Fulvio Re Cecconi, and Bruno Daniotti. 2024. "A New Building Information Modelling-Based Approach to Automate Recyclability Rate Calculations for Buildings" Buildings 14, no. 6: 1521. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14061521
APA StyleFereydooni Eftekhari, A., Khodabakhshian, A., Iuorio, O., Re Cecconi, F., & Daniotti, B. (2024). A New Building Information Modelling-Based Approach to Automate Recyclability Rate Calculations for Buildings. Buildings, 14(6), 1521. https://doi.org/10.3390/buildings14061521